40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1416: What you want is this effect!


Li Yao’s body was surrounded by aquamarine spiritual flames, but this time it no longer condensed into the appearance of a eagle or a giant eagle, but gradually condensed into a huge furnace tripod, which expanded in all directions to thirty or fifty meters away. Spreading all the way upwards, covering the three broken magic weapons!

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

This "furnace cauldron" made of purely condensed psychic energy spun up rapidly, generating strong suction, and rolled up the pieces of the "scorching sun armor" of Butian bronze that had just been scattered on the ground, and put them into the furnace cauldron. Among them!


Many high-ranking monks exclaimed at the sky.

But seeing the clouds above this "furnace tripod", all faintly involved in suction, they continue to transform into wind, dragons, clouds and tigers, all kinds of majestic and magnificent forms, all of their brains rushed into the furnace!

The Copper Furnace Peak was originally just a shape like a refining furnace, but it could not really be used for refining.

However, "Master Lingjiu", the great master who has inherited the sword-making skills of the Great Zhou Dynasty from the ancient times, really uses heaven and earth as a furnace and clouds as fuel, throwing himself into the furnace, and staged a scene. The magical refining technique!

"Does he want to repair three dilapidated magic weapons here, where there is no refining furnace?"

"How is it possible that the damage of these three magic weapons is quite serious. At least a large number of heaven, material and earth treasures must be used, and they must be repeatedly smelted for several days and nights in the furnace to have a chance to repair them?"

"He, what is he going to do?"

Just when many cultivators and swordsmiths were surprised and incomprehensible, a piece of crimson powder suddenly floated out of the psychic furnace cauldron, and then "screamed" and burned!

In an instant, a radius of hundreds of meters turned into a **** of smoke billowing flames. Even the high-ranking monks a few hundred meters away could feel the flames licking their eyes, and their skin would crack.

"What kind of fire is this, the temperature is so high!"

"At such a high temperature, even steel can melt into molten iron, so can Master Lingjiu be safe and sound in the depths of the flames?"

"Look, the flame is still changing!"

Before everyone spoke, the red fire suddenly turned into a purple fire, and the purple fire turned into a pure white flame again, as beautiful as clusters of crystal clear crystals, but the temperature became higher and higher, causing the air to be completely distorted. From a distance, the Psionic Stove Cauldron is like a huge heart, shrinking and expanding, "Puff, Puff, Puff"!

All the cultivators heard a shocking sound coming from the depths of the furnace.

I also saw the thick smoke that was originally black, after the temperature got higher and higher, it was gradually infiltrated by psychic energy and became colorful, showing a crystal-like transparent texture, as if a colorful jade pillar stretched to the sky. , Turning the Psionic Furnace into a large crystal!

The magnificent scene almost brought everyone's breathing to a halt.

They had never seen such a mammoth refining technique.

This is normal.

Because this wasn't a refining technique at all, it was just the sound and light effects that Li Yao deliberately created.

The depths of the psionic furnace tripod.

In the entire furnace tripod, only the outermost layer is thousands of degrees high temperature, unpredictable, extremely gorgeous shell.

As for the interior, under the prohibition and isolation, it still maintains a normal temperature.

This shell of several thousand degrees high temperature is on the one hand to bluff people, and on the other hand, it is also to prevent others from spying by spirit, so that Li Yao can hide inside and perform some seemingly ordinary operations.

The three broken magic weapons were all suspended in front of Li Yao.

The artifact that Li Yao took out of his arms was a tube of glue specially used to temporarily repair magic weapons!

This glue is somewhat similar to the liquid metal that automatically repairs the shell of a starship, and it is also the cutting-edge research and development result of modern cultivation civilization in materials science.

Once applied to the remnant of the magic weapon, it can instantly generate strong suction, stick the broken part, and present similar characteristics to the nearby parts.

This glue has the extreme viscosity and firmness, strong psychic conductivity, and very stable properties. It is compatible with almost all metals and super alloys, so that the magic weapon after repair can restore at least two-thirds of its power.

The only drawback is that the life span is not long. After being exposed to the air for a few days, it will gradually fail and turn into a pinch of powder.

Therefore, it is just an emergency method for temporary maintenance on the battlefield.

Li Yao deliberately mixed several pure natural ingredients of heaven, material and earth in this glue, so that he can pretend to be a natural material extracted from the "Great Zhou Dynasty" in ancient times.

Just now, of course, he could also use glue to repair the magic weapon in front of everyone without the fancy shell outside.

However, in this way, what is the difference from street shoe repairers?

These days, when you come out to cultivate, what you pay attention to is a three-dimensional special effect and surround sound, which is gorgeous and cool!

"Okay, first polish the back half of this gun, and then get this dragon used as a counterweight down, move it up a bit, and then stick it on!"

"This sword is easy to handle. As long as it fits tightly, the gap in the middle will be temporarily filled with gel."

"The key is the hole in this Fenglei Second Air Cymbal. There is no way. Take a moment to think about it. Cut out a patch of exactly the same shape!"

"By the way, it's not enough to repair so silently. Use my pubic area and put some music out!"


All the cultivators outside were waiting anxiously. From the glorious and agitated psychic furnace cauldron, there was a sudden explosion, which made the entire copper furnace peak sway for a while!

When the group of heroes was in chaos and did not know what was going on in the psychic furnace, there was a thunderous wave from the depths of the furnace, and there was a thunderous and heroic sound!

This voice rose higher and higher, and gradually turned into a golden iron horse, the sound of the battlefield, as if there are thousands of troops and horses fighting fiercely in the furnace!

The momentum was so amazing that not only the high-ranking monks on the Copper Furnace Peak were deeply shocked, even the low- and middle-ranking cultivators under the Copper Furnace Peak were eagerly looking forward to seeing the changes in the sky clearly.

"What the hell!"

"Does the fight between Jian Chi and Zhengyi really last so long?"

"It's not like their aura, this aura is quite unfamiliar, but it is extremely domineering!"

"Look at it, the clouds in the sky are all condensed into a large vortex, as if they are about to be absorbed by something!"

The shocking refining process lasted for a full time.

Afterwards, this refining furnace made of smoke and flames, like ice cubes melting in water, gradually rippled around, turned into wisps of mist, and floated to the sky.

The sky completely turned into a colorful vortex, which lasted for a long time.

Li Yao sits cross-legged in the center of the sword test field, like an old monk entering the game, like old trees and withered vines. His whole body is rippling with an indescribable primitive and simple meaning. It really looks like a person who travels through time and space, walking tens of thousands of years ago The ancients who came.

Three magic weapons, floating quietly above his head, the mysterious light swallowed, shook the air, and faintly made the sound of tigers and dragons!

Suddenly, the three magic weapons turned into three streamers and flew in the direction of the original owner!

"this is!"

Li Zhuilang was the first to exclaim.

The spear shook, it was as if a dragon had entangled him from the tip of the spear, and merged into his blood. It was indescribably light, cheerful and mellow!

It seems that after decades of hard work and sacrifice, it is only the first time that this Lingjiao sea spear truly belongs to him until today!

"It turns out it was too long!"

Li Zhuilang almost screamed up to the sky.

Over the past few decades, he has been cultivating the "Assassination of the Sea and Burning the Sky" left by his father, but no matter how he cultivates, his realm is far beyond his father’s peak period, but he still feels that he and this gun and this set of marksmanship The extreme, but also faintly separated by a layer of things as thin as cicada wings!

He originally thought that his cultivation had flaws, referring to the training notes left by his father, he became more and more crazy in his cultivation, striving for every detail to be exactly the same as his father, but he did not expect that he was getting further and further away from the perfect state in his mind.

This matter gradually became his heart knot, almost to the point of getting into trouble!

I didn't know until today that the problem is not with him, but with this gun!

Rubbing the reborn Lingjiao stabbing sea spear, Li Chailang looked complicated and sighed repeatedly. The eyes of Li Yao were full of light that could not be described with pen and ink.

Jin Jiazong Bu Tian Bronze and Feng Lei Gu Ren Changkong, the two Yuan Ying middle-level cultivators are the same, carefully rubbing their magic weapons, but they can't perceive even the slightest gap in the original damaged place.

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the horror in each other's eyes. They felt that after Li Yao's repair, it seemed that their magic weapon was really awakened. This feeling was like...

It's as if the original magic weapon was just a fake, and only after Li Yao's hand did it put the finishing touch on it and become a truly unique one in the world!

"Don't be too happy first."

Li Yao half-squinted his eyes and said lightly, "Today is tight, and there are no magical tools and materials to take advantage of. The master just made a rough appearance, and has not completely cured the three magic weapons' internal injuries! "

"At the moment, they are all strong from the outside, they look perfect, but they can't stand the real sacrifices and fights!"

"If you feel that this effect is satisfactory, you can naturally come to the Master later and talk about the true price of repairing these three magic weapons, what price you are willing to pay!":

"Of course, if you think that the swordsmiths of your own denomination can solve the troubles later without leaving the slightest hidden danger, you can also deal with it yourself. The previous methods are considered free from the master!"

"It's just that, if something goes wrong in the near future, don't waste my master's time again!"

The profession of a craftsman has this advantage, as long as you hold your life gate, you are not afraid that you will not obediently give up.

Ou Yezi's memory has expanded to the Yuan Ying stage. In the Hundred Refining Sects, he is considered a master of his own, and Li Yao is naturally familiar with how to use tricks.

"This one……"

Bu Tiantong, Ren Changkong, and Li Chailang, three menacing middle-level monks of the Yuan Ying stage, looking at the "perfect and perfect" magic weapon in their hands, how can they be half aggressive?

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