40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1417: Rise to fame!

Under the Tonglu Peak, more and more small and medium sect practitioners gathered here.

As time went on, they became more curious about the results of the ongoing "War of the Peak".

At the level of Qi Zhongdao and Yan Liren, the wins and losses are often staggered, and there is definitely no reason why they can hug each other and entangle for half an hour like a market rogue.

But today's battle seems to be like this.

These low-ranking monks only heard the constant and earth-shaking noise from the peak of the copper furnace. They saw that the mountain was cut off by sword energy, the clouds were stirred by psychic energy, and all kinds of colorful brilliance pierced the sky like wolf smoke. Out of phase.

Whenever they think that the battle between the two has been divided, a new loud noise comes, and then they fall into deathly silence, waiting for the outcome, how can they not wait for the result!

All the cultivators are eager to see through, wishing that their souls will come out of their bodies and fly into the air to find out.

This is of course impossible. The entire area around the Copper Furnace Peak was banned by the Purple Extreme Sword Sect. Not to mention outsiders like them, even the High Heaven Swordsman who was in charge of guarding, did not know the outcome of this battle!

After sitting for a long time, I couldn't wait for new news, as if an invisible beast was squatting on the copper furnace peak, swallowing everyone, the noise at the foot of the mountain inevitably rose.

"What's the matter, the fight between Jian Chi and Zhengyi really lasted so long? It's not like the style of the two in the past!"

"You said, in the battle between Jianzhu and Zhengyizheng, who will win or lose, and who is the veritable ‘first person’ at this Longquan conference?"

"The sword of the sword idiot is known for its fast speed and sparkling fire. If he is more skilled, it will not be delayed for such a long time, right?"

"Could it be that on Copper Furnace Peak, is there any other change? Couldn't it be Yanliren or Qizhongdao who was killed by the other party, so that the Ziji Sword Sect and the other five major sects went to full-scale war? ?"

"This, this, isn't it so exaggerated?"

"Then how to explain this continuous roar and psychic shock? See, the clouds in the sky are like ten thousand horses galloping, this is the performance of psychic shock to the extreme! Except for Yanliren and Qizhongdao series A super master, who can release such a domineering spiritual flame?"

The noise was like wildfire, spreading in an instant. Not only did hundreds of small and medium sects tens of thousands of cultivators feel uneasy, even the high swordsman of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect, under the surface of forced calmness, hidden deep Deeply disturbed.

They didn't expect that this battle would be delayed for such a long time, what exactly happened on Tonglu Peak, who would win and who would win between Yan Liren and Qi Zhongdao? still is--

Every High Heaven Swordsman clenched the palm of the sword hilt, sweating heavily!

Just when the noise was extremely noisy and the scene was almost out of control, a dull gong finally came from the peak of Tongluo, and the prohibition lingering around the peak faded like a colorful tide.

Including the Ziji Sword Sect and Taixuan Dao, the elders of the six major sects stepped on the lotus jade disc and slowly landed.

"The outcome is announced!"

"How, how, is the sword idiot born out of nowhere, or is it a real person who is more skilled?"

An elder Yuan Ying of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect came out more and more. First, he drove the lotus jade disc and flew over the heads of tens of thousands of monks. He swept the chaotic crowd with a smile, and said loudly: "Elder Yan and Taixuan Daozheng A real man’s sword test has come to fruition! Zhengyi’s Fantian Seal is truly the number one treasure in the world. It actually suppressed all three of our newly refined swords. This battle is our Ziji Jianzong lost!"


"Lose, Yan Liren loses, Ziji Sword Sect loses!"

"Fan Tianyin! The first treasure of the Ancient Sage World, Fan Tianyin! He destroyed three prehistoric secret swords in one breath, incredible, incredible!"

"It seems that the Purple Pole Sword Sect was defeated this time, and there is no way to fight back. Otherwise, how could their elders admit it so generously? Obviously, there is no room for whitewashing!"

"This is just great!"

"The Taixuan Dao and other five major sects have won a complete victory, and the Purple Extreme Sword Sect can only bow to the court. Seeing how this Longquan Conference will continue, next is a good opportunity for us to show our talents!"

Many small and medium-sized sects came with the idea of ​​catching fish in troubled waters and following the five major sects.

Now that Taixuan Dao has the upper hand, they are naturally happy and ready to move, making no secret of the greed on their faces and the hideousness in their eyes!

Only a handful of cultivators who have not been dazzled by greed do they feel something is wrong.

These people watched their words and watched their expressions and found that the high-levels of the five major sects who were slowly descending had strange expressions on their faces, without the slightest joy of winning, and even with a little bit of embarrassment.

Especially the few Taixuan Taoist incense masters and the heads, their faces are as black as the bottom of the pot, how can they have the slightest arrogant and smug posture?

"What's the matter? Didn't Zhenyi Zhengyi win? Why is it like the five major sects are going back down?"

The elder Yuan Ying of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect had a full view of the reactions of many small and medium sect cultivators, and said with a smile: "There are three more things, so that fellow daoists can know!"

"First, our faction has just reached a deal with Taixuan Dao. Within five years, we will provide Taixuan Dao with three thousand "Yuelan Magic Swords" built with "Yuelan Iron". Xuan Dao teamed up to open up the area of ​​"Ziyue Mountain" rich in Yuelan iron resources!"

"Ziyue Mountain is located in a remote area with high mountains and dense forests. There are many spirit beasts. It needs a lot of manpower. If you are interested in this business, of course you are welcome to cooperate with us!"


These words made all the cultivators who were thinking of taking advantage of the fire and robbing them all dumbfounded.

Yuelan Iron is not an incomparably rare heaven and earth treasure, and Yuelan Magic Sword is only a low-level flying sword for new beginner disciples.

In the eyes of such super sects as the Ziji Sword Sect and Taixuan Dao, the business of three thousand Moon Lan magic swords is simply not enough to squeeze their teeth!

At this critical moment, the public announced such a trivial business in the large court, and they said that they would jointly develop Yuelan Iron Resources. This is purely a symbol, indicating that the five sects headed by the Ziji Sword Sect and the Taixuan Dao have been reached. The secret agreement, at least set the tone!

But how could it be?

Nearly a thousand small and medium sects, headed by the five major sects, have overwhelmed Bairen Mountain. The situation was already very unfavorable for the Purple Extreme Sword Sect. Now even the number one master in the sect, Yan Liren, has been defeated. It should be the fish on the chopping board. Slaughtered!

How could the two parties have reached an agreement so quickly, these small and medium sects, they haven't had time to share the scum!

Moreover, judging from the calmness of the elder Yuanying of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect with a smile in the corner of his eyes, this agreement is actually more favorable to the Purple Extreme Sword Sect?

What happened above!

Countless low-level cultivators have almost grabbed their hair and couldn't figure it out!

"Second thing."

The elder Yuan Ying of the Purple Pole Sword Sect prolonged the tone, and said without hesitation, "I just received news from Wunan Fifth Road, and the Wunan Fifth Road recruiting system made Ling Shou honor his life and live in Wunan. Under the guidance of Senior Master Lingjiu in the realm of cultivation, he enshrined Huo Wuji as the chieftain of Wunan, expelled the wolf’s ambition, and Huo Wugui, who refused to obey Wanghua, and killed the despicable and shameless Venerable Black Moon, and even Even Youyun Ghost Qin’s Kunpeng lord Han Yuantai was seriously injured and rushed back to his hometown!"

"In ten months, the chaos in Wunan has been completely settled!"


This is also an explosive news.

It is a well-known thing that the vassal family of the Purple Pole Sword Sect, the "Ling Family", resolves the chaos in Wunan.

It is no secret that Ziji Sword Sect cannot send too many masters of Yuan Ying to support the Ling family in order to cope with the coercion of all parties.

Ling Shoujing was no more than a pill-forming monk, and few people were optimistic about his trip to Wunan.

Unexpectedly, even murderous people like Venerable Black Moon and Han Yuantai were suppressed by them?

Ling Shoujing absolutely has no such ability.

Many people instantly extracted one of the most critical names from a large passage:

Master Lingjiu!

Sure enough, the elder Yuan Ying of Ziji Jianzong said next: "Thirdly, our faction has just enshrined a new elder Keqing, who has been in the Wunan Cultivation Realm a hundred years ago, and the respected Spirit Eagle Master!"

"Master Lingjiu not only has a profound cultivation base, he has already reached the level of transformation with a strong mana, he is also an extraordinary sword-making master, which is exactly in line with the avenue of cultivation of our school!"

"In order for more Daoists to appreciate the demeanor of Master Lingjiu, our school has just decided that this Longquan conference will be extended for a special day. Master Lingjiu will preside over a Fa conference dedicated to explaining the secrets of the Great Zhou. , The mystery of sword-making and refining! If you are not in a hurry to go back, don’t miss it!"

The three words of the elder of the Purple Pole Sword Sect set off a wave of turbulence among tens of thousands of low-level cultivators.

"Master Lingjiu, isn't that the witch-man monk who disappeared decades ago? It seems to be given to him by his senior brother Black Moon Venerable..."

"Close, I heard that this is a cruel, unscrupulous old monster that will be reported!"

"Purple Sword Sect, how come you have invited such old monsters!"

"Could it be that the alien phase on Copper Furnace Peak just now has something to do with him, he is the key to everything!"

"The Secret Technique of the Great Zhou? What Great Zhou, hiss, could it be the Great Zhou Dynasty 90,000 years ago!"

They opened their mouths, all shouting the name of "Master Lingjiu"; a pair of suspicious eyes, all staring at the copper furnace peak, wanted to find this witch man among the misty clouds. Traces of the murderer!

In the sound of doubt, sigh, and surprise, the words "Master Lingjiu" are like a storm of lightning and stone fire, centered on Tonglu Peak, spreading around the entire Baibian Mountain Range, half an hour Inside, it was known to all the monks who came to participate in the Longquan Conference.

It won’t take long before it will spread to every corner of the Ancient Sage Realm!

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