40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1426: Flood!




Li Yao has never seen such a terrible thunder, such a severe rainstorm, such a crazy flood!

It is obviously noon, but the sky and the earth are dim. The dark clouds that are too thick to dissolve are constantly squirming, and the black black is suppressed towards the earth, making all the creatures between the sky and the earth seem to be in the stomach of a wild beast. There is nowhere to escape!

A series of lightning bolts hung upside down like a waterfall, like a dragon from a dark cloud, and like a ghost hand that only grabbed to the ground, splashing clusters of faint blue flames on the ground!

The torrential rain can no longer be described with the word "pouring", just like there is another vast ocean above the sky. As the sky "clicks" cracks, all the seawater in this "sea of ​​sky" pours down, very It will swallow the whole world completely!

The momentum of the thunder and rainstorm is already so terrifying, and even more terrifying is the gust of ghost crying and howling wolf!

This violent wind is the aftermath of the Foehn wind, containing strands of psychic energy that has nowhere to vent, like shock waves raging across the earth, the wind is mixed with countless uprooted trees, destroyed houses and even the stumps of countless creatures. Like a huge, invisible, invisible meat grinder, shaking everything on the ground, wherever it passes, the white and vast ground is really clean!

Not to mention ordinary people and low-level cultivators, even golden core experts and primordial elders dare not easily fly with swords in such gusts of rain, lightning and thunder.

Otherwise, it will become the violent psychic power between heaven and earth, the first target to attack!

Against the background of strong winds, heavy rains and lightning, Wujiang floods are rampant, looking for a way out.

At this moment, Wu Jiang and Li Yao had already undergone earth-shaking changes when they saw it four months ago.

At the time when the spring flowers were blooming, countless towering snowy mountains in the upper reaches of the Wujiang River thaw, and a large amount of snow water flowed down the river, which increased the instantaneous flow of the Wujiang River by more than five times, forming a mighty spring flood!

If it is said that Wujiang, which runs through the entire Dagan dynasty, is a sleeping angry dragon, at this moment, this hungry angry dragon has completely awakened, and is flaring its teeth and claws, searching for sacrifices that can fill its stomach!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Waves of high peaks hit the fragile dams on both sides of the Wujiang River. There was a long time ago, the defensive array set up during the heyday of the Dagan Dynasty, emitting a dim light, but it was in disrepair for a long time. Below, it is slowly eroded and decayed, and its defense power is not as good as before!

If the **** collapses, floods, or even the Wujiang River is diverted, causing a large flooded area, the consequences will be disastrous!

This is the scene that Li Yao, the head of the Purple Pole Sword Sect, Dan Fengzi, the elder Yan Liren, and hundreds of high sky swordsmen rushed to the southeast for disaster relief.

And this flood is far from the most dangerous thing right now.

"Roar! Roar!"

In the stormy waves rolled up by the flood, faintly mixed with strange scalp screams.

The flood not only destroyed the homes of ordinary people and cultivators, but also swept through a large number of valleys and forests in the Wujiang River Basin, and shocked all the beasts that were originally hidden in the deep mountains and old forests!

The living environment of these fierce beasts has been greatly changed, and the original prey has been swept away by the flood, and forced to follow the flood to find new territory.

In this process, it is inevitable that there will be fierce conflicts with other fierce beasts, and even cultivators!

"There are a large number of fierce dragons hidden in the Wujiang River. Everyone must be careful and put safety first. Wait until Hezhengyi and the major daoists pick up!"

Dan Fengzi roared hoarsely in the rainstorm.

In the face of such violent power of heaven and earth, these self-proclaimed surpassing cultivators can't really do much. They can only watch lightning, heavy rain, gusts, floods, and the fierce beasts in the flood, shocking again and again. The fragile defensive array on the dam.

"Head, look!"

A high-level swordsman suddenly exclaimed and pointed in the direction of the flood, only to see the sudden rise of a wave high above the flood peak, really like a towering mountain peak.

When I looked closely, I saw that in the muddy flood, there was a lavender dragon-like beast hiding hundreds of meters long. The front end was even forked, with three hideous and ugly heads, each of which was covered with cloth. It is full of dense spikes, like three huge iron tribulus!

"Puff puff!"

This thorny horned dragon was born weird, with three blood basins and one mouth, spitting out three basin-sized orbs. In the flood, it was like entering no one's land. After turning around for a few times, it hit the **** heavily.


Several defensive talisman formations set up behind the dam burst on the spot, and dozens of shocking cracks appeared on the originally fragile dam, and they continued to spread around!

"What kind of fierce beast is this? It looks like a horned monster. Why does it grow to such a large size, and it also has three heads!"

"It has cultivated three demon pills in one breath, and it has also cultivated such a huge amount. I am afraid it is not in the depths of the Wujiang River. It has been cultivated for a whole number of years. Because of this once-in-a-hundred-year flood, it was only from the bottom of the river. Turn it out!"

"Horrible, terrible, if hit by it a few more times, the dam will collapse completely, let's run away!"

In front of the fierce beast whose head had traveled from the prehistoric era to this moment, the Swordsmen of the High Heavens were all horrified and talked.

"Elder Lingjiu!"

Dan Fengzi's face also became particularly ugly, "I didn't expect this natural disaster to be so severe. Just the combination of Wujiang flood and the aftermath of the Fenfeng would have such power! I really don't know the state that was hit by Fenfeng head-on. What's the situation?"

"The embankment is about to collapse. Let's go quickly. If we are involved in the flood and contend with thunder and lightning, heavy rain, and flood peaks, even Jin Dan and Yuan Ying will inevitably be shocked, and their cultivation base will fall drastically!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and looked at the crumbling **** ahead. What he thought in his heart was the farmland and villages he saw when he flew over with a sword.

The middle and lower reaches of the Wujiang River were the most prosperous area of ​​the Dagan Dynasty. Naturally, it was also the most densely populated area. The population of a village and town here is often more than that of a large city in the southwest.

The Foehn wind landed the day before yesterday, causing countless displaced victims to flee westward along the Wujiang River, greatly increasing the population of the villages and towns in the prefectures.

If the dam here collapses again and Wujiang is changed, it will be a disaster for thousands of victims!

Li Yao couldn't just watch such a tragedy happen.

However, with the temper and character of the "Master Lingjiu", it seems that he shouldn't be a person who can work hard for ordinary people.

Li Yao's hesitation was misunderstood by Dan Fengzi. He frowned and said: "Elder Lingjiu sees these three demon pills are extraordinary, do you want to get them?"


"This fierce dragon is a variant of the'polygonal horned horned beast'. Judging from its size, it has been cultivated in Wujiang for at least a thousand years. Maybe the Dagan dynasty has existed before it was established! "

"Flood dragon-like beasts were originally born with water. The floods are so rampant now, and it is the most aggressive time. It would be too risky to hunt it at this moment!"

"If the elder Lingjiu is really interested in this beast, it's better to wait for it to smash the dam and run to the plains, and after the weather improves a bit, it will not be too late to kill it. It is the so-called'Longyou Shoal'. At that time, it was always easier to deal with!"

Li Yao opened his mouth, wanting to ask Dan Fengzi, his mind is full of hunting beasts, capturing demon pills, and so on. Have you ever thought about ordinary people living on both sides of the Wujiang River?

When the words came to his lips, he stuffed it back abruptly.

Dan Fengzi's face was taken for granted, and even thought of him very much, making him really speechless!

at this time--

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The three-headed Polygonal Qiu once again uttered a roar that tore the world and the earth, and three demon pellets roared out, like three huge magnets, attracting all surrounding lightning, with the demon pellet as the core, condensed into three blue barks. , Ziyingying, Biyouyou ball lightning!

"Crack! Crackle! Crackle!"

The spherical lightning rose up against the wind, and quickly expanded to more than a dozen meters in diameter. The surrounding rainstorm was all broken down into fog, hazily surrounding the lightning, adding a bit of invincibility, crushing everything!

Seeing that three ball-shaped lightning bolts were about to hit the dam, and Li Yao’s heartbeat speeded up to the extreme, he was about to rush out at all costs to "slay the dragon and hunt the demon pill". Like a flaming golden arrow, it is overwhelming and shoots at the multi-horned monster!


Hundreds of golden awns instantly pierced the whole body of the multi-horned monster, piercing it into a lot of holes, and the black blood was flowing like a shot!

Under the pain, the Polygonal Qiu could only abandon the dam, but it drove three ball-shaped lightning bolts and slammed into the dark clouds!


The spherical lightning tore through the dark clouds, and disappeared without a trace, leaving only three slightly dim demon pill twirling around.

Above the torn dark clouds, a moon-white robe faintly surrounded by a dark golden streamer danced with the wind, like a lone boat between the stormy waves.

On top of the robes, Zhuo Li stood a monk.

He can be regarded as one of the most handsome men Li Yao has ever seen.

Only by seeing this person's appearance can we truly understand what is meant by "sword eyebrows, star eyes, phoenix eyes, majestic", and "face like a crown of jade, red lips and white teeth"!

This is not a rhetorical exaggeration, he really looks like a whole piece of gemstone or marble carved out, no matter what power, even if it can erode all the time, it will not be able to obliterate a ten thousandth of his beauty!

The only thing that slightly detracts from his appearance is the faint sense of misery that surrounds his eyebrows.

But after savoring it carefully, this bitterness of compassion and compassion has elevated his appearance to a new realm, a realm that people can't even give birth to jealousy and inferiority!

"Frotu Zong, Master Kuchan!"

Dan Fengzi whispered!

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