40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1427: Fight against the sky!

Li Yao's heart was shocked.

This handsome monk, who looks like a young man in his early twenties, is actually a Kuchan master who is free from the "three sages and four evils", but is also qualified to compete for the name of "the world's top ten masters"!

According to Dan Fengzi and Yan Liren's previous statement, Master Kuchan's cultivation is far more than that.

He is a truly cultivating genius with Su Hui. As early as sixty or seventy years ago, he was one of the top masters in the world. He was even known as the two great transformation gods of Wu Xingyun and Meng Chixin, and he is most likely to step into the realm of transformation. A master!

Even Yan Liren, a self-respecting sword idiot, frankly admits that if Master Kuchan is in retreat and concentrates on cultivating psionic energy, his current achievements are definitely above him!

It’s just that the ambition of this bitter cicada does not seem to be above the realm of transforming the gods, but really fulfills the Buddha's grand sect of "relief from disasters and save all living beings", and spends a lot of time and energy in confrontation. Natural disasters, help ordinary people.

It is said that in the past few decades, he has used his own power to fight tsunamis up to tens of meters, put out wildfires that stretched for thousands of miles, and suppressed the volcano that was about to erupt next to the prosperous town, which consumed too much psionic energy. He was seriously injured several times, which caused his cultivation to stagnate and even fell sharply.

Originally, Master Kuchan, who had half his foot in the realm of the **** of transformation, had been worn down for decades, and could only be on par with the "three sages and four evils", or even inferior to it.

Lightning and thunder, in the squally rain, Master Kuchan stepped on the Yuebailiu gold robes, but he carried a rusty black iron Zen stick in his hand. Instead, a huge circle of glazed rosary beads slanted across his shoulders. The beads are the size of a fist, crystal clear, and there are many colorful runes faintly appearing in them, flashing and flashing, brilliant!


Master Kuchan looked at the multi-horned strange Qiu in his eyes, full of sorrow and pity, but a yellow bell-like roar erupted in his chest and abdomen. The rosary that had originally straddled his body flew one by one, a total of eighteen rosary beads. Wrapped around the polygonal monster, it spins like a meteor!

"Dawei Tianlong, the Supreme Dizang, all Buddhas, save all sentient beings, lock!"

The voice of Master Kuchan, as if a big bell with a history of tens of thousands of years, was constantly ringing, penetrating the dark clouds and heavy rain, and being transmitted to everyone's ears clearly.

Every time a word is uttered, the light on the eighteen rosary beads becomes brighter, and the rosary becomes more and more transparent.

When the last "lock" was exited, the eighteen rosary beads seemed to melt in the air. They were originally sealed in them, and all the octagonal runes were liberated!


Thousands of runes ignited a series of golden arcs, condensed into an overwhelming shackles, and locked the three huge heads of the multi-horned monster!

The Polygonal Qiu screamed and struggled desperately, but couldn't escape the **** of Master Kuchan.

Even the three Demon Pills seemed to be held in mid-air, trembling for a while, unable to move!

"The words speak the law, and the runes come true!"

Li Yao was secretly surprised.

He felt that the attack principle of the rosary used by Master Kuchan was somewhat similar to that of the Pangu tribe he was fighting against in the Kunlun Ruins.

At that time, the Pangu tribe also uttered the law, and transmitted their spirit and will through sound waves, pulling the psychic energies between the heaven and the earth, forming a series of ever-changing psychic models, and then appearing as supernatural powers of different natures!

This rosary is very likely to be the ancient treasure of the ancient civilization polished and transformed, and it is an uncompromising treasure of the ancient civilization!

Under the suppression of the rosary, the Polygonal Qiu couldn't move and roared endlessly!

Master Kuchan sits cross-legged on the moonwhite robes, his eyes are slightly closed, his hands are folded, his rusty Zen stick is lying across his arms, and he is muttering words. He has an awe-inspiring and inviolable detached demeanor, overflowing from his body.

With the activation of his spell, the golden shackles of the eighteen rosary beads became tighter and tighter, like a soldering iron, which burned deep marks on the body of the Polygonal Monster, with strands of smelly black smoke. It soars into the sky, even if the gust of wind and rain cannot be extinguished!

Seeing that the Polygonal Qiu was about to be suppressed by Master Kuchan, but—

The violent psychic energy between heaven and earth is originally looking for the most "fat" "prey"!

Regardless of Li Yao, Yan Liren, Dan Fengzi, or the many high swordsmen of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect, they all lowered their stature, condensed their breath, and did not dare to act rashly under the power of the thunderstorm.

Even so, there are often lightning and thunder, exploding around them, and wisps of electricity flow into their odd meridians and eight channels!

Master Kuchan flew high among the dark clouds, and tried his best to use the psychic energy, unscrupulously used the magic weapon, and turned himself into a shining "lightning rod"!



As he stimulated the power of the rosary to the limit, countless lightning bolts rushed towards him from all directions, blasting fiercely on his moon-white psychic shield, blasting electric arcs and sparks!

Being bombarded by thousands of thunderbolts, Master Kuchan's figure dangled, and a few snaking blood faintly penetrated the corners of his eyes and mouth, but his expression remained unchanged, still maintaining a faint compassion and sorrow, continuously outputting himself His psychic energy, soul, and life, do everything possible to suppress the Polygonal Qiu and prevent it from having the opportunity to continue bombarding the dam!

He is not fighting against a horned monster, but with the whole world, and between the heavens and the earth, the violent spirit capable of destroying everything can contend, is using a weak body to resist the thunder and tear the lightning, Split the dark clouds and suppress the flood!

The faster the lightning, the louder the thunder, and the crazier the gusts and rains, the brighter the eyes of Master Kuchan!

Li Yao had never thought before that the expression in a person's eyes could be so bright that it was really like flowing light liquid, spreading in all directions along the corner of the eye!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The lightning source kept smashing down on Master Kuchan's head, and the moon-white psychic shield was dying like a candle in the wind.

Master Kuchan's skin was cracked, and what appeared in the crack was a faint golden glow!

It was like a small golden Buddha hidden in his flawless skin!

Master Kuchan gritted his teeth and insisted, the rusty black iron Zen stick between his arms has been dyed pale gold by the blood flowing out of him.

With his own strength, after all, it is not enough to contend with the whole world!

At the moment when Li Yao hesitated, the Polygonal Qiu had already earned a gleam of breathing room!

Its three heads swelled crazily, and every thorny needle-like sharp horn on its head turned blood red.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

The poisonous needles of thorns on the three heads of Polygonal Qiu came out like a torrential rain, and shot them at Master Kuchan!

Master Kuchan may be able to dodge, but once dodges, the Polygonal Qiu will completely break free, and only a light hit at the end, the dam will be completely collapsed!

Therefore, Master Kuchan did not dodge or dodge, but with a low whistle, the black iron Zen stick came out and spun rapidly in front of him, forming a pale golden shield, just listening to the chaotic sound of "ding jing dong", most of the thorns The poisonous needles are blocked!

However, there were still a handful of fish that slipped through the net, and at the moment when thousands of lightning slammed against Master Kuchan, they stabbed in silently!

"Papa Papa!"

Before touching the flesh and blood of Master Kuchan, all the poisonous needles burst and turned into a piece of powder.

But they eventually disturbed the spirit of Master Kuchan, causing a lightning bolt that was thicker than Li Yao's thigh to directly strike Master Kuchan's heavenly spirit cover!


Master Kuchan snorted, and the blood-stained arc seemed to rush out of his eyes, nostrils, ears and mouth at the same time.

One of the runes used to suppress the Polygonal Qiu was condensed, and eighteen rosary beads resurfaced in the void!

The Polygonal Qiu took the opportunity to sprint upwards and escaped the suppression of Master Kuchan's mantra.

The three demon pills that were originally frozen in mid-air also returned to its control. After a few rounds, they dragged a large number of electric arcs, and once again condensed into three faint blue ball-shaped lightnings, one up and down, attacking the bitter cicada. Grandmaster!

Li Yao couldn't bear it anymore.

But someone is a step faster than him.

Jian Chiyan let out a long whistle, and the powerful psychic energy of the peak realm of the Nascent Soul Stage was released to the limit, turned into a sword light hundreds of meters long, and whizzed towards the multi-horned monster.


His appearance is like a firefly carrying a lantern in the dark night, so bright and dazzling, it immediately attracted a large number of lightning that originally pounced on Master Kuchan, all of which turned around and rushed at him!


Yan Liren's long sword has not been out of its sheath, but the sword aura has split into more than a dozen unstoppable sharp edges, directly slicing the lightning into a twisted arc, and then shook the arc into a few electric sparks!

At this moment, a sharp sword of more than 20 meters long appeared in the void, like a long and narrow magnet, pulling the surrounding arcs to the left and right of the blade, and the arc-winding edge instantly expanded to forty to fifty meters long!

This was one of the three ancient secret swords used by Yan Liren at the Longquan Conference.

The black giant sword with the largest size has been completely damaged and has no repair value.

The remaining two Secret Swords are only covered with cracks on the surface, and after careful refinement, they can recover a certain amount of power.

Li Yao, however, was the gatekeeper of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect. He collected all the "fans" after the complete collapse of the black giant sword, and after re-modulation, it was integrated into the other two ancient secret swords as a strengthening material. Waste utilization.

Yan Liren cut off with a single sword, and the three heads of the Polygon Weiqiu retracted at the same time, and no longer cared about entanglement with Master Kuchan, the three demon pills flew back, trying to entangle Yan Liren's big sword.

Unexpectedly, the big sword tens of meters long, under the control of Yan Liren, is as agile as a waist soft sword. It draws a weird arc in mid-air, following the gap between the three demon pills. Drilling over, between the lightning and the fire, directly cut off a head in the middle of the multi-horned monster!

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