40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1435: Never sell the face!

Li Yao was slightly startled. It was actually a very simple reason. However, after the natural disaster occurred in the Star Federation, he could be dealt with soon. He had never seen the refugees become a disaster, and he did not expect it for a while.

"Although there are a lot of hundreds of thousands of refugees at the moment, if you can't save them and watch them turn into an army of evil spirits, it will be more or less troublesome, but it is still within the limit that Huxiaotang can solve."

Dan Fengzi continued, "I really listened to Zhengyi’s words and opened the warehouse to release grain, which attracted millions of victims within a radius of thousands of miles. At that time, the food will still be insufficient, and countless victims will still starve to death. There are more corpses and more people, and the possibility of the plague is dozens of times higher. There will be more people who die under Huxiao City, terrible, and the souls of the wrongs will not be scattered!

In this way, an army of tens of thousands of evil spirits might have been upgraded to an army of hundreds of thousands, or even a million evil spirits, entrenched on the city of Tiger Roar, and it is really possible that Tiger Roar Hall could not be able to resist it. Was razed to the ground and slaughtered!

Elder Lingjiu is talking about it. The lives of the whole family are on their shoulders. How can the Duan father and son sell the face of being a real person?

For Huxiaotang, the only correct way is to make it clear to all the victims that Huxiaotang really has no food. If you continue to stay here, you must die. If you want to survive, Go to Dongning Mansion!

In this way, only by leading this disaster to Dongning Mansion, can Huxiaotang be safe and sound! "

Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief: "So it's really unpredictable!"

"Unpredictable, of course unpredictable. The most unpredictable thing in the world is people's hearts!"

Dan Fengzi sighed, "A real person wants Huxiaotang to open a warehouse and release grain, is it what he said, "Kuangfuzheng Dao, Jingshijimin"? He just wants to pay for Huxiaotang. , To reduce the pressure on Dongning Mansion, and try to attract the victims who wandered around Dongning Mansion to Xijiang Prefecture and Huxiao City, so that the old mother Bai Lian could not recruit enough Yin soldiers and ghost troops to completely eradicate the Bai Lian religion. !

Hehe, Zhengyizheng, this is bullying Duan Yuanwu who just formed Yuanying and has insufficient experience in walking in the realm of comprehension. I don’t know that his old son Duan Tiande is a piece of **** who has been in the realm of comprehension for hundreds of years. How can he be so easily fooled!

Look at it, Duan Tiande must be dormant in the dark. If Zhengyi really dared to charge, Duan's father and son will fight to death, and they will have to bite two pieces of meat from him! "

Li Yao was shocked when he heard it, pondered for a moment, and frowned, "No, since all the major factions, including the Purple Pole Sword Sect, have delivered a large amount of food and they will arrive within three or two days, then Tiger Xiaotang only needs to provide One or two days of food can be used to overcome the difficulties. Isn’t it everybody’s joy? Why should there be such an uproar, so ugly for each other!"

"Hey Hey Hey!"

Dan Fengzi let out a slightly embarrassing laugh, and did not answer Li Yao's question, but turned the topic very stiffly, "Even if Huxiaotang really has enough food for millions of victims to support ten and a half months, It is impossible to send out half of it!"

Li Yao asked: "Why is this?"

"It's a simple truth."

Dan Fengzi smashed his fingers and counted, "This spring catastrophe, floods and wind blows, eroding countless fertile soil and fertile fields in the southeast, so in autumn, when there is no green and yellow, there will be a shortage of food in the world of cultivation!

Not only will the cultivator’s daily consumption of “Yujingzi” and other spiritual rice and spiritual wheat be severely lacking, but also, when the spiritual rice and spiritual wheat stored by the major sects are exhausted, the cultivator has to use ordinary rice and wheat to eat the food. The demand will increase exponentially!

At that time, food prices will surely soar, and even reach five times or more than ten times the current value!

Whoever has a lot of food in his hands is the hard-won resources and strength!

Taking out a basket of grain to help the victims is equivalent to reducing their own strength in the fall when they are not picking up. Who wants to do such a stupid thing?

After the natural disasters, Huxiaotang will definitely expand its territory. It must use knives and guns. The food stored by its own family is exchanged for various war resources. How can it be wasted on these victims? "

"Move the knife and gun?"

Li Yao became more curious as he listened, "What swords and guns do you use, what battles do you fight?"

"After each natural disaster, the Central Plains cultivation world reorganizes the pattern, and the major sects continue to conquer the war."

Danfengzi patiently explained to Li Yao, “Central Plains is no better than Wunan. It has fewer people and sharp contradictions. The spiritual fields of the major sects, the plantations of heaven and earth, and the mountains and forests for raising spirit beasts, etc., were originally Squeezed together, the needle can't be inserted, it is within reach, and friction will occur every three times!

Originally, above the land boundary, there were the prohibitions and banners of the major sects, but they could be safe, and the well water did not violate the river water, but when a flood or foeh wind came down, most of the prohibitions were destroyed, and all the banners were lost. And Fei, who can prove where the boundaries of each other's sphere of influence are?

Everyone wants to take more, and fight for a mile or two of influence. Isn't it right? "


Li Yao let out a long sigh of breath, and then remembered the strange things he had heard during the inspection along the Wujiang River—the sectarian fighting of two golden cores that fell for a puddle of excrement.

"If it's just a friction in the sphere of influence, it's still a trivial matter."

Dan Fengzi laughed again, "What is even more chaotic is that a certain sect's mountain gate was hit by a natural disaster and completely destroyed. The masters within the sect fell one after another, and no longer had the strength to keep the original sphere of influence.

The more unlucky small and medium sects were uprooted by natural disasters, most of the clansmen died, and a large swath of unowned spiritual fields and forests appeared!

Elder Lingjiu, do you think it's worth using a knife and a gun for such a vast land of no ownership? "

Li Yao nodded, and squeezed two words from his teeth: "It's worth it!"

"Therefore, after each natural disaster, it is a good time for these cultivating sects to use their own methods to show their magical powers and kill and annex!"

Dan Fengzi smiled and said, "For a tyrant like Hu Xiaotang, it doesn't matter whether the weather is smooth or the natural disasters happen frequently. Under the balance of the two, it might be better for natural disasters to break out!

Elder Lingjiu, you ponder this truth. Huxiaotang originally sat on half of the fertile soil of Xijiangzhou, and its tentacles stretched out to nearby state capitals to build a large number of docks, strongholds, and farms.

If the weather is going well, their family will have the most food, which is naturally very good!

In case of natural disasters, Huxiaotang is the strongest sect within thousands of miles around, and its ability to resist disasters is naturally the strongest. Other small and medium sects are dying, but Huxiaotang is just skin trauma. It hurts!

As long as it has survived natural disasters, Huxiaotang can naturally take the opportunity to annex the sphere of influence and various resource benefits of the nearby sects. Isn't that a more cost-effective business than harvesting food when the weather is smooth?

If not, how could Huxiaotang have grown to where it is today in just a hundred years? By relying on hard work in farming, it would not be able to grow ten golden pills and two great primordial infants!

To grab the docks and land, it will consume a lot of resources. As the saying goes, the three armies have not moved, and the food and grass will go first!

The scale of this natural disaster is so large that there must be many sects that have been greatly weakened or even completely collapsed. It is a good time for Huxiaotang to expand its ambitions. How can it be possible to use precious war resources to help the victims first? "

"That's it!"

Li Yao's heart is complicated, and I don't know what it feels like, "Hu Xiaotang is ambitious, so it's no wonder!"

"Even if you are not ambitious and just want to consolidate your foundation, you can't get food out."

Dan Fengzi laughed and said, "This is a relationship between one and the other. If Hu Xiaotang really takes out a lot of food to help the victims and empties his granary alive, even if they can survive the ghost army. Invasion, they will be coveted by other sects with sufficient resources in all directions!

In this world, people have no intention of hurting tigers, tigers are harmful to people's hearts. If you don't eat me, I will eat you! How could Hu Xiaotang put himself on the chopping board and let it be a mermaid?

This has nothing to do with the dispositions of the Duan and his sons, but involves the lives of tens of thousands of disciples in Huxiaotang, as well as the lives and deaths of hundreds of thousands of householders, doormen, and tenants who depend on them, even if Master Kuchan is replaced by Huxiaotang. Lord, could it be possible to use the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in Tiger Howl to replace the gleam of vitality for the millions of victims outside? "

This sentence, like a scream, made Li Yao's brain "buzz".

He raised his eyes and looked at Master Kuchan, but he saw Master Kuchan still save the dead in the distant cloud and ghost mist.

He closed his eyes slightly, muttering words in his mouth, he didn't even look at the confrontation between Zhong Dao and Duan Yuanwu.

Is the monk reluctant to watch, can't bear to watch, or dare not to watch?

If the monk is allowed to choose, will he attack Tiger Howl City forcibly and open the warehouse forcibly?

"It seems that this face can't be sold anymore!"

Li Yao pondered for a long time, and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Of course it can't be sold. The emperor can't sell it when he comes, and he can't sell it when he comes. The gods and demons can't sell it when they come to the world to coerce and tempt them!"

Dan Fengzi made a firm decision, and then smiled weirdly, "What's more, Zhengyi real person doesn't have such a big face before, and his face has long been taken away!"

"What do you mean?"

Li Yao was puzzled, "Dignified'head of the great monk,' who dares to slap him in the face?"

"Aren't you the elder Lingjiu?"

Dan Fengzi looked at Li Yao solemnly, "Did you forget, at the Longquan Conference three months ago, how did you make peace with Junior Brother Yan and stepped on the face of Zhengyi in the mud, you carefully Memories?"

Li Yao: "..."

"The difference between No. 1 in the world and No. 2 in the world is not a star and a half."

Dan Fengzi shook his head and said, "In the past, everyone was frightened by the power of'Fan Tianyin'. Before rejecting Zhengyizhen’s request, we always had to think twice, but now, since'Fan Tianyin' has been proven to have a law. It can be broken, and Zhengyi is not invincible in the world. The courage of those Yuan Ying such as Duan's father and son has naturally grown a bit!"

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