40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1436: I don’t need food, I’m going to die!

Li Yao dumbfounded, he didn't expect that there would still be his own affairs in it.

However, I think it is true that although the ancient sects and the modern sects are both called "sects", the difference in their essence is too great!

Ancient sects are warlords who are independent kingdoms and have their own way. Although Qi Zhongdao is a recognized leader of the cultivation world, it is only a nominal title.

When the weather is smooth, and when nothing happens, he is the strongest. Naturally, he is respected. The core interests are really involved. Who cares about the eyes of Lord Ma?

I want to unite hundreds of warlords of all sizes, big and small, thinking in one heart, and doing everything together, it's too reluctant!

But in the city of Tiger Howl, Duan Yuanwu said in a rough voice, "Since Zhengyi, Master Kuchan, and fellow daoists are all here today, Huxiaotang looks at the face of you, and even thinks of God’s virtue of being good. The burnt-out granary was searched again and again, and at most three thousand quintals of grain were seized! You took these three thousand quintals and led the victims all the way to the east to eat at Dongning Mansion. That is the only way to survive!"

"Three thousand dan, too little!"

Qi Zhongdao did not relax, "The current road to Dongning Mansion has been cut off by the White Lotus Ghost Army. So many frail and sick victims will not be able to insist on Dongning Mansion, they will be deceived by the old mother Bailian and turned into the Yin Soldier Ghost Army. It caused a catastrophe! They can’t go to Dongning Mansion, they can only settle on the spot! Huxiaotang first brought out 50,000 quintals of food, and after three or two days, the psionic flying boats loaded with food from the major sects arrived here. You can overcome this difficulty!"

"Five thousand dan?"

Duan Yuanwu burst into laughter, his eyes doubled in an instant, turning into a dim yellow like tiger's eyes, his cheeks trembling constantly, gritted his teeth and said, "That is to slaughter the whole house of Tiger Xiaotang, and the family named Duan to be destroyed?"

"Yin soldiers are rampant, the world is turbulent, mountains and rivers are shattered, and the realm of comprehension falls apart. It is no good for anyone!"

Qi Zhongdao spoke earnestly, so he almost took out his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys to Duan Yuanwu. The entire world of cultivation is important! In any case, first stabilize the current situation, no matter how much the expensive faction pays, Qi Mou promised with this'Fan Tian Seal' in the bag that he will make up for the loss afterwards!"

"Haha, hahahaha, what a real man meant was that he wanted to use the power of the'Fan Tianyin' to carry out an open fire and looting the city, right?"

Duan Yuanwu didn't take his set at all, he raised his head to the sky with a long laugh, wiped his cheeks and said, "I did not expect that natural disasters will strike, the universe will be reversed, the head of the dignified monk, the supreme leader of the Taixuan Dao, but it is Become a robber who took advantage of the fire!"

"Hall Master Duan Shao!"

On Qi Zhongdao’s black face, blood-red veins protruded violently, and there were terrible ripples in the surrounding air, “Hu Xiaotang is so hard-hearted, it wants to watch hundreds of thousands of victims freeze and starve. And die, are you reluctant to open a warehouse and put grain?"

"No food, no food, not half a grain!"

Duan Yuanwu slapped his hand hard, and a large black stone above the Black Tiger Report Tower suddenly turned into dust. He stared and roared, "Not to mention that the granary of Huxiaotang is burned. All the food has been burned. Really take it. If there is not much food, even if there is food, why must my family release it!

Looking around, within a thousand miles of the neighborhood, there are all the places of Tiger Roar Hall! The land is upright and bright, and the grain is innocently cut. Those are all from Huxiaotang, and they are all from the surname!

Today, I am willing to let these mud legs trample on the ground of Huxiaotang. I have exhausted my benevolence and righteousness. I still want food? No doors! No! "

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

Between the two Yuan Ying, the Qi machine collided fiercely like a wave, making a deafening sound.

On the ground, the rags and muddled victims heard the conversation of the two "immortals", some understood, most of them did not understand, but they were shaken to their knees, covering their ears, struggling in pain.

Qi Zhongdao yelled: "Hall Master Duan Shao, really want to be so hard-hearted and not stubborn?"

"What do you do if you don't have anything to do with it?"

Duan Yuanwu exclaimed, "The land is my family's land, and the grain is my family's grain. There is no grain to put away. Is there still a crime of decapitation?

What's more, in the entire southeast, there are still fewer cultivating sects. Why should we hold our Huxiaotang family?

Going one thousand two hundred and fifty miles south, Zhentian Mansion is also a big sect in the southeast. Is there any food?

This time, 1,320 miles north, Feibao Palace also has fertile fields for thousands of miles and fertile fields. Is there any food?

The ancestor of the founding mansion who shocked Tianfu was the elder who left your Taixuan Dao branch!

Although Feibao Palace had nothing to do with Taixuan Dao in the past, this palace lord has also become in-laws with your Taixuan Dao Elder Lu!

Zhentian Mansion and Flying Leopard Palace are both local riches, with countless money and food, and inextricably linked with Taixuan Dao. Zhengyi real person does not go to find them first, but wants to come to our Huxiaotang. What is it? What a reason!

Is it true that Zhenyi Zheng still remembers the disputes between Huxiaotang and Taixuandao last year over the interests of Wujiang water transport, or he wants to take the opportunity to weaken Huxiaotang and prepare for the conquest and annexation of Zhentian Mansion and Feibao Palace. what! "

Qi Zhongdao trembled with anger: "Presumptuous, even your father Duan Tiande is here, he dare not talk to Qi in this way, you are a junior in the Yuan Ying stage, how dare you be so rude!"


General Duan Yuan pulled the tiger-skin armor on his body, revealing the golden heart-protecting hair on his chest, and spit out a loud spit, "Give you three points of thin face, tell you to be a real person, take you to the monk of the day. First look! But as a leader of the cultivation world, you also have to look like a leader! You love to be the ruler, but the rule is less than the king's law. Let's talk about it, what kind of king's law Huxiaotang has violated and did it again What hurts the heavens and the truth? Do we really want to treat our dignified and decent people as the evil spirits?"

Qi Zhongdao was furious: "You--"

Duan Yuanwu’s mouth was like a continuous fire of tiger crouching guns and golden crow crossbows, and he utterly said: "Cut out grain from the throat of the cultivator, and give it to these poor sticks for nothing, and build the country for thousands of years. , How can there be such a reason? Although our Huxiaotang is not as deep-rooted as Taixuan Dao and its power is overwhelming, there are still several disciples in the court of God Capital who can talk to the emperor! Qi Zhongdao, you cover the sky with one hand, Recklessly, for the sake of a few insignificant mud legs, you will destroy my Tiger Roar Hall full of doors? What is your intention, and where do you put the emperor?

Was it deliberately trying to please these mud legs, benefactors from the city, buy people's hearts, and plot wrongdoing?

To tell you the truth, Huxiaotang really wants to open a warehouse to release grain, okay, please let the emperor give the imperial decree! Hu Xiaotang is loyal to the chief executive and extremely obedient to the emperor. As long as you see the imperial decree, without saying anything, open a position immediately!

But now, with a few words of your Qi Zhongdao, you want us to open the warehouse and release the grain and kill ourselves, hehehehe, it's okay!

Then I ask you Taixuan Dao to imitate the story of Lei Ganmen in the past, take advantage of the situation, and establish a ‘Great Profound Dynasty’, let’s talk about it! "

Duan Yuanwu is definitely not as arrogant and reckless as on the surface.

These few words are really vicious to the extreme.

On the psychic flying boat, many Taixuan Taoists all changed their faces, looking at Qi Zhongdao's eyes, full of intricate meanings.


Dan Fengzi dragged several elders of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect, then shrank back from the crowd, winked at Li Yao, and said with a smile, "Now the elder Lingjiu should understand why Zhengyi real person is Tai Xuan Dao. Let him continue to be the head, Tai Xuan Dao is purely looking for death by himself!"

"Dear fellow daoists!"

Duan Yuanwu said more and more vigorously, "Hu Xiaotang and you have no grievances in the past, and have no grudges recently. This time you are willing to travel thousands of miles to the southeast for disaster relief. As a landlord, Duan is extremely grateful!

However, Huxiaotang is in a desperate situation and can't produce too much food. I hope that fellow daoists can understand Huxiaotang's sufferings a lot!

Although Huxiaotang has two Nascent Infants and ten Golden Cores, compared with the entire cultivation world, it is a drop in the bucket! Therefore, Hu Xiaotang is absolutely unwilling to be an enemy of the world's heroes, and even less willing to oppose the major sects!

Duan remembers all the major sects and monks who came to Huxiaotang today. If you can understand the little bitterness of Huxiaotang, within a year and a half, especially if the green and yellow are not accepted, the price of food When it skyrocketed, Hu Xiaotang would have to thank you again!

However, if there is a generation of unpredictable intentions who have to take advantage of the chaos of natural disasters, take advantage of the fire, robbery, fish in troubled waters, and storm the mountain gates of Huxiaotang, then for the safety of hundreds of thousands of living beings in Huxiaocheng, the surnames must know that they are invincible. Fighting with him to the end, even if the brains and brains are completely broken, there is nothing more to say!

Fellow fellows, please! "

After speaking this sentence, Duan Yuanwu kept silent, just focused on driving the big formation.

"Roar! Roar, roar, roar!"

The sound of dragons and tigers roaring inside and outside the city became more and more violent. From all sides of the city, ray of golden light emerged, condensing in mid-air into a lifelike liger-like ferocious appearance, lingering around the city and guarding it from time to time. Stretching out malicious minions to the outside world.

Even the mighty and mighty Hunyuan Tiger Squatting Cannon and the Golden Crow Firebow burst out with extremely bright and dangerous light!

Hu Xiaotang is ready to fight and is determined to fight to the death!

The major sects are distracted here, just like the situation where they wanted to lick a little oil at the Longquan Conference three months ago, there is no determination to die.

Qi Zhongdao returned to the psychic flying boat with a gloomy face, "Kaka Kaka", after a few steps, he actually took a few deep footprints on the steel deck, which shows that his heart is really true. The anger is at its extreme!

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