40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1441: Suppress it completely!

This sound was a hundred times worse than Li Gui's scream, it was like a large group of poisonous insects gathered together, making a "buzzing" sound, making the faces of all the "famous and upright" high-ranking monks present extremely ugly.

A moment later, another even more distorted and crazy voice came: "The same thing is done by your six major factions, and the major factions in the Central Plains have done it. Why can't we do it at Huxiaotang?"

"Qi Zhongdao, Danfengzi, and the hybrids of Jinjiazong, Fengleigu, and Feiling Island. Don't think we don't know the nasty thoughts of you big Central Plains faction!"

"On the surface, by resisting natural disasters, to rescue people and kill demons, but in fact, we are worried that the strength of our southeast sect will gradually grow and will threaten your Central Plains faction. We deliberately use this natural disaster to seriously weaken it. Our strength!"

"Grain and grain, since it was long expected that after the natural disaster, the victims would run rampant and the food would be insufficient, why when you came, the psionic flying boat was not full of grain, and why there are only magic weapons and spars in your Universe Ring! Could it be that you have so many sects, so many golden cores and primordial infants, so many universe rings, which can accommodate knives, spears, swords, halberds, axes and hooks, but can't accommodate half a grain of grain?"

"Haha, hahahaha, you didn't plan to put any grain at all, you didn't even plan to take out a single piece of grain, you just made a special trip to make our plan, you made a special trip to rob the family and destroy the clan!"

Duan Tiande, the master of Huxiao Hall, and Duan Xingyi, the master of Heisha, the two Yuan Ying sang a harmony, and the curse was like a flood in the Wujiang River, endless and out of control.

Qi Zhongdao's face was pale, and many Yuan Ying from all major factions rushed into the crown, and many strong men sacrificed magic weapons one after another, and the waves of psionic energy gathered into waves of storms, such as dark clouds pressing the city, covering the tiger's roar hall!

Jin Jiazong's Halberd Martial Hall Master Bu Tiantong opened his eyes wide, and cried out strangely: "Good demon, when he died, he still has to spit blood and provoke discord. It is really unrepentant and frantic!"

"What rules and morality do you have to talk about with such evil demons? Every fellow daoist should use thunder means to kill demons and demons, and defend the right way!"

After all, without waiting for Qi Zhongdao to stop, he sacrificed the Golden Crow Dangling Demon Sword that was re-refined by Li Yao, shook in the wind, transformed into a sword light tens of meters long, and slashed down towards the Tiger Xiaotang. go with!

Butian Tong’s shot was like opening an invisible gate. The high-ranking monks of Taixuan Dao, Ziji Sword Sect, Jin Jiazong, Fengleigu... all of them were expressionless, offering sacrifices to the strongest magic weapon. Smashed down!

Qi Zhongdao's black face showed a hint of hesitation, but dozens of Yuan Ying shots at the same time, even with his cultivation at the peak of the Yuan Ying stage, how could he stop it?

Hundreds of sword auras scurry in the Tiger Roar Hall, dozens of swords and lights are intertwined to form a seamless net, and there are also the seven-color poisonous fog, nine-color flying ring, dementor bell, dazzling golden cymbals... Such as gusts of wind and showers, the Tiger Roar Hall will be completely submerged!

The two Yuan Ying in Huxiaotang yelled and cursed themselves, but the sound of the curse was completely covered by the crackling of the magic weapon of lightning and thunder.

The psychic shield they barely activated also fell apart under the combined bombardment of dozens of Yuan Ying.

The main hall of Tiger Roar Hall was like a frontal bombardment from a meteor shower. Under a series of shock waves, mushroom clouds and large fireballs, it was completely flattened, and the ground was sunken into a huge burning pit.

Li Yao has been watching coldly from behind the crowd. With so many infants and golden cores, it doesn't matter if there are more than one and less than one.

He has no interest in the black evil sect's secret treasure warehouse, nor does he want to participate in the intrigue and intrigue disputes in this rotten realm of comprehension.

He is just an observer, and his most important task is to keep his coolest head.

This thought made me faintly aware of the weirdness of the two Duan Family Yuanying.

Li Yao raised his eyebrows, and suddenly realized the problem, his divine consciousness spread rapidly in all directions like silk, and then his psychic energy reached its limit, and he turned into two green wings behind him, whistling toward the southwest!

Many Jin Dan and Yuan Ying were shocked and inexplicably, wondering what he wanted to do when he suddenly left the battlefield.

At the moment when he was inexplicable, Li Yao said nothing, his psionic wings flicked fiercely, and he shot hundreds of ox hair needles connected to monocrystalline mica filaments, and shot them towards a seemingly unremarkable open space. !

On each of the thin needles, the psychic energy winds in a spiral shape, and it is in a state of high-speed rotation, just like a small drill bit, easily plunged deep into the ground!

Judging from the hollow sound from the ground, it turned out to be hollow under the ground!

Hundreds of single crystal mica filaments were stretched straight in an instant, and at a subtle angle, they bloomed with a green and radiant splendor.

There was a muffled grunt from the ground.

To many Yuan Ying, it is clear to the extreme!

"There are people underground!"

Only then did many Nascent Souls know that the "Master Lingjiu" who had not participated in the siege was so keenly aware that they discovered a secret road hidden deep underground!

"Come out to the master!"

Li Yao let out a low roar, and pulled his hands hard, the ground "boom boom boom boom boom" like a volcanic eruption, breaking up large pieces of rubble and bricks, and among the smoke and dust, there is still a joint covered with cow hair fine needles and monocrystalline mica The silk locked, the embarrassed figure, leaped high!

It was Duan Yuanwu, the young master of the Huxiaotang who had made great progress with Qizhongdao not long ago!

At this moment, Duan Yuanwu is unkempt, his golden hair and beard are all dyed white by smoke and dust, where there is a little bit of the glory of the young hall master, it is like a wild dog with a broken leg, desperate, resentful, and fearful. Vicious again, trembling all over, trembling lips, unable to utter a word!


Two screams came from the ruins of Huxiaotang.

Duan Tiande and Duan Xingyi deliberately stayed in the Huxiaotang, yelling at the major sects in the sky, provoking their anger, just to induce them to take action with anger, and cover the youngest Yuan in the Duan family amidst the thunder. Ying Duan Yuanwu escaped from the underground secret road.

Unexpectedly, the only hope of the Duan family was discovered!


Duan Yuanwu was locked up by Li Yao, his veins burst in pain, and his whole body twitched!

He is also extremely brave and fierce, and he knows that his hands are bloody, even if he surrenders, he will not be able to live in the world. Instead, he will suffer a lot of torture. He simply spotted a boulder that collapsed in mid-air and stepped heavily on the stone. , Rushed towards Li Yao like a cannonball!

At the same time, the thunder billowed in the belly, and the skin turned into an extremely dangerous translucent form, wisps of spiritual flames gushing out from the pores, and gradually condensed around him, a huge figure of half human and half tiger!

This is going to blew the Yuan Ying and die with Li Yao!

Li Yao frowned slightly, and the single-crystal mica filaments twisted fiercely, cutting off how many blood vessels, nerves, and tendons in Duan Yuanwu's body. Then his figure flashed and swept hundreds of meters away.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

Behind Li Yao, dozens of sword lights burst into the air, hitting Duan Yuanwu like a gust of wind and rain, all of which were sent out by the dozens of Yuan Ying and Jin Dan.

Duan Yuanwu's blood vessels, nerves, and muscle bundles were severed by Li Yao, and his movements were originally slow. Among the Yuan Ying who shot the flying sword, many people's cultivation was stronger than him. Where can they dodge?

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

Dozens of sword beams burst at the same time, like a ferocious beast, swallowing Duan Yuanwu in one bite, turning into a ball of bright fireworks, expanding in mid-air, gradually turning into nothingness, and disappearing in smoke!



The two voices in the ruins of Tiger Roar Hall were fifty years old for an instant, and they seemed to be coming from the gate of Jiuyou Huangquan from a deep and deep place, desperate to complete madness, "Haha, hahahaha, You killed Wu, killed us, ruined the Tiger Roar Hall and the Black Evil Sect, so what? This great job, this world, this realm of cultivation, will not last long!"

"How do you destroy Tiger Howling City today? Tomorrow your mountain gate will also be destroyed by the Ghost Qin People, the White Lotus Cult and the Huntian Army! You can't escape! We are transformed into ghosts, waiting in Jiuyou Huangquan You, waiting for everyone in each of your denominations!"

After all, amidst the ruins, the two regiments' unmatched ferocity rose into the sky like cannonballs!

However, under the joint suppression of many Yuan Ying, he was abruptly suppressed and returned to the ground.

After two loud noises of the shaking of the mountains, the scope of the huge pit was extended by several tens of meters, and everything returned to calm again.

The three evil souls in Hu Xiaotang were all killed.

The situation of the entire Tiger Howl City was gradually restored to peace under the strong suppression of many high-ranking monks.

Many cultivators belonging to the Huxiaotang were either suppressed on the spot or surrendered first. They were obediently banned and sealed the meridians around their bodies, tied together with shackles and shackles, and squatted on the streets of Huxiaotang.

In this battle, the right way won!

More than a dozen warehouses, large and small in Huxiaotang, were all unearthed under the guidance of the beggar Ba Xiaoyu.


In the warehouse, the jade crystal seeds, spirit beast meat jerky and spar ore are full of pits, almost blinding the eyes of every cultivator.

There are also several secret granaries built in the ground with good ventilation and drainage channels. Unknown amount of grain is sealed with talisman formations. It is a sea of ​​white flowers, golden and scented, richer than the imperial warehouses of the imperial court. !

"Walk in the granary and burn it?"

Seeing so much food, Qi Zhongdao sneered.

However, after opening dozens of warehouses one after another, there are Yujingzi, spar ore and spirit beast meat jerky as well, and even many small and medium sects that were originally thought to have been slaughtered by the White Lotus Sect. Several unique magic weapons have also been discovered.

It's just that the distance from the beggar Ba Xiaoyu said, "Several secret vaults, full of Dangdang secret treasures", it seems to be a far cry!

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