40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1442: There are monsters to cut, and there are no monsters to cut!

"Friend Ba Dao?"

The ragged, stinky juggernaut, Ba Xiaoyu, is surrounded by a bunch of feather-fans and lun towels, and the heads, suzerains, and elders of the Xianfeng Dao bones. They look like the stars holding the moon and a large group of eunuchs. To the emperor.

As the secret storehouses opened, the expectations of many golden cores and Nascent Souls were raised again and again, but they stepped into the air again and again. I was really impatient and couldn't help but ask, "The black evil sect has accumulated decades of secret treasures. where is it?"

"Here, here, there, isn't this all?"

The beggar Ba Xiaoyu didn't know where to get a black cigarette stick, took two sips very comfortably, and pointed with the stick, "The big seals of the heads of several sects are here, which is enough to prove that Huxiaotang and the black The evil sect has colluded, is it the culprit that ruined so many sects, right?"


Many Jin Dan and Yuan Ying are anxious, "Of course these master seals are extremely important evidence, but Fellow Daoist Ba just said that the underground of Tiger Roar City hides the black evil sect accumulated for 30 to 40 years. So many secret treasures, where are these secret treasures!"

"Oh, you said those secret treasures!"

The beggar Ba Xiaoyu turned the pipe upside down, as if it was itchy, stuck it through the hole in the collar, scratched his back for a long time, and smiled, "I also heard that when the father and son of the Duan family were chatting, maybe, probably, Maybe they are, but they are so impressive. Otherwise, they would change the secret treasure a long time ago and trade them out, in exchange for a lot of resources to build this "Tiger Howling City", but it's unknown. Oh, thief eavesdropping, where can they be? It’s so real, why don’t you go directly to Duan’s father and son and tortured them severely, and you will surely be able to find out why!"

Duan Tiande, Duan Xingyi, and Duan Yuanwu had no place to bury their bodies just now. They didn't even leave half of the remnant souls. They were all wiped out. Where else could they be "seriously tortured"?

Many high-ranking cultivators were almost irritated with their noses. Only now did they recall their feelings, and they might have been punished by the beggar Ba Xiaoyu again.

However, there are also people who are unwilling and stern: "Friend Daoist Ba, didn't you see it with your own eyes?"

"Yeah, yes, I can see it with my own eyes!"

The beggar Ba Xiaoyu nodded solemnly, "I have seen these warehouses with my own eyes, so many sect leaders are here, so what can I do wrong? As for the news about the secret treasures, I have heard them with my own ears. I heard it really, that's what the Duan family father and son can testify to me! That's what I told you just now, and then you all came eagerly to "slash demons and eliminate demons, walk for the sky". , Didn't the beggar say that?"


The elders, suzerains, and heads of more than a dozen sects, and a group of great figures in the realm of cultivation, who have a face and a face, all have a blush and a thick neck, and they look at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Friends of Taoism!"

Called Huazi Ba Xiaoyu smiled and said, "I see, everyone shouldn't care about the secret treasures. There are so many victims outside the city waiting to be fed. Every time for the incense stick, I don't know how many people will die of freezing and starvation. Tiancai No matter how good the earth treasures and spar magic weapons are, they can still be eaten as a meal, can they be worn as clothes?"

"At this moment, what else is more qualified to be called a'secret treasure' than the fragrant pork and white rice. After all, this'secret treasure' can exchange human lives! We people, just now The four words called'walking for the sky' are so loud, then who has thought,'human life is a matter of life'?"

"You jump up and down here, blow your beards and stare at you, grab the beggars and boil the oil. If you burn the pot, you won’t be able to make a couple of oils! It’s better to open the warehouse and release the grain quickly to help the victims and calm the situation in this area. Do you really want to provoke Bai Lian's millions of ghost army, so that you are willing to let it go?"

After a few words, many Jin Dan and Yuan Ying were silent and unanimously let out a series of embarrassing dry coughs.

Qi Zhongdao took a step forward, glanced around with cold eyes, and said loudly: "Open the warehouse, put the grain!"


Hundreds of steaming cauldrons were erected under Huxiao City, and the smoke curled into hundreds of white plumes of smoke, rising into the sky and condensing into fluffy white clouds.

Many victims are so hungry that they can't eat big fish and meat for a while, that is, the porridge has to be boiled as light as water, and the porridge needs to be treated slowly.

Although it is a thin porridge, some spirit animal meat is put in the porridge, and a lot of medicinal materials are used to reconcile it. Huang Chengcheng, Jin Cancan, Biyouyou, gurgling, fragrant and fragrant, is a delicacy that most people can't even think of.

The major sects set up their flags and divided regions.

Large sects such as Taixuan Dao and Ziji Sword Sect were in charge of a few more cauldrons, while small and medium sects were in charge of a few less, bringing a large number of victims under their own banner!

The story that the victims heard was that the Tiger Roar Hall was full of evil, full of evil spirits, and was a wicked assassin who could eat people without spitting out bones. He finally got his retribution. He was wiped out by the major factions on behalf of the Heavenly Dao.

Seeing that the people were squeezed by Huxiaotang to such a miserable level, the major sects couldn't bear it, and even took out a lot of food, and they must let everyone tide over the difficulties!

For a time, all the victims were grateful and thankful for their gratitude. They fell on their knees with "Hula La", kowtowing like the wind blowing wheat waves, and the voice of "Teacher Immortal Blessing" was endless!

When Li Yao walked by dozens of steaming cauldrons, he saw a scene where countless victims were grateful and bowed their heads to him.

Li Yao felt that he had become a golden clay idol in the temple.

He didn't like this feeling, and he was quite unhappy in his heart.

"Elder Lingjiu, seems to be worried?"

Dan Fengzi got out of nowhere and asked him with a smile.

On this trip to the southeast, the head of the Purple Pole Sword Sect was very enthusiastic about Li Yao, and of course there was his reason.

Li Yao pondered for a moment and said bluntly: "The Master has been thinking about the words that several Yuan Yings of the Duan family said before they died. The Huxiaotang and the Black Sect have colluded with each other, which is already appalling, and Taixuan Dao and Ziji Isn't Jianzong such a famous "six major faction" in the initial stage, is it not very glorious?"

Dan Fengzi laughed and said: "Is it possible that Elder Lingjiu believes the nonsense of several demon heads of the Duan family before they die? There is nothing shameless about the beginning of the Ziji Sword Sect, but there are some more or less. Confidential, if the elder Lingjiu is willing to remove the word'enjoy' and truly join the Purple Extreme Sword Sect and become the official elder of our faction, then it is natural to know everything and talk endlessly!"

Li Yao's eyes flashed, and he coldly snorted: "The master's mind was explained very clearly to the head last time. The master has been in seclusion for 50 years and has penetrated the inheritance of the swordsmith of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Yan Zhu. The second time I came out, I wanted to become famous, establish a sect, and carry forward the Great Zhou inheritance. Now some juniors in the cultivation world have given the master a nickname, called'Great Zhou Jianzong', which sounds good! "

"How can the dignified'Great Zhou Sword Sect' stay in the ranks for a lifetime? It is already the limit to worship the elders. It is absolutely impossible for the master to completely join the Purple Extreme Sword Sect!

"Elder Lingjiu has lofty ambitions, the little Ziji Sword Sect, naturally can't keep a peerless master like you!"

Dan Fengzi said with emotion, "It's just that in the realm of comprehension, it is easy to become famous, but it is extremely difficult to establish a school. Shanmen, land, children, vassal families, sources of income... It’s all a headache! Establishing your own sect is like hanging one's life above Jiuyou Huangquan. Even if it is as strong as the Duan family, a three-element infant and the creation of Huxiaotang will be ruined. , An unresolved end!"


Li Yao sighed, "Since the Duan family has three Nascent Souls, even if they don't follow these crooked ways, they may be able to carry the Tiger Roar Hall forward. Why should we rush for quick success and engage in the ‘black evil sect’?"

"They don't do it. Some people do it. Shouldn't the elder Lingjiu think that the ‘Black Evil Sect’ is the only evil devil’s way to ruin the Southeast, right?"

Dan Fengzi said, "Because of the establishment of the'Black Sect' in Huxiaotang, it overthrew all the rebellious sects in Xijiangzhou for decades, drained their flesh and blood, and fed it back to Huxiaotang. Huxiaotang can have the scenery as it is today!"

"If Tiger Roar Hall had not established the Black Sect, but other sects secretly formed the Red Sect, the Yellow Sovereign, and the Blue Sect, perhaps the Tiger Screamed Hall would have been decades earlier. After being wiped out, how can I survive to this day!"

"Listen to what the headmaster says--"

Li Yao frowned and said, "In the Central Plains cultivation world, it is commonplace for black and white to be confused?"

Dan Fengzi smiled, did not answer directly, but said: "The birds are all, good bows are hidden; the cunning rabbits die, the lackeys cook! The warehouseman raises a cat to catch mice, but all the mice are caught. What do you want a cat to do? A cultivator is used to kill demons. If there are no demons, what is the use of a cultivator?"

Li Yao said: "The head means that if there are demons to be cut, if there are no demons, the creation of demons also needs to be cut?"

Dan Fengzi's eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands: "Wonderful, wonderful, Elder Lingjiu said this wonderfully!"

Li Yao was silent for a long time, and slowly spit out a muddy breath: "This is different from what I thought before I left Wu Nan."

Dan Fengzi said, "What did Elder Lingjiu think before he left Wunan?"

"We, Wunan, are a foreign barbarian state. All of us live in jungles and caves, divided by tribes!"

Li Yao said, "The witch monks, each protects a tribe, is responsible for expelling monsters for the tribe, suppressing evil spirits, and fighting against hostile tribes. Although there are also things to sacrifice souls, it seems that they are not so...so secretive and different from tribes. If there is any contradiction between them, I will go to the Black Rock Challenge, and most of them will compete in a fair manner!"

"I have nothing to hide from the boss. A hundred years ago, I was a muddle-headed witch monk. He was rampant in the Wunan jungle, dominating the king and hegemony. I didn't think there was anything wrong with this kind of life!"

"However, I was reborn from the Poison Dragon Pond, and after receiving the inheritance of the Great Zhou swordsmith Yan Zhu, I was nurtured by the style of the Great Zhou cultivation world for fifty years, and my Dao Xin gradually changed. It really seemed to be resuscitated. What you did is really not worth mentioning!"

"Wu Nan is too young to tolerate my current Dao Xin, so I traveled to the Central Plains, wanting to see the'Da Gan Cultivation Realm', which was also born in the Central Plains, retains a bit of the style of the'Great Zhou Cultivation Realm'. I thought, I didn't expect—"

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