40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1444: Looted?


Qi Zhongdao "punk" stepped back three steps, retreated to the side of the dilapidated ship's side, almost unable to withstand such a huge blow, the roots of his long hair were erected, and his appearance instantly became extremely hideous!

With a few "clicks, clicks", the entire transport ship was shaking up and down under his psychic power, like a lone boat in the stormy waves, it would fall apart at any time!

"Qi Changsheng's Huntian army was completely broken up last winter, wasn't it?"

Qi Zhongdao gritted his teeth, his gaze gradually became ghastly, staring at the heart of Real Aria Xiaoyue, his voice getting colder and colder, "Why, can you organize an elite army so quickly, even you lead the six The transport fleet that sent masters to guard together can be completely broken up and severely injured you!"

"Cough cough, cough cough cough cough cough!"

Real Aria spit out two mouthfuls of black blood, and said in pain, "It is precisely because Qi Changsheng's mixed heavenly army was broken up last winter, so we took it lightly and entered the'Wolf Smoke Gorge' too hastily, and did not search the valley carefully. The cave on the side was hit by the Huntian Army's ambush!"

"No one knows why Qi Changsheng made a comeback so soon, and where did he collect a large number of masters? Maybe he organized all the evil demons on the ground in the northwest together!"

"The high-ranking monks of the six major factions basically rushed to the southeast in advance to bring disaster relief. Our transport fleet has only a few foundations and pill formation, but Qi Changsheng's Huntian army has long been prepared, like a wolf. Like a tiger, we will separate the front and rear teams from the beginning!"

"After all, we are all transport ships full of supplies, with big belly and round waist, bloated, inconvenient to fight wisely. As soon as we fought, we suffered heavy losses. I led the front team and failed to rush in after several rushes. On the contrary, we were still caught by the opponent. It was possible to catch it all in one swoop, but in desperation, I had no choice but to flee all the way, and then lost several transport ships. Only then did he get rid of the hunt and kill of the Huntian army and barely saved eight transport ships!"

"Unfortunately, in order to increase the speed, most of the materials are all thrown away...cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough!"

When Mr. Xiaoyue said this, his face became paler and paler, and he coughed again, making people flustered, as if his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys would cough up at any time.

Several Taixuan Taoists hurriedly supported each other and looked at Qi Zhongdao eagerly.

"We were raided in Langyan Gorge, and all the supplies were snatched by Qi Changsheng, not even a single piece of grain was delivered?"

Qi Zhongdao paused, his tone was harsh, his eyes gradually condensed into two cones of ice, regardless of the appearance of real person Xiaoyue who looked dying, his expression became more and more hideous.

"It's true!"

Real Aria Xiaoyue said weakly, "All the major Daoists who are with me have seen it with my own eyes. It is not that we are incompetent, but that Qi Changsheng's Huntian army is too sharp!"

"Sun Jiuling, head of Sun!"

Qi Zhongdao was furious, and simply called his nephew's name directly, "Thirty ships of supplies, you have not left a single ship, hello, hello, you are really my good nephew, a good head of Taixuan Dao!"


Qi Zhongdao's whole body spirit flames suddenly burst into the air, rising into the air, and turning into a demon **** with teeth and claws behind him!

Agitated by the spiritual flames, the entire psionic flying boat squeaked and squeaked, and many of the scarred places once again exploded large pieces of shredded wood!

"This battle is unfavorable, and the losses are heavy. It is all my responsibility for improper command and failure to advance and retreat. Please uncle Master will severely punish me!"

Xiaoyuezhen vomited blood, pushed aside many doormen, and knelt on one knee in front of Qi Zhongdao, stroking her neck, and staring at each other with piercing eyes.

"You, do you think I dare not!"

Qi Zhongdao's expression and expression were violent, and the spirit flame **** and demon above his head became more and more mad!

"Too master!"

Several Taixuandao elders who had been watching coldly by the side stood up one after another and said without hesitation, "This time the transport fleet was attacked by the Huntian Army and lost a large amount of relief supplies. It is indeed the commanding responsibility of the leader. "

"However, Qi Changsheng made a comeback so quickly and suddenly emerged. This is something that no one can think of!"

"Qi Changsheng has ravaged the northwest for decades and is one of the notorious'four evils'. His strength is qualified to be among the top ten masters in the world. The immortality is so overbearing that it can't be resisted by the real Aria alone. That’s not a big deal. In the past, the cultivation world didn’t send out a large team to encircle and suppress Qi Changsheng. In the largest one, Yuan Ying sent twenty or thirty people. Didn’t he not stop Qi Changsheng and let him run away?”

"Since the head has been fighting desperately, exhausted and dying, let him heal his injuries quickly, and wait for the injury to recover, and then it will not be too late to hold him accountable!"

The so-called elders have lofty status, and many of them are a generation higher than the head. They are in the relationship of brothers and sisters with Qi Zhongdao. They do not have much distinction between each other and do not need to listen to Qi Zhongdao's swearing.

"you guys!"

Qi Zhongdao clenched his posterior molars to see, he was about to grind out all the more than 20 teeth in his mouth.

"What else do you have to order?"

Several elders of Taixuandao quietly intervened between Qi Zhongdao and the real person Xiaoyue, unconsciously or unintentionally, when they read the word "Tai Shang", the tone seemed to be a little heavier.

The supreme head of the Taixuan Dao, the current head of the Taixuan Dao and several elders, quietly happened, but they confronted extremely dangerously.

The spirit flame **** and demon behind Qi Zhongdao sucked back into his body one by one. On the black skin, red blood vessels and veins continued to swell and protrude!

Even Li Yao felt Qi Zhongdao’s momentum like a wave of steel. It was ten times more inflated than when he competed with Yan Liren at the Longquan Conference. It was really like a copper wall and iron wall over a hundred meters high. The black threw himself down!

The air almost solidified.

The scene was deadly silent, and even a needle fell on the deck, not hesitating to make a loud thunder.

Just as both parties were about to break out, Dan Fengzi, the head of the Ziji Sword Sect, suddenly came out, saluted Qizhong Dao, smiled and said: "Zhengyizheng, it is said that this is the housework of your Taixuan Dao, we these Outsiders are naturally not qualified to interrupt!"

"It's just that, among the fleets escorted by the real Arias this time, there are also several large ships from our Ziji Sword Sect. Real Arias is not for selfishness, but for the common interests of all major factions, for the world. As the common people are seriously injured, I represent the Purple Extreme Sword Sect, so I have to take the liberty to say a few words!"

"First of all, the natural disaster has not passed, the enemy is currently, our main enemy is the White Lotus Ghost Army besieging Dongning Mansion. At this time, the most important thing is stability and unity. The big thing, wait until the White Lotus Ghost Army is suppressed. , It's not too late!"

"Secondly, the entire thirty transport ships were looted. It is indeed a heavy loss. Fortunately, we have already captured Huxiao City. The materials in several large warehouses in Huxiao City are enough for millions of victims to survive the worst. It's hard time, so the impact of this fiasco may not be as great as imagined!"

"Even if the supplies of the entire Tiger Roar City are not enough, it does not matter. Just tell the nearby sects what the Tiger Roar City looks like at the moment. Hehe, I think they will soon send a large amount of disaster relief materials to the victims. Can survive the catastrophe!"

"Dan Fengzi, even you..."

Qi Zhongdao looked like a tiger, staring at Dan Fengzi, as if to poke two holes in his face.

Dan Fengzi was calm and composed, accepting it calmly, and his eyes were as clear as water, as if he didn't understand the meaning of Qi Zhongdao.

Except for Li Yao and Yan Liren, the other elders of the Purple Pole Sword Sect stood behind Dan Fengzi, with their long swords wrapped in their arms, exuding faint sword intent.

"Dan Fengzi is right. Our Jin Jiazong also had four large ships looted. They were all hard-finished materials. Of course, the heartache is very heartache, but the cruelty of the'Huntian King' Qi Changsheng is the world. Everyone knows that anyone who has not suffered from him can only admit that he is unlucky when he hits him, and he can't blame everything on Real Person Xiaoyue. In all fairness, even if we were to guard the transport fleet, would it be able to withstand Qi Changsheng?"

Including Bu Tiantong, the master of Jiwu Hall, several Jinjiazong elders stood up one after another.

"Our Fengleigu means the same thing. At the moment, the enemy is now, what is going on when the White Lotus Sect is suppressed, and then we will discuss the long-term plan, and the long-term plan!"

Several Fengleigu elders also stepped forward to stand with the real person Xiaoyue, Dan Fengzi, Taixuandao elder, and Jin Jiazong elder.

"Anyway, the relief supplies are already sufficient, but they are not enough. Let the surrounding denominations take it out. Forgive them for not taking it!"

The Jindan and Nascent Souls of Feiling Island also stood on the side of Real Person Xiaoyue and Dan Fengzi.

Here, there are dozens of elders, suzerains, and heads of major sects, many golden cores and Nascent Souls.

Over there, only "Iron Sage" Qi Zhongdao was alone.

Tie Shengqi Zhongdao stared blankly at the many "dao friends", as if they were suddenly aging in their teens or twenties, and suddenly lost their strength. The snake-like tendons and blood vessels all withered, and the corners of his mouth trembled. After a long time, I don't know what to say, his body trembling slightly, it seems that the sky is spinning, and he can't even stand steady.


An elder of Taixuan Dao respectfully said, "As you often say, the overall situation is important!"

"The big picture?"

Qi Zhongdao smiled bitterly, "The big picture!"

His Adam's apple rolled for a long time, and finally there was nothing to say. He sighed up to the sky, flicked his robe sleeves, turned into a grey stream, flew out of the clouds, and disappeared from sight!

Only a devastated and empty city of Tigers was left, and the people outside the city who knew nothing about it, were devouring and grateful.

And the black evil leader Duan Xingyi's stern roar, it seems that it is still echoing for a long time under the night: "...you didn't plan to put any grain at all, you didn't plan to take out a single piece of grain at all!"

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