40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1445: Can't finish the glass of wine!

The night is deep, and the flowing stars are intertwined into a net, covering the whole world. ,

Under the tiger roar, countless torches with the thickness of arms are lined up in succession, coupled with the blessing of the immortal family spells of the practitioners, the light blends into one, shining like the day.

After a whole day of fighting, the nearby floods were drained, and the bricks and rocks removed from the ruins of Tiger Howard City were used to build simple dams, expanding the area of ​​the isolated islands and gradually connecting them to Together, it seems that the land on the sea floor is uplifting in blocks.

On the huge open space, with the big porridge pot as the core, it was divided into independent areas by the banners of the major sects. A large number of trenches, sinks, and earth walls were dug out. On the compacted ground, stone locks were also placed. , Stone hammers and other equipment for strengthening bones and muscles, as well as weapons such as swords, spears, swords and halberds.

There are also airtight camps, which contain secret detection magic weapons of various major sects, which are specially used to detect roots and spirituality.

"Drink! Drink!"

Before waking up from the horror of the flood, countless scrawny victims, like wild dogs, crawled and smashed on top of the sinkholes and soil walls, and smashed on themselves with stone locks and stone hammers. He was full of blood and refused to give up. The victims who had learned some knives, guns and sticks, and shallow kung fu, even gave up their lives and danced with big spears or steel knives so that the water could not enter!

These are the major sects, opening the gates under Tiger Howl City to recruit troops.

These days, although three-legged toads are hard to find, and people with two legs are everywhere, most of the people are unclothed, can’t eat enough, and their arms don’t have two or two meats. The wind blows and they are crooked and weak. Going on will only waste food, which is of no use to the cultivating sect.

When natural disasters strike, they are treated equally. Not only ordinary people have to flee, but even wealthy households who have the ability to drink and eat meat, strengthen their bodies, and exercise martial arts have to flee.

Fleeing all the way, repeatedly tossing down, and still having the strength to complete these tests arranged by the cultivating sect, the qualifications and roots are not worth mentioning, even if you can't be an inner disciple, being an outer disciple, or a householder or tenant of a vassal family , Are more than enough.

What's even better is that these people are different from the local people recruited by the cultivating sects in their respective spheres of influence. In order to survive, they are even willing to sign a contract for sale.

As the saying goes, "During the training period, you will flee from the dead and have your destiny. Even if you are successful in cultivation, you must also serve the master and the sect for life. If you have a different heart, everyone will be punishable by thunder and thunder!"

These people who are strong, have left their hometowns, and have signed a contract to sell their bodies are the best source of cannon fodder for the cultivation sect.

Such as two immortal masters fighting, "slap" a palm thunder past, and suddenly killed dozens of disciples of the opposite sect, basically these people died.

Or to explore extremely dangerous relics, mysterious caves, or to confront enemies such as the White Lotus Cult, the Huntian Army, and the Ghost Cavalry. Of course, these people were the first to be sent out.

Dan Fengzi told Li Yao all these ways.

This made Li Yao even more sick, and he couldn't stand it for a second.

In Huxiao City, another more fierce dispute is erupting, including the six major factions of Taixuan Dao and Ziji Sword Sect. There are also many Central Plains sects who came to rescue disasters to participate in it. That is the legacy of Huxiaotang. A large number of resources, including magic weapons, spar and low-level sects of Hu Xiaotang, should be distributed.

Only then did Li Yao know that the low-level sects of Huxiaotang, even if they might have participated in the actions of the Black Sect, were not sure to die. Instead, they were sent to them in the attitude of "God has the virtue of good life". The big sect was sent to "strictly control" and gave them the opportunity to "change their minds and re-behave".

Looking at those high-ranking monks with feather-fans, lunettes and fairy wind bones, one by one, like hungry hyenas, pounced on the huge corrosion of Huxiaotang, gluttonously tearing off pieces of **** stinky meat, Li Yao really is completely disappointed in these "famous uprights" in the ancient repair world!

He finally understood that these "famous and upright sects", as the Hall Master Huxiao and the Black Fiend Master said, came here to reap the benefits of disaster relief under the guise of disaster relief.

Think about it, too, if most ancient cultivators were not of this kind of virtue, how could a super civil war that engulfed three thousand worlds and ruin the entire ancient cultivating civilization?

Even from the experience of the predecessors of "Chaos" Bayan Zhi, you can see through most of the ancient Xiu's true colors!

Li Yao didn't want to stay in such a decayed ancient world, he couldn't wait to return to the modern world of cultivation and civilization.

Even dealing with the ruthless real human empire, or the unsentimental, mechanical-like covenant alliance, seems to be better than mixing with these respectable guys, listening to them "walk the way for the sky, kill the demons and kill the demons." "A nonsense!

Li Yao decided.

When the White Lotus Sect is over, I will find an excuse to go out and travel for a while, go to the second satellite of the ancient sacred world, and build the star torch!

He walked around alone in the dark night, farther and farther away from Huxiao City.

Behind is a brightly lit and noisy city, and in front is a flood-ravaged, smelly, rotten field.

But he couldn't tell, one after the other, which is the ghost and which is the world!

Suddenly, Li Yao smelled a slightly pungent aroma, which was a kind of rich and mellow medicinal liquor, mixed with seven or eight kinds of meaty aromas, and a fascinating taste.

I faintly heard the sound of laughter coming from far ahead.

Li Yao was curious, raised his nose, and walked over with a deep foot and a shallow foot along the direction of the fragrance.

After walking for a long time, I saw a small tattered sampan leaning against a small mud puddle under a tree with a crooked neck that was struck by lightning.

A large pot was set up next to it, "gumming" I didn't know what was being cooked, and the aroma topped the lid of the pot with a "pop", almost condensed into milky milky white smoke overflowing.

There are also wine, dozens of jars of old wine lined up. The light wine jars are all good things that are shiny and faintly emitting dark golden light. The mud seal is also stamped with a stamp. It looks like a majestic tiger. It is a great wine from the collection of Hu Xiaotang!

There are two people sitting on the small sampan, one head and one tail. They are handsome and handsome, the Yushu is near the wind, and the unscrupulous monk Kuchan, and the ragged, sloppy, dirty, dirty beggar Xiaoyu!

Master Kuchan and Ba Xiaoyu seem to be old friends who have known each other for many years.

Ba Xiaoyu took a copy, used psychic energy to **** up a jar of old wine, smashed the mud seal, poured the honey-like liquor of Huang Chengcheng into two large water scoops, clapped his hands and laughed: "Hu Xiaotang, rascals, murder. Setting fire and doing a lot of evil, it is worse than a mangy dog! But these concocted'bear-hearted leopard and cowardly bone wine' are really **** fine wines in the world! The first time he saw the two fathers and sons drinking, he was greedy. Even the insects have to come out down the throat, wishing to jump down, punch one by one, knock it over, and drink up all the old wine!"

"After a year of hard work, I finally waited until today. In the words of the monk, it is really Amitabha. It is wonderful! Hey, monk, here are thirty altars of wine. You drink one altar, and the rest beggars drink. If you don’t have enough, eat more. Some meat!"

Having said that, Ba Xiaoyu held the scoop in both hands and opened the blood basin. Not counting the monsters in the blood demon world, Li Yao has never seen anyone who can open his mouth so wide—a "gudu" mouthful. The big water scoop bears the heart and leopard's cowardly bone wine, there is no more dripping!


Ba Xiaoyu burped the earth-shaking wine, laughed loudly, "I can't finish drinking a glass of wine, I can't cut the head of the wicked person, happy, happy!"

He was not in a hurry to pour the second ladle of wine, but spread his five fingers and inhaled two jars of wine with psychic energy. With a shake of his arm, the two jars of wine were thrown high in the air, smashed to pieces with a "bang"!

"Leiyinmen! Qingxia City! Wuxiangzong...and all the people killed by the Black Evil Sect, all the cultivators and ordinary people, today, you can finally take a look!"

The fine wine is like rain, one after another, like shattered stars, falling on the dark earth.

Master Kuchan sighed, holding the string of fist-sized rosary beads, floating in the air, slowly rotating amidst a series of quiet and stable scriptures, emitting a soft and extremely soft light.

"What nonsense things, hide their heads and overhear there, do you want to steal Huazi's wine!"

Ba Xiaoyu suddenly opened his eyes wide, took a sip, and cursed in Li Yao's direction.

Li Yao frowned secretly. He didn't hide his appearance, but walked openly. Although the black lights were blinding here, under the shining stars, it was impossible for Yiba Xiaoyu's cultivation skills to fail to recognize him.

Since you know who he is, why is this attitude?

Li Yao felt that the beggar Ba Xiaoyu was very hostile towards him.

This is really the monk Zhang Er's mind. Li Yao is sure that the beggar Ba Xiaoyu and Master Lingjiu should be strangers, and there is nothing wrong with them.

"Old man, be restful and restless."

Master Kuchan stopped chanting, opened his eyes slightly, smiled at Li Yao, and turned his head to say to Ba Xiaoyu, "I think the benefactor of Lingjiu's eyebrows are condensed and not broken, and his eyes are sharp and not hurt, although there is a murderous look looming in him. Above the Yintang, there is not much ferocity, it is not like being frenzied, brutal, murderous, and exterminating humanity!"

"It is rumored in the cultivation world that he used to bloodbath several tribes without any reservation, and his fierce reputation spread throughout Wunan. The monk knows that you are hateful and hateful, so naturally you don't want to associate with such a person."

"But according to the monk's opinion, the spiritual eagle donor who can't appear here is such a person."

"Either, there is hidden information in this matter, the rumors are wrong, and the rumor is wrong. After all, it was almost a hundred years ago; or, after the spiritual vulture donor received the inheritance of the swordsmith Yan Zhu of the Great Zhou, he really realized it, and it hurts. Change the past, reborn, and re-behave!"

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