40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1446: Friends from heaven

Another shot of Li Yao's heart was missed. Unexpectedly, Master Kuchan's face-to-face technique was so subtle that he could analyze the deep-seated personality of a person through the subtle expressions between his eyebrows and eyes.

Appearance can be disguised, and part of his personality can also be simulated. Li Yao himself is also a cruel, kill it if he deserves it, he is unambiguously ruthless. Since his debut, no one has killed a thousand or eight hundred, but none of them are. Innocent old and weak women and children.

If the real Master Lingjiu is a frenzied murderous demon, it is indeed difficult for him to simulate it 100%.

Reminiscent of the fact that I almost lost my attitude in front of Dan Fengzi just now, it seems that the identity of "Master Lingjiu" still has many loopholes. We must find a way and apply some patches.

After listening to Master Kuchan’s words, Ba Xiaoyu’s expression softened a bit, but her two gleaming eyes were still staring at Li Yao, and said coldly: "Master Lingjiu, do you ask yourself, have you slaughtered several tribes? , Even a three-year-old child has never let go?"

Li Yao's thoughts turned, his throat was hoarse, and he said every word: "So what is it, so what is it not?"

"If it's not, but there is a hidden feeling in it, if it is rumored to be false, then everyone meets is considered to be destined, sit down and drink with the beggar!"

Ba Xiaoyu said, "If you are the kind of three-year-old child who has never let go. Pigs don’t chew dogs and don’t chew offal, that’s also great. There are so many fine wines here, and your dirty heart and lungs are just right for you. Come to pay homage to the undead who were cruelly killed by you!"

"Are you going to kill me for what happened nearly a hundred years ago?"

Li Yao's pupils suddenly shrank, and he let out a crow-like smile, "You can kill me?"

"A hundred years ago, or even a thousand years ago, since the beggar had heard of it and hit it, then count you down with blood mold!"

Ba Xiaoyu said with a smile "Hey", "As for whether you can kill or not, then you have to kill before you know it. It really can't be killed. The beggar can run away and escape to three thousand miles away to recover from the wound. If you recover the wound, continue to come back and kill. Kill it when you take a bath, when you shit, when you eat, and when you sleep! Poison you in wine, pee in your rice, put snakes, insects, rats, and ants in your bed, and toads jump on your insteps. They won’t scare you, and you’re sick. Damn you!"

"If you don't die for a day, the beggar will kill one day like this. If you don't die for a year, the beggar will kill for a year, until you die and I live!"

Li Yao's heart was hot, but his eyes released a cold light, the muscles on his face twitched for a while, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Since you want to kill, then let go. Anyway, you fake benevolent and honest monks in the Central Plains. In my eyes, we savage cultivators are savages who drink blood and eat blood. What horrible things can't be done? Even if I say I haven't done it, can you believe it?"

Ba Xiaoyu stared at Li Yao's face for a long time.

Li Yao also stared back at him murderously.

Seeing that the air between the two was about to "crackly" burning, Ba Xiaoyu suddenly took a copy in the small sampan, picked up half of the water scoop, and threw it towards Li Yao.

"Since the monks say that you are not a cruel and murderous person, you don't want to admit it yourself, and I don't have any real evidence, so the beggar will just listen to it! If you find the evidence tomorrow, kill again tomorrow, and come and drink tonight!"

Li Yao snorted coldly, grabbed the water scoop, leaped into the air, and fell onto the small sampan like a feather.

Ba Xiaoyu clapped his hands, hooked his fingers, and the steaming cauldron "huh" the earthquake opened, spinning three times in mid-air before landing.

In the cauldron, the gurgling gurgling is all the dragon liver and phoenix marrow and the flesh and blood of the spirit beasts collected by Hu Xiaotang, and ten altars of bear heart leopard gall and tiger bone wine are brewed. It has been cooked until the bones are crisp and fragrant. Overflowing, there is really a faint colorful glow, floating out of the cauldron!

Ba Xiaoyu laughed, and drew out a pair of fishing rods on the edge of the small sampan, and flicked it into the big meat pot like a fisherman. With each hook and mention, he even mentioned a red, shiny, and fragrant stick. Come on!

"Lingjiu's life is in Wunan, I'm afraid I have never seen such a cruel leg, this is not an ordinary dog ​​leg!"

"When curing ham in the southeast, a large jar of ham is often placed with such a ‘stubborn leg’ to enhance the aroma and flavor of the ham with the smell of dog meat!"

"A cylinder of ham has been marinated, and the aroma and essence of this leg are all infiltrated into other hams. The wood residue itself is not very scented and chewy. It tastes like chewing wax and is often discarded!"

"However, haha, the beggar found that if you lose such essence, like the legs of a honeycomb, put it in a pot and cook it with dragon liver and phoenix, spirit animal flesh and blood, and all kinds of rare medicinal materials, it will turn a lot of them. The essence of the spirit beast's flesh and blood is all inhaled into it, refilled and full, as if it was gasping!"

"Tut tut, Xu such a leg, it becomes here to stay, lantern masterpiece of delicacy could not find it!"

As Ba Xiaoyu introduced, he was so gluttonous that his saliva flowed out. The fish hook flicked again and again. He fished out three doglegs from the bottomless cauldron, and stuffed two of them into Li Yao and Master Kuchan. In his arms, he looked at Li Yaodao, "The same rice raises hundreds of people. In the Central Plains cultivation world, there are some fake benevolence and morality, the scum of male thieves and female prostitutes, but there are also scumbags, such as beggars, who spend money like earth, make lavish moves, and are willing to squeeze their legs. Bring it out and share it, come on, let the dog meat roll three times, Yuan Ying is unstable, try it!"

This was the first time Li Yao heard that a man in ragged clothes, who looked like a beggar, could not change his face and said that he was a "high-grower who spends money like earth".

Ba Xiaoyu's red face and beaming smile looked like an emperor sitting on a golden mountain and a silver mountain. He was serving hundreds of delicacies and delicacies in the gorgeous palace to entertain the distinguished guests from afar.

Li Yao swept the wine in front of Master Kuchan and said with a smile: "Master also drinks meat wine and eats dog meat!"


Master Kuchan said, "The monk relies on the charity of the benefactor. The benefactor offers water to drink, wine to drink, and alms to doglegs, but it is also disrespectful."

"Haha, this monk not only drank alcohol and meat, but also drank more than beggars. Be careful later, don't tell him to steal too much alcohol and drink!"

Ba Xiaoyu clapped his hands and laughed, suddenly sinking his face again, and staring at Li Yao, "Why don't you eat it? Are you disgusting that the beggar is dirty and nasty?"

On Ba Xiaoyu's body, it was indeed scabies connected with pustules. Not only was it nasty, but it also didn't smell good when he got close.

Especially on his left leg, there was a deep bite that could not be healed in time, and it had already rotted away, and it was already rotten to the point of bones.

But if nothing happened, he still laughed, really wondering what material the nerves were made of.

Li Yao frowned, shook his head and said, "The master was born as a savage savage, how can he dislike the dirty and smelly of Daoist Ba? He is just a little curious. With the cultivation of Daoist Ba, he has long been invaded by cold and heat. Isn’t it a realm of incompetence? How can scabies spread all over the body? And this wound on the left leg doesn’t look like it contains any powerful poison. Just cut off the carrion and apply some good gold sore medicine. , And then slowly nourish it with spiritual energy, and it will be restored soon, why has it been delayed until now?"

"If it is to be cured, of course it will be cured soon."

Ba Xiaoyu looked at the rotten hole on his leg and said, "But this scabies and rotten flesh are my best cover. It is with them that I can get into the city of Tiger Roar. No one suspects that the beggar is a man. Brother Yuanying!"

Li Yao's heart was shocked, and he lost his voice: "So, Fellow Daoist Ba was to collect evidence of the evil evil sect and find out the relationship between the evil evil sect and Hu Xiaotang. Did he deliberately contract this disease?"

Ba Xiaoyu nodded, took a bite from the fifth leg and vaguely said, "What are you doing with so much? Come on, drink and eat meat!"

Li Yao sighed in his heart that the ancient world of cultivators had no rules, everything grew savagely, and the polarization was particularly serious.

There are elders, heads, and suzerains who are written as "Cultivators" and read as "Cultivators"!

But there are also masters like Kuchan and Ba Xiaoyu, who have truly implemented the spirit of "slashing demons and eliminating demons, and walking the way for the sky", capitalized cultivators!

From them, Li Yao seemed to be able to see the original origin of the belief in protecting ordinary people in modern cultivation civilization.

I also understand why after 30,000 years of sinking, in a dark universe, human civilization can rise again, blooming brilliant flowers again!

With enthusiasm and enthusiasm, he learned the appearance of Ba Xiaoyu and Master Kuchan, eating large pieces of meat and drinking alcohol!

This is the most mellow wine he has ever drunk.

It is also the most beautiful meat he has ever eaten.

At this moment, Master Kuchan suddenly said loudly to the clouds: "Since Donor Qi is also here, why don't you come down and drink and eat meat together?"

His voice was condensed into a sound wave, which pierced the sky like a beam of light, and hit a high place outside the sky.

After a while, the clouds turned and slowly rotated, and a hole appeared. Once the crystal clear gray shadow emerged from the hole, it floated like a dead leaf onto the crooked neck tree next to the small sampan.

It is the "head of the great monks", Tie Sheng Qi Zhongdao.

His face was pale, with a thin layer of ice on his body, and his hair and eyebrows were covered with frost. He really agreed with his nickname, like a cold and hard piece of ice that no one wants to touch. Up.

"Leader Qi, how are you!"

The beggar Ba Xiaoyu greeted Qi Zhongdao with a smile.

There is no permanent unified alliance in the realm of Dagan cultivation, but every time you encounter unexpected situations, for example, you want to fight with the heavenly army, the White Lotus Sect, Youyun Ghost Qin, or you want to coerce Ziji like the last time. Sword Sect, or a natural disaster strikes, if you want to fight against dangers and rescue disasters, you will temporarily meet in alliances to facilitate overall planning.

In all likelihood, Qi Zhongdao is the leader of this kind of temporary alliance. How else can he be the "head of the great cultivator"?

This time, naturally, it is no exception.

The words "Leader of Qi Dao" made Qi Zhongdao's face even more gloomy. He was about to crush his posterior molars, and then left with his legs.

"Old man, don't do that!"

Master Kuchan sighed and said, "It's not easy for Qi donors. He wants to unite all the big sects who are intrigue, intrigue, and a dish of loose sand, and they can barely pinch into a rope and forge a piece of iron, so that he can make a superficial appearance. The hard work and effort you put in is many times more than that of sneaking into Tiger Howard City to inquire about the black evil sect! It is not in its place, and the difficulty is not known. The monk and the beggar are good candidates. The position of the'leader of the cultivation world', but It's not easy to sit!"

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