40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1447: Singing for wine!

These words caused Qi Zhongdao's eyelashes covered with ice crystals to shake, and the ice shells cracked on Mu Ran's face.

The beggar Ba Xiaoyu blushed and scratched his cheeks and said: "Yes, yes, it's the beggar Meng Lang, fellow Qi Daoist, the beggar loves nonsense the most, don't forget to go to your heart! The beggar knows that he spends time with that bunch of birdies all day. Looking at their grinning faces, but not being able to punch them through, is indeed a torment! I think back then, the beggar just couldn’t stand all day long with these birds, people, and snakes, so I didn’t even want my own sect. I was doing casual repairs and wandering in the middle of the market, crying, laughing, eating, and sleeping when I want to cry, I’m happy!"

Qi Zhongdao hasn't responded yet, Master Kuchan said first: "You can ignore your sect, but Qi Shizhu can't ignore Taixuan Dao, you can't ignore this crumbling realm of cultivation."

"Although the real world of comprehension is smoky, intrigue, and scattered, after all, it still maintains a few superficial rules. At least on the table, everyone is still in harmony and defends the right way. If anyone dares to risk the world's worst, he will fight to annex others. Sect, doing evil in an upright manner, just like the Tiger Roar Hall and the Black Evil Sect, that is the outside world of evil demons and will be attacked by groups!"

"If even this superficial order disappears, the realm of comprehension is completely disintegrated, and once again plunged into an era of lawless war like a primitive jungle, how many people will suffer!"

"Xing, the people suffer, die, and the people suffer, but in comparison, when the world is still in chaos, the people suffer more. Or else, I would rather be a peaceful dog than a chaotic person!"

"The mansions will be overwhelming, and the tree will be hard to support. Don't Qi Shizhu know that he knows that he can't do it? If he really cherishes feathers and seeks fame, why should he make his heads again and again, and become the thankless'leader' again and again. , But the four words,'do your best'!"

The beggar, Ba Xiaoyu, was moved. When he looked around, the water scoop used as a sea bowl was used up. He wiped the water scoop he used just now with his clothes three times and poured a scoop full of Dangdang wine and held it in both hands. Then, respectfully handed it over, saying: "Friends of Qi Daoist, in the past few decades, although we have been called the "three great masters" by people in the cultivation world, we are all in the world. We will go to each side. I will be my beggar. , When you are the leader of your cultivation world, there is not much overlap!"

"After tonight, maybe everyone can be friends!"

Qi Zhongdao didn't say a word, listening to Master Kuchan's words quietly, watching the wine held by the beggar Ba Xiaoyu, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he took the wine with both hands and drank it from the throat to the chest and abdomen. At that moment, there was a thunderous "grunt" sound.

"Good wine, is there any more?"

His voice is like a rusty gear, which is being soaked by lubricating oil little by little.

"Yes, there are!"

The beggar Ba Xiaoyu clapped his hands and smiled, "There really is no, the big deal is that the beggar will go back to the city to steal it!"

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

He simply used his psychic energy to **** in a few large wine jars, and he was too lazy to look for a water scoop, smashed the mud seal, and poured his head up. The golden syrup and jade liquid is like the water of a big river. It's also strange to go outside his blood basin!


In the blink of an eye, a jar of bear-hearted leopard and cowardly bone wine was drunk too much by him. He smirked a few times and used the empty wine jar to pour a half jar of mud in the mud to carry his psychic energy. , "Hoo" slammed into the darkness in the distance!

There was a muffled sound, the wine jar was smashed by something, and there was another "shoo, hoo," sound, the mud in the wine jar, all turned into mud spots and flew back, thousands of mud spots seemed to grow. Eyes, not flying at others, but like small stones, slammed towards Ba Xiaoyu.

Ba Xiaoyu gave a strange cry, rising up into the sky like a smear of black smoke, rushing to the top of the crooked neck tree, and shouted into the darkness: "The surname Yan, the beggar is here to have a feast, invite someone to drink, what are you here to do? lively?"

Yan Liren, a dwarf swordsman with a bright head, slowly walked out of the dark mud, gently tapping on the mud every step, but his toes were not stained with dust.

He embraced the dagger, expressionless, and said lightly: "I'm here to practice the sword."

Ba Xiaoyu said: "Why not practice in the city?"

Yan Li said humanely: "The **** crowing and dogs barking in the city are too noisy, but it is still quiet enough here."

Master Kuchan smiled and said: "With the addition of fellow Taoists, you will have the'Three Sages of Great Sages', and the donors of Lingjiu, which have also been spread word of mouth in the cultivation world recently. Since everyone is so destined, fellow Taoists Yan might as well come over for a drink together!"

Yan Liren didn't even glance at it, shook his head and said, "I don't drink. After drinking, the sword will slow down."

Ba Xiaoyu's eyes turned and he smiled strangely: "Since you don't drink, how do you know that the sword will slow down after drinking? The beggar heard that there is a kind of "drunken sword", which is to get drunk, dizzy, and spin around. Only then can the most illusory and unpredictable magical powers be displayed!"

Yan Li said: "Why haven't I heard of it? You made it up randomly. It's like you told me last time that if you learn to hold a sword with your feet, then you can hold four swords with your hands and feet at the same time. It is the same as increasing the power of a set of swordsmanship four times."

Ba Xiaoyu nodded and said: "That's right, it is indeed made up by the beggar, but you are so powerful, maybe you can really create such a'drunk sword' magical power, isn't it wonderful? "

Yan Liren tilted his head and thought for a while, before he nodded solemnly: "It makes sense. I am so powerful. If there is a ‘Drunk Sword’ in the world, I will definitely create it!"

With that, he swaggered towards the sampan.

Just when everyone thought he was going to step onto the sampan, Yan Liren suddenly disappeared without warning.

In the next second, he appeared above the crooked neck tree, the top of the beggar Ba Xiaoyu's head, and the whole body was shining with four extreme cold light!

No one could see how he jumped up, no one could see how he took off his shoes and socks, and no one could see whether he pulled out four swords in his armpit, crotch, or toe. , Use your hands and feet to control!

Four cold lights, shaking in the wind, instantly turned into forty, four hundred, four thousand, like a gust of wind and rain, like a golden snake dancing wildly, covering the whole body of the beggar Ba Xiaoyu!

The beggar Ba Xiaoyu screamed, and rolled back dozens of somersaults in embarrassment. The pipe stick that had been stuck behind her neck was dangling into her mouth. With a "whoo", a burst of colorful smoke spurted out of the stick under her eyes. The living thing, turned into a sable, swallowed all the sword lights!

"Yan, what are you doing!"

Ba Xiaoyu poked a head out of the colorful smoke, and exclaimed in annoyance, "The beggar kindly invited you to drink, are you avenging revenge?"

"It's nothing."

After Yan Liren issued four thousand swords in an instant, the four flying swords suddenly disappeared without a trace, just as they appeared when they appeared.

Yan Liren floated down on the small sampan, and said to Ba Xiaoyu who was hidden in the colorful smoke in mid-air, "I just want to tell you that the sword technique that uses both hands and feet to control four flying swords at the same time has been taken by me. It's just that it can't increase the power of swordsmanship by as much as four times as you said. At best, it can only increase by less than twice."

With that said, Yan Liren didn't say hello to other people. He inhaled a jar of Xiongxin Leopard and cowardly bone wine, smashed it into pieces, poured it down for half of the altar, smashed it and said, "Drunk sword? "

Nodding thoughtfully, the remaining half of the altar also poured into his throat.


The beggar Ba Xiaoyu was itchy with hatred, and leaped out of the colorful smoke, and everyone knew why he had just hid in it and refused to come out.

It turned out that Yan Liren’s sword was too fast and profitable. Although he could dodge the sword light, his ragged clothes were completely torn apart. It was like rags hanging on his body, don’t mention it. How embarrassed.

"This wine is good, I really seem to have a sense of it!"

Yan Liren patted the mud seal of the second jar of wine again, and said seriously, "If you really can practice this ‘drunk sword’, come and try the sword again with Brother Ba!"

Ba Xiaoyu shrank her neck and stopped talking. She also grabbed a jug of wine in her hands, staring wide-eyed and drinking.

Yan Liren drank alcohol while stroking his sword.

Ba Xiaoyu hugged the wine jar angrily, wishing to gnaw the jar down.

Master Kuchan held a scoop of wine, but didn't rush to drink it. Instead, he savored the mellow aroma of the wine. The compassion between his eyebrows was slightly dispersed by the aroma of the wine.

Qi Zhongdao leaned against the crooked-neck tree with a lonely expression. He looked at the brightly lit and lively Tiger Roaring City, just pouring down one altar after altar, and his black face gradually glowed with red light, as if from within. Besides, the iron lump that is being burnt by the high temperature is general.

Li Yao took a drink slowly, and glanced at these invincible masters, all of them were quite interesting, and the haze in his heart had disappeared a lot.

The five of them are all great masters who are close to or surpassing the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage. The wines of the mundane world are impossible to get drunk even if they fill an entire warehouse.

However, this Xiong Xin Leopard Gallbladder and Tiger Bone Wine is a secret medicinal wine made by Hu Xiaotang. It is specially prepared for the three Yuan Ying of the Duan family. In addition to Xiong Xin Leopard Gallbladder and Tiger Bone, it is also mixed with hundreds of wonders. Entering the heavens, materials and treasures of words, even if it affects the powerful soul of Yuan Ying, it has the effect of moisturizing and nurturing.

In a short while, dozens of jars of Xiongxinbao and Cowardly Bone Wine were all drunk by five people.

Among them, Li Yao and Master Kuchan drank the least, almost the two shared a jar.

The other three people, like fighting wine, fight for each other, and pour about ten jars separately.

The eyes of Tie Shengqi Middle Road were completely red.

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