40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1448: Heaven and earth wine tank!


A big wine jar was smashed to pieces on the side of the ship, and the debris fell back like rain on the face of Iron Sage Qi Middle Road, and it made a "ding-ding" sound.


Qi Zhongdao's voice was like a hot fire, wrapped in a pile of cold ice, he said with a heartache, "Why do these people from all major factions do not even understand the slightest point of "taking care of the overall situation"! Every denomination can take out some food and supplies to settle the tens of millions of victims so that they will not cause trouble and be used by the old mother Bai Lian!"

"This is the best way to stop the ghost army of Yin soldiers from appearing. It's better than waiting for thousands of ghost army to appear and then slaying demons and slaying demons, right?"

"But, but they actually violated Yin Fengyang to such an extent!"

"Fortunately this time, a fellow Daoist Pakistani promptly exposed the conspiracy of Huxiaotang and the Black Sect, and gave us a reason to attack Huxiao City. It was a coincidence that we were able to get a large amount of food to tide over the difficulties!"

"If you don’t have the great help of fellow Daoists, what should they do? Is it possible that they would be happy if they watched millions of victims die and become fierce and violent ghosts? I really don’t know what these people are. Dear, what kind of brain!"

"Yes, this time, relying on the large quantities of materials in Tiger Howard City, it seems that we can tide over the difficulties, but the world's heroes are not blind, and no one can see that they have made this little trick! By this approach , Can get a short-term petty profit, but it makes all the southeast sects chill, and smashes the signs of the major sects in the Central Plains! In the future, how can we talk about cooperation with the southeast sects? There is no relationship between each other. Trust me a little bit!"

"The mouse is short-sighted. Because of his small loss, he picked up the sesame seeds and lost the watermelon, and he was still complacent there. It was stupid, stupid, and out of reach!"

Qi Zhongdao yelled at Jiu Jin, making his whole person tremble, even his eyes seemed to be burning, and crimson lava flowed out.

He swallowed his saliva and made a "chuck" in his throat, as if his vocal cords had been burned hot, and he trembled: "Today's Dagan cultivation world seems to be flourishing for a while, but everyone here is from the cultivation world. Super master, who can't know the inside story?"

"The White Lotus Sect is ravaging the southeast, the Huntian Army tramples on the northwest, and Youyun Ghost Qin is staring in the north. A little carelessness will result in a dead end!"

"In this autumn of ups and downs, the major sects are still beggar their neighbors, paint the ground as a prison, intrigue and deceive, and intrigue, even the superficial rules must be kicked away and shaken clean!"

"If things go on like this, the country will not be the country! Even if the Bailian Sect, the Huntian Army, and Youyun Guiqin were initially suffering from scabies, if they continue to mess around, sooner or later they will develop into abdominal pain. Remedy, it's too late to regret!"

"Da Gan really fell apart, let alone a hundred years of lawless **** battles, all sects and all cultivators will be involved in the maelstrom of killing, either living like a monster or dying miserably!"

"If Dagan is a high tower, then we have so many cultivators, so many cultivators, we are already standing on the highest level of this tower, and if this tower is completely destroyed, what good will it do for us? Why do those people just don’t understand, don’t understand such a simple truth!"

He clenched his fist, originally intending to slap a punch against the crooked neck tree.

However, the crooked neck tree was half-dead and shaky, and I didn't know what made him think of it, but he turned around and patted his lap hard: "Hey!"

"Brother Qi, don't be irritated, what you are saying is a great truth, no matter how correct it is!"

Ba Xiaoyu also got three points drunk. He hiccuped and said with a grin, "But the big reason is the big reason. You are too high to be the leader and the leader of the cultivation world for too long. I don't know the little bit of the people below. It makes sense."

"Yes, now it seems that a little grain is just a small matter, anyway, the price of grain outside is very cheap."

"But when the impact of this natural disaster spreads slowly, before the autumn harvest, when the green and yellow do not pick up?"

"At that time, the price of food soared, and it was very likely that it would rise ten or twenty times, especially in the southeast area. This year, it will definitely fall into famine. The southeast cultivating sects are willing to pay any price in order to obtain precious food and consolidate their power. Come for it!"

"Now that the food is delivered here, to solve the urgent needs of the southeast, besides the gratitude of these poor people, what are the benefits?"

"But when the green and yellow don't pick up, and when there is a famine in the southeast, and then deliver the food, it will definitely sell for sky-high prices!"

"Don't worry, after listening to the beggars, the business when the green and yellow are not available is one of them, and there is a more important one, that is, robbing people!"

"The southeast is where the spiritual energy of the world gathers. The ordinary people here are nourished by the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth, and the chance of spiritual root awakening is much greater than elsewhere. They are all first-class cultivation seedlings!"

"In the past, this place was controlled by the southeast sects. It is difficult for foreign sects to open up the situation here and gather people!"

"This natural disaster is a god-given opportunity, giving all the major factions in the Central Plains a chance to take their hands!"

"As the saying goes,'people leave their homes cheap, hometowns are hard to give up', man, when it is really compelling, who wants to leave the hometown for tens of thousands of miles, go to the unfamiliar cultivating sect, struggle like a dog, beg What about the first line of life?"

"If you really bring enough food to allow so many victims to tide over the difficulties in peace, how many people are willing to be recruited by you? Even if you really want to join the cultivation sect, you can choose the Southeastern local forces. !"

"Therefore, even if there is food, it can’t be so easy to let the victims eat. They must be half hungry, and a little gruel will be used to provoke their gluttons and give them a glimmer of life. Knowing that the major factions of the Central Plains have rice mountains facing the sea, and that going to the Central Plains is the only way to survive, they will be willing to participate in the entry test of the major factions."

"Only those who are strong and talented can get enough food after they pass the entry test and sign a contract to sell themselves!"

"In this way, you can use the Southeastern elites to enrich your own strength, and you can weaken the development potential of the Southeastern sects in a subtle way. Wouldn't it be wonderful to kill two birds with one stone?"

"This is not in compliance!"

Qi Zhongdao red eyes, murderously said, "This kind of behavior that crosses the prefecture and reaches other sects to a wide range of influences can easily cause large-scale friction and chaos, which will cause chaos in the world. When I was in charge of Taixuan Dao. , Never do such a thing!"

"It's a pity that it's not the time when Brother Qi was the head of the Taixuan Dao. The begging Huazi was outspoken. If there is anything to say, brother, don't take it to heart. The so-called'head', bring the word'Taishang'. , What's the difference between that and the next wife who was kicked out of the house by a paper of divorce?"

Ba Xiaoyu smiled with sharp teeth and said, "Brother Qi thought, this **** years, is not the world's chaos? The rules of this thing, it is interesting if you tell me and everyone talks about it. If you don't Speaking of the rules, I’m the only one to say, then I’ve suffered a big loss? I’m not a fool, why should I talk about the **** rules? Even if the rules are spoken from the leader of the dignified cultivation world, it’s half an egg. use!"

Qi Zhongdao was stunned for a long time, and suddenly laughed: "Okay, okay, Friends of Daoist Ba said too well, too right! What kind of "leader of the cultivation world" am I, but let people recruit The only way to come, and the other way to go!"

"When the major factions are going to join forces to force the emperor to force the palace, they think of me as the'Leader', and hold me high on the table. When the emperor and Wang Xi are defeated, who else really takes me as the leader?"

"The major factions want to coerce the Purple Extreme Sword Sect and divide up the great interests of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect. I have become a high-ranking and responsive'Leader'. I have to go and fight Jian Chiyan away from others and fight to death! Wait until the benefits are reached. The division is over, and the Longquan Conference is over, who is taking me seriously?"

"The southeast natural disasters require someone to show their faces, exhaust their thoughts, and spend their minds to gather all forces to coordinate a mess of various relationships. When I changed my body, I became the leader again! Even the attack on Huxiao City requires me.' The leader's first shot, so if in the future the'Phoenix Emperor' gets furious, and blames us for more and more to play, cut first and then play, I am also here to carry this dark, heavy, tortoise-shell cauldron?"

"Haha, leader, leader, is there such a **** leader in the world?"

Qi Zhongdao was heartbroken, looking up to the sky and roaring.

Master Kuchan said: "Qi Shizhu, you are drunk."

"I'm drunk. I've been drunk for too long and too long, so that I have a way for myself to lift the sky with one hand, turn things around and change everything!"

Qi Zhongdao sat down on the side of the ship and sighed, "But why is this? Why is there no one who is willing to look a little longer, and really focus on the overall situation and the entire world of cultivation? Head Yue, hey, I have always had high hopes for him, hoping that he can show some of the style of the head of the'No. 1 School in the world' to lead the entire cultivation world! He has never disappointed me in the past, but I don’t know why. At that time, it turned out to be so unbearable!"

"Maybe it's not Daoist Xiaoyue, but this world."

Master Kuchan knocked on the empty wine jar with a water scoop, and sighed, "Perhaps this world has become an airtight large wine vat. The vat is filled with fame, wealth and power, and it is filthy and muddy. Wine, the person who falls into it, drifts with the flow in the wine, ups and downs, how can you not be drunk for a thousand glasses?"

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