40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1452: Empathize!

"Crack, click, click, click!"

Thousands of skeleton soldiers ran faster and faster, and the bones rubbed and made sharp and strange noises, converging into a creepy ocean.

Moreover, the altar and siege tower, which are more than ten meters or even tens of meters high, are built of white bones, and are also surrounded by skeleton soldiers, slowly moving toward the city wall.

Following the skeleton soldier is a highly decomposed, extremely hideous walking corpse, a nightmare that can be a nightmare for three days and three nights just by looking at it.

Those specially refined bronze corpses, silver corpses, and gold corpses still guard the White Bone Dao Palace in the depths of the Yin Soldier and Ghost Army, and coldly observe the subtle changes in the battle situation.

When Zhenhai Tingtao Array was operating at full capacity, the entire Dongning Mansion was trembling slightly.

The faint blue electric arc that kept gushing out, tore one after another remnant souls, skeletons and walking corpses to pieces.

However, the annihilation of the remnant soul has also greatly interfered with the operation of Zhenhai Tingtao Array.

As more and more fragments of the remnant soul drifted in the air, the ripples on the large array became more and more violent, and the color became more and more dimmed, gradually becoming thinner and transparent.

More and more remnants of souls, skeletons and walking corpses rushed into the defensive array.

In many places, the Zhenhai Tingtao Array even entangled with the white lotus mist released by the Yin Soldiers and Ghost Army, clashing with each other, swallowing and dissolving, and there have been long-lasting holes.

The huge bone siege equipment in the Yin Bing Ghost Army passed through the hole and marched toward Dongning City inch by inch.

"Slashing demons and demons, just now!"

"Your family is all in the city. Do you want them to be like the city?"

"Chong ah, rush ah, twelve sects, including Yuqionglou, Dongjianghui, and Haisha Sect, have jointly issued a reward. Those who bravely fight will be given priority to be included in the sect and become outer disciple! The original outer disciple can also be promoted. For inner disciples! Inner disciples, according to their combat merits, each have rewards of exercises, magic weapons, and spars!"

Since ancient times, the defenders of the city have never been silly and huddled up on the tower to be passively beaten. In that case, no matter how strong the city is, it will not be able to defend it for three days.

Must select the best soldiers in the city, take the initiative to attack, destroy the enemy's siege equipment, and dampen the enemy's morale!

Before the Yin Bing Ghost Army attacked, the main gate of Dongning City slowly opened, and the city's elite iron cavalry rolled out like a black iron whirlwind, followed by the low-level disciples of the major sects.

As for the high-ranking monks, they naturally turned into streams of light and swept past the ghosts flying in the sky!

The elite soldiers of the imperial court, who have spent more than a hundred battles, have their own **** murderous inviolability. The murderous aura of many elite soldiers is gathered together, and after the blessing of the practitioners, a puffy red mist is formed.

Where the fog diffuses, where the ghost army of the Yin soldiers is like touching the magma, making strange screams, emitting wisps of white smoke, the heavy is annihilated invisible, and the lighter will be burned to most of the time. The spirit body turned into a wave of twisted waves.

Not to mention the cultivator, among the eighteen magic weapons of swords, spears, swords and halberds, red, orange, red, green, blue, and purple bloomed with dazzling brilliance, like a sharp sword that pierced the belly of the Yin soldier and the ghost army, and there were almost no Yin soldiers. The ghost army is their one-one enemy!

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

The army was devastated, and quickly destroyed several bone altars and siege towers that had plunged into the Zhenhai Tingtao array.

Once the Bone Altar collapsed, the mist of white lotus that hung over the ghost army of the Yin soldiers immediately dissipated. Without the protection of the mist of white lotus, many new dead and remnants could no longer maintain their spiritual bodies, and collapsed, annihilated, and dissipated on the spot, even after years. The old ghosts became a little nervous and hesitant, as if they had lost the strongest armor.

At first glance, the ghost army of the Yin Soldiers is broken at the touch of a touch, and it is not the opponent of the cultivator and the imperial army.

However, if you observe carefully, you can find that with the passage of time, more and more Yin soldiers and ghost army "tragically died" under the magic weapon of the cultivator, but it has corroded many of the magic weapons to dull and faintly gray. Or black, winded like a small snake.

And the cultivators who seemed to be slaughtering the four directions and violently breaking through the bamboos also turned black, their eyes were dull, and their movements were getting slower and slower, gradually appearing strange expressions on their faces that they didn't even notice.

Even if he stood on the psychic flying boat, Li Yao could perceive the battlefield below, like a pot of boiling venom, "gumbling" bursts of deadly poisonous gas.

As long as you are on this battlefield, no matter how high your realm is, no matter how strong your Dao heart is, or how powerful a magic weapon is, you will inevitably be disturbed, polluted, and corroded by a large number of remnants of souls. Even if you win, you will kill a thousand enemies. A tragic victory that lost eight hundred.

This is the horror of the Yin Soldier Ghost Army, and it is also the reason why most cultivators are unwilling to collide head-on with the Yin Soldier Ghost Army without a last resort.


At the forefront, a mighty and unforged local monk of the Southeast sect, who just carried a domineering nine-ring golden-back slashing saber, smashed more than a dozen skeleton soldiers with a single knife, and another palm thunder blasted dozens of them. The wisps of remnant souls disappeared in ashes, but suddenly his eyes widened, his face was pale, and criss-crossing black lines appeared on his face, like a huge spider lying on the front door, throwing his sword aside, to death. He stuck his neck, rolled all over the floor, and screamed!

But it was one or several old ghosts, taking advantage of him, got into his brain and launched a deadly soul attack on him!

The fall of this Southeast monk was like a signal. Under the entanglement of more and more old ghosts, more cultivators danced, frothed, and became unconscious!

After some people struggle with pain for a while, strong black air will gush out from their mouths, noses, eyes and ears. The black air is also mixed with "squeaky" screams, which are all dispelled from their brains. Aged old ghosts, unable to possess their bodies, are so weakened that they will be torn into pieces with murderous intent even without them needing to make up the knife.

But there are also some low-level cultivators who are fragile or have just been injured. After a violent tremor, they will completely turn into black aura, exposed green veins, protruding eyes, and lifeless puppets. Instead, they will not say a word and pick up the sword. , Kill towards your comrade-in-arms!

These people were either successfully possessed by the old ghosts, or the ghosts interfered with their hearing, vision, and olfactory nerves, making them mistakenly believe that the comrades around them were rotten walking corpses. Roar and attack his comrades!

The cultivators and the imperial army, who had been unpredictable, suddenly became a mess.

The elite of the army of ghosts, the copper, silver and gold corpses made with special microorganisms, and the super skeletons made from the bones of various alien animals, and the skeletons are engraved with evil runes, finally Get out!

These elite combat powers are at least comparable to the high-level Qi refining stage or even the foundation-building monks among the cultivators. They are extremely fast, without the rigidity, sluggishness and stiffness of ordinary walking corpses and skeletons. In a flash, they kill the east. Under Ningcheng.

The few high-ranking monks in Dongning City also came out of their nests and fought with the Yin Soldiers and Ghost Army to stage the climax of this battle between the living and the dead!

"It's now!"

In the sky, the formation of the Yin Soldier and Ghost Army was observed to loosen, and a psionic flying boat slowly left the battlefield, took a large circle from the right flank of the battlefield, and swept back towards the opponent.

Before the opponent found out, the five streamers had already jumped out of the ship's side, like five meteors, shooting towards the core of the Yin Soldier Ghost Army, the White Bone Dao Palace angrily!

"Mother Bai Lian must be in the White Bone Dao Palace, as long as this scorpion is killed, this ghost chaos can be quelled!"

"Dear friends, be careful not to get entangled with ghosts around you. If you are contaminated by thousands of ghosts, your psionic energy will not work for a while, and you will easily fall into the siege of the army. Even if you can escape from birth, you will suffer a lot of damage. Cultivation!"

"Mother Bai Lian is illusory and has no fixed body. It is extremely difficult to capture and kill. You must be careful!"

The five streamers are naturally the five super souls of Li Yao, Yan Liren, Qi Zhongdao, Ba Xiaoyu and Master Kuchan.

Only five of them were able to kill the old mother Bai Lian under the guard of thousands of Yin soldiers and ghost army.

However, Qi Zhongdao, who was thinking about putting the mother Bai Lian to death, naturally wouldn't know, but Li Yao had a different mind. He wanted to let the mother Bai Lian go, and then took the opportunity to track it up and find the old mother Bai Lian's nest.

This war between the living and the dead is purely a tragedy. The living have the right to long for survival, but is there no truth in the revenge of the dead?

Even if the mother of Bai Lian can be completely suppressed today, as long as the world is still an airtight big wine tank, it will not take long before countless souls will still appear, and among these wrong souls, a new "Mother Red Lotus" will be born. ", "Mother Black Lotus", "Mother Qinglian"!

Li Yao secretly made up his mind to use his own way to break this wine tank and end this never-ending tragedy!

Five streams of light rushed into the ghost army in an instant, and was immediately surrounded by the ubiquitous white lotus mist.

Li Yaoqing clearly perceives what the so-called being disturbed by the ghost is.

It was as if countless memory fragments penetrated his brain fiercely, making him feel countless fragments of life in an instant.

In a daze, he seemed to be a disaster victim struggling in the rapids of the rapids, watching his homeland being swallowed by the flood.

In the next second, he became a patient who had been burned by Foehn wind and was lying on the side of the road unattended, slowly dying in the pain of ants biting the bones.

In the third second, he became a hungry victim again. His stomach was full of weeds and bark. He watched the golden gate of the cultivation sect and fell to the ground slantingly.

Flood, flames, scorching sun, fierce beasts!

Countless unbearable images slid in front of him one by one.

Moaning, screaming, begging for mercy, cursing, fighting!

Numerous voices also penetrated his eardrums.

Pain, fluke, hope, despair, hatred!

All kinds of negative emotions are like poisonous spiders, crawling around on his cerebral cortex!

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