40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1453: Bailian appeared!

This is the deepest memory left by countless people, hundreds of surnames and cultivators before their tragic death.

At this moment, they all turned into sharp blades, stirring up Li Yao's mind.

Even if Li Yao has such a weird existence of the Scarlet Heart Demon in his brain, which can swallow a lot of negative emotions madly, he still can't keep up with the speed of the influx of these negative emotions!

After all, there are millions of Yin soldiers and ghosts here, and the hatred and grievances of millions of people are gathered together, which is definitely a force that destroys the world!

Haunted by evil spirits, polluted by Taoism, interfered with divine consciousness, and blocked by spiritual energy, even the cultivation base of the peak realm of the Nascent Soul Stage is greatly affected.

Li Yao has long been accustomed to the impact of negative emotions, and it is fairly good. The other Nascent Souls are also dignified, with a faint black air floating all over, like there are thousands of almost transparent bugs, wanting to find a gap. Get into them!

At this moment, a long Buddha's name came from everyone's ears.

Master Kuchan’s rune beads broke again and turned into eighteen flying meteors. They spun around the five people quickly, releasing golden glows, and gathering them into a giant bell-like shield, shaking all the evil spirits around them. Scattered.

"There are too many ghosts, don't love to fight, go straight to the white bones palace of the white lotus mother!"

Qi Zhongdao shouted angrily, Fan Tianyin shot again, and countless skeletons and walking corpses underneath were crushed into dregs, but it was a pity that the effect on the ghost was minimal.

Yan Liren didn't say a word, and the four sword lights burst out suddenly, hovering around him quickly, intertwined into a big airtight ball of light, any ghost army of Yin soldiers who dared to approach, whether it was a skeleton, a walking corpse or a ghost, Once the ball of light was touched, all were cut into pieces!


The ball of light rolled forward for hundreds of meters. The fourth sword made by Li Yao for Yan Liren was finally shot. The sword aura was like a rainbow, and it instantly struck across the heads of thousands of skeletons and walking corpses, directly to that seat. On the white bones palace where the white lotus is in full bloom!

The ghostly spirit surrounding the White Bone Dao Palace couldn’t resist Yan Liren’s sword aura at all, and disappeared in a flash. Even the White Bone Dao Palace itself was split in half by the sword aura after a “crash” sound. The surroundings burst open and spread on the ground, turning into a pile of miserable broken bones.

It's just that the White Bone Dao Palace is empty, and there are no ghosts!

"Ho ho, **** ho **** ho!"

A series of terrifying, sharp and sharp female laughter came from the void, and the white and miserable fragments of bones were slowly squirming, and they were pieced together again, turning into a huge white bone giant scorpion, and the scorpion With all kinds of odd-shaped bone stubbles behind, pieced together a woman's face with gnashing teeth.

Even if it was pieced together with bones, this woman's face still can be called "pretty", but her extremely distorted expression made her heart freeze at the first glance, let alone a grinning grin. It is even worse than the cry of a ghost in the depths of Jiuyou Huangquan!

"Chichi! Chichichichi!"

From the gap between the bones of this giant white scorpion, a large cloud of strong white smoke gushes out.

Once contaminated with this white smoke, the originally dim ghosts and remnants condensed, spreading teeth and claws, roaring loudly.

Skeletons and walking corpses, which were originally slow, have also become extremely swift. They are divided into two teams. One team intercepts the five super soul infants and the rest of the cultivators, desperately isolating the connection between the two sides, and the others are directed towards the five super yuan Surrounded by babies!

The cultivation base of the white lotus mother Wan Mingzhu was so incredible that she was not possessed in the body of ordinary zombies, but in the entire White Bone Dao Palace.

Thousands of bones are her incarnation, you can change the combination at will, unpredictable!

"Bailian hag!"

Qi Zhongdao urged Fan Tianyin to press against the giant white bone scorpion, so that the bones stubble would "click, click", "Control thousands of ghost soldiers and besiege the center of cultivation. You are really crazy, and you are living to the extreme! If you dare to fight against the entire cultivation world, it will be wiped out, and you will never end up with it!"

"Wan Mingzhu!"

The beggar Ba Xiaoyu also took the black pipe stem in his hand. The pipe stem had a faint orange glow, and wisps of smoke escaped from time to time. He was no longer the usual hippie smiling face, but his face was sinking like a waterway. You are wronged, you have a debt, you have killed your family, and wanted to refine you into the "Bamboo Mountain Sect" of the "five evil and white bones". It has been slaughtered by you. You have great blood and deep hatred. Is it time to report? Why bother to anger other sects and countless innocent people!"

"Amitabha, benefactor."

Master Kuchan’s voice also came with a hint of bitterness, “The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, turn back to the shore, put down the butcher knife, and become a Buddha! Because of your personal grievances, you have provoked the unrest of countless souls and turned into a ghost army of Yin soldiers and ghosts in the southeast. How many killings and catastrophes have been caused? You are already deeply enchanted. Repent quickly!"

"Haha, hahahaha!"

The tragic white face behind the giant white bone scorpion let out a miserable laugh, "Qi Zhongdao, Ba Xiaoyu, Kuchan, Yanliren, and...Lingjiu Master? The so-called five Yuan Ying with the strongest righteous way, today finally finally Are you all here?"

"Qi Zhongdao!"

"I'm against you cultivators who are superficially sounding and full of stomachs and lungs. It's not a day or two. You have encircled and suppressed me dozens of times. You want to wipe me out, never to be overborn, and how can I be rewarded? What you want? You don't have to take advantage of your tongue, you want to kill or cut, just try it!"

"Ba Xiaoyu!"

"Don't think that you have a reputation for being a heroic hero and hateful and hateful, so you are qualified to teach me here! You are just a villain who seeks reputation, only dare to look up old folks like Tiger Roaring Hall and deal with black people. Don’t talk about the shameless little characters like the Shajiao! Don’t talk about the scandals done by the Taixuan Dao, Ziji Sword Sect, and so on, just talk about the shameless activities done by the thirty-three schools in Dongning City when they were born, dare you Every one of the piles is clear, so that the culprit capital can confess the crime!"

"Bitter cicada!"

"Among such diverse babies, you are the most hypocritical bald donkey! Why put down the butcher knife and turn your head back? When those cultivators oppress us, why don't you come out and tell them to put down the butcher knife? When those big masters ride on our necks and do whatever they want, Why didn’t you come out and tell them to turn their heads back? Where were you when so many people were forced to death by cultivating sects? And where were you when others were forced to sell their children and daughters? Our mothers and children were made by Zhushan’s teachings.' When the five evil Tianluo mothers and sons were connected to the bone corpses, where was your bald donkey?"

"Now that we are dead, we have the ability to use our hatred and grievances to repay justice, but you bald donkey got out of the way, asking us to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha?"

"Haha, hahahaha, you bald donkey, either stupid or bad, put down the butcher knife, where can you become a Buddha? Let me tell you, if you put down the butcher knife, you can only be slaughtered!"

Before he finished his words, the white bone giant scorpion suddenly swung its tail and attacked Master Kuchan!

At the same time, the bones all over the body also squirmed, and four bone chains were shot from it, separating the remaining four Yuan Ying, including Li Yao!

Bai Lian mother Wan Mingzhu competed with the world's heroes with one enemy and five, she was not afraid, and took the initiative!

The sadness and compassion between Master Kuchan's eyebrows became more intense, and without a word, the Zen rod met the venomous tail of the giant white bone scorpion.

With a "click", the poison tail burst suddenly!

The four Yuan Ying, including Li Yao, easily broke the four chains of bones!

Fan Tianyin of Qizhongdao firmly fixed the giant white bone scorpion on the ground, and several flurrying limbs were deeply embedded in the ground.

Yan Liren came out with an unstoppable sword energy, cutting the giant white scorpion in half from beginning to end!

But it did not prevent the giant white scorpion's body from spewing out a large thick white lotus mist.

The mist is mixed with infinite negative emotions, like thousands of people together, wailing, pleading, screaming, and roaring at five Yuan Ying!

"Want to kill me, how easy is it!"

Wan Mingzhu’s stern laughter came from the mist of Bailian, "You have five great souls, but I have thousands of souls and souls to help you! Listen to their screams when they are tortured, and see what they did before they died. Terrible! As long as there is injustice and injustice in this world, I will never die until I lead them to thoroughly cleanse this world!"

"Repent? I won't repent!"

The mist of Bailian gradually dissipated, but saw that the huge boneless giant scorpion just now has turned into countless fist-sized little scorpions, crawling all over the ground at an incomparably fast speed, and scattered in all directions.

No one knows in which little scorpion Wan Mingzhu's ghost is hiding!

With such a weird supernatural power, it's no wonder that the White Lotus Sect has ravaged the Southeast for decades, and has gathered countless Yuan Ying to destroy her, but she can't be destroyed!

Qi Zhongdao's expression became more and more solemn, and Fan Tianyin swiftly whirled over the battlefield, constantly spurring strong gravity, and crushing all the large bones and scorpions into powder.

However, Yan Liren was frozen in midair, like a statue, and even his eyes seemed to be stuck in the sockets of his eyes. Only that wisp of sword intent, which seemed like nothing, was swiftly patrolling among the bones and scorpions , Looking for the location of Bai Lian mother's true body.

But Master Ba Xiaoyu and Kuchan had to deal with the ghost army of Yin Soldiers swarming in all directions, otherwise everyone would be completely overwhelmed by the army of ghosts if they were not careful.

No matter how strong the soul of the old monster is, it is impossible to face the grievances, hatred, and pain of millions of people!


Yan Liren's eyes trembling quickly, which had been frozen, seemed to fall into a strange dream.

The sword aura was like a rainbow, not a white bone scorpion crawling all over the floor below, but a skeleton soldier who was staggering towards Master Kuchan and looked fragile and fragile!

It was not the fourth sword imitation Li Yao refined for him, but the real fourth sword!

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