40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1454: It's weird!

As soon as the sword aura reached, the skeleton did not split into two, but directly cracked one by one, exploding into a celestial flower.

From the thousands of bone fragments, a vague white smoke gushed out, and quickly swept towards the back of the Yin Soldier Ghost Army battle formation!

Wan Mingzhu's real body was not hidden in the bone scorpion, but at some point, hidden in the body of such an ordinary skeleton soldier, who wanted to fish in troubled waters, was mixed with many skeletons and zombies, and attacked Master Kuchan!

The expression on Yan Liren's face did not change, but an interesting smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. With a flick of his finger, the sword energy turned in the void without warning, and he kept chasing Wan Mingzhu's body!


Countless bone fragments drew a stern arc in the air, bombarding Yan Liren's sword aura like a gust of wind, but they were all shattered by the sword aura!

Sword Qi is like light and electricity, and it catches up with Wan Mingzhu's body instantly, slashing fiercely!


Between heaven and earth, there was a terrifying scream from Wan Mingzhu. Before the arrival of the sword qi, the ghost took the initiative to tear into two halves, just in time for the sword qi to pass through the gap in the middle!

Even so, the edge of the sword aura still cuts the ghosts to pieces, and when they are merged together again, it turns into a middle-aged beautiful woman wearing a snow-white robe and full of resentment and resentment, but it is much bleak. , In the center of the body, from head to toe, there is a very obvious black line, and wisps of black smoke escape outward!

Yan Liren's sword is indeed number one in the world, and even the "Mother of Ten Thousand Ghosts in the World" can slash with a single sword!

Wan Mingzhu gritted his teeth with a terrifying face.

More and more ghosts and zombies gathered around her, grinning at the five super souls and waving their minions.

At this moment, a loud thunder blast came from the horizon.


The whole world was shaken by it, like a sudden earthquake!

There was a burst of cheers in the direction of Dongning City, but the white lotus mist above the Yin Soldier and Ghost Soldier's head looked a little messy.

This sound, mixed with strong psychic energy fluctuations, spread in all directions like a tsunami, aroused the attention of the five super souls and the old mother Bailian.

Li Yao narrowed his eyes and looked towards the horizon in the northwest.

But I saw a mighty army, surrounded by a group of black things, slowly and firmly advancing toward the battlefield!

The army went up and down, the battle flags spread out, each huge "thunder" character, embroidered with thunder and lightning spirit patterns around, as if it had a bright electric arc, under the pale yellow sky, it looked particularly dazzling.

And the black and black things they huddled around, no matter how many messy decorations were added to the surface, no matter how many flowers were covered up, in Li Yao's eyes, it was not just--

"Is it the naval gun on the Xinghai Battleship?"

Li Yao’s eyes were prominent, and he saw hundreds of muscular and brawny men wrapping all the iron chains all over his body. The other end of the iron chain was tied to a giant chariot, dragging the ship of the Xinghai Battleship. Gun, move forward slowly!

These chains are probably not just for towing, because Li Yao clearly perceives that the psychic abilities and spirits of hundreds of brawny men are connected to the naval guns through the chains, forming a primitive Simple launch system!


Hundreds of strong men uttered a roar at the same time, and their psychic energy swelled to the limit like a stormy sea. The iron chain instantly collapsed straight, as if countless electric currents rushed into the naval gun along the iron chain. It was another deafening sound. Roaring, a group of flame-like plasma whizzed out, not at the ground, but at the clouded sky!

The plasma bursts and emits thousands of electric arcs, like a sharp sword, tearing all the dark clouds to pieces, in the huge holes, revealing the blue sky and the golden sun!

The sunlight turned into tens of thousands of golden arrows, falling on the white lotus mist above the Yin Soldier Ghost Army's head, as if ice cubes were thrown into the oil pan, and a fierce sound of "chichichichichi" burst out suddenly.

The white lotus mist dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The ghost army of the Yin soldiers under the mist is turbulent and uneasy-the sunlight has extremely strong radiation, which can continuously interfere with their ghost magnetic fields, which is equivalent to "continuous bleeding" of them, so the ghost soldiers of the Yin soldiers are against the sunlight. There is an instinctive fear. Only on a cloudy day or night covered by dark clouds, under the protection of the magnetic field of the white lotus mist, can you dare to move out!

"It's Lei Shang Camp! It's Lei Shang's'Lei Gong's Sky Cannon'!"

Above the tower, there was a shout.

As Dan Fengzi once said to Li Yao, the true No. 1 sect in the world is not Taixuan Dao, but the "Leiganmen" that created the Dagan Dynasty.

The elite "Lei Shang Camp" of the arch guarding the gods is a powerful army composed of disciples of the Lei Ganmen inner sect, which is by no means comparable to an ordinary imperial army.

In order to cope with the civil upheaval and ghost chaos caused by the natural disasters in the southeast, even Lei Shang camp was transferred to Dongning Mansion, just in time for this group of ghosts to siege the city!

The appearance of Lei Shangying instantly broke the stalemate between the two sides.

Wan Mingzhu, who was besieged by the five Super Nascent Souls, had only the power to parry and had no power to fight back, and was completely separated from his subordinates, and could not effectively command the Yin Soldier Ghost Army.

Coupled with the continuous firing of Leishan camp's huge cannons, all the dark clouds were torn apart.

Under the strong sunlight, hundreds of white lotus mists disappeared.

The yin soldiers and ghost army that were hit by the direct sunlight seemed to be burned by flames, and the whole body made a sound of "sizzling", and the green smoke came out, and it disappeared in an instant!

The original defense line of the Yin Bing Ghost Army was gradually collapsed.

The soldiers and cultivators who had been possessed by the wronged souls and were not able to guard their homes, under the agitation of the courage and blood of their companions, have awakened one after another, inspired by the continuous bombardment of the cannon, ignited their courage again, and rushed towards the skeletons and the walking dead!

No wonder, the blame is self-defeating, this is how the contest between humans and ghosts is, compared to whose magnetic field is stronger and more resistant to interference!

"Bailian hag, your army is over!"

Qi Zhongdao laughed loudly, rolled his broad sleeves, and rushed towards Wan Mingzhu!

Wan Mingzhu glanced at Lei Shangying who was still in the sky, and a hint of hesitation flashed across his face.

It takes time for the army to advance. At this moment, Lei Shan Camp has not rushed to the battlefield, but the giant artillery is just showing off. She still has room to retreat and regroup.

If you entangle with a few Super Nascent Souls for a while, and the back road is blocked by Lei Shangying, it will be completely over!

That's right, the ghost body is not afraid of sea waves and can directly retreat from the sea.

But the ghosts also need to replenish their psychic energy. In the vast ocean, they cannot find enough resources, and there is no shelter, and if they are exposed to strong sunlight for a whole day, nine out of ten ghosts will have to be. Extinct!

If you escape to the bottom of the sea, you will encounter the effects of various undercurrents, and it will also greatly deplete the soul of the ghost, causing the soul to slowly dissipate in the dark bottom of the sea.


Wan Mingzhu made a decisive decision and summoned the army to retreat!

"Where to go!"

Yan Liren, Qi Zhongdao, Ba Xiaoyu and Master Kuchan all outflanked Wan Mingzhu!

However, there are dozens of golden corpses that look like gold poured out, mixed with yin winds, from bottom to top, rushing to their feet, opening their mouths and biting towards their thighs.

Without blinking Yan Liren's eyes, the sword energy came out again, turning into dozens of sharp edges, and slashed towards the golden corpse!

"Be careful!"

But Ba Xiaoyu's eyes were wide open, with a strange cry, holding his head, a somersault turned back.

After dozens of weird explosions of "Bobo Bobo", dozens of golden corpses actually bulged into big round balls, slashed by Yan Liren's sword energy, just exploded, and exploded. The scent of pale golden mist!

There is no need to remind Ba Xiaoyu, everyone knows that these pale golden mists are by no means a good thing, and they have no choice but to dodge around.

In this moment of effort, Wan Mingzhu's ghost image has split into dozens of faint white smoke, which splashed into dozens of nearby bones, scorpions, skeleton soldiers, and walking corpses.

These bone scorpions, skeleton soldiers, and walking corpses all seemed to be electrocuted, and their speed was dozens of times faster, running in different directions.


"It's hard to catch Bailian ghost, and she must be completely wiped out, otherwise, even if the millions of Yin soldiers and ghosts are all turned into powder, as long as Wan Mingzhu remains immortal, one day she will come back!"

Qi Zhongdao gritted his teeth and said.

This is also the voice of all cultivators.

Although the ghost army of the million Yin soldiers has been defeated, if they are not completely wiped out, they will still flee to the capitals and counties below, looting the small and medium-sized sects with relatively weak local defenses, and even destroy all the spirits. Tian Tongtong is polluted and destroyed!

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the Yin Soldiers and Ghost Army turned into a large number of defeated soldiers, and became a real lonely wild ghost!

The cultivators and the imperial army are like a rainbow, clinging to them in the back, striving to completely wipe out more lone souls and wild ghosts, and prevent them from having a chance to regroup.

Li Yao and other five Super Nascent Souls released all their spiritual thoughts in an attempt to locate Zhu Bailian's soul.

You chased me and fleeed from both sides. As the chasing farther and farther, a large number of Yin soldiers and ghost troops entered the hilly area south of Dongning Mansion, among the endless mountainous areas.

This battle has lasted for a whole day, and at this moment, the sky is gradually dimming.


In the endless mountains and forests, countless startling birds flew up, making strange sounds of "quack", and flew toward the night!

Yan Liren, Qi Zhongdao, Ba Xiaoyu and Master Kuchan turned into four streams of light and rushed into the mountains first. Two earth-shattering explosions occurred in the depths of the mountains. Mixed with Wan Mingzhu's very bitter screams.

Li Yao stopped above the mountain forest, staring thoughtfully at the black mountain forest. There was a faint mist in his heart, and he was constantly churning with Wan Mingzhu's screams.

This battle was really weird!

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