40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1455: Who is the dude?

"Hey, even if you have the intention to let Bai Lian go and stop here suddenly, it's too obvious!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon swallowed up a lot of negative emotions, ate his stomach full and greasy, and started to move around again, and said in a chilly voice while picking his teeth.

"No, don't you think this war between the living and the dead is really a bit strange?"

Li Yao looked at the endless black mountains under the night, and said thoughtfully, "Mother Bai Lian finally took advantage of the natural disaster and gathered thousands of ghost troops. It seemed that the momentum was so great, but the result was collapsed, even for a day. If you don't support it, you will be defeated. This is too anticlimactic!"

"Nonsense, here we have five Super Nascent Souls, plus dozens of ordinary Nascent Souls, and there is the Royal Court's Lei Shangying carrying the Xinghai Battleship's naval gun, it's his mother's naval gun!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon dug his nostrils and said, "Most of Bai Lian's yin soldiers and ghost army are lone souls and ghosts who have just been conscripted. If they are converted into living people, they are mobs carrying dung forks. They are pure mobs. But it's normal!"

"That's even stranger!"

Li Yao listened to the roar of Bai Lian mother from the depths of the mountains and forests, frowning increasingly tight, "This information is not top secret, and Lei Shangying does not know how to escape. They drove forward violently, and only needed to place a few ghosts in mid-air for reconnaissance, and then they could master their marching route, and according to their speed and the terrain ahead, they could calculate the time of their arrival at Dongning Mansion."

"And our reinforcements from the Central Plains spent ten days in Huxiao City. Almost all the southeast sects knew the news of Qi Zhongdao, Ba Xiaoyu, Yan Liren, Master Kuchan, and me. How could she not know that we would Appear on the battlefield?"

"The five super narutos, plus dozens of ordinary narutos, plus the cultivators of the 33 sects in the southeast, plus the elite Lei Shang camp of the imperial court, is simply a powerful force that is invincible across the world. As long as Bai Lian has a little bit of the most basic computing power, she should figure out that with her just recruited mob, there is no chance of winning at all, right?"

"So, here comes the question. One thing we have been neglecting is, why on earth does Bai Lian have to attack Dongning Mansion?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon was stunned for a long time and said: "Dongning Mansion is the largest city in the southeast, and the gate of 33 cultivation sects. There are countless spars, magic treasures and jade crystals. These things are essential to the cultivation of Yin soldiers and ghosts. It is of great help. As long as you absorb a large amount of psychic energy contained in the spar and jade crystal child, perhaps countless lone ghosts will evolve into old ghosts, and old ghosts will become more ferocious ghost kings! Isn't this the best reason?"

"Then she must be able to capture Dongning Mansion!"

Li Yao said calmly, "From common sense, as long as Bai Lian is not the third pig, she will never be ignorant. It is impossible for her to take the Dongning Mansion with the help of the Central Plains monk army and Lei Shang camp. ! So no matter how many secret treasures, spars and jade crystals in Dongning Mansion are, they are all things that are beyond sight and beyond sight!"

"Perhaps, maybe she is the pig head three?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon was dissatisfied, "I think Bai Lian's Taoism is obviously based on'injustice','anger', and'hatred' as the source of strength. Perhaps she was caused by some evil practitioners in the past to ruin her family and die. It was so miserable, so I resented the entire world of cultivators and wanted to retaliate severely, so there was a chance to attack the big city ruled by the cultivators desperately!"

"Impossible, impossible!"

Li Yao repeatedly shook his head and said, "Even if you are qualified to be among the ranks of the'ten masters of the ancient sacred world', converted into a living person's cultivation base, and almost reached the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, even if they really use'hate' as the Taoist heart, they must I won’t be completely dazzled by anger and launch such a reckless offense! I always feel that the words that the old mother Bai Lian started to say to us, and the howling like a pig now, are all with a trace of performance. , It's a bit contrived, it's a bit ostentatious!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon froze for a moment and said: "Since you said her performance was a bit overdone, it is true in all likelihood. After all, you are a master in the field of performance!"

"Furthermore, this large-scale siege is obviously different from the old mother Bailian's style!"

Li Yao's eyes were piercing, and he continued to analyze, "Although the White Lotus Sect in the past ravaged the southeast, it has never attacked a heavily guarded city. Instead, it has searched for those towns with weak defenses, or located in remote mountainous areas, alone and lonely. The small and medium sects start with one strike. Before being wiped out by the army, they can always deal with it for a long time, eroding dozens of towns and counties, and slaughtering several small and medium sects!"

"It can be seen that Bai Lian's mind is very clear, she knows where her strengths lie, and she can use her strengths and avoid weaknesses every time to bully the weak with the strong!"

"The scale of this natural disaster is huge, and it has almost affected hundreds of states and capitals in the southeast, and there are dying victims everywhere, so that the old mother Bai Lian can conscript a million Yin soldiers and ghost army in such a short time!"

"If I'm Bai Lian's mother and have such an army in hand, why should I rush to attack Dongning Mansion, the first strong city in the southeast? Continue to follow the old method and lead the army all the way south, leaving Dongning Mansion far away. Wouldn't it be great to attack those towns and local sects with weak defenses, looting the spiritual fields there, and destroy the mountain gates there?"

"In this way, on the one hand, you can get a large number of spiritual fields and sects; you can also temper ghost pawns in small-scale battles, turning the original mob into a hundred refined soldiers; most importantly, the southeast ground The thirty-three most powerful sects in the world are all shrouded in Dongning Mansion. As long as their fundamental interests are not touched, perhaps they will not be able to make up their minds to fight with the Bailian Ghost Army. With the mentality of'sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fighting', I watched the white lotus ghost army weaken the power of other local sects!"

"You have also seen the experience in the past few months. The cultivation sects in the ancient world are purely scattered. As long as they are not forced to desperate, their war efficiency is very, very low!"

"Such a simple idea, even I can think of it, and Bai Lian has done this for dozens of incidents in the past. Why did she do the opposite this time, assemble the army in such a haste to attack Jiancheng, Rotating up and down, it's almost like..."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said quietly: "It's like losing on purpose!"


Li Yao's eyes lit up and snapped his fingers, "That's the feeling, she was defeated deliberately!"

"But, there is no reason!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon was in the depths of Li Yao's brain, carrying his hands on his back, turning around in circles, "What good is it for her to fail deliberately? Is it because after a fraudulent defeat, there is still an ambush in front of her?"

Li Yao looked into the mountains and forests that were not tall in the distance, and this guess was quickly rejected by him.

After a fraudulent defeat, lure the enemy into deep, encircle on all sides, gather and annihilate them-this is a very superb art of command, there must be a well-trained, super elite like an arm, plus a commander with victorious battles, It is possible to type it out.

With this ghost army of Yin soldiers and ghosts that have just been put together, let them maintain a dignified formation, can do order and prohibit, advance without retreat, even if Bailian mother's dominance is against the sky, once it collapses, even if it is a collapse, it will Want to assemble again to fight the annihilation war, pure idiotic dreams!

This is not a game. Even if the Yin Soldiers and Ghost Army, there is a word of "morale". After the morale collapsed, many new dead souls disappeared, so what kind of counterattack?

Moreover, in the cultivation world, there are also a hundred warriors who are proficient in the art of command. They have already released the horses to conduct all reconnaissance within a radius of thousands of miles. It is absolutely impossible to hide another elite of the evil soldiers and ghost army in the corner of the corner!

In the southeast, the terrain is gentle. Although there are endless hills, it is not the one hundred thousand mountains that towering into the clouds in the southwest. The hills here are not steep, and most of the mountains and forests have been explored and developed, and there is no strong and fierce. The beast is dormant, and there are no tangled ghost caves and caves under the ground. It is quite reluctant to use it to escape, let alone play in ambush!

"Mother Bai Lian, what is the purpose?"

Originally, Li Yao was not going to kill Bai Lian's mother. The fog in his heart became thicker and thicker, and he was even more reluctant to chase after him foolishly.

"Conspiracy, there must be a big conspiracy here!"

Li Yao said sternly to the Scarlet Heart Demon, "Don't you think it's very strange. We have obviously been in the ancient sacred world for half a year, and we are all going smoothly all the way. We haven't encountered a big conspiracy!"

"This is unreasonable!"

"From past experience, shouldn't we be confronted with a big conspiracy that can destroy the world every time we go to a new world, without taking three or five steps?"

Scarlet Heart Demon: "...whatever, you just want to be happy."

Li Yao gave a high-five: "Mother Bai Lian is definitely a fraud. There must be a big conspiracy in it. If it is not in front, it is behind our...behind!"

Li Yao was shocked, turned his head and looked in the direction of Dongning Mansion.

The cultivators in Dongning Mansion have already come out.

They hated the white lotus ghost army, and they had to take advantage of the defeat of the other party to kill them all, chasing the lonely wild ghosts that fled all the way, gradually getting farther and farther from Dongning Mansion.

Only a large number of disaster victims and a handful of cultivators left behind in Dongning Mansion seemed deserted and empty.

"Hey, don't you think that Bai Lian's deception was to adjust the tiger away from the mountain, right?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon sneered, "Mother Bai Lian is certainly not Pig Tou San, and those treacherous and cunning guys in the cultivation world are not Pig Tou San. How could they not think of such a simple strategy as "Tune the Tiger from the Mountain"? They must be sure before chasing the scattered ghost soldiers. The most careful divine scan of the entire Dongning Mansion has been done to ensure that the city is full of people and there will never be half a ghost!"

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