40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1456: Join hands?


Li Yao looked at Dongning Mansion on the distant horizon in the north, where only the sparkling lights of the stars were still swaying in the night, and the feeling of restlessness became more and more obvious.

Anyway, he didn't intend to kill the mother of Bai Lian, and the battle was so confused and unclear. If he didn't figure out the key points, he wouldn't be reconciled!

The communication between Li Yao and the Scarlet Heart Demon was carried out purely in the form of a collision of divine minds in the brain. In the real world, there was only a slight pause.

In the next second, he let out a long howl that pierced the clouds and cracked the sky, turning into a stream of light, shooting into the mountains and forests with great momentum, pretending to chase after the old mother Bailian.

When he landed in the dense jungle, he immediately condensed his psychic energy, went in a big circle, and retreated in the direction of Dongning Mansion.

At this moment, the area from Dongning Mansion to the southern hilly area is in chaos.

Most of the cultivators in the classical era have not received professional military training. Although their individual combat power is strong, they can only be regarded as a bunch of super gangsters at best, and there is still a big difference from an army that is truly forbidden and has a degree of advance and retreat.

The biggest problem is that when they pursue their chase, they tend to do things in their own way, hacking and killing, and they are loose, and there is no dot formation and contact at all. The chasing party, like the fleeing party, almost loses effective command. It is purely a competition for personal martial arts.

From this point of view, using the word "war" to describe the fighting of cultivators is too much of an overestimation. It should be said that it is a large-scale, high-level gang fight.

Everyone screamed headlessly, hacked and killed desperately, charged aimlessly, as long as they saw wandering souls, skeletons and walking corpses, let go and attack.

In such a chaotic situation, Li Yao deliberately hid and sneaked quietly, and no one or half of the ghosts noticed his presence.

He even took off his aquamarine robe, casually peeled off a few battered and blood-stained robe from the battlefield and put it on, and covered his face with mud and blood, and then fine-tuned his joints and muscles. A subtle change occurred in his figure, and he swaggered to the Dongning Mansion.

At this moment, the cry of fighting has gradually drifted away from Dongning Mansion. Only countless soldiers and corpses from the daytime siege are left under the city. Many people in the city have been organized to bury the corpses and rescue the wounded at the open gates. Inside, in and out, there is an endless stream, and the defense is slack to the extreme.

Li Yao squinted his eyes and glanced at the city wall. He did not find many cultivators stationed on the tower. Even the Zhenhai Tingtao Array, which had been operating at high intensity for a whole day, was suspended. It is estimated that the loss during the day was too great. Emergency repair!

However, although the defense of Dongning Mansion is weak, there is indeed no ghost in all directions, even if the bright moon shines on the white sea, the shadow of a ghost ship can not be seen for a long time.

With full of misgivings, Li Yaolue used a sub-scheme, mixed with the wounded, and entered Dongning Mansion.

At this moment in Dongning Mansion, most of the cultivators and elite soldiers rushed out of the city to hunt down the ghost army of the Yin soldiers, which seemed a bit empty and deserted.

Only the old, weak, sick, and severely injured practitioners among the large numbers of victims crowded the streets and lanes, but because the war went smoothly, there were not many panic reactions, and they were generally in order.

Li Yao coldly watched the seriously injured cultivators receive emergency treatment, and many cultivators were carried into the main altar of the 33 sects in the Dongning Mansion.

Now there is a serious shortage of manpower in the city, and the cultivators who have struggled for a long time and are seriously injured are unkempt and bloodstained. Many people have been embroiled by evil, their faces are distorted, their veins are exposed, and they are burned by flames and smoked by gunpowder. , Even more unable to distinguish the identity, can only deal with the nearest denomination regardless of denomination, just carry it to the more convenient denomination.

For this reason, the most basic unity in the cultivation world is still there.

This scene made Li Yao's doubts more and more intense, and something elusive was about to surface!

"The cultivator is not a fool. Before chasing the Yin Bing Ghost Army, he must have carried out a comprehensive mind scan of the surroundings of Dongning Mansion. It is impossible to let go of half of the lonely ghost!

"Moreover, they can completely release scouts riding cranes or flying swords and look in mid-air. Even if a large number of ghosts want to attack across the sea, they will be spotted in advance and inspire the'Zhenhai Tingtao Array'!"

"After all, it’s not too far away from the battlefield where the large forces of the cultivation world are chasing the ghost army of the Yin soldiers. As long as you hear the movement from Dongning Mansion, even if most of the cultivators have no time to return, such as Qi Zhongdao and Yan Liren. , Ba Xiaoyu, and Master Kuchan, such old primordial infants, will definitely be able to rush back quickly!"

"Then, there is absolutely no chance for the ghosts to cause trouble!"

"It's not a ghost, is it-a person?"

Li Yao was shocked, and the cold sweat permeated his back instantly.

Ever since the Foehn wind struck and the natural disasters began, there has been news that the White Lotus Sect will take the opportunity to take advantage of it, and there will be a large number of Yin soldiers and ghost troops ravaging the southeast and even attacking Dongning Mansion!

Even if they rushed to the southeast this time, their main purpose was to kill the old mother Bai Lian!

This has caused everyone including Li Yao to fall into a misunderstanding of thinking, thinking that their enemies are just ghosts, and all living people, even if they are not allies, are bystanders at best, they cannot be enemies!

But is this really the case?

Li Yao has always believed that living talents are the most terrifying existence, far more sinister and cunning than ghosts. Just looking at the evil cultivation of the Star Federation more than 100 years ago, enslaving ghosts for their own benefit can be seen.

The "Black Evil Sect" established by Huxiaotang in the dark also often burns, kills, and loots under the banner of the White Lotus Sect to commit evil acts?

"Living people, living people, among so many victims, will there be some unruly living people mixed in?"

"But, it's useless!"

"Even if there is such an unpredictable living team, there can't be too many people, otherwise they won't get into Dongning Mansion!"

"If the number is not enough, it is impossible to control the entire Dongning Mansion in a short time, and at most create a few small-scale chaos!"

"What's more, even if you control Dongning Mansion, how about it, now there are cultivators in all directions, and there is nowhere to escape. Even if Dongning Mansion is really taken, it will become a turtle in the urn, with dozens of Yuan Ying Under the indiscriminate bombing, it is absolutely impossible to support for too long, so what is the strategic significance?"

"Yes, the defeat of Dongning Mansion is indeed a major event that shakes the world. It is equivalent to kicking the **** of the already crumbling Dagan Dynasty, but the price of doing so is a million evil soldiers. The army’s ashes are wiped out, coupled with a very elite living tactical team that can sneak into the many cultivating sects silently, the price is too great!"

"On the other hand, if there is such a conspiracy, it means that the planners of the conspiracy believe that there is something hidden in Dongning Mansion, which is worth more than a whole million ghost army and an elite tactical team. Be big!"

As Li Yao thought, his eagle-like gaze swept over the many victims.

Suddenly, he felt that the victims squatting in the corner looked a little weird.

Although many victims squatted in the corner shivering like the three of them, squatting in a fixed posture for a long time will cause poor blood circulation and cause numbness in their legs. So most ordinary people will feel a little bit every few seconds. Change your posture.

Although the upper bodies of the three victims were shaking constantly, their lower bodies plunged deep into the ground like tree roots, and they did not move a single piece of incense for a full time!

I don't know if it is an illusion, Li Yao faintly smelled a bit of iron and blood from them.

This is a special breath that can only be exuded by elite soldiers who have received professional training.

Li Yao pondered for a moment and strode towards the three victims.

The three victims instantly realized his existence, and their eyes sharpened suddenly.

Although they were still in shape, Li Yao could feel their spine contracting, arching, and accumulating force inch by inch under the wide sack, like three slowly opening bows.

Li Yao smiled and kept moving forward.

The eyes of the four people collided fiercely in the air. The three "disaster victims" still had a bit of disguise at first, but after sensing the firmness and sarcasm in Li Yao's eyes, they also knew that their identities had been seen through. There is no point in concealing it, and it simply releases a substantive fierce light!

at this time--


"Boom boom boom boom!"

In all directions of Dongning Mansion, within a dozen of the mountain gates of cultivation sects, there were earth-shattering explosions almost at the same time, and all the victims crowded in the streets shook!

Li Yao saw dozens of pavilions, terraces and pavilions, surrounded by raging fires, flying into the air "huhu", the celestial lady scattered flowers, turned into countless flying meteors, and smashed down!

The sound of fighting, explosions, and the collision of swords and magic weapons, almost instantly increased to the limit!

More than a dozen mountain gates of cultivating sects were attacked at the same time!

Perhaps it is the enemy who has mixed into the disaster victims, or those who have been sent to the mountain gate of the cultivation sect and "severely injured" should fit inside and outside!

"Huntian King Qi Changsheng is here, hand over the magic weapon, surrender to avoid death, if you don't follow, bloodbath Dongning Mansion!"

From every blazing corner of Dongning Mansion, a sturdy and wild roar came.

It turned out to be another resistance force that is as famous as the White Lotus Sect, the Huntian Army that has always been active on the ground in the northwest!

Did the two vicious and vicious rebellious forces that stirred up Da Gan Tian and Earth's discoloration have joined forces!

Don’t allow Li Yao to think, the three Huntian soldiers pretending to be victims of the disaster have already jumped up, their statures turned strangely to three different angles, and dozens of dashes of cold light shot out from their arms, and at the same time they stabbed Li Yao around The point!

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