40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1458: Ghost Ship Secrets!

Li Yao felt like he had said a tongue twister.

The truth hidden behind the fog seems to be more complicated than tongue twisters.

The sound of shouting, explosions, and collisions of magic weapons broke out in more than a dozen corners of Dongning Mansion at the same time, but they did not tend to be continuous. On the contrary, they appeared to be short, swift, and neat, like a throat with a handle. Dagger!

The suicide methods of these dead men were so vicious that no more information could be found from them. Li Yao pondered for a moment, released the Xiaolong, condescendingly observe the entire Dongning Mansion.

Although a series of explosions occurred, the affected area in Dongning Mansion was not too much. Even the headquarters of the cultivation sect that was attacked fell silent after a brief slaying sound.

The most important city tower and the city gate direction, there is no sign of a large-scale confrontation, and they are still under the control of the Dongning Mansion cultivator.

Because the gates are of great importance, there is absolutely no room for loss. These cultivators who guard the gates know that there is a riot in the city, but they dare not act rashly and can only hold on to the tower.

This, on the other hand, confirmed Li Yao’s speculation that these cultivators, who are suspected of being affiliated with Ghost Qin, are a small but elite team whose purpose is by no means to capture Dongning Mansion—otherwise, they would definitely want to Before the army returns for help, first control the city gate and Zhenhai Tingtao's front line!

So, what is their purpose?

Just as Li Yao was thinking about switching, there were suddenly thick smoke billowing from dozens of places in the city at the same time. The black smoke spread its teeth and claws like mist, and soon enveloped the streets and alleys, making the entire Dongning Mansion in the darkness where you can't see your fingers. in.

Li Yao faintly felt that there were hundreds of faint auras, rushing out from all directions, fleeing towards the east of Dongning Mansion.

Dongning Mansion is a seaport, and if you go further east, it is an endless sea.

At this moment, the series of explosions in Dongning Mansion were also felt by the cultivators chasing the Yin Soldier and Ghost Army outside. The cultivators who were shocked, especially the local cultivators in Dongning Mansion, shrank back, crowding the land. Water can't leak.

A move in Li Yao's heart, like an ethereal breeze, drifted towards one of the gates of the cultivation sect that was attacked.

Several mysterious enemies who were suspected to be the Ghost Qin monks, seemed to have completed their missions and were retreating quietly and well-trained.

Li Yao is like a poisonous snake lurking in a crack in the rock, suddenly rushing out of the black fog, his psychic energy condensed into four leather whips, and rolled over to the four mysterious people!

The four of them were shocked and uttered strange screams, and the shadows of swords and swords poured over Li Yao.

Li Yao pretended to let out a muffled snort and disappeared into the depths of the black smoke again, pretending to be hit hard by them.

However, while the two sides were fighting each other, God unknowingly touched two thin metal flakes as thin as cicada wings under the boots of two of them.

These two metal sheets were repeatedly sacrificed by his painstaking efforts, and a strand of his spiritual thoughts were wrapped around them, which were equivalent to two relatively primitive coordinate locators.

Li Yao blinked in the dark, and two dim red lights flashed in the depths of his eyes. He immediately sensed that there were two faint red dots in front of him, which were moving fast, toward the direction of the sea!

Li Yao smiled slightly, and distanced himself from these mysterious enemies who were retreating quickly, several ups and downs, and also galloped to the port area of ​​Dongning Mansion.

On the side of Dongning Mansion facing the sea, the city wall is not tall, and there are not too many cultivators guarding it at this moment.

Li Yao sensed that at least nearly a hundred mysterious enemies jumped into the rough sea from here and disappeared into the dark deep sea!

Li Yao was curious, and took off his tattered clothes, like a boneless fish, slipping into the bottom of the sea silently.

This place is still on the continental shelf, the water is not deep, and a large number of mysterious enemies walk directly on the seabed, like a group of eerie and terrifying corpses.

Li Yao deliberately kept a long distance from them, using seagrass and reefs to hide his tracks, but let the Xiaolong not be too close to them.

They have a large number of them, and there are two coordinate positioning sheets, but they are not afraid of being thrown away.

It’s just that Li Yao didn’t understand. Looking from the surface of the sea, he clearly didn’t see the shadow of any ships. Do they want to hold their breath all the time, under the huge pressure of the ocean current and the sea, and walk on the bottom of the sea all day and night. ?

Even for cultivators, such a task is too arduous!

Hundreds of mysterious enemies walked on the seabed for about three sticks of incense, and suddenly a...ghost ship appeared on the seabed ahead!

That’s right, it’s the kind that sank to the bottom of the sea hundreds of years ago, and was eroded by the sea, so it’s riddled with holes, mottled, and covered with aquatic plants, corals, and pot vines. Many zombies come and it’s no strange ghost ship!

These mysterious enemies, following the dilapidated holes on the ghost ship, crawled into the ghost ship in a familiar way.

The depths of the eerie sea!

A mysterious weird walking on the bottom of the sea!

A tattered ghost ship full of gray and white, covered with all kinds of fluffy seaweed and shells!

When combined together, it becomes a horrible scene, even Li Yao couldn't help but smack his tongue secretly, asking whether these guys are really not humans, but some kind of special high-level, with breathing, heartbeat and The blood circulation of zombies is not a success

"Wait a minute."

Scarlet Heart Demon said, "In theory, if a zombie has breathing, heartbeat, and blood circulation, then we usually call it a ‘living person’."

Li Yao: "..."

At this moment, this ghostly shipwreck suddenly changed strangely.

A stream of milky white light gradually poured out of it. Under the stimulation of the light stream, the water plants and pot vines that were originally attached to the hull slowly squirmed, spewing out a large amount of natural gel, and all the damage to the hull was destroyed. Block it up without leaving half a gap.


Li Yao clearly perceives that the bottom of the shipwreck under the sea has squeezed out a large amount of water, which should have drained the accumulated water inside the ship!

In this way, the seabed sunken ship that had been riddled with holes became some kind of underwater navigation tool similar to... the "submarine" in modern cultivation civilization!

"No, do you want to be so advanced!"

Li Yao became more and more curious about the forces or people who refined this ghost ship and directed this conspiracy!

After the ghost ship drained most of the stagnant water in the cabin through the thousands of pot vines attached to the hull, it floated amidst a gentle shaking and dived deep into the ocean.

Li Yao naturally displayed his best hidden and hidden magical powers, hanging in the back.

He wanted to use Xiaolong to sneak into the depths of the ghost ship several times.

But this ghost ship, which seems to be riddled with holes, was originally refined for deep-sea navigation, and the surface was tightly stitched and there was no gap to use.

Li Yao didn't dare to use the Xuanguang drill bit to drill through the hull of the ghost ship, for fear of causing internal and external pressure changes, and being aware of his existence by the other party.

He could only roughly explore the structure of the ghost ship, and ordered the Xiaolong to carefully stick to the position that seemed to be the command room!


The front of the Xiaolong opened, and a tool that looked like a trumpet flower stretched out and gently attached it to the hull of the ghost ship.

Xiaolong is a training ship modeled after the "multifunctional expedition ship" Spark. This magic weapon like a trumpet flower was originally used on a multifunctional expedition ship to explore the complex structure of the underground.

The principle is to emit a wave of a special frequency to the ground, and then analyze the aftermath of the reflection, and then you can roughly scan the details of the ground.

However, after fine-tuning, it can also receive subtle sound waves from the outside world, which is equivalent to a highly sensitive bug.

"Sizzle, rustle, rustle!"

A large number of noisy sound waves were mixed together, and a brain flooded into Li Yao's brain, like a sudden storm.

Li Yao held his breath and drove his computing power to the limit. He carried out ultra-high-intensity filtering, analysis and restoration deep in his brain. It took a full half an hour to extract the intermittent sound from a piece of noise.

"Found it, that's it!"

The first is a mellow female voice full of surprises, smiling, "Unexpectedly, the'core' we worked so hard to find fell into the hands of the'Yunhai School. It's ridiculous that the Yunhai School has no eyes and doesn't know its value. , To use it casually as a repressive defensive array, it's a violent thing!"


This is like a spring breeze, a very nice and mellow female voice, suddenly the front of the conversation changed, "This action is so smooth, thank you for your concerted efforts and sacrifice at all costs!"

"If it weren’t for the White Lotus Madonna to release the news with great fanfare to attack Dongning Mansion, Dongning Mansion would never have absorbed so many casual repairs and victims from outside in a panic, so that our people were mixed in casual repairs and disaster victims, and infiltrated the city. !"

"Later, Mother Bai Lian also made a heavy sacrifice, mobilizing all the opponent's main forces, so that we can take advantage of the void and get in with a hit!"

"Of course, it would be impossible to find what the'prince' said without the brave and courageous fighting of the Yunqin warriors and the elites under the Huntian Throne."

"Now, the'core' has fallen into our hands. As long as the four of us can still cooperate unreservedly like today, this world must belong to us!"

This mellow female voice is like soft spring breeze and summer rain.

But when it poured into Li Yao's ears, it was like a scoop of ice water running down his cochlea towards his brain, and down his spine all the way down, even his buttocks were freezing!

Li Yao originally thought that it was the old mother Bai Lian and Youyun ghost Qin cooperating to take advantage of the fire under the banner of the Huntian Army.

Unexpectedly, listening to the meaning of this mellow female voice, the whole thing was really a part of the Heavenly Army!

Miao, it's wonderful!

They first pretended to be the six major factions, and then “pretended” the Huntian army as the six major factions. In this way, under the influence of fixed thinking, even if their first two identities were exposed, there would be very few people. Think again in the direction of the Huntian Army!

As everyone knows, some of them are surprisingly "Huntian army pretending to be the six major factions and then "pretending" as the Huntian army." Who can guess whether they are true or not!

Also, who is that "prince"?

Reminiscent of the strange ways of death of several ghosts and Qin dead men, the answer is ready to come out. "Maharajah" is the powerful **** in the past, but now everyone shouts and beats the **** king!

Great Eunuch King Xi, Huntian King Qi Changsheng, White Lotus Mother Wan Mingzhu, Ghost Qin Regent Han Baling, the "four evils" of the Megatron Ancient Sacred Realm, have joined forces!

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