40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1459: Dragon Envoy

Li Yao didn't know whether he should say that his crow's mouth is good, or whether he really has a kind of wonderful magnetic field that can attract all conspiracies and tricks.

I just said that I had been in the ancient sacred world for half a year without any conspiracy, and suddenly there was a super conspiracy that could definitely shake the ancient sacred world!

Three sages and four evils, plus one monk and one emperor who are outside the evaluation system of the cultivation world, plus his newly emerged "Great Zhou Jianzong", are basically the "ten masters" of the ancient sacred world.

But the so-called "top ten masters" are only evaluated on the basis of individual combat power. In fact, there is a huge difference between the "three sages" and the "four evils".

Ba Xiaoyu is a solitary solitary cultivator. Yan Liren and Master Kuchan cannot mobilize the full power of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect and the Buddha Sect. Although Qi Zhongdao is the nominal leader of the cultivation world, it is more like a piece. The sign of being a big fan can not effectively control many sects. Not to mention Li Yao himself, he is also single-handedly fighting the world.

The five of them are basically polished commanders, but they are simple and good at playing.

The four evils are different. Whether Han Baling, Qi Changsheng or Wan Mingzhu, they are the leaders of one force, even if the latter two are often beaten and defeated, they can make a comeback every time, which is regarded as indomitable!

Although Wang Xi is a dog of the bereavement, he used to have power in the field, resourcefulness and dominance. Needless to say, at that time, the ghost symbols that he established and penetrated into the realm of cultivation were not completely eradicated, and there was still a large number of loyalty. The dead man disappeared mysteriously with his escape!

In other words, each of the "four evils" has huge resources in one hand, representing a force that has the opportunity to change the world, and such as Ba Xiaoyu, Master Kuchan, Yan Liren, Qi Zhongdao, and Li Yao. Being alone is not an existence of an order of magnitude!

Now, these four forces are actually united?

What are they trying to do!

Li Yao silently operated the method of tortoise's breath, reducing his heartbeat to almost a stop, intensively analyzing every sentence in the cabin without missing a single detail.

I heard a slightly damp voice, like from deep in the soil, saying: "The world is not the world, let's not go so far, just say'core'. This operation has paid such a high price. As far as these things are concerned, is it really the "core" that the prince said?"

The accent of this person's speech had a slight accent from the northwestern ground. Although he tried to conceal it, Li Yao was able to distinguish it.

The spring breeze-like female voice laughed and said: "Is it true? Later, when the mother of the white lotus mother comes back, I will naturally show it to you. Since the prince learned this secret, it took decades to plan, even at the beginning.' Half of the establishment of "Ghost Painting Symbol" is for this secret. Now that we have finally collected all the information and necessary items from various channels, what could be wrong?"

Another rather rigorous voice said coldly: "Since Wang Gong has been planning this exploration for decades, and at no cost, he has collected all the information and applications from the various major sects. , I believe that there is no shortage of strange men and strangers like the "Dragon Envoy" under the prince's command. Why don't you start the exploration alone, but how much do you want to share the great benefits with us?"

This sound was quite familiar. Li Yao blinked his eyes, and immediately remembered-it was not that he had been taken prisoner in the Wunan jungle, and then released, Han Baling's right-hand man, Han Wontae, the master of Kunpeng!

Even Han Won Tae is here. It seems that this secret meeting of the "four evils" is high enough!

The woman who spoke at the beginning, originally surnamed Long, was a special envoy sent by Wang Xi.

It seems that it was Wang Xi who first discovered some incredible secret decades ago. He deliberately collected all kinds of information and objects to piece together this secret.

Maybe he didn't intend to share the secret with others, but instead used his huge power to develop it alone.

It's a pity that he is now ruined, the resources he can mobilize are greatly reduced, and he has to risk being attacked by the whole world as soon as he shows up. In desperation, he can only pierce the needle and bring the "four evils" together to jointly develop this secret. Up!

Sure enough, the "Dragon Envoy" said: "General Han, the prince has already expressed full sincerity for this action. Yunqin people have always been known for being bold and not afraid of death. Why are they so suspicious?"

"Being fearful of death does not mean that you have to take the initiative to die."

Han Won-tae doesn’t eat her, and he still said coldly, “This type of exploration of ancient ruins has always caused one another to kill each other. Your princes are not good men and women, you want to be completely convinced. It's so difficult!"

"The prince is not a good man and a believer, and Regent Han is not an easy generation!"

Special Envoy Long "chuckled" and said, "Could it be that King Qi Tian and Mother Mary can be easily entrapped?"

"The prince is a man who does great things. This secret is also related to the future pattern of the ancient sacred world. This time we are jointly exploring, it is not the ordinary mob to join hands to rob. I believe that everyone is not short-sighted thief. Why should we be attracted by small profits? , What about doing something that hates you?"

"What's more, if we want this operation to be successful, our four forces are indispensable!"

"On the prince's side, needless to say, the secret was originally discovered by his old man. It took decades to slowly piece together the scattered pieces of information, and then exhausted all kinds of methods to remove the fragments from the major sects. 'Collect all of them one by one, until the end, even the'core' is in hand!"

"The King Qi Tian has been dealing with various relics underground for a long time. Looking at the entire ancient sacred world, when it comes to exploring the ruins and excavating caves, no one would dare to say that the'Huntian Army' is second. Called the first!"

"On the side of the Blessed Virgin Mary, her old man is a phantom, invisible and invisible spirit body. When she really arrives, there may be many institutions and secret passages that need to be penetrated and deciphered by her!"

"As for Yunqin, it's even simpler. This secret lies on the vast ice sheet north of Yunqin. If you want to send a large number of elites to explore, you can't get around Yunqin anyway, let alone. Our three parties were brutally encircled and suppressed by the Dagan court, and we are now at a relatively passive low tide. The manpower available is really limited. Only Yunqin can mobilize a large army of well-trained monks to support our exploratory operations!"

"Wang Zhengyi was so considering that he invited you all to join this operation. He definitely didn't mean to treat you as cannon fodder!"

"General Han, I really want to worry about who will cross the river and demolish the bridge. If we stabbed a knife in the back, it should be the three of us. We are more worried about Yunqin. After all, there is Yunqin's rear area, don't you think?"

Han Wontae was taken aback: "This—"

"However, we naturally won't bother ourselves."

Special Envoy Long turned around, grasped the rhythm of the conversation, and said with a smile, "We believe that Regent Han is a hero and a hero who is determined to do something. Now everyone’s biggest enemy is the great court and the entire great army. Cultivation world!"

"We in the Quartet, although we didn't have much contact in the past, we all corresponded to each other from afar, and only by restraining each other can we keep the rest of the parties angry.

"If we really kill each other, we will only do it for nothing. Who wouldn't understand such a simple truth?"

There was a moment of silence in the cabin, and the male voice with a slight northwest accent gritted his teeth and said: "Yes, last winter, our millions of mixed heavenly army was killed by the chief officer army, leaving less than three thousand. This revenge will not be reported. Swear not to be human!"

Han Wontae also said: "As long as you all cooperate sincerely and honestly, we Yunqin people naturally do what they say!"

"That's right!"

Special Envoy Long’s laughter carried a faint indifference, like a blade wrapped in cotton, "This piece of cake is so big, no matter which force, eat it alone, it will either choke to death or hold it to death. Only we are everywhere. Only by eating together can it be eaten completely without leaving any residue!"

At this moment, a faintly cold voice said: "Our Lady is back!"

Li Yao was shocked, lying in the sea sand, completely afraid to move.

The temperature of the sea seemed to drop by more than ten degrees, almost freezing into ice.

A large group of colorful fish, moray eels, and jellyfish fled hurriedly in all directions as if they had encountered a ferocious natural enemy.

A faint white smoke, like a giant jellyfish dozens of meters long, appeared as a translucent cloud floc. It swam from a distance, quickly swam over Li Yao's head, and fell into the ghost ship.

The ghost ship trembled slightly, as if it was injected with brand new energy, and the speed of its forward movement suddenly increased a lot.

"See the Virgin!"

Inside the cabin, Special Envoy Long, Han Wontai, and the representative of Qi Changsheng with a northwest accent, all said respectfully.

"Forget it, you guys have worked hard too!"

Wan Mingzhu said tiredly, her voice no longer the sharp and sharp mania on the battlefield just now, but the indescribable deepness and indifference.

That's right, this is the tone of the dignified "mother of all ghosts in the world", the posture on the battlefield just now was a **** cursing!

"The Virgin was besieged and intercepted by masters such as Qi Zhongdao, Yan Liren, and Master Lingjiu, all the way through the encirclement, is it still going well?"

Special Envoy Long asked with some concern.

"It's a good thing. They can't kill me even with five of them. What's more, I haven't seen the'Master Spirit Buzzard' appear at the last minute. I think he is a guy who is afraid of his head and saves his strength!"

Wan Mingzhu sighed faintly, "It's just that with the help of this natural disaster, the millions of troops gathered with great difficulty have been defeated like a mountain, completely collapsed, and have been following me for many years, and are about to condense. Successful ghost generals, as well as many corpse soldiers carefully prepared!"

"Special Envoy Long, I hope that your prince's information is correct, and that you can really get something worthwhile for paying such a large price!"

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