40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1460: Home of the dead

Mother Bai Lian's voice was like the air-conditioning blowing from the Nine Nether Yellow Springs, with an undisguised sense of killing.

After all, watching the Yin Soldiers and Ghost Army that he had worked so hard to gather, hit the copper wall and iron wall of Dongning Mansion, hit his head and broke to pieces, it was absolutely uncomfortable.

According to the original strategy of the old mother Bai Lian, these million Yin soldiers and ghost army can deal with each other in the southeast area for at least a year or a half.

Even if the army is wiped out after a year and a half, a group of elite forces will surely be cultivated and become the seeds of the next uprising.

Hearing Wan Mingzhu's dissatisfaction, Special Envoy Long's voice also became a little solemn: "Return to Our Lady, things are absolutely correct, as long as they are combined, you can see irrefutable evidence!"

"it is good!"

Wan Mingzhu said coldly, "Then all envoys, please go down and rest first. When we get to'White Lotus Island', let's talk about it in detail!"

Several special envoys from different forces retired to Wan Mingzhu. For a long time, the cabin was silent. Wanting to come to Wan Mingzhu to get rid of Qi Zhongdao, Yan Liren, Ba Xiaoyu and Master Kuchan, he also A big price was paid.

Li Yao is like a flexible fish. With the help of ocean currents, he followed the ghost ship all the way, and swam for hundreds of kilometers. When he was about to reach the edge of the continental shelf, a faintly glowed in the darkness ahead. The colorful light is like a city with brilliant lights, standing in the depths of the sea!

The ghost ship swims quickly towards this "undersea city"!

Li Yao was secretly surprised, half of his body was buried in the sea sand, with his hands and feet crawling forward, carefully observing the light swaying ahead.

The sea bottom in front of it rises slightly, like a small hill.

The hills are covered with various corals and reefs, and are covered by sea anemones, seagrass and a dazzling array of shells, forming pieces of pure natural buildings.

In the surrounding sea, there are countless faintly glowing jellyfishes, just like dancing lights.

Around this hill, hundreds of altars were built with shells and coral barriers, and the top of each altar was inlaid with a pearl larger than a fist.

All the pearls are shining, and the most dazzling light blooms from the core, blending with the soft light emitted by the jellyfish, illuminating the entire underwater world.

Hundreds of altars form an invisible crystal cover, which covers the entire underwater city.

And under the protection of the "crystal cover"...

There are hundreds of skeletons moving around the ocean floor!

If you look carefully, these white, miserable, ghastly things do not seem to be doing wicked deeds. They are taking care of sea anemones and seaweeds, and they are digging in the sea sand with unknown things, and some are surrounding them. The colorful marine fishes seem to be "grazing" these fishes!

Li Yao also saw that there were a few small skeletons, like the corpses of seven or eight-year-old children, running around in the sand, vying for a blue pearl.

Although it is difficult to transmit sound in the sea, Li Yao still perceives a carefree and full of laughter from these little skeletons.

It's like they are playing with pearls as a ball and playing a fun game!

Such a weird scene gave Li Yao a very ridiculous illusion.

It is as if this small town shrouded in crystals is the home of the dead, and these skeletons, like the living farmers on the ground, are here to grow seaweed, raise jellyfish, herd marine fish, and gather pearls, living a happy life.

"In the past when the Princess Wang was in government, she also suspected that the altar of Our Lady of White Lotus might be hiding on a certain coastal island, so no matter how you searched it in the deep mountains and old forests on the land, nothing was found!"

In the cabin of the ghost ship, several special envoys gathered together again, and the special envoy Nalong laughed and said, "The prince has also joined a lot of cultivators to search on the dotted islands along the coast, but has never been able to find the mother of white lotus. , I did not expect that the original legendary'White Lotus Island' was actually hidden deep in the seabed!"

"There is no way for ordinary people to survive on the ground."

Wan Mingzhu said coldly, "Where can we escape to the dead without having to find a shelter on the bottom of the sea?"

"As long as this operation succeeds—"

Special Envoy Long said, "I believe it won't be long before Our Lady of White Lotus and many of your followers will be able to walk in the world with integrity!"

"Then let us see if this'core' is really as your prince said, contains infinite mysteries!"

The ghost ship seemed to gently pierce a bubble and enter the crystal cover.

The ghost army does not need air, so the crystal cover is not used to isolate the sea, but to stabilize the magnetic field and prevent the ghosts from disappearing.

The ghost ship slowly stopped in front of the hills, and the water plants and pot vines in front of them squirmed, opening a small hole.

A thing that looked like a huge sea cucumber stretched out from the hole and into a hidden cave under the sea hill. Up

This should be some kind of natural conduit for transporting people.

Fortunately, this pipe didn't fit tightly to the walls of the cave. Li Yao drove the Xiaolong, and barely squeezed in along the gap between the pipe and the cave wall.

After a frightening journey of darkness, the light in front suddenly shines, but it is a huge palace made of countless crystals, showing a translucent texture.

The exit of the cave is at the top. After climbing out, it happens to be a large pool in the center of the Crystal Palace.

Special restrictions were imposed in the palace, fresh air and sufficient air pressure were maintained, and no half of the sea water penetrated into it.

Only the old mother Bai Lian and the three special envoys from the other "three evils" are eligible to enter this crystal palace.

Li Yao was scrupulous about Wan Mingzhu's secret methods, and did not dare to let Xiaolong too close, so he could only cling to the edge of the pool and observe the four murderers from a distance.

At this moment, Wan Mingzhu is no longer a monster formed by agglomeration of bones and stubble, but a lifelike body, alive and well like a middle-aged beautiful woman carved from white jade.

This should be a puppet corpse that she carefully refined for herself. If it weren't for the high-level monks to carefully observe with the "spiritual eyes" of psychic energy, it would be extremely difficult to tell whether she was alive or dead.

It's just that those cold eyes are a little stiff, and the long jade necks and snow-white wrists are wearing necklaces and bracelets made of small skeletons and white bones, exuding a cold charm.

She sat down on a white lotus altar carved from jade and looked at the three envoys coldly.

Yunqin's special envoy Han Wontae naturally has nothing to say. Compared with half a year ago, there is little change.

There is also a thin and tall man who is a root carving cut from the root of a tree. It doesn't need to be smelled, but it is full of earthy smell at a glance. He wants to be the special envoy of King Huntian Qi Changsheng.

As for the most important "Dragon Envoy" from Wang Xi, Li Yao was slightly taken aback by his image.

Li Yao originally thought that she was either the kind of femme fatale with long-sleeved dancing and charming, or she was a frosty, mechanical female killer. Judging from the words and conversations just now, the first image is more likely.

Her real appearance is unexpectedly mediocre. Her hair is slightly yellowish, her skin is slightly rough, and her facial features are too dull. Except for a small light red mole on the upper left corner of her mouth, she doesn’t make anyone feel anything. Pay attention to the place.

She dressed neatly for men's clothing, tight-fitting robe, thin-soled quick boots, a very tight belt, extremely wide shoulders, but she did not have a chest, and her chest was high and bulging, showing a faint beauty.

Li Yao blinked his eyes, already a little forgotten about the appearance of this "Dragon Envoy".

After thinking about it carefully, this is in line with the identity of the "Ghost Painted Talisman" super assassin-only such an appearance can instantly hide in the crowd.

As for the small moles above the corners of the mouth and the tall breasts, they are obviously flaws that were deliberately sold, which deliberately left a deep impression. When it comes to hiding, you only have to cover the small moles and **** You can make a complete change if you are tied up!

Li Yao couldn't see the level of cultivation of this "Special Envoy of Long" and that of "Special Envoy of Qi Changsheng".

But for a brief analysis, those who are qualified to represent the two peerless murderers to participate in the secret meeting must be their most trusted henchmen, just like Yunqin Regent Han Baling, didn't he also sent Han Yuantai?

Where can such a confidant be as low as his strength?

Han Wontae is the middle-level cultivation base of the Yuanying period. These two special envoys representing Wang Xi and Qi Changsheng respectively, at least have the strength of the first-level Yuanying period, right?

Two elementary primaries, one mid-level primordial infant, plus Wan Mingzhu, a mysterious super primordial infant, this is the home of Wan Mingzhu. I don’t know how many skeleton zombies are lurking in the depths of the underwater city, Li Yao After an assessment, he does not seem to be an opponent.

"let's start."

In the Crystal Palace, Wan Mingzhu said to Long's envoy.

Special Envoy Long looked at the size of the Crystal Palace, and seemed to be estimating the appropriate location, then walked to the center of the Crystal Palace, kneeled on one knee, and the four Universe Rings worn on both hands flickered continuously, extracting dozens of fragments. The magical component, "ding and jingle", fell on the ground.

Li Yao's eyes lit up. The refining style of these magic weapon components is clearly divided into two parts. Some of them are like red copper as the main material, and the refining process is relatively rough and simple, as if they were made by hand a long time ago.

But some other components, on the surface, are not bad at all, seamless and shiny, showing super finishing strength!

That means that if it is a right-angled component, the angle is absolutely ninety degrees, which is not bad at all. If it is a straight rail, it is also absolutely straight. No matter how you measure it, there will be no error of one ten-thousandth. !

This is a magic weapon refining process that is clearly ahead of the ancient sacred world!

Either from the Pangu civilization, or from the Nuwa clan!


I’m sorry everyone, I’m a little bit Calvin today. I wake up at six in the morning, my brain is blank, and I’m tormented until two or three in the afternoon to get inspiration. I’m sorry everyone!

Let's make two changes today, Lao Niu slowly, polish the next situation!

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