40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1465: The possibility of cooperation

Clouds of wind swept over Li Yao's head and ears, and were torn to pieces by the chaotic psychic energy between the heavens and the earth and the frantically dancing lightning!

In such a violent magnetic field activity, the Yin Soldiers and Ghost Army, without physical protection, became the most vulnerable thing.

By virtue of this alone, at least nine out of ten chasing soldiers were freed.

Only the old mother Bai Lian and a handful of masters can still bite Li Yao's ass.

But they can't hold on for long.

"Boom! Click!"

Enter the rainstorm area ahead.

The heavy rain on the sea smashed down like hail, turning the sky and the earth into a world of water, seriously disrupting the sight, hearing and perception of the pursuers!

Li Yao still wears the strangely shaped fins, but a few fins after a burst of "click, click, click" changes, combined with each other, become wider and become a wing-like auxiliary flying magic weapon! ,

Li Yao pulled Long Yangjun, lifting his weight lightly, drawing a very graceful arc between the lightning and thunder, borrowing the power of wind, rain and magnetic field to the extreme, erratic like a dead leaf in a gust of wind, no The slightest regularity.

Mother Bai Lian’s roar and Gui Yan passed him time and time again, but he was getting closer and closer to Foehn!

On the dark sea ahead, you can faintly see a deep purple storm, like the Jiuyou Huangquan tearing a gap in the air, spewing out the eternal burning fire of destruction!

That is Foehn!

Even Li Yao didn't dare to resist the impact of Foehn wind without the protection of crystal armor!

He didn't even think about crashing into Fenfeng recklessly, just rubbing the edge of Fenfeng slightly and cutting in, like "surfing", with the help of Fenfeng's whistling power!

The Foehn wind has not yet completed its development, but it has a diameter of several hundred kilometers. The outermost rotation speed is naturally the fastest, and the violent wind is violent, as if even the sun can blow out.


Li Yao's arms and legs flicked, and his "fins" or "wings" instantly expanded out to almost double its size, holding the Foehn wind, and becoming swollen like sails that had eaten enough wind. , The speed instantly doubled!

Long Yangjun was tightly tied with a chain by him, hanging behind him like a kite, and finally couldn't help but let out screams in the scream of the violent wind.

The old mother Bai Lian manipulates a puppet body. The combination between the ghost and the puppet cannot be as close as a living person and her own soul. If he rushes into the Foehn wind, the ghost is very likely to be blown out of the puppet!

Even if she is the "mother of all ghosts in the world", without the protection of her body, it is impossible for her to survive the raging wind of Foeh for too long.

The skeletal dragon stopped abruptly outside the Fenfeng, spit out dozens of dazzling ghost fires into the depths of the Fenfeng, exploded in the Fenfeng, and turned into huge flaming lotus flowers, but even Li Yao The oily skin was not rubbed, and it was torn apart and completely annihilated!

After all, Bai Lian was not as crazy as Li Yao, and she dared to gallop in the wind.

Not to mention the envoys of Han Wontae and Qi Changsheng, whose cultivation bases are one step away from them, not to mention, they can only watch Li Yao and Long Yangjun getting smaller and smaller in the purple flame storm, and finally disappear!


Wan Mingzhu was furious, and the dragon's horns, which were as thick as thighs, were crushed by her abruptly!

She let out a sharp and sharp, lightning-like whistle, "This person, who is this person!"


Dawn the next day.

Fenfeng passed through the border, as if it had washed away all the dirt between the heavens and the earth. Looking at it, the sky was like a wash, there was no cloud in the sky, the red sun was gushing, and the sky was shining!

Not far from the coastline, a reef stands steeply on a desert island with interlaced teeth.

Such deserted islands are dotted along the coast, and there are no ten thousand and eight thousand.

Most of the desert islands are less than half an acre in area, but they are larger reefs, surrounded by steep cliffs, covered with reefs, lacking deep-water ports and gentle sandy beaches, and they are almost of no use value.

Even the pirates who kill and overtake goods will not consider this place as a lair.

Only birds live here, so many islands are filled with foul-smelling bird droppings.

In the depths of this deserted island, the original canine teeth and uneven areas were all crushed and flattened by Li Yao, forming a flat land the size of a sun drying field.


Long Yangjun was soaked and trembling on the ground, retching constantly.

I don't know if it was filled with too much rain, or was shocked by the power of Foehn wind and thunder.

This super assassin of the ghost painting talisman organization is now like a half-dead little fish, with a pale face and a panic expression. Where is the calmness of the confrontation with Li Yao last night?

Li Yao deliberately took her into the Foehn Wind, and he also had a bit of awe to frighten her soul and completely defeat her psychological defense.

Now it seems that the effect is pretty good!

Li Yao was sitting on the corner of the desert island with his knees crossed, his eyes closed slightly, and his breath was adjusted silently. The wisps of light green spiritual flame hovered around his body, revealing an inscrutable shape.

Hardly rushing into the Foehn wind would consume him quite astonishing, especially when he was carrying a burden like Long Yangjun.

Although it's very close to the mainland, it's blue sky and white sun, and it's a bright universe.

Qi Zhongdao and other super soul infants must search for Bai Lian mother and her whereabouts nearby. In this case, Bai Lian mother is unlikely to catch up with a large number of Yin soldiers and ghost army.

However, be careful to sail the Wannian Ship, the sooner you can adjust your breath and restore your peak combat power, the better!

Just now, while Long Yangjun was unprepared, Li Yao had secretly injected himself with a powerful healing potion brought from the Stars and Yao Federation. Its effect was stronger than the best "Return to Origin Pill" in the Ancient Sage Realm. Times!

"Senior Lingjiu!"

Long Yangjun retched on the ground for a long time. He almost vomited his internal organs. He looked at Li Yao's eyes full of awe. After hesitating for a long time, he finally summoned the courage to say, "I didn't expect the senior's cultivation. It is so amazing that even the Fen Feng that all cultivators look forward to can be controlled at will!"

"Since the predecessor has such a shocking cultivation base and is a well-known master craftsman in the world, he wants to come in to explore the fairy palace and be able to come in handy, then everyone can cooperate, there is no reason to meet each other!"

"The prince and his elders value the heroes of the world most. Since the secrets of the "Xiangong" have been known to the seniors, and the juniors can never hurt the seniors, then asking seniors to participate in the grand event seems to be the only choice!"

"As far as the senior is concerned, even if you kill the junior, take away the Immortal Palace map and the Wanluotian star disk, it will be useless to rely on the single-handed power of the senior!"

"First of all, this Immortal Palace map itself contains infinite mysteries, and it needs to be opened with a very secret technique. Seniors themselves can't open it.

"Secondly, even if all the mysteries of the map of the fairy palace are opened, it is only a small fraction of the secret of the fairy palace itself. The prince, the old man himself, still holds a lot of secrets, and he has to unlock it himself!"

"The predecessors are only the worship elders of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect, not to mention that they are cultivators of witchman origin, and have never been in harmony with the Dagan cultivation world. Since they are destined to not be able to open the fairy palace on their own, then they are always looking for someone to cooperate. !"

"Does the senior think that people in the cultivation world, such as Taixuan Dao, Ziji Sword Sect, etc., are more trustworthy than the prince?"

Li Yao opened his eyes slightly, staring at Long Yangjun thoughtfully, and asked noncommitantly: "How do you princes know the secret of the'Xiangong'?"

Hearing the looseness in his words, Long Yangjun flashed an imperceptible joy on his face, and honestly said: "A great effort to establish a country for thousands of years, not only inherited the huge royal library left over from the previous dynasty, but also from all over the world. A large number of fragments of ancient books have been collected everywhere, and most of the secrets and secrets of ancient history from ancient times to the present are all in it!"

"In the old days, before the rise of the prince, he was the'treasurer' of the Dagan Royal Library, who was responsible for sorting out the complex and all-encompassing ancient books, and also repairing the mottled fragments!"

"His old man was originally a genius of the sky, and he has been a treasurer for thirty years. Those old papers that no one has been digging for thousands of years are all clearly understood by his old man. He is from the intricate fragments. , I slowly sorted out countless clues, put them together, and all pointed to the'Xiangong'!"

"The clues alone are not enough. There are still a large number of magic weapons and secret maps related to the'Xiangong' scattered all over the country. A major role of our'Ghost Painting Talisman' organization is to help the princes to collect information related to the'Xiangong'. everything of!"

"That's it."

Li Yao finally understood part of the reason why Wang Xi wanted to make waves in the cultivation world. It seemed that it was not just about helping the emperor check and balance the cultivation practitioners. He nodded and said, "You princes want to explore the fairy palace, why? "

Long Yangjun laughed blankly and said: "It is possible to get a large number of invincible Yunqin Jinren, but also to have the opportunity to take the road to ascend to the immortal. Looking at the entire cultivation world, who wouldn't want to go to this'fairy palace' to find out? "

Li Yao frowned slightly, always feeling that the matter was not so simple. After thinking about it, he asked: "I think you are quite proficient in opening the map of the fairy palace, as if you have been in contact with it before?

"The core of the Immortal Palace map has been hidden in Dongning Mansion. It is regarded by the local cultivating sect as the treasure of the stable mountain gate. It is easy to never let outsiders approach it, and it is naturally impossible for juniors to come in contact with it."

Long Yangjun said, "However, the prince and his elders once drew a lot of similar pictures for the younger generations to compare and learn, so the younger generations can barely figure out the operation method. As for how the prince learned the operation method of the fairy palace map, then The juniors don't know."

Long Yangjun is just a tool for Wang Xi, even if Wang Xi trusts her again, it is impossible for her to know all the secrets.

Li Yao turned his mind, pretending to be pensive, and said: "What you said is indeed not unreasonable. Since it is impossible for a person to open the fairy palace, he must find someone to cooperate. It is the face of the people in the cultivation world, the master. In the past six months, I have come to the realization that cooperating with the prince is another option that can be considered!"

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