40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1466: Who controls everything?

Long Yangjun was overjoyed: "Did Senior Lingjiu agree?"

Li Yao sneered and said: "It doesn't matter who you cooperate with to explore the'Xiangong'. The key is how to ensure your own safety and how can I trust your prince. After all, his reputation in the cultivation world is not so good!"

"Senior Lingjiu is the worship elder of the Purple Extreme Sword Sect. The Purple Extreme Sword Sect had a close relationship with the prince. Seniors should know that many slanderous and insulting words in the cultivation world are all nonsense."

Long Yangjun thought for a while, his eyes sparkling, "Senior won't believe what the juniors say now. Please tell me, seniors, how can we trust my sincerity?"

"You operated too fast just now, and I was too far away, and I didn't see clearly."

Li Yao said coldly, "You take out the Immortal Palace map and the Wanluotian Star Disk, carefully operate it again and show it to me!"

Long Yangjun was slightly startled, and he subconsciously hesitated.

"Make it clear, now it is you who begged me to cooperate, not me."

Li Yao aggravated his tone and said stiffly, "If you are unwilling to cooperate, everyone will be separated. I will kill you directly, or you will kill yourself. What is the secret of the fairy palace, no one. I want it!"

When he looked directly at Long Yangjun and spoke, he deliberately mixed a few soul attacks in his eyes, making Long Yangjun once again recalled the horrible scene of wind, rain and thunder in the Fenfeng last night.

Long Yangjun shuddered slightly, his face becoming paler, and cold sweat the size of soybeans constantly oozing from his forehead.

After pondering for a long time, she couldn't find a solution. Obediently, according to Li Yao's instructions, she extracted the Wanluotian star disk and rhombus crystal from the universe ring, and assembled them carefully.

Last time, because of Xiaolong’s observation angle and fear of being discovered, Li Yao did not thoroughly record her techniques.

This time, Li Yao was attentive, not letting go of every detail.

In a short while, the assembly of the Wanluotian star disk was completed, and the diamond-shaped crystal was placed in the middle of the base, releasing a group of three-dimensional spherical operation interface.

Long Yangjun's hands quickly beating on it, stimulating the internal structure map of the fairy palace and the large coordinate map of the fairy palace one by one.

With the calculation power of Li Yaoyuanying's series, and observing it closely at such a close distance, it is natural that every detail is clearly imprinted in the depths of his brain.

Li Yaowu was dissatisfied and asked Long Yangjun to reduce the operation speed to a minimum, asking her to explain every string of instructions on every interface.

Li Yao's question was urgent and quick, and he didn't give Long Yangjun time to think.

Under the pressure of the super-high-intensity spirit, Long Yangjun honestly vomited all the methods of operation.

According to her method of operation, Li Yao tried several times and found no flaws, and then nodded contentedly.

Long Yangjun may have hidden some of the secrets in the core of the map, and maybe there are more valuable things in this storage magic weapon.

But it’s okay. Based on the operation methods she just explained, Li Yao can roughly analyze the extraction logic of this operation interface, plus the crystal brain assisted cracking brought by the Star Federation, I believe it will be better than these "ancients". Open more secrets.

"Very well, it seems that you are really sincere!"

Li Yao smiled slightly and waved to Long Yangjun, "Now, step aside!"

He learned Long Yangjun's operation method, closed all the maps, and began to disassemble the map core and Wanluo Celestial Disk.

He is a professionally trained craftsman, and the speed of disassembling magic weapon components will only be smoother than Long Yangjun.

Long Yangjun's face changed drastically, and he stammered: "Senior Ling, Lingjiu, what do you mean?"

"Means nothing."

Li Yao said lightly, "Since you have acted so sincerely and confessed everything honestly, I can keep you alive for the sake of the prince's face, but I must Take it away! This place is not far from the mainland. Although these things are not light, they can still fly over if they are barely carried on their backs. Whether you have your Universe Ring or not, the question is not big!"

Long Yangjun was dumbfounded: "Senior Lingjiu, you, are you still unwilling to cooperate with the prince? Why! The dynasty of the great dynasty is already dying and dying, and those honest and decent cultivators are full of despicable and shameless poison, and they Cooperation, there is absolutely no place to die!"

"Don't understand why I didn't choose to cooperate with the prince?"

Li Yao disassembled the Wanluotian star plate without rushing and hurriedly, without raising his head, and said lightly, "It's not that the name of the'four evil' is so terrible. To be honest, as a witchman monk, what am I right? The holy four evils', the distinction between good and evil, doesn't matter at all!"

"It's just that my character, no matter who I work with, I must take the initiative!"

"If you cooperate with your'four evils', your Quartet forces can complete most of the work. Even the map of the fairy palace is in your hands. I am a dispensable existence, at most relying on a tyrannical cultivation base. , Reduced to'cannon fodder' or'pioneer'!"

"No matter in advance or afterwards, or even during the exploration process, as long as you feel that I have no use value, you can do it on me at any time!"

"What's more, I'm a lonely family member, but you are all strong and powerful in all quarters. Even the subordinates of the princes who seem to be bereaved dogs have elite assassins with ghost paintings like you!"

"Hey, no matter how arrogant I am, I will not be arrogant enough to think that I can compete with hundreds of masters in the ice and snow in the state of the far north and ever night!"

Long Yangjun gritted his teeth and said: "What is the difference between working with the realm of cultivation?"

"Of course it's different."

Li Yao shook the diamond-shaped crystal that contained map information in his hand, and smiled, "As long as the Wanluotian astrolabe and the core of the map are in my hands, I will grasp the key information that the cultivation world absolutely does not know. If I really want to explore the immortal Gong, I am a pivotal existence, and the initiative is in my hands! Even if someone really wants to cross the river and demolish the bridge, it will have to be after my use value is exhausted!"

"Moreover, although I am not interested in who is right and who is wrong, right and wrong, compared to your princes, Wan Mingzhu, Qi Changsheng, and Han Baling, I still feel that the sword idiot is separated from the people, the begging of the flower, Ba Xiaoyu, and suffering. People like Master Cicada are more trustworthy!"

"At least, Ba Xiaoyu and Master Kuchan are lonely and widowed. Cooperating with them, you don't have to worry about a hundred and eighty masters coming out of the corner of the corner to besiege me, don't you?"

Long Yangjun was furious, his cheeks flushed, and the spirit eagle shackles on his body "Kaka" rattle, shaking constantly, but he was helpless with Li Yao and could only clenched his teeth, and squeezed a word from his teeth: "Senior Lingjiu has made up his mind to completely muddy this pool of water?"

"I am alone and lonely. Rather than picking up chestnuts from the fire, I would rather fish in troubled waters!"

Li Yaopi smiled and said without a smile, "The more forces involved in this matter, the more chaotic the situation is, the better it is for the master!"

Li Yao originally wanted to investigate the super masters of the ancient sacred world, plus whether there are any mysterious forces hidden in the dark.

Once the "Xiangong" news is released, all the masters will definitely gather.

If there are mysterious forces hiding in the dark, they will definitely jump out too!

At that time, Li Yao can make the final decision, whether to open the Star Gate and summon the expeditionary fleet of the Star Federation to come and bomb them!

Long Yangjun was so angry that he couldn't say a word.

After a while, it seemed to think of the loss of the Ten Thousand Celestial Star Disk and the core of the map, and the punishment to be suffered after returning to the ghost symbol. The blood on his face instantly faded, it was as white as a piece of paper, and his breathing became rushed and scattered!

She leaned against a rock in despair, completely losing her strength to play with Li Yao.

After Li Yao disassembled both the Wanluo Celestial Plate and the rhombus crystal, while calculating in his mind how to pack and carry them is the most convenient, he walked towards Long Yangjun, preparing to remove the shackles of the other side.

Wang Xi is one of the ten masters of the ancient sacred world and a very important key person. Maybe there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future. Naturally, Li Yao didn’t want to make things completely ruined, and even wanted to pass some information to Wang Xi through Long Yangjun , Expressing his "Master Lingjiu" is a very rational person who can communicate and negotiate.

This time everyone’s contradiction is nothing more than business. Since it is a business, there is the possibility of compromise, transaction, and various variables.

This level of meaning has been vaguely pointed out in Li Yao's words just now. Long Yangjun may not understand it, but Wang Xi must understand it!

Li Yao could have continued to lock Long Yangjun with the shackles of the eagle eagle, but in this way, it would be difficult to save her life in the perilous sea.

Moreover, part of the refining process of the Lingjiu Yoke is a secret that Li Yao has not disclosed. He does not want this imprisonment magic weapon to be obtained by a terrifying person like Wang Xi.

At this time, Li Yao still had the last three steps from Long Yangjun.

Long Yangjun was still limp under the reef as if his bones had been removed, and his eyes looking at Li Yao were somewhat scattered, as if focusing on the end of the endless sea behind him.

Everything is in Li Yao's control.

Li Yao suddenly had an extremely bad feeling.

Because, every time in the past, when he thought that everything was under control, it would be proved afterwards-there was not a single thing under his control at all!

This seems to be a counter-indicator that is all right.

Li Yao's right foot was about to step on the ground lightly, but at this moment he couldn't step on it anyway. Instead, every muscle in his left foot that served as a support was subconsciously excited to its limit!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

He could almost hear every cell deep in his left leg bursting, and the mitochondria bombarded with overcharged energy!

At this moment, Long Yangjun moved.

Long Yangjun, who was supposed to be locked up by the Lingjiu shackles, blocked all the meridians, pierced all the acupuncture points, and sealed every psychic cycle route, suddenly disappeared!

Li Yao has a thousand% confidence in the Lingji shackles he personally refined.

This shackle was born out of the "solar eclipse" Jiang Shaoyang's poisonous scorpion pierced the heart lock.

It is the most sophisticated imprisonment magic weapon of the Star Federation. It is the highly concise crystallization of hundreds of disciplines such as physiology, psionics, anatomy, ergonomics, etc. It has undergone countless simulation tests, and there is no demon. Tribes or humans, even those of Yuanying level, can break free without any cost and without sound!

But Long Yangjun turned into a phantom, and in an incredible way, he shackled the spirit eagle in place, and instantly swept in front of Li Yao!

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