40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1467: Oh it's you!

Her speed, strength, and constant change of position within an ultra-small range have completely oscillated herself into a group of phantom supernatural powers, which completely surpassed the level that a beginner or even intermediate cultivator of Yuan Ying stage should have!

She didn't have a sword on her, and Li Yao didn't perceive the action of extracting the flying sword from the Universe Ring. Instead, she felt that she was a sword in her own right, a sword that suddenly shattered into thousands of stars, terrifying to the extreme!

Starlight is like a waterfall, covering the entire desert island in an instant. Every fingernail-sized space has been cut hundreds of times by brilliant swordlights. The air is full of illusory but unshakable traces of sword wind!

That's right, it's gorgeous!

Long Yangjun's swordsmanship was so brilliant to such an incredible level, it was only slightly inferior to the most terrifying swordsman Yan Liren Li Yao had ever seen in his life, a thin line that was almost imperceptible!

Her sword style is completely different from that of Yan Liren.

Yan Liren's swordsmanship is simple, direct, and fierce. He usually hides it deeply. It is only locked with the sword intent. Once he transforms the sword intent into substance, the moment the sword is truly released, the target often has nowhere to escape.

It was a simple and unpretentious swordsmanship, with the taste of "road to simplicity".

Long Yangjun’s sword is gorgeous, splendid, and radiant, like a volcano, like a waterfall, like ten thousand stars exploding at the same time, bursting out endless light and heat!

If Li Yao stepped forward one millimeter with his right foot just now, or if there was a tendon on his left leg that was not completely tightened, this splendid torrent of sword light could completely swallow him!

Even at the moment when Long Yang Jun changed, regardless of the risk of his left leg bone bursting, he stomped the ground fiercely, while retreating backwards, while blasting a large crack on the desert island to attack Long Yang Jun. , And only slightly blocked Jianmang's aggressive offensive!


Li Yao seemed to be tightly wrapped in the sharpest fishing net. Hundreds of baby lip wounds burst out all over his body, blood dripping!

In particular, dozens of sword lights entangled his hands tightly, not giving him a trace of concentration, exerting subtle finger movements, and extracting the magic weapon from the universe ring!

Li Yao's heartbeat almost froze, but in an instant he jumped to an ultra-high frequency of more than 500 times per minute, raising the speed of blood and psychic circulation throughout his body to the limit!

This is the most dangerous battle since he came to the ancient sacred world, even more dangerous than the sword between him and Yan Liren.

After all, at that time, Yan Liren had only sword intent, but no killing intent.

But now, Li Yao can perceive the boundless and extreme killing intent from Long Yangjun!

Li Yao could only retreat and then retreat to the edge of the desert island.

All the canine-toothed reefs on the desert island were all flattened and shredded by Long Yangjun's amazing sword energy, and turned into thousands of pebbles.

Li Yao couldn’t retreat, and there was a cliff behind him. If he chose to jump off the cliff, he would be in an awkward state of nowhere to take advantage of him.

In front of a horrible swordsman like Long Yangjun, that is definitely an act of washing oneself clean and putting it on a cutting board, seeking a dead end!

Li Yao could only give a low roar, the blood gushing out from his body mixed with small stones, turned into a **** saber, and flicked towards Long Yangjun!

The corner of Long Yangjun’s mouth raised a cold smile, and there was still a little panic, like a cat playing with a mouse, rushing up against the blood saber in an unbiased manner. After being cut in half, it gradually turned into two phantoms!

Under the cliff behind Li Yao, suddenly a stronger crimson sword aura burst out!

Li Yao's pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't know when Long Yang Jun fooled his own perception and hid secretly on the cliff!

However, in the next moment he realized that this was a sinister scam. It was impossible for Long Yangjun to hide under the cliff. He was only sneaking in an astonishing sword energy, taking advantage of the star rain and the sword light flying around. , Hidden behind myself!

This is an old trick to make a noise!

Long Yangjun is still in front of him!

That's too late!

Li Yao tried his best to move horizontally to the left, but he still heard the crackling sound of his sternum, and the sound of blood pouring out like weeping!

He smashed heavily on the edge of the desert island, and a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly. Sword energy galloped across the body, destroying all the psychic energy circulation paths, and the aura fluctuations released were getting weaker and weaker.

At this time, the thousands of stars lingering on the desert island were condensed into Long Yangjun's hands one by one, turning into a long sword that seemed to be condensed from countless brilliant crystals!

Long Yangjun hit Li Yao hard with a single move. Instead of taking advantage of the victory, a stream of light popped from the ring of the universe and turned into a round magic weapon the size of a goose egg in mid-air, surrounded by dense holes, like a weird one. Hive.

From every hole in the "Honeycomb", weird sound waves are released, and the sound of "buzzing" is endless, which is very uncomfortable!

Judging from the blooming luster on the surface of this weird magic weapon, its refining technology has reached an astonishing level. It is by no means a native of the ancient sacred world that can be refined. It should be in the same line as the core of the map, and it is the product of the Nuwa clan!

"This treasure is called'Sound Nest'. It is a very strange magic weapon. It is not used to attack the enemy, but it can release a special sound wave, sealing all the'universe ring' within a radius of hundreds of meters. , Making them temporarily invalid, there is no way to put things in, nor to extract the contents."

Long Yangjun smiled and said, "Daoist Lingjiu is the famous'Great Zhou Jianzong', the foremost master craftsman in the ancient sacred world, and he must rely heavily on all kinds of strange magic weapons when fighting."

"You and mine were originally in the midst of your cultivation. The victory or defeat depends only on some small details. Now you are seriously injured, and you can't extract the magic weapon from the universe ring. How much confidence do you have that can defeat the secret sword? Where's the hand of me?"

"Daoist Lingjiu is a wise man. Under this circumstance, there is no need to act rashly and seek his own demise, right?"

"Cough cough, cough cough cough cough cough!"

Li Yao spit out a mouthful of blood, licked his **** teeth, stared at Long Yangjun like a wolf falling into a trap, hissed, "You are not Long Yangjun, there is no such person as Long Yangjun, you It's Wang Xi!"

Wang Xi smiled slightly and said: "Whether it is Long Yang or Wang Xi, it is just a code name. People like me naturally have countless identities and countless names. What's so strange about that?"

"I should have thought of it long ago!"

Li Yao smiled bitterly, "Wang Xi, who is so scheming and ambitious, can give such treasures as the'Wanluo Tianxing Disk' and the'Map Core' casually to a subordinate, and how can he let someone like him? The subordinates know so many secrets of him? And, as a subordinate, you are too long-winded!"

"I just don't understand. Since you are Wang Xi, why do you want to be so embarrassed without showing your true strength in the first place?"

Wang Xi said indifferently: "As I said just now, the strength of Daoist Lingjiu and I are in the middle of nowhere. If we can't find each other's fatal flaws, no one can do anything about it, even if I show my true identity from the beginning. With his strength, he can defeat Daoist Lingjiu at the most. It is extremely difficult to keep you behind!"

Li Yao's pupils shrank suddenly: "From the beginning, you wanted to keep me behind?"

"of course!"

Wang Xi smiled and said, "Lingjiu Daoist is a newly emerging superb figure in the realm of cultivation. He has already made his name in less than half a year. I just said that I have admired Daoist for a long time. That's not a lie! What's more! , Daoists are proficient in the refining technique, which is very helpful for exploring the fairy palace. If you can join the feast with Daoists, your chances of success in this operation will be greatly increased!"

"So, I have been waiting for the best opportunity to invite fellow daoists to stay, and everyone can talk frankly and honestly!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't it the best opportunity for Bai Lian to catch up?"


Wang Xi shook his head and said, "If the cultivation base reaches the level of you and me, it is not guaranteed to be able to stay if there are too many people. The five masters such as Taoist Lingjiu and Qi Zhongdao besieged the Virgin Mary, but failed to keep her, me and Our Lady of White Lotus joins hands to deal with you, how can you be sure to keep you?"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and said, "Then in the Fenfeng, why don't you do it?"

"That's still not the best opportunity."

A magnificent brilliance bloomed in Wang Xi's eyes, and he smiled, "What's more, I didn't expect that fellow Lingjiu Daoist would be so crazy that they would go straight into the Foehn Wind. There are too many variables there, and I still don't have complete assurance. Keep fellow daoists!"

"Only when I get here, when Fellow Lingjiu knows most of the secrets, and gradually removes his guard and vigilance, and even prepares to unlock the shackles on me, is the best opportunity!"

"According to my original idea, you should be able to subdue fellow Lingjiu Daoist with one move, but I didn't expect that your vigilance against danger is so high that it took a lot of effort!"


Li Yao stared at the shackles of the Lingjiu in the corner, and muttered, "How did you untie the shackles of the Lingjiu? Anyone, even at the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage, can never do so easily, from my shackles. Break free!"

The brilliance of Wang Xi's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he said every word: "Nothing can trap me, let alone a small shackle, it's this world, it won't work!"

The muscles in the corners of Li Yao's eyes kept beating, and his throat hoarsely said, "Since the master fell into your hands, he would listen to him if he wanted to kill or pluck him, but he didn't know what the prince would do with me?"

"No matter if you believe it or not, I sincerely invite Daoist Lingjiu to participate in this exploration of the ‘Xiangong’!"

Wang Xi said, "After all, the remaining three of the'four evils' are not easy to follow. Even if I have a heart of solidarity, it is difficult to guarantee that they have no intention of crossing the river and breaking the bridge. They can add a very important bargaining chip to themselves, of course. well!"

"It's just that, I know that Daoist Lingjiu will definitely not cooperate with me obediently, and I am willing to be my assistant."

"Even if Fellow Daoist Lingjiu vowed to cooperate with me now, I wouldn't believe it."

"and so……"

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