40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1469: Why bother to hurt each other?

The faces of the two of them are not too pretty.

Needless to say, half of Wang Xi's face turned into scorched black, and the eyes that sunk deep into it, as if there was still a magical spirit flame jumping, it made him grin with pain, and his facial nerves kept twitching. It's not much better!

Li Yao was not happy either.

In the new round, he didn't get much benefit, on the contrary, he also exposed the secret of his "Heavenly Tribulation War Body"!

The ancient sacred world did not have a special term for "demon race", but the barbarians scattered on the edge of the continent and far away from the center of civilization often carried some of the blood of the monster race.

Come to think of it, when the Nuwas attacked this "Pangu war base", they brought a large number of cell-enhanced "Lei Zhenzi troops". After hundreds of thousands of years, the members of these Lei Zhenzi troops and the rest of the human warriors Continuously intermarriage, slowly spreading blood, and evolved into a large number of barbarians.

Because the ancient sacred world has not experienced the "Great Dark Age", there is no sharp confrontation between the human race and the monster race. The division between barbarians and civilization is mainly based on culture.

Even with some weird monster bloodlines, as long as they accept a large number of Central Plains culture, they will not be regarded as alien.

Li Yao, who was born as a witch-man monk, showed some characteristics of the monster race, which was not too strange.

The problem is that the demonic characteristics he presented are too strong-shimmering minions and bone spurs, scarlet eyeballs, clear oily scales, the most exaggerated is the palm used to stimulate the cell annihilation cannon lens, it is almost half human Half-demon, terrifying and terrifying to the extreme.

Such a distinctive feature and such a cool shape, even if it does not make Wang Xi suspicious now, it will definitely become a hidden danger in the near future!

Li Yao squinted his eyes, and for the first time a strong killing intent surged from the depths of his heart, silently calculating if he summoned the crystal armor, would he have a chance to kill Wang Xi instantly?

The calculation results are not optimistic.

Wang Xi had already retreated to the edge of the cliff, obviously putting on a posture that he would rush to the bottom of the sea if he didn't say anything, and flee!

For Wang Xi, a super master who is at least the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage, I don’t know how many secrets there are. Even if he is equipped with a crystal armor, Li Yao is not confident that he will kill him with a single blow. He will only discover more secrets. !

What made Li Yao even more depressed was that he had leaked such an important hole card, but he did not take out even half of the news about the "Xiangong" from Wang Xi's mouth!

Originally wanted to pretend to be extremely weak, and pulled out a lot of information about the fairy palace from this guy's mouth-this trick has been tried and tested in the past!

Unexpectedly, this half-male and not-female fellow has a sharp sense of smell and a too tight tone!

"What a clever'barbaric technique', it seems that the entire cultivation world has far underestimated fellow Lingjiu Daoist!"

Wang Xi clutched his injured right side of his face, and said every word, the charming voice, which was as thick as a spring breeze, also turned into a cold wind.

The so-called "barbarian art" is the secret method of a barbarian monk who has the blood of the demon clan to inspire the primitive cells in the body, which is a kind of uncommon side-by-side approach.

Wang Xi used to be in charge of the royal library of the Dagan Dynasty and explored a wide range of subjects, but he mistakenly regarded Li Yao's Heavenly Tribulation Battle Body as the result of his "barbaric body art".

Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, constantly calculating all the details on the desert island, trying to find a suitable attack route, and even laughed strangely: "No matter how clever means, aren't they all detected by the prince in advance?"

Wang Xi snorted coldly: "You don't need to spend your time in the spirit eagle. You no longer want to attack. In today's situation, you and I are both hit hard. No matter which party wants to escape with all his strength, the other party will not be able to stop it. Yes, any means of attack is just a waste of effort! What's more, no matter whether you believe it or not, until this moment, I still think that we have no fundamental conflicts. On the contrary, I am more and more interested in Taoists. Up."

"My interest in the prince is getting stronger and stronger."

Li Yao deliberately stared at Wang Xi's towering chest.

"Daoist Lingjiu, now known as the'Great Zhou Jianzong' by people in the cultivation world, that's a great master!"

Wang Xi's voice contained icy anger, "Don't you think that such a look is too rude?"

"I'm just curious."

Li Yao smiled slightly and turned his gaze back, "Hiding under the shell of'Wang Xi', is it a man or a woman? Is it Wang Xi pretending to be Long Yangjun, or Long Yangjun pretending to be Wang Xi?"

"Presumably the prince himself knows that there are so many rumors about you in the cultivation world, and there are even many people who suspect that the prince is a'heavenly eunuch'!"

"However, I think it's quite strange. The prince is a well-known powerful eunuch. Is the reputation of the so-called "eunuch" harder to hear than the "great eunuch"?"

"As for the fact that the prince is actually a woman, it does not seem to be worth concealing. Perhaps in the past, the identity of the'Quan Huan' was still useful in the temple, but the princes are all down to the present day. Relying on your own strength, as long as the strength is still there, is it important to be a man or a woman?"

"However, in the process of playing with Wang Bus, I clearly felt that the prince was quite sensitive to his identity, and seemed to hide some secrets even more ulterior than ‘Wang Xi is a woman’. What exactly is it?"

Wang Xi stared at Li Yao for a long time, and then sighed slightly. It seemed that he didn’t understand why Li Yao had to be entangled in this issue. He said quietly: "Friends of the eagle, you know I don’t know what is meant by "there is nothing wrong in the world, and the mediocre people disturb themselves"?"

"It's like the two of us, who have never known each other, have no grievances, and we can work together to explore the'Xiangong' together, and each takes what we need. Why do we have to make trouble until now, guard against each other, each other's suspicion, even death ?"

"If Fellow Daoist Lingjiu insists on the trivial matter of whether I am a man or a woman, I have to fight back with all my strength to find out if you are the real Master Lingjiu, and everyone loses and hurts both, so why bother? ?"

Li Yao's smile instantly solidified.

Wang Xi took advantage of the moment his mind was shaking, and once again shot, the Tianhe Waterfall condensed by dozens of star-shaped sword rain rose once again over the deserted island!

Li Yao hurriedly counterattacked, only to find that Wang Xi's fierce offensive was just a fake shot.

When the sword rain all over the sky disappeared, Wang Xi had opened his arms and stood tiptoe on the cliff on the edge of the deserted island.

But there is one more thing in his hand-the core of the map of the fairy palace!

In a hurry, Wang Xi didn't have time to put the huge Wanluo Heavenly Star Disk into the Universe Ring, but he just snatched the core of the map back, shaking his hand, and disappearing between his fingers like gravel.

"If Daoist Lingjiu really wants to know my secret so much..."

Wang Xi smiled freely, and the faint charm showed the heroic spirit, "Then when the fairy palace gathers, let's talk all night long!"

With a single tap of his feet, he instantly floated more than a dozen miles away like a kite with a broken line, and sank into the black sea, without even half of the waves spreading.

The beating of the corner of Li Yao's eyes has not stopped until this moment, but has become more and more intense.

His intuition is correct, Wang Xi is indeed a very important figure in the Ancient Sage Realm!


Li Yao calmly walked to the corner, knelt on one knee, and carefully studied the shackles of the spirit eagle that had been broken by Wang Xi.

The entire chain is very complete, and neither the psionic cycle nor the mechanical structure is damaged.

Judging from the slight scratches remaining on the shackles, Wang Xi "slipped" out like a ghost!

Li Yao tilted his head and pondered for a long time, but couldn't figure out how Wang Xi got out of trouble.

He once again strengthened his judgment, except for the unimaginable old monster of transforming the gods, no one can instantly get rid of the shackles of the spirit eagle unscathed!

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

In the clouds behind him, there were four roars of tearing the air, and four powerful cultivators were flying at supersonic speed.

Li Yao wiped his face, took a few deep breaths, and retracted his hideous minions and bone spurs into his body.

"Friend Lingjiu, what is going on!"

Qi Zhongdao, Yan Liren, Ba Xiaoyu and Master Kuchan landed on the deserted island.

It seems that Wang Xi had sensed the arrival of the four Super Nascent Souls, so he slipped away. Otherwise, the game between him and Li Yao might be a few more rounds!

Li Yao looked at the parts of the Wanluotian astrolabe scattered around, glanced at Ba Xiaoyu, Master Kuchan and the others, cleared his throat, and explained it carefully.

After a stick of incense, the faces of Qi Zhongdao, Ba Xiaoyu, and Master Kuchan became very solemn.

Even Yan Liren, who had never been interested in anything other than Kendo, raised his eyebrows.

"Xiangong, Yunqin Jinren, the way to rise to immortality?"

"Wang Xi, Wan Mingzhu, Qi Changsheng, and Han Baling, the four wicked men have joined forces!"

With the extremely shocking news, the four Super Nascent Souls with extremely firm Dao Xin couldn't help but rub their hands again and again.

"The Yunqin golden man is the legendary treasure of the ancients. Even if there is only one, it is possible to reverse the entire battle!"

Master Kuchan sighed, "If Han Baling, Wan Mingzhu or Qi Changsheng get a few Yunqinjinren, it is possible to change the world and set off a series of catastrophes!"

"Wang Xi has always been known for his insidious cunning and deep scheming. Everything in the'Xiangong' is his own words, and it may not be true!"

The beggar Ba Xiaoyu snorted coldly, "However, no matter what Wang Xi's purpose is, the combination of the four murderers is indeed no trivial matter. If you are not careful, it will cause chaos in the world, and the lives will be destroyed!"

"We must find the'Xiangong' before the'four evil'!"

Qi Zhongdao said solemnly, "Unfortunately now, the map of the fairy palace is back in Wang Xi's hands!"

"It doesn't matter."

Li Yao said lightly, "I have seen the map and structure of the fairy palace just now, even if there is no core, you can copy it! The biggest trouble is that Wang Xi's cultivation is like me, even if there is no analysis of the map.' Wanluotian star disk', he should also be able to copy the map from memory!"

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