40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1470: Wash the world!

"In other words, now we and Wang Xi and other'four evils' can find the'Xiangong'. Everyone is fighting for time, and it is very likely that we will meet in the cold wind and freezing state of the far north and eternal night? "

Qi Zhongdao furrowed his brows, glanced at Li Yao, and said in deep thought, "Daoist Lingjiu, the clues to the'Xiangong' were discovered by you. The specific map and the internal structure of the Xiangong are all in your mind. Since you are willing to tell me everything frankly and honestly, it shows your trust in me. I naturally have to respect your opinions. How are you going to deal with this matter?"

Li Yao spread his hands and said with a grin: "If possible, the Master also wants to'swallow' the secrets of the fairy palace. It's just that the state of the far north and eternal night cannot be broken in alone. People work together, let alone I can deal with it. Although I am proficient in the art of refining weapons and mechanisms, I have no experience in moving mountains and tombs. Naturally, I can only find someone who I can trust to cooperate!"

"Bao Daoyou and Kuchan are well-known benevolent gentlemen in the realm of cultivation. Daoyou Yan and Daoqi Qi can be reluctantly trusted. I have no opinion on how to deal with this matter. As long as you can guarantee that there will be peace within the fairy palace. Everything related to'craft refining', as well as those mysterious and unpredictable ancient magic weapons, can be studied by me!"

Ba Xiaoyu and Master Kuchan glanced at each other and breathed a sigh of relief, secretly rejoicing that "Master Lingjiu" was focused on refining art, not the ambitious generation of "four evils"!

Qi Zhongdao nodded, and drew a rough map on the ground with his spiritual energy, saying: "The words of fellow Lingjiu Daoist are not imaginary. If the'Xiangong' really exists, it is indeed not something that can be explored alone. Please see. , This is the positional relationship map of Xiangong, Youyun Erzhou, and Dagan's many state capitals!"

"Many state capitals under the rule of the Dagan were in the south, and Youyun Erzhou, which was occupied by the Qin people, was in the north. However, starting from Youyun Erzhou, it would take tens of thousands of miles to the north to reach the far north of Yongye State!"

"This Youyun two prefecture, although nominally only has two state capitals, it is actually a vast expanse of prairie, its area is more than half of the entire Dagan, and the ghosts of Qin people rely on the vast expanse. The prairie can deal with the big dry!"

"If we want to go to the Far North and Evernight State, there are only two roads. Either go directly through Youyun Erzhou, which naturally does not work; or take a psionic flying boat, from the flanks of Youyun Erzhou, Above the sea, go around in a big circle!"

Qi Zhongdao drew an arc next to the map, and then said, "The key issue is manpower and supplies. The cold sky and cold ground in the state of the far north of the eternal night is a frozen hell, and the spiritual energy of the world is disordered, which is extremely detrimental to cultivation! "

"A Nascent Soul monk like us has to breathe out a lot of spiritual energy every day to maintain his realm. If the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is so disordered that it cannot be absorbed, he must carry a large amount of spar supplements, plus food, magic weapons, medicinal materials and With all kinds of supplies, I'm afraid that dozens of Qiankun rings are not enough to store!"

"What's more, if we meet with a large force of the'four evil's in the state of the extreme north of the night, how can we complete the next task even if we can kill thousands of low-level cultivators with the five of us alone?"

This is a very terrible question.

"Three Sages" plus Li Yao and Master Kuchan, to fight against the "four evils", there is a little more fighting power on paper.

But the five people here are almost all polished commanders, while the "four evil spirits" over there are strong soldiers.

In the desperate situation of freezing thousands of miles and cutting off supplies, the "four evil spirits" only need to use human tactics to exhaust their psychic and physical energy, they will be dead!

"The five of us alone are not enough to contend with the huge forces of the'four evil', let alone unearth all the secrets of the fairy palace."

Qi Zhongdao looked at Li Yao, "Does Lingjiu Taoist fellow agree with this?"

Li Yao said coldly: "Do you Qi Daoyou mean to tell the whole world of cultivation, hehe, I am as greedy as hyenas, as stupid as pigs, and as sinister as a viper, with only eight words of evaluation—— Incompetent bungler!"

"well said!"

Ba Xiaoyu clapped his hands and said, "The cheeks of those pigs in the cultivation world really look at the beggars! Old Qi, if we really tell them the secret of the "Xiangong", believe it or not, it's just for the minds of the daoists With this map, they can punch out the dog's brains, and when they really set out to explore the fairy palace, they will engage in all sorts of sordid deeds along the way, not to mention it!"

"Qi Shizhu is a good man."

Master Kuchan also sighed and said, "Unfortunately, there are not many people in the real world who still follow the rules like Qi Shizhu. This time the southeast disaster relief trip, is it not enough to make Qi Shizhu realize? "

Qi Zhongdao listened silently, the face cast by Huntie did not have a half-thread expression. After a long period of silence, he slowly said: "Since everyone is so optimistic about the many sects in the realm of cultivation, and we really need to cooperate with the powerful forces of one party, So... how about the emperor?"

As soon as this statement came out, the other four people were slightly startled.


The beggar Ba Xiaoyu widened his eyes, as if he didn’t know Qi Zhongdao, and looked at him up and down, "Cooperating with the emperor, it’s really weird. I remember Lao Qi, you have always been on the side of the realm of comprehension, leading each other. The big sects, against the court, there are even rumors in the market that the old emperor was justified by you!"


Qi Zhongdao said, "Everything I do is to maintain the stability of the cultivation world and the world! The major sects and the court are like two legs of a person. Both legs must be equally strong and powerful to walk. Be sure! No matter which leg is too thick, it's not a good thing!"

"In the past, when Wang Xi was in power, he established ghost painting symbols, and instigated dissent among the major sects, and caused them to be in a state of turmoil. Everyone was at risk, and even killed each other. That was the leg of the'imperial court'. It's too strong, so I will lead the major sects to check and balance the power of the emperor and Wang Xi!"

"At this time, at another time, now Wang Xi has lost power. The new emperor has just ascended the throne. Although he has the ambition of'Phoenix Nirvana and ZTE's great efforts', the foundation is slightly weak after all, and the leg of the'Comprehensive Realm' has taken the opportunity to be unscrupulous. Inflate! This time the misty southeast tour, everyone can see clearly, in the long run, the country will not be the country!"


Qi Zhongdao raised his voice, and on the black face that was as hard as iron, a few exuberant rays of light burst out, as if a hard mask was shattered, and wild flames spewed out from the gap!

"Nowadays the building will fall, the world will be chaotic, and the entire cultivation world is facing the end of disintegration and destruction!"

"And those elders, short-sighted elders, leaders, and suzerains who are short-sighted are still drawing the ground as a prison, beggars neighbors, intrigues, you fight for me! Just like the spirit eagle daoists said, greedy like a dog, stupid like a pig, insufficient success, more than defeat! "

"If they continue to mess around like this, it won't take long before the war will break out, and the realm of cultivation will become the weak and the strong. You will die, the blood will flow, and the corpses will be the **** of Shura!"

"The five of us were already aware of this when they were meeting under Huxiao City that day."

"It's a pity that we have a brute force and seemingly beautiful name, but we are unable to change all of this. We can only watch the cultivation world slide into the abyss, and after a few steps, we will fall to pieces!"

"Didn't we still lament that day, even if we are the invincible Super Nascent Soul in the world, facing this filthy and chaotic world, we are unable to turn things around!"

"Now, it is our great opportunity to reorganize the realm of cultivation and cleanse this world!"

"As long as we can unearth the secrets of the'Xiangong' and get the inheritance of the ancient gods and demons, even if we have five people and one Yunqinjin, the entire cultivation world can operate according to our five will and rules. Isn't it better? Is this chaotic situation hundreds of times better?"

"Cooperating with the arrogant and ambitious Phoenix Emperor, of course there will be some hidden dangers, so the five of us should be more sincere and united!"

"As long as the five of us can build a consensus and come together thoroughly, no matter the emperor, the four evildoers, or so many sects who do their own things and behave in ways, all will be suppressed by our will!"

Qi Zhongdao's shocking words caused the four Super Nascent Souls to fall into a long silence, and a cloud of white mist appeared on each of their foreheads, which was a sign that their computing power had reached the limit.

After a long time, Master Kuchan whispered the Buddha's horn and said: "These changes in the world are really not a monk to know, but the new emperor became the throne for a year, and I heard that the gods have actually done several important things to the people. Suffering is also valued. Although the style of acting is still immature, there is also a certain demeanor of Dao Mingjun. If the court can stabilize the overall situation and protect the people from the suffering of swords and soldiers, then it will be the blessing of all beings in the world."

Ba Xiaoyu also craned his neck to study the positional relationship map of Dagan, Youyun Erzhou and the Far North Yongye Land, scratching his stinky hair and said: "The beggar doesn't understand the principle of fighting in battle, but from common sense. It is inferred that if we do not want to encounter a large number of enemies on the way to the fairy palace, we can only strengthen the offensive against the ghost Qin in the south, and drag the opponent's elites to death. At this point, the real world of scattered sand is What can't be done, only the imperial army can do it!"

"The imperial court does not have many soldiers who dare to fight, and a very small number of elites are in the hands of the Phoenix Emperor. If this trip is to go smoothly, it seems that you can only find the Emperor to cooperate."

"The emperor is not a dead person."

Yan Liren concentrated on studying the pattern on his scabbard, and murmured casually, "Exploring such a big action in the fairy palace, even if we don't say it, the emperor won't know it?"

The meaning between the lines in a few people is not very opposed to cooperating with the Phoenix Emperor.

After all, they are not people with a strong desire for power, and it can even be said that they have no desire for power at all, and there is no fundamental contradiction with the emperor.

Li Yao stared straight at Qi Zhongdao for a long time, and suddenly he said something unexpected:

"Friend Qi Daoist, there has long been a connection between you and the Phoenix Emperor, you want to join forces to deal with the entire cultivation world, right?"

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