40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1471: The union of the five super baby infants!

As soon as these words came out, Yan Liren, Ba Xiaoyu, and Master Kuchan all looked at Qi Zhongdao in a bit of astonishment.

After all, in the past, Qi Zhongdao, the nominal "leader of the cultivation world", stood firmly on the side of the cultivation world and took the lead in checking and balancing the power of the court. It can even be said that he is the incarnation of the entire cultivation world!

Li Yao continued: "The first emperor was assisted by Wang Xi, which faintly formed a repression of the entire cultivation world, but it also caused strong dissatisfaction with the major sects. After the Phoenix Emperor succeeded to the throne, he was forced by the pressure of the major factions. I can't believe in Wang Xi, an old minister of the former court, and Wang Xi was ruined and his power was overwhelming, and he was wiped out!"

"However, the Phoenix Emperor expelling Wang Xi does not mean that he will succumb to the will of the cultivation world. On the contrary, he may want to cultivate his own'Wang Xi' to check and balance the cultivation world. Now the Dagan dynasty is precarious At this time, there is not much time left for him to reorganize the mountains and rivers. It is impossible for him to cultivate a brand-new power official from scratch. Fellow Daoist Qi is his best choice, the Phoenix Emperor's'Wang Xi'!"

"Is this true!"

Ba Xiaoyu couldn't help asking, "Old Qi, did the emperor really look for you?"

Qi Zhongdao was expressionless, but the blue veins on the back of his hand suddenly protruded. He took a deep look at Li Yao, and said every word: "Qi is a human being, he is upright, and everything is right to speak to others, yes, the emperor did look for him. Guo Qi wants to use thunder means to completely cleanse this misty cultivation world, and return a blue sky and a bright day!"

Master Kuchan whispered the Buddha's name: "Has Qi Shizhu ever agreed?"


The light in Qi Zhongdao's eyes dimmed, and he whispered, "No matter what Qi says, he is the supreme leader of Taixuan Dao and a member of the cultivation world. He firmly believes that as long as everyone in the cultivation world abides by the rules and takes the overall situation as the If it is heavy, it can restore its former vitality on its own, so it is unwilling to let the power of the emperor intervene in the internal affairs of our major sects."

Li Yao said: "It's a pity that during this trip to the southeast, the actions of the major sects completely disappointed fellow Qi Daoist, his blood became cold, and his heart died. He believed that the cultivation world alone would never be able to eliminate it. These smoky miasma and ghosts are like a person sinking in mud feet. If there is no external help, they will only sink deeper and deeper, and fall into a disaster! Only by cooperating with the Phoenix Emperor and using the power of the court can we renew the entire cultivation world!"

Qi Zhongdao's eyes froze for a while, as if he was extremely unwilling to admit this sad fact, and sighed quietly, "I didn't agree at that time. There was another reason, because I was alone at that time. The bargaining chip for bargaining with the emperor, even if promised, would only become his **** and claw! Another thing, at that time I did not believe that the Phoenix Emperor had enough power to suppress the major sects. If the contradictions between the two sides intensify completely, triggering a great dynasty In the civil war, Qi has become a sinner forever!"

"But now, the appearance of fellow daoists and the news of the'Xiangong' have given me a new glimmer of hope!"

"As long as the five of us can fully gather together, it is a force that can shake the world. Whether facing the emperor or the major sects, we have a bargaining chip!"

"If we can master the Yunqin Jinren in the Immortal Palace, we can use our invincible power to clean up the realm of cultivation and bring brand new rules to all major sects and even the entire world, and I can offer you fellow Taoists I promise, this rule is absolutely upright, fair and honest!"

"That's what Qi has thought all his life, what do the four fellow Taoists think!"

Qi Zhongdao was like a black nail, and his shocking words pierced the hearts of the four.

Master Kuchan sighed: "The poor monk has nothing to ask for. I just hope that the dawn people in the world can stay away from the suffering of the swordsman. If we want to achieve this, we must go to the cold **** of the northern state of eternal night. If I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell?”

Ba Xiaoyu also sipped fiercely, clapped his hands and laughed: "Beg Huazi to look at the high-sounding, male thieves and female prostitutes of the major sects. They have long been full of fire. If they can all learn to abide by the rules, cooperation with the emperor does not seem to be a problem. not good!"

Li Yaodao: "The master still said that, as long as I leave everything related to the'Artifact Refining Technique' in the Immortal Palace to me to study, it doesn't matter who I cooperate with!"

"Friend Yan Dao, how about you?"

Qi Zhongdao turned his gaze to Yan Liren.

Yan Liren is the elder of the Purple Pole Sword Sect. Among the five, he and Qi Zhongdao are deeply entangled with the major sects.

Yan Liren is still carefully studying the direction of the pattern on the scabbard and the effect of this direction on the weight of the scabbard, without raising his head: "Whether it is the Purple Pole Sword Sect or the Phoenix Emperor, it has nothing to do with me. , You can fight as you like, I only care about whether there is an opponent worthy of my sword in the fairy palace!"

He suddenly raised his head, his eyes glowed with interest, and he muttered, "Have you noticed that this'Xiangong' is located at a distance from the battlefield where the two masters of the **** of transformation, Wu Xingyun and Meng Chixin, were dueling a hundred years ago. Very close?"

"At that time, Wu Xingyun and Meng Chixin were in a decisive battle in the depths of the Far North Evernight State. It is said that during the decisive battle they encountered an unprecedented blizzard. The cold wave was so strong that even the air could freeze and crack! When the blizzard passed, The two masters of the gods disappeared without a trace!"

"You said, will Wu Xingyun and Meng Chixin have some kind of wonderful connection with the so-called'Xiangong'?"

This question stunned the other four people. After looking at each other, they couldn't get the answer.


Yan Liren suddenly became interested. He stretched out his thick and short fingers, flicked heavily on the scabbard, and made the sound of swords and swords. "Exploring the fairy palace, it is very possible to encounter the'four evil'. Opponents who are worthy of swinging their swords may also encounter two seniors of the transformation of the gods, and have a chance to kill the fairy in the legend. Such a fun thing, there is really no reason not to go!"

At this point, the five Super Yuan Ying, driven by their different purposes, reached a consensus!

Li Yao still has one last question.

"Dear fellow daoists, have you ever seen Wang Xi with your own eyes? What kind of person is that?"

Li Yao casually grabbed a piece of gravel on the desert island and kneaded it into powder, creating a vivid sand sculpture, which was temporarily fixed with psychic energy. It was the king who appeared just now in the form of "Dragon Yangjun". like.

Li Yao is a craftsman, and he often has to shape and micro-carve the workpieces. Although the works he sculpted are not masterpieces of extraordinary craftsmanship, they are accurate in proportions and exquisite in appearance. They are all delicate and lifelike.

"This is Wang Xi?"

Everyone frowned as they watched Li Yao's appearance of a flat but plump woman.

"This is Wang Xi."

Yan Liren also learned Li Yao's technique, using sand and gravel to create a statue of Wang Xi.

"Yes, Wang Xi usually shows up in public, he looks like this!"

Wang Xi is a great castr with the power of the ruling party. Naturally, he will not hide his head and show his tail. Many cultivators have seen him with their own eyes, especially Yan Liren and Qi Zhongdao, who have been in close contact with him many times and captured them very accurately. To his characteristics.

Li Yao carefully observed the statue of Yan Liren. Wang Xi's appearance was not like the "big eunuch" that most people imagined, which might be arrogant, subdued, or stubborn, but a very refined, even weak. The image of the middle-aged scribe, except for his face and no beard, is not much different from the cultivator of the fairy style.

Because when Yan Liren and Wang Xi were dating, they were fighting tactics and swords. Therefore, Wang Xi on this statue also has a long sword on his back. His eyes are piercing and energetic. It is indeed a somewhat unparalleled sword fairy.

Li Yao put the two statues together for comparison, "Wang Xi" and "Long Yangjun" are really different.

However, this does not explain what the problem is. When the level of cultivation reaches the level of Li Yao and Wang Xi, whether it is to change the direction of bones and muscles, to slightly enlarge or reduce the body shape, or to control the secretion of male hormones and female hormones in the body to produce different levels. Bisexuality is not too difficult!

If Li Yao wants to, he can start from now on and stimulate the secretion of estrogen in his body. Naturally, he can make the skin smooth and delicate, the beard and leg hair will gradually fall off, the subcutaneous fat will thicken, and the chest will also be high and swelling— —This is nothing!

"Wang Xi, Long Yangjun, what is the true identity hidden behind you?"

Li Yao's heart moved, and suddenly he thought of information about Wang Xi.

According to the data, Wang Xi was the palace that moved forward in about eight or ninety years.

The profession of eunuch, if it is not the highly needed high-tech talents, is generally cultivated since childhood.

In other words, Wang Xi was born almost a hundred years ago!

This is a crucial point in time.

A hundred years ago, the two old monsters of the gods disappeared completely in the ice storm near the fairy palace in the state of eternal night in the far north.

One hundred years ago, Wang Xi was born, and he almost used his life's energy to find clues to the fairy palace. Now he finally sets out to find the fairy palace.

A hundred years ago, the mysterious signal was sent from the ancient sacred realm to the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing!

Is there a mysterious connection between these things?

It seems that the answer to all this can only be revealed after arriving at the fairy palace!


One month later.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

Flying arrows are like rain, covering the sky and the earth, like a huge swath of hungry crows, crossing the clouded sky, smashing their heads and brains on the battlefield, suddenly aroused a heart-piercing scream, and **** screams. Harsh sound!


With a deafening roar, the iron-clad heavy rider from the Central Plains turned into a torrent of steel, rolling away toward the plump grasslands of Youyun Erzhou!

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