40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1478: Chaos!

Li Yao turned his head and glared fiercely, and saw a cultivator who was shivering and shivering with cold, staring blankly at the long sword in his hand, as if he couldn't believe that the sword light was inspired by himself, and he was pitiful. Looking at Li Yao, he completely lost his square inch.

Li Yao couldn't wait to kick this guy who had not succeeded enough to fall to the ground, but it was too late!

Brother Gui Qin was already in a state of nervous tension and would explode at any time. This sword light seemed to detonate a gunpowder barrel, and all the Brother Gui Qin screamed and rushed forward!

For a time, the shadows of the knives and swords crossed, palm thunder and stumps and broken arms flew together, explosions and screams one after another, the blood just splattered out, it froze in the air into strange-shaped red bouquets, and then fell to the ground. Smash it to pieces and turn into a ball of crystal clear blood!

Li Yao couldn't stop the cultivators on both sides from fighting together.

What's more, the battlefield in front of him is far more than the battlefield in front of him.

After avoiding the explosion of several palm thunders inlaid with fragments of wolf-toothed beast bones, Li Yao's ears were buzzing, and his eyes were all white.

When I was dizzy, I found that the signs used to guide the direction were blown to pieces, and I couldn't identify where the camp was!

Li Yao screamed in his heart, lowered his head and flashed a whistling scimitar, kicked the monk Ghost Qin who was viciously rushing up several tens of meters away, kicked his legs hard, and the whole person rose into the air, green and yingying. Wraith-like psychic wings suddenly spewed out from behind, but they shrank by almost half in the extremely cold environment!

Li Yaoqiang endured the biting cold, squeezed the cells frantically, and spewed extreme psychic energy. He flew higher and higher, and the whole body continued to condense layers of frost, and under the agitation of the psychic energy, it shattered and annihilated, and a large ice wave "his" under his feet. The sound of "his" stretched out icicles like ghost claws towards him. After all, he couldn't catch up with him. He flew up to an altitude of nearly a thousand meters, and his head emerged from the sea of ​​ice and fog. !

Li Yao was trying to use his eyesight to find the direction of the camp. Not far away, a big head appeared in another piece of ice fog.

This monarch has a dry monkey face, but he has a hardened beard and angry fury, and they are all red in full swing, giving people an unreasonable taste.

His eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes, but the bloodshot eyes are not spreading around radioactively, but spiraling round and round, as if they are turning continuously, making it easy to fall into his aura.

When Li Yao discovered this person, this person also instantly sensed the existence of Li Yao, his blood-colored eyes rotated faster, he grinned, and revealed his golden teeth: "Master Lingjiu?"

Li Yao's pupils suddenly shrank.

This person's appearance is so peculiar that he is the only one in the entire ancient sage world, without a semicolon, Li Yao has seen his portrait long ago.

"Huntian King?"

It is the legendary leader of the Huntian Army who has the immortal body of the Drought Mandrill, who has ravaged the northwest for decades, and has been exterminated countless times, and can make a comeback. One of the four evils, the Huntian King Qi Changsheng!

Qi Changsheng laughed, his neck suddenly shrank, and he returned to the ice mist, disappearing without a trace!

Li Yao’s hair stood up, giving rise to a warning sign that was stronger than when the Ice Fiend Demon Tide struck. "Chichichichichi" dozens of fine hair needles came out, dragging dozens of bundles. The monocrystalline mica filaments are woven into a sharp protective net all over the body!

As soon as the monocrystalline mica filaments were interlaced, an orange-red flame claw came out from the depths of the ice fog, and slammed it at Li Yao’s dantian area. It happened to hit on the monocrystalline mica filaments, as if it had been cast. The net was almost not cut in half!

There was a low roar from the depths of the ice mist, the flame claws suddenly disappeared, and the Huntian King Qi Changsheng slowly emerged from the ice mist!

At this moment, he is different from just now. The original dry skin has turned into a nearly translucent orange-red, and there are also dark purple chappeds. His hair and beard are more like a hot flame. It seems to be made of magma!

According to legend, there are thousands of miles of red land, wildfires, and severe droughts everywhere.

Although it is an exaggeration and exaggeration, Huntianwang's "Drought Mandrill Immortal Body" obviously possesses some kind of ability to control fire.

Maybe it's because the way his cell mitochondria works is very different from ordinary people!

Just now, Qi Changsheng wanted to sneak into the ice mist to attack Li Yao, but he was stealing the chicken and not eroding the rice. His right hand was almost cut in half by the monocrystalline mica wire, leaving a shocking wound.

However, what flows from the wound is not blood, but some kind of magma-like viscous substance, which is like a powerful adhesive, binding the wound together at a speed visible to the naked eye, blinking, even half of it. No scars were left.

The so-called "immortality" is presented in such a strange way!

Qi Changsheng squeezed a seal with his right hand, and the Qiankun Ring flashed brilliance randomly. A handle more than two meters long, a sword made of Tianhe red copper slowly emerged.

His expression was extremely solemn, his spiral blood eyes stared at Li Yao, and he said every word: "Master Lingjiu, you and I have no grudges in the past, and I have no grudges recently. It seems that there is no reason to meet each other when you come up ..."

Before he finished his words, Qi Changsheng once again turned into an orange streamer, with a slashing saber in a small way, he even shook his head and smashed his head at Li Yao!

Li Yao had been prepared for a long time, snorted coldly, a flash of brilliance on his right hand, and a light cyan claw appeared, his figure flashed, and dozens of phantoms appeared, flashing Qi Changsheng’s attack, behind him Regroup!

"What the King Huntian said is extremely true!"

The sharp claws of Li Yao's right hand turned into a cloud of gray mist, and a dozen small holes were drilled on each claw blade, and a single crystal mica wire passed through each of the small holes, like an operating puppet. Generally, operating hundreds of single crystal mica filaments to attack Qi Changsheng’s vitals, while launching a fatal attack, Jie Jie said with a strange smile, "Not only do you and I have no grudges in the past, but I have no grudges recently, and I heard that King Hun Tian is on the ground in the northwest. Unearthing countless relics, he is best at exploring treasures underground, and the master also has a bit of research on magic weapons and the ability to crack the talisman formation. There are great opportunities for cooperation between you and me!",


Qi Changsheng struggled with Li Yao’s monocrystalline mica filaments to cut thousands of wounds all over his body. He also used a flame-cutting saber to sway the overwhelming blades. He even wanted to refine Li Yao’s monocrystalline mica filaments with the scorching flames all over his body. , Forcing Li Yao to take back the monocrystalline mica silk and the ox hair needles, and retreat rapidly.

Qi Changsheng laughed, "You and I are here for treasure hunting, and we are not here to make a special trip to hurt both sides. Although we belong to different camps at the moment, we all know that whether Han Baling, Wan Mingzhu or Wang Xi also Or the Qizhong Dao, the Dog Emperor, and the six major factions on the Master’s side are not very reliable. When it comes to Yunqinjin, who is the enemy and who is the friend, it is still unknown!"


The two of them struggled again in mid-air, and the surrounding ice mist rippled like a storm that was constantly spreading.

Li Yao gritted his teeth and said: "They can't be trusted, can Huntian Wang be trusted?"

"These days, no one can trust anyone the fuck!"

Qi Changsheng sighed, "However, no matter how big Qi's appetite is, it is impossible to swallow dozens of Yunqin Jinren in one go, just like the Master's appetite, it is impossible to have all the Yunqin Jinren. What's wrong with it, so it’s convenient for others and easy to see with yourself?"

"it is good!"

Li Yao narrowed his eyes and said, "Everyone has roughly weighed each other's weight after these tricks. No matter which one of us wants to kill the other party, we will have to pay a very painful price!"

"In that case, it's better to stop here, wait until the fairy palace opens, find the Yunqin Jinren, and act bye bye, see if it is a life and death, or you can join hands against the enemy!"


Qi Changsheng's saber slashed a huge wave of flames.

When this "giant wave" was crushed by the cold wind, he had floated hundreds of meters far away, Zhuo Li was on the other side of the icy mist, with a saber across his waist, and he greeted Li Yao indiscriminately, indicating that the deal was completed. .

At this moment, I just listened to a series of deafening loud noises coming from the ice mist-this sound can penetrate the thick ice mist and reach the altitude of nearly one thousand meters, showing how powerful the sound at its source is. It's huge!

Immediately afterwards, the center of the ice mist suddenly sank down, like a big crack appeared under the "Sea of ​​Clouds", all the ice mist poured down the cracks, and suddenly, it became much thinner!

As the ice mist gradually thinned, the two of them could finally see the whole picture clearly. It was really a messy, messy battlefield!

Because of the obstruction of the fog and the invasion of ice tides, both the Dagan monk or the Ghost Qin monk and other four evil spirits have lost their way.

After fled in panic for a while, many people met their opponents on a narrow road, fought hard, and stained the ice sheet!

Until this moment, the ice mist gradually dissipated, as if a maze was removed from a high wall, they realized that they and the enemy had been completely entangled together, forming you in me and you in me, completely unable to escape from the dead end of the battlefield!

After the weird silence, both sides erupted with more violent roars and psychic energy fluctuations, ignoring the large ice demons still wandering near them, and continued to fall into the endless abyss!


A majestic horn sounded between the camps composed of Dagan Feizhou.

Under the command of the Phoenix Emperor himself, the "Huofeng Camp" of the Imperial Guard, wearing a scarlet phoenix armor, condensed into a flaming arrow and slew towards the center of the battlefield.

This is the only remaining formed unit in the chaos of the leading cadres, and the role of putting it on the battlefield is obviously very important!

"Shoo! Shoo!"

Far away, on the other side of the ice sheet, there were also a few arrows shot into the sky.

Accompanied by hundreds of frantic wolf howls, the elite dragon and wolf cavalry commanded by the regent of Ghost Qin Han Baling began to destroy the fragile ice sheet with iron hooves!

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