40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1479: The ice field falls, the fairy palace rises!

The two armies have less than one thousand numbers, but there is no ordinary person. They are both elite soldiers and strong generals at least during the foundation period. They are also equipped with the most sophisticated swords and armors. They control the most ferocious spirit beasts. After thousands of hard work, they are proficient in aura resonance. , The method of surging souls, once the speed rushes up, there is a real momentum of huge waves rolling in!

Even the high-ranking monks in the pill formation stage and even the Nascent Soul Realm would not be willing to block the front of such two iron-blooded forces!

The two torrents found their opponents almost at the same time, just like two magnets facing each other, rushing towards each other unbiasedly. The indomitable momentum reminded Li Yao of two ultra-high-speed crystal rail trains running opposite each other!


Both sides are strong soldiers, all proficient in the method of controlling spirit beasts, while galloping, while behind the bumpy spirit beasts, chanting spells, Zhang Gong Yujian, from their respective formations spewed out thousands of sword lights, sword lights, fireballs and lingering. The sharp arrows of thunder and lightning drew a sorrowful arc in the air, crossing each other, and rushing towards the other side's head.

Occasionally, the rain of swords and arrows from the two sides will collide in mid-air, exploding a colorful ball of light, and the rapidly rotating fragments will fall like a celestial flower!

"Chi! Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

Around the formation of the two sides, layers of hazy psychic shields have all risen, but they can’t stop all the blades and arrow rain. People are constantly hitting arrows, they are scorched half of their body, and even blown up. The whole arm was removed, but there was no sound, and it still crawled on their respective dragon wolf and fierce blood BMW. Even if they died, they would be dragged by the warriors, and their bones were inserted into the enemy's heart!


The two torrents finally collided fiercely!

There was not so much fancy in the battle formation. The two sides hardly stagnated for a moment. They stood in a stalemate for a while, interspersed with the opponent's formation, and exchanged positions.

It was just this staggering that hundreds of incomplete corpses lay on the ground. The formations of both sides appeared sparse for a moment, but under the command of their respective generals, they quickly gathered the formations, adjusted the direction, and tried to launch the first. Second round offense!

Who can form a new attack formation first, adjust the best assault direction, and keep the morale of one's side from falling, is likely to be the winner of this rush!

Li Yao saw that Emperor Phoenix was riding a horse with two wings on its back, dragging a nine-color long-tailed **** BMW behind its buttocks, rushing to the forefront of Huofengying.

Perhaps he disliked his face as being too weak. He wore a mask carved into the appearance of a flame phoenix on his face. The long pointed mouth and prominent eyes were all carved with scarlet spar. With an unspeakable ferociousness, coupled with the Fengyu gilt spear in his hand, it is really different from when Li Yao saw him a few days ago.

Opposite him, at the very front of the Ghost Qinlang ride, behind a tall dragon wolf with pure black hair, is a very typical Ghost Qin, with high cheekbones, almond eyes, golden ears and hanging shoulders. , Jingle, wearing a bearskin hat on his head, but even the bear head is refined with a special potion and attached to it. At first glance, it looks like a **** bear standing up!

It is the lord of Youyun Ghost Qin, the most troublesome confidant of Da Gan, Han Baling!

Li Yao and Qi Changsheng can't talk about any deep hatred.

However, the Phoenix Emperor and Han Baling could be called "the enemy meets, they are extremely jealous"!

The two spirit flames, one red and the other black, seemed to add fuel to the fire, spreading endlessly, causing the ice sheet under their feet to continue to make a "click, click" burst, and a series of cobweb-like gaps appeared!

"Friend Lingjiu!"

Qi Changsheng grinned and said, "Now Han Baling and your dog emperor are right below. Although I don’t like Han Baling, I don’t like the dog emperor. But if you have to go and help the dog emperor, I have no choice but to go on. I helped Han Baling, and the result is no different from now, but the two of us may have to play a dog's brain, so why bother?"

"It's better to watch them make a difference here, what do you think?"

Li Yao snorted coldly. He hadn't planned to intervene in the duel between the Phoenix Emperor and Han Baling.

Han Baling is certainly one of the four ambitious evil spirits, but the Phoenix Emperor is more likely to hide a great conspiracy behind it.

Before the situation became clear, Li Yao, of course, focused on retaining his strength.

He focused all his attention on searching for the other Super Yuan Ying.

These super naive infants are like fireflies in the dark night, in the ice evil demon tide, they have stimulated astonishing psychic energy to contend, and he has locked a few in an instant.

Ba Xiaoyu and Master Kuchan are confronting a dozen golden corpse kings led by Wan Mingzhu, while Qi Zhongdao and Yan Liren face Wang Xi and a dozen other ghosts, their breath is secret, and they are suspected to be elite ghost paintings. The master of assassins.

What surprised Li Yao was that at this moment, Wang Xi had restored the appearance in the portrait, looking like a genuine middle-aged Confucian scholar.

Both sides circulated very calmly, and did not fight as soon as they came up.

After all, besides a few of them, there are at least dozens of Yuan Ying, especially the Yuan Ying from the six major factions of Taixuan Dao and Ziji Sword Sect. They may not be under their control.

The fairy palace has not appeared, the Yunqin Jinren has not appeared, except for the endless enemies like Han Baling and the Phoenix Emperor, no one wants to throw all the cards at once.

And the sound of "Kacha Kacha", which initially penetrated the ice mist and caused the ice mist to gradually thin, was still echoing, and it also attracted the attention of all Yuan Ying, including Li Yao and Qi Changsheng.

The voice came from deep in the ice field.

It was as if the earth had cracked a bottomless gap and produced extremely powerful suction, gradually sucking in all the ice mist, forming a strange scene like a white tornado.

When the ice mist is almost completely absorbed by the cracks, everyone can see the full picture of the depths of the ice sheet.

Where is a "crack", it is a magnificent ice valley, a crystal clear cliff, leading to a deep and endless underground world!

"Crack! Click!"

This ice valley, thousands of meters long and several hundred meters wide, is still developing, like a pair of invisible big hands, after forcibly tearing the earth in half, it still desperately stretches it open. The broken ice continued to fall, rolling into the ice valley, but it took more than a dozen breaths to hear the faint impact!

"not good!"

Li Yao was floating hundreds of meters in the sky. When the ice mist gradually dissipated, he could clearly see that the ice sheet under his feet showed a very precise circular shape. The middle of the ice sheet was hundreds of miles in diameter and was surrounded by a plain of Pingchuan. A ring of raised craters.

This is a very typical impact crater. It is formed by a huge meteor or something hitting the ground hard.

The ice sheet in the middle is as smooth as a mirror, so flat that no half of the folds can be seen, and the color is completely different from the surrounding rocks. It is a thick layer of ice crust, all ice blocks, and there is no down-to-earth rock!

It seems that a long time ago, a meteor or other man-made celestial body hit the earth's crust, leaving a huge crater.

At that time, the temperature of Yongye Icefield should not have been so low, and the rain gradually gathered here, forming a unique meteorite lake.

After the vicissitudes of life, the years have changed, and the temperature is getting lower and lower, and the meteorite lake has condensed into a huge icicle.

But for some reason, this layer of icicles only condenses on the top layer, but the inside is hollow!

Just now they heard the first loud thunder, it was the sound of ice cracking.

It's a pity that both sides are entangled tightly, sparing no effort to stir up psychic energy, release magic weapons, and attack each other while also severely ravaging the earth.

No matter how strong the ice layer is, it cannot withstand the severe ravages of thousands of cultivators, so it splits!

When the cracks of Zhang Ya Wu Claw continued to expand around, beyond the critical point, collapse occurred!

The ice layer, nearly a hundred miles in diameter, burst into pieces almost in the blink of an eye. It lifted upwards, like a wrecked ship breaking from the middle, and then fell into the abyss irretrievably.

The vast majority of cultivators are fighting on the ice. Only a very small number of people can react in time. Even if they do, in such a harsh environment, they may not be able to gush out psychic energy in time to make themselves soar into the air!

Many people were mixed in the ice and fell into the abyss. Some people tried to rush from left to right in the cascading ice and escape upwards, but they were smashed into a mass of fleshy by a few large ice rocks. .

There were also people who fell into the depths of the ice valley happily, knowing their lives and deaths after raising a piece of misty white fog!

The originally white-hot battlefield was shocked by this sudden change. Fortunately, the cultivators on the periphery of the ice lake looked at each other, staring at the huge sky hole that suddenly appeared in front of them.

Even the troops of Emperor Phoenix and Han Baling were divided by an ice valley over a hundred meters long. They restrained the troops and cast suspicious eyes towards the depths of the ice valley.

This ice valley is like a lake drained of water, and the whole is in the most precise arc shape.

Under the cover of the ice layer, the rocks thousands of meters below the ground have not seen the sky for thousands of years, exuding a touch of magnificent blue light, and clusters of natural clusters have grown in the crevices. The blue crystal is really like a crystal clear, aura of a palace!

Among the deepest rock formations in the ice valley, there stands a silver-white, magnificent building, all made of metal. After hundreds of thousands of years, there is still no trace of decay and rust, but a layer. The faint silver light, like the tide, hesitates and vomits, and makes people feel solemn and impulse to worship.


"This, this must be the fairy palace!"

Above the ground, I don’t know who was the first to shout. After a while, everyone forgot to fight, and the excitement was so enthusiastic that the screams resounded across the earth!

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