40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1484: Hole cards to hole cards! (Fourth!)

A faint glow wafted from the depth of the door, which should be some kind of inert gas that keeps the magic weapon stable during the long-term dormancy process. At first glance, it looks like a beautiful new world hidden inside.

Wang Xi hesitated for a moment in front of this new world, bit his lip lightly, and strode in.

As soon as she walked in, the hatch had a tendency to close again.

Li Yao's heartbeat surged from stillness to its limit in an instant, and even his breastbone was aching, as if he was about to be cracked by the heart!

This is the only chance!

It's about the control of a Nuwa battleship that is very likely to be launched!

Wang Xi suffered another sword from Yan Liren, and his combat effectiveness was at its lowest point!

Even if you risk your identity exposure, it's worth a fight!


Li Yao stepped on 10,000 spar bombs and jumped out of the corner. Before the hatch was closed, Li Yao rushed in and rammed Wang Xi's waist directly!

Wang Xi opened the bridge door of the Nuwa battleship, and he was in a state of turmoil and dizziness.

Behind her unguardedly, a vicious force surged, and the seven warning talisman arrays she arranged did not respond!

Wang Xi's expression changed abruptly, and when he thought of the scene of his transformation, he must have been seen transparently!

Under the agitated mind, the movements were a little stiff. Just turning around, Li Yaoru was knocked out like a meteorite. The two of them rolled into the bridge of the Nuwa battleship one after another. Close behind them!

This is a huge space as magnificent as a palace.

On the smooth, mirror-like ground, there are hundreds of "Optimus Pillars", each with numerous holes connected by tens of thousands of crystal cables.

It is an unprecedented array crystal brain system!

Even in the dormant state for hundreds of thousands of years, this crystal brain system is not completely destroyed, but under the protection of the blue inert gas, it emits a slightly blurred brilliance, really reflecting the bridge like a fairyland on earth. general!

However, at this moment, the fairyland on earth has turned into a battlefield for Shura!

Wang Xi’s biggest secret was exposed, his expression was unspeakable, and he didn’t wait for the decline to be exhausted. He tapped his feet on an Optimus pillar and immediately fluttered back like feathers. I just didn’t know where he was hiding. The crystal sword from the place whizzed out, turning into a crystal whip dozens of meters long, covering every gap in Li Yao's body.

There was a "crack" noise from Li Yao's left arm skeleton, and sharp claws, bone spurs, and energy-concentrated lens burst out. Anyway, Wang Xi had seen his body of the celestial calamity last time, and she won’t be able to look twice Losing half of the meat, at the same time, his right hand also picked up a metal claw, manipulating dozens of single crystal mica filaments, and Wang Xi's crystal whip!

Both of them raised their psychic energy to the limit in an instant.

It's a pity that the blue inert gas in the bridge seems to have some kind of weird effect of absorbing psychic energy and constraining the magnetic field, causing the surging spiritual flames of the two of them to turn into fluffy **** of light.** The sword light and sword energy that came out of it was often swallowed up by the faint blue gas before it flew in front of the opponent.

Realizing this, the two of them chose more fierce melee combat at the same time, instantly turning into dozens of streamers, like dozens of venomous snakes entangled tightly.


Li Yao's shoulder was pierced by the howling crystal clusters with a hole in front and back that was transparent and the thickness of his fingers. The flesh and blood around him showed a very strange translucent crystal form, as if he had been infected with a virus that had never been seen before.


Long Yangjun's abdomen was also torn by Li Yao's sharp claws through three **** holes, a very hidden cell annihilation gun barely cooked all her internal organs!


Even though they were severely injured, the two of them didn't even frown their brows. They used all their psychic abilities, and they made a reckless effort without any fancy. Adding up to a mere hundreds of catties of weight, they broke out like the sky and the earth broke. The effect of the big mountains colliding together, even the almost stagnant blue gas, were knocked out by them in circles of three-dimensional ripples!

Li Yao and Wang Xi snorted at the same time, and fell down. Both felt that the meridians were broken, the five inner parts were burning, and the soul swayed like a lone boat in the stormy sea!

"It's not a way to go on like this!"

Li Yao gritted his steel teeth in his heart.

He and Wang Xi's cultivation base was originally between Bo Zhong. Although Wang Xi was cut with a sword on his leg by Yan Liren, she was in a state of furious and desperate fighting, and it was not Li Yao who could easily beheaded.

What's more, Li Yao didn't want to kill Wang Xi at all, he just wanted to capture her alive, ask the ins and outs of the whole thing, and even master the control method of the Nuwa battleship through Wang Xi's mouth!

"There is no way, I can only do a trick!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes, and a dangerous light burst out from the depths of his scarlet left eye. As the saying goes, nothing is done, nothing is done. Anyway, Wang Xi has long doubted his identity, no matter how concealed it is, it is impossible for him to be seamless, not to mention him. It was originally a very strange thing to appear here, no matter how much excuses I found, I couldn't hide it from a conspirator like Wang Xi.

Being passively beaten has never been Li Yao's character, sitting stupidly to make people doubt and interrogate it is not his way. For the Nuwa battleship and the giant soldier refinery, even if the existence of the crystal armor is exposed, it will not hesitate.

Anyway, in any case, capture Wang Xi alive and take the initiative first!

Li Yao's eyes turned frantically, instantly inputting the distribution data of hundreds of Optimus pillars into the depths of his brain, analyzing and sorting out dozens of different tactics!

When a cluster of crystal swords pierced his thigh again, he pretended not to be able to dodge, and a long blood mark was drawn on the outside of his thigh, which made him staggered, his body skewed to the right, dozens of super miniatures The spar bomb used the "thousand-finger soft bone" secret technique to shake out Wang Xi's attack route as he predicted!

These ultra-miniature spar bombs condense the most advanced explosive essence of the Star Federation, a thin piece of fingernail size, which has three to five times the power of the palm thunder of the ancient sacred world, and suddenly emerges. , Bursting between Li Yao and Wang Xi, forming a colorful wall of spiritual flames, even if Wang Xi can't be hit hard, it can stop her!

What Li Yao wants to fight for is this crucial second!

"Mysterious bone battle armor, reproductive outfit!"

This is the end of the matter, and there is no need to conceal it. Li Yao tapped his brows lightly with his two fingers, and his psychic energy surged out along with the sound waves. Suddenly dozens of black and red streams were emitted from the Universe Ring, which condensed into a majestic crystal armor all over his body!

"My combat power is not the same as Wang Xi. Wearing a profound bone battle armor that has been greatly upgraded with Kunlun relic technology can at least increase the instant combat power by one or two times. With mental arithmetic and unintentional, I can definitely Capture her alive!"

The profound bone battle armor is installed on the body, and the long-lost familiar feeling accompanied by strong self-confidence once again filled Li Yao's chest. With a violent roar, the 18 power talisman arrays juxtaposed on both sides of the crystal cone sprayed out at the same time. The blazing flame, the explosive shock wave that urged the crystal armor to tear apart the remaining sound, once again slammed into Wang Xi!

If everything is in Li Yao's plan, this time with the profound bone battle armor increasing the impact by two to three times, it can definitely destroy Wang Xi's psychic cycle structure, leaving her in a state of psychic disorder for a moment. , To prepare for the next series of dazzling continuous attacks.

Li Yao has calculated Wang Xi's ninety-nine strain possibilities, no matter which one is possible, he can't escape his palm, hehehehe!

The issue is--

"What the **** is this!"

After tearing apart the aftermath of the explosion, Wang Xi, who was also able to stab him with all his strength, changed his form again!

Her shoulders, arms, legs and chest were actually wrapped in a layer of crystal clear crystal armor. The armor and the exposed skin were inseparable, as if they were fused with flesh and blood, inspired from the depths of her bone marrow. same!

The Profound Bone Battle Armor detected an unbelievably high level of psychic energy fluctuation, and immediately issued an alarm that could pierce the eardrum, but it came too late.

The two sides were close at hand, and Li Yao didn't have time to change the attack route, so he could only gritted his teeth and ran into him!

The only thing that is gratifying is that at the moment of the impact, he seemed to see the same stunned and surprised expression from the face of Wang Xi on the opposite side.


Li Yao felt that he had hit an iron plate studded with iron nails.

There was even a one-second break in consciousness, and a large group of mottled butterflies danced in front of him.

When the spirits condensed again, they heard the master crystal brain of the profound bone battle armor screaming, reporting to him the tragic situation of the performance parameters of the key magic weapon units.

"Cough cough, cough cough cough cough cough!"

Li Yao swallowed a bit of sour blood, shook his head, grabbed the handle of the knife with one hand, and pressed it on the ground with the other, ready to extract dozens of triple-packed six-tube rotating Vulcan cannons and one hundred and eighty crystals from the Universe Ring at any time. The stone bomb came to hit his mother.

Over a hundred meters away from him, Wang Xi was dizzy and stumbled like a drunk concubine. After three attempts, he could not stand firmly. He had to kneel on one knee and panting quickly, half surprised, half yes. The puzzled gaze shot Li Yao coldly.

That piece of crystal armor that is beyond Li Yao’s imagination still grows on her, and there are even four octagonal pendant crystal clusters lingering around her slowly like satellites. Although the light is a little dim, it is self-explanatory. The guarantee is more than enough. ,

This situation is a bit embarrassing that cannot be described with pen and ink.

Li Yao originally thought that as long as he summoned the crystal armor and increased the combat power by two to three times, he would definitely be able to capture Wang Xi, and how to concoct it would be within his own mind.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xi also had the same idea as him, and secretly concealed such a deadly hole card!

The balance of victory and defeat has returned to the initial stage. The two of them seem to have nothing to do with each other. They continue to fight together, and the only ending is to lose both!


The fourth one was sent, and finally fulfilled the promise made yesterday, hahahaha, thank you for your encouragement and support!

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