40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1485: Ways to break the deadlock

How to do?

In Li Yao's Universe Ring, there is also a brand-new profound bone battle armor, as well as a one-time-use God of War suit that can instantly increase the destructive power to the limit.

This is his final hole card.

But why don't you know that Wang Xi has no other cards?

While hesitating, I listened to Wang Xi sneered and said: "Sure enough, it is you, should you call you Master Lingjiu, or... Hmph, your incident has happened. This bureau is specially prepared for you, waiting for me. Come on, the ghost symbol!"

Li Yao was shocked, and said to his heart that his identity has been completely dismantled? After half a second, he reacted, Wang Xi was blaming him!

"Ghost drawing talisman? Do you dare to let the ghost drawing talisman see how you look like now?"

Li Yao also laughed loudly, "surrender, any more struggle is futile, we have long been eyeing you, even if you can hide your name for nearly a hundred years, you will eventually show your feet! You have ghost symbols, but I also have my own support. Just see whose reinforcements arrive first!"

Wang Xi was taken aback, and snorted: "Small bugs, do you want to make me enter the game?"

Li Yao also sneered: "You are not talking nonsense, how can you really know who I am!"

Two hundred meters apart, the two glared glaringly, and adjusted their breath in silence for three minutes. Naturally, there was no ghost symbol or Li Yao's reinforcements.

The atmosphere became more and more awkward, and no one knew how to break the deadlock.

"It seems that you are alone and have no accomplices?"

Wang Xi said suddenly.

"You are not alone, and you don't want anyone to discover your secrets and plans!"

Li Yao sneered against each other.

"This fully enclosed armor on your body is quite advanced. It seems to incorporate a large number of ultra-miniature magic weapons in it. It does not look like the traditional armor in the cultivation world, and it is also very different from the ancient artifacts refining style of the prehistoric era. , And it's not like the product of the legendary'Great Zhou Dynasty'. It seems that I guessed right, you are indeed not the'Master Lingjiu'!"

Wang Xi continued.

"I am indeed not Master Lingjiu, but if you are just an ordinary eunuch, how can you secrete such a weird crystal armor from your body and pass the highest level of identity authentication and enter the bridge? Everyone is half a catty, I am not the "Master Lingjiu", and you are not the "Great Eunuch King Xi"!"

Li Yao's eyes narrowed and narrowed, like two scimitars as thin as cicada wings.

Wang Xi was slightly startled, two clusters of crystal-like light burst out of his eyes, and he muttered: "Is this called the'ship bridge'? It seems that you really know a lot of things!"

This time it was Li Yao's turn to be stunned: "What, you don't even know the'ship bridge'?"

"Should I know?"

Wang Xi frowned.


Li Yao became more and more confused.

Wang Xi’s almost transparent eyeballs circled and circled, but the murderous aura that had bloomed like thorns crystal gradually disappeared under the skin. He took a deep breath and said lightly, "So, we both seem to be both. I'm alone, with no support, and they all have secrets that I absolutely don't want others to know, but they have been known to each other."

"It seems so."

Li Yao said, "I am not Master Lingjiu, you are not the Great Eunuch King Xi, we have no reason to be here, but we all appear here, and you can't help me, I can't kill you, so embarrassing How do you deal with the situation?"

Wang Xi's gloomy gaze swept round and round on the profound bone battle armor, as if assessing the probability of winning in a sudden attack. After a while, he smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, when both sides are on high alert, all of us are I can't help anyone!"

"At this moment, there are still a large number of cultivators who are not under our control, rushing to and fro in this Nuwa battleship."

Li Yao stared at his opponent, not letting go of the slightest tremor in every part of Wang Xi's body, and added, "Those are those guys who have not succeeded in success, and have failed more than in failure, in case they are fooled by them, Destroying the key parts of the battleship, I'm afraid you and I don't want this to happen, right?"

"Nuwa battleship?"

Wang Xi blinked his eyes and said, "So, is the real name of'Xiangong' called Nuwa Battleship?"


Li Yao was completely dumbfounded, "You can get into the bridge by brushing your face, but you don't know this is the Nuwa battleship?"

There was another rather awkward silence.

"If this is some kind of trap, and you have been acting, then I have to say that your acting skills have reached the level of superb and peak performance, and I feel that I am vaguely going to be fooled."

Wang Xi broke the deadlock and said every word.

"I was about to say that too."

Li Yao gritted his teeth, "If you have been acting, but you have set up a seamless game just to tempt me to tell my secrets, then your acting skills are indeed the most terrifying one I have ever seen in my life. In my hand, I recognize it!"

"I will make a bold guess."

Wang Xi gradually recovered from the astonishment, and her voice became more and more calm, "You sneak into this place disguised as the'Master Lingjiu'. There should be an ulterior plan. Naturally, in your eyes, I also have it. A mysterious plan!"

"We both know part of each other's secrets. At first glance, it seems that we must get rid of each other!"

"However, I still said what I said when we met last time. Our two plans are not very visible, and there may not be a conflict. Especially now, you and I know that many of the other parties don’t know, but they are quite impressed. For things of interest, you may have opportunities to cooperate."

"Anyway, everyone is now in a secret room. It is absolutely impossible to leave with each other in check, and people outside should not be able to break in!"

"If we must kill each other, can we exchange information about each other first, so that everyone can sort out their clues, and then fight hard, die, anyway, we can die clearly!"

Li Yao tilted his head and pondered for a long time: "How do I know that you are not lying to me?"

"Of course we can all deceive each other."

Wang Xi said calmly, "However, a lot of key information can be analyzed from deception. It's better than ruining it all at once, right?"

"It makes sense."

Li Yao pondered for a moment, and nodded happily, "For the sake of fairness, I propose a way in which we take turns to ask each other a question. After the answer is completed, the other party will ask the question again. If you feel that the question is too sensitive, you can not answer it and change it. One question, what do you think?"


Wang Xi's eyes gleamed, "In order to express each other's sincerity, should we put away the armor?"

He or she was originally not a particularly enchanting woman, but her slightly mediocre face, when paired with the pair of shining, crystal-like eyes, it seemed to be the finishing touch, making the whole person present. There is an extraordinary temperament, and when this sentence is exported, there is a faint golden mouth and jade, which is inviolable!


Li Yao nodded and retracted the profound bone battle armor, which is equivalent to being naked in front of the mysterious figure Wang Xi. Of course, the pressure was great.

However, continuing such a stalemate is not a solution, and he wants to see how Wang Xi takes back this strange crystal armor!

Li Yao tapped his eyebrows lightly with his two fingers, and the profound bone battle armor gradually turned into streamers and was stored in the Universe Ring.

The crystal clusters around Wang Xi's body were rippling with circles of milky white halo, gradually softening, like some kind of viscous liquid, being sucked into her body through her skin.

This affirmed Li Yao’s judgment once again. This set of crystal armor is not a magic weapon, but a part of Wang Xi’s body, which is equivalent to the scales, bone spurs, energy-gathering lens and other characteristics that Li Yao showed after activating the primitive cells. It's just more weird or advanced than those features!

Li Yao had come into contact with countless kinds of monsters in the blood demon world, including some strange variants in the blood demon clan, but he had never heard of the existence of this kind of super high-level battle armor that can infiltrate from his body. What's more, you can freely switch between genders!

"Since it was my sneak attack just now, please ask the king...gong to ask first!"

Li Yao's mind turned around and took the initiative.

Wang Xi was right. Even if he wanted to fabricate a lie, it would definitely have to be based on some kind of real fragments, and in the other party's questions, it was very likely that the other party was trying to hide the facts.

Therefore, the question may not be a disadvantage, and the answer may not necessarily be a disadvantage.

"it is good!"

Wang Xi looked more eager than Li Yao, and couldn't wait to ask, "You just said that this place is called'Nuwa Battleship', what exactly is it?"

Li Yaoqi said: "Since the prince knows the password here, he can pass all the identity verification links, and you initiated the initial search for the fairy palace. You even found the map, so why don't you even know where it is? ?"

Wang Xi snorted coldly, "I am asking the question now."

Li Yao's thoughts moved, and there is nothing to hide from this question, because if Wang Xi is a spy for the real human empire or some other mysterious force, there is no reason not to even know about the Nuwa battleship!

The ancient war between the Pangu tribe and the Nuwa tribe is no secret in the True Human Empire and the Covenant Alliance. They can only possess more information than the Xingyao Federation.

Therefore, if the issue was not that Wang Xi deliberately lowered Li Yao's vigilance, then she really knew nothing.

"The Nvwa battleship is the Xinghai battleship of the prehistoric civilization'Nuwa tribe'. Judging from the configuration and structure of this battleship, it can be regarded as a medium-sized assault ship. It is mainly used for planetary low-earth orbit battles, but it can Perform a sudden strike mission in the atmosphere!"

Li Yaokan talked, “This warship should have fallen here between hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years ago. It is estimated that the power cabin was severely damaged by the Pangu tribe, but the rest of the cabins, especially the bridge and main The crystal-controlling brains are quite intact and should be able to unearth many valuable things!"

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