40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1486: The secret of Long Yangjun's life experience!

"Nuwa, Pangu?"

Wang Xi's face was blank, as if she had been instilled too much in an instant that she couldn't understand, and frowned, "I know that Pangu and Nuwa are both ancient gods and demons. In the ancient sacred world tens of thousands of years ago, they could often get from the ground. They excavated their remains and magic weapons, but they have gradually become rare in the last tens of thousands of years, but occasionally they will be found! In this way, the Pangu and Nuwa are hostile parties, so the so-called "Xiangong" Is it the battleship of the Nuwa clan?"

"and so--"

Her eyes were ten times brighter than before, and she involuntarily raised her voice and said, "I'm right. Outside the ancient sacred world, there really is a vast sea of ​​stars and an infinite world. You can use such an incredible The big ship is going to gallop?"

Li Yao grabbed his hair, and said to his heart, Prince, why do you old man know nothing?

The news of these large-scale goods is not a secret to the Empire, the Holy League, or other Xinghai forces, and it is not related to the safety of the Star Federation. Li Yao pondered for a moment, and chose some big things and changed them, which was vague. The basic concept of ambiguity told Wang Xi.

Of course, it is only limited to the war between the Pangu and Nuwa tribes. As for why the war broke out, the status of mankind in this "War of Conferred Gods", the "Three Principles of Origin", etc., are all omitted.

The history from the age of ancient repair to the modern civilization of comprehension will not be easily explained.

Wang Xi listened quietly, two crystal clear tears suddenly poured out of her shining beautiful eyes, and she said excitedly: "I am right, my dreams are true. The Ancient Sage Realm is really just a small deep well. , Climbing out of the well is the vast world!"

Li Yao's heart moved, and he took the opportunity to ask: "Since the prince knows nothing about everything, how did he give birth to the heart of exploring the "Xiangong"? And the prince is very familiar with the internal structure of the Nuwa battleship, including the most important thing for you to pass. The identity check of the cabin is really incomprehensible!"

Wang Xi glanced at Li Yao, and the bright light in his eyes gradually dimmed. This time he did not coldly refuse to answer, but said softly: "If I say, I don't know, do you believe it?"

"The prince-don't know?"

Li Yao was stunned, "What do you mean!"

"I don't know what is going on, so I will look for the fairy palace at all costs!"

Wang Xi raised her brows slightly and said, "Because there are always some voices in my mind, some mottled pictures tell me that as long as I find the fairy palace, I can crack everything and know...who I am! "

Li Yao set off a great uproar in his heart, holding his breath, not daring to interrupt Wang Xi's memory.

Wang Xi leaned on an Optimus pillar and slowly slid down and sat down. With a long sigh of relief, he stared blankly at something that didn't exist in the void, and hesitated: "Since you dare to join the trip to the fairy palace, you must first After collecting my information, I know that I come from a remote valley on the border between Dagan and Guiqin. Within a radius of hundreds of miles, there is only our barren mountain village."

Li Yao nodded, it was indeed said in the information.

"The Great Eunuch King Xi" is not a person who emerged out of thin air. It is impossible to put any **** of unknown origin close to the emperor in the palace.

"It's just that one thing is impossible to record on all materials."

Wang Xi hesitated for a long time, and then said, "I was not born in that mountain village. My adoptive parents told me before I died that I was wrapped in a burning fireball and fell from the sky and fell into the valley. Deep in the inaccessible place, when the flames are gone, there is a **** iron shell in the pit."

"My adoptive parents were all illiterate poor mountain people. The only child that year died in the wolf disaster. It was at the time of grief, but discovered the strangeness in the sky, followed the vines and found the place of the fall, and found this mystery. Unpredictable big iron shell."

"The iron shell cracked in the middle, and a large cloud of blue viscous liquid spewed out of it, and a wrinkled baby was soaked in it."

"The two of them, naturally, it is impossible to know what this big iron shell is. They thought it was God's mercy. In order to relieve their pain of bereavement, they made a special trip to give them a child, so they took me home. Raised in China."

"Big iron ball, falling from the sky, blue viscous liquid, wrinkled baby?"

Li Yao's thoughts turned around, and a vague picture was gradually sketched in his mind.

"In the beginning, they naturally wouldn't tell me where I came from. I grew up like other lawless wild children in the small mountain village."

Wang Xi said, "Although he is not his own flesh and blood, but because of this god-given opportunity, I can be regarded as an old man. My adoptive parents have treated me very well, and even made a special trip for hundreds of miles to the nearest big town. Go, find a teacher and choose a name for me. My adoptive father's name is Long, and Long Yangjun is my real name!

Li Yao blinked and took the opportunity to say: "So-this is what you really look like, are you a woman?"

Long Yangjun gave a dry cough, his expression was rather unnatural, and he did not answer Li Yao's question. Gu Zi said, "However, as I grow older, I gradually find that I have some unexplainable strange characteristics, which are really different from others. Children are very different!"

"Since you have some barbaric blood and can use the'barbaric technique' to show such a strong feature of a beast, you should know that in the canine-toothed border area between Dagan and Youyun, most people are He is a mixed-race child, showing some weird characteristics more or less, with one or two fangs, a few feathers growing in secret, and even a small sharp horn protruding from his head. These are common things! "

"However, even compared to these weird-looking children, my body is considered to be the strangest one. For example, this kind of crystal exoskeleton that can be excited from the body at will is a completely unexplainable feature."

"However, compared with the weird body, the pictures and sounds that often appeared in my mind at that time made people even more intolerable!"

"I don’t know if you have ever experienced this feeling. Since I remembered it, every night in the dead of night, falling into a dream, there will always be some weird and completely unexplainable pictures in front of me, and I will hear a lot of noisy, twittering sound!"

"Thinking in the day and dreaming in the night. Even if the dreams of ordinary people are tortuous and bizarre, they will never break away from the real world they are in during the day, and at most they will undergo distortions."

"And my dream is not something a four or five-year-old child can bear. It will only penetrate my head like a poisonous snake for countless nights, causing me to have a splitting headache and almost crazy!"

Li Yao's heart beat like a drum, almost groaning, and said with difficulty: "You, what is your dream, specifically?"

Long Yangjun shook his head and said quietly, "It's like a mottled whirlpool made up of countless butterfly corpses. Only occasionally can I understand the message of a scale and a half of claws. Anyway, some strange people are fighting each other. Or a series of burning stars in the vast sea of ​​stars, real stars!"

Li Yao's breathing became more and more rapid: "You mean, in the prehistoric era, the scene of the Conferred God War?"

"I do not know."

Long Yangjun said straightforwardly, "Even the concepts of Nuwa, Pangu, and the Conferred God War, I only know today. Nearly a hundred years ago, how could I know the meaning of these dreams?"

Li Yao was silent, and two divine thoughts fought fiercely in his mind.

Although Long Yangjun's answer is not perfect, it is indeed reasonable and contains a lot of information, and it does not seem to be completely false.

The Scarlet Heart Demon shouted hoarsely: "Fake, fake, it must be fake! Whether she is Wang Xi or Long Yangjun, she is one of the most terrifying existences in the ancient sacred world. In the past, she could cover the sky with one hand. Overturning the clouds and raining, playing with the entire world of comprehension in applause! How can such a conspirator completely trust you, an alien from unknown origin, in just an hour, and open up the mystery of his own life experience to you, It's too naive!"

"She must have dug a huge hole to wait for you to jump. Be careful!"

"I know that you haven't had a great quarrel with Ding Lingdang for a hundred years. Dao heart must be hungry, but even if you want a Chinese and American plan, you must not be planted in the hands of such a dead man who is neither ill nor sun!"

"It makes sense!"

Li Yao calmed down, and was a little uncertain, "However, she was indeed alone, and she did not count that I would break in. The sword that was cut by Yanliren was genuine. All this shows that even if there is one. The trap is not planned in advance, but on the fly!"

"So, this is unlikely to be a bureau directed at me or the Star Federation. I must have been involved inadvertently. If she is lying, what is the purpose?"

"Then who knows?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon sneered, "Maybe she just wants to pretend to be pitiful to win your sympathy, so that you can help her completely control the Nuwa battleship? When she turns the Nuwa battleship into full operation, do you think she will suddenly change her face? "

"Not bad!"

Li Yao's heart was stunned. With such a huge Nuwa battleship, even those who were inextricably related to this battleship in the past can hardly control it alone.

Li Yao is a master craftsman, and he shows a familiar appearance with the Nuwa battleship. Maybe Long Yang is trying to trick him into acting as an assistant until they really barely complete the repair of the Nuwa battleship, soaring between the stars. It's time for Long Yangjun to reveal his true colors.

"and then?"

Li Yao secretly wiped a sweat in his heart and asked calmly.

Long Yangjun glanced at him coldly and said, "Don't you think this question is too long? It's about the secret of my life experience. Shouldn't you use your history to exchange such valuable information? Who, behind you, is the power that refines such an exquisite armor, and where is it sacred?"

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