40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1490: The true face of the mysterious signal!

"In this way, you can explain why you can be identified on the Nuwa battleship."

Li Yaodao, "As for why a'duplicate' possesses the memory of the'primitive', I don't know. Perhaps the Nuwa tribe possesses some kind of magical powers such as'memory perfusion', which is like'robbing the house'. It’s the same, it’s just taking away oneself!"

"Seize yourself?"

Long Yangjun rubbed his cheeks vigorously, almost rubbing the blue smoke, "In other words, first use the method of'full genome copy' to refine a replica, and then infuse all the souls into this one. In the copy?"

"Yes, the general seizure will always encounter the problem of the mismatch between the soul and the body, and it is also easy to be backlashed by the original body owner."

Li Yao said, "If it is a copy of Seoshe's own body, it is estimated that the resistance will be much smaller, the fusion speed will be faster, and there will be no sequelae."

Long Yangjun stared directly at Li Yao, in a trance like a lonely ghost, "In your world, is this'genome full replication' technology very advanced?"

"We can't do such an incredible thing."

Li Yao spread his hands and confessed, "However, the Pangu and Nuwa tribes may not be necessary. In order to continue their civilization for hundreds of thousands or millions of years, they will go all out to create a mysterious and even terrifying magical power. It's not surprising!"


Long Yangjun paced back and forth anxiously, a little absent-minded, "Why did you choose to launch me at this point in time a hundred years ago?"

"Assuming that the iron shell carrying you is really an escape capsule, it is very likely that the Nuwa battleship sensed some kind of dangerous invasion and automatically launched you out."

Li Yao thought for a while and said, "Normally, if someone on the Nuwa battleship hundreds of thousands of years ago left an embryo through the method of'reverse growth' or'gene duplication', I hope it will be in the right place. If you recover from the environment, there is no reason to launch you into the wilderness tens of thousands of miles away. Such variables are really too big!"

"You will be'thawed' and'hatched' directly in the Nuwa battleship, relying on the Nuwa battleship to protect your safety, and through a certain automated education method, you will slowly recover your memory and clear your mission. This It is the most reasonable choice!"

"Unless, something has happened on the Nuwa battleship, which makes it judge that it is not safe for you as an embryo to continue to stay in the battleship, so you will be thrown into the special escape capsule and launched far away!"

"You see, although the Nuwa battleship has been dormant for hundreds of thousands of years, some facilities including the bridge gates are still in normal operation. I believe that the guard system and escape system will not be completely dormant, but In some kind of semi-triggered state, it is entirely possible to launch an escape capsule!"

Long Yangjun wanted to speak again, and fell into a long silence. The light under her eyes seemed to be mixed with the shining spots on the surrounding array of crystal pillars, and she seemed to be slowly submerged in the bridge.

After finishing the analysis, Li Yao pondered his own thoughts in a long silence.

"Are you wondering where we came from?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon once again emerged from the depths of his mind, and his expression was very rare with a few deep strands.


Li Yao sighed quietly.

The reason why he was able to piece together two reasonably reasonable possibilities from the clues provided by Long Yang so quickly was naturally because he had begun to ponder these issues a long time ago.

For a long time... when his consciousness just emerged from the long chaos.

who am I?

Where am i from

Where am I going?

When he breaks free from the treacherous dreams on every night with a splitting headache, and looks at a completely different dim sky with dripping sweat, these problems will be like a shadowless python, entangled as hard as possible. Hold him, entangled him to tremble, breathless.

Long Yangjun is like a copy of him, or a "shrinked version" of some form.

Everyone was alone and lost outside of their real homeland. Under the stimulus of strange dreams, they recalled the stars in another time and space. They all wanted to figure out who they were and what they were carrying at all costs. mission.

They are the same kind of people.

The "person" who "is the same person who has fallen into the world".

It’s just that Long Yangjun was luckier than him. She was just thrown tens of thousands of miles away from her origin. She was still on the same planet. After a hundred years of hard work, she finally returned to her place of origin. I understand what kind of existence I am.

Regardless of whether it is the reverse growth or the replica, even if there are many omissions in the details, Li Yao believes that his speculation will not be too far from the truth.

But what about him?

His origin is most likely to be at the other end of the universe, which spans hundreds of millions of stars, and the means of sending him to the edge of the universe is probably a hundred times more profound than "reverse growth" and "gene duplication"!

When will he be able to find his origin, the true...meaning of his life, like Long Yangjun?

Li Yao took a deep breath and squeezed hard at the base of his thigh, forcing himself to break free from such unhelpful thoughts.

Long Yangjun understands her origin, but it is still unclear what position and attitude she will be.

And there are thousands of cultivators outside who have been polluted by greed and will lose control at any time.

Still dormant "Phoenix Emperor Zhu Zongyou", a mysterious figure that even Long Yangjun had a headache, and the more unfathomable forces behind him.

and also……

This is not the time to pretend to be deep and pretend to be a philosopher, but to focus on exploring the truth in front of you. If your guess is correct, Long Yangjun really appeared because of some danger and was thrown out by the Nuwa battleship in the escape pod, then— —

Li Yao's body stiffened, as if he had an electric current, the currents of his whole body cells poured into his brain, shooting out a great wave in the brain!

"With regard to the mysterious signal directed at the Heavenly Origin Realm and the Flying Star Realm, I suddenly had a whole new conjecture!"

Li Yao yelled excitedly in his mind.

"Oh? Come and listen!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon also became interested, and his two small ears turned slightly.

"For a long time, we have always believed that the mysterious signal from the ancient sacred world is a kind or hostile unknown force, intentionally or unintentionally! That's why we traveled all the way to the ancient sacred world to look for this force, right? ?"

Li Yao replied like a gun, "However, if we want to divert at the beginning, this signal is not actively sent by a certain person or force, but is triggered in a passive state, or, in other words, early It is activated when the trigger conditions are set!"

"Passive trigger?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon was a little confused, "What triggered it?"

"I guess, this is a'distress signal' or an'alarm signal'!"

Li Yao said faster, his eyes brightened, "If we accept that Long Yangjun was thrown out when he was in danger on the Nuwa battleship and judged that the inside of the battleship was no longer safe, such a setting, So, this signal is also very easy to understand! It is the distress and alarm signal sent by the Nuwa battleship to the star sea. On the one hand, it reminds the surrounding friendly forces that there is danger, on the other hand, it may also want allies to find Long Yang. What do you mean!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon scratched his hair vigorously: "Friends, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the civilization of Pangu and Nuwa has disappeared. Where is the enemy and friend?"

"Yes, we know this, of course, but when the Battleship Nuwa crashed in the depths of the Evernight Icefield, the battle of the gods was still in full swing. Who would have thought that the two prehistoric civilizations of the stellar sea would die together? It's impossible to think of the controllers and controllers, right?"

Li Yao further explained, "Look, the Kunlun ruins are not far from the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing. In the early days of the war, the traces of Nuwa and the coalition of humans had been discovered, but the ancient sacred world was hidden in the dark. In the depths of the nebula is a powerful war base and a regional military center!"

"Can we make a reasonable assumption? In the early days of the Conferred God War, the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing had been captured by the Nuwa tribe and became the rear base of the Nuwa tribe. The ancient sacred world was only attacked in the middle and late stages of the war. What about the Nuwa attack?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon pondered for a while and nodded, "This assumption is reasonable."

Li Yao gave a high-five and said: "Even, this Nuwa battleship is very likely to use one of the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing as its home port, and the other as its supply base. It started from our hometown and flew all the way to The ancient sacred world is here to carry out a raid!"

"Once this assumption is established, it is not surprising that this Nuwa battleship has some means to instantly communicate with its home port and supply base!"

"I don't know what happened when the Nvwa battleship fell, but it is likely to store a distress and alarm signal in the main control crystal brain, and set it to send to the home port under certain conditions. Send to the supply base and even the friendly forces that may exist in the entire star sea!"

"Or, it wanted to send it at the time, but because of the exhaustion of its psychic energy, or the disturbance of the magnetic field caused by the war, etc., it entered a dormant state without a successful launch!"

"Until about a hundred years ago, the Nuwa battleship slowly collected enough psionic energy during hundreds of thousands of years of dormancy, and it can resume its most basic operation. At this time, something happened. Let the Nuwa battleship think that it is no longer safe for the'embryo' like Long Yangjun to continue to be stored inside the battleship!"

"While it ejected Long Yangjun through the escape capsule, it also faithfully performed another mission of its own. It launched a field containing a lot of encrypted information into the vast starry sky, where it thought it was its home port and friendly forces. , Used as a signal for help or warning!"

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