40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1491: The loser's game

The Scarlet Heart Demon widened his eyes and cried out strangely: "Yes, in this way, everything can be matched! And this also explains why Long Yangjun can't remember the things of the'past life'! Maybe according to the standard procedure After completing the embryo training, she will pour a lot of memories into her brain, condense into a clear consciousness, and a complex knowledge system of Nuwa! But because of a sudden crisis, she was launched hastily Came out, so this work only went on for a small and a half, she was just implanted with some vague memory fragments!"

"Then our goal now is very clear!"

Li Yao thoughtfully said, "Since the first mystery has been solved, we only need to figure out what happened on the Nuwa battleship a hundred years ago, and this incident will in turn prove ours. Is the speculation correct!"

"It's definitely not as simple as being invaded by two old monsters!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon scrutinized, "Because the ancient sacred world has been circulating legends about the Nuwa battleship for tens of thousands of years, it was regarded as a'fairy palace' by the natives of this world, and the'Wanluotian Star Disk' and the'map' were left behind. Magic weapons such as'core', it can be seen that someone has entered its interior a long time ago. At that time, it did not trigger a series of reactions. That is to say, in the judgment of the Nuwa battleship, some indigenous people entered the battleship. In fact, the problem was not Not so much, it will not endanger the safety of itself and the embryo, just like the billowing silver ball-the automatic defense system, instead of testing you and confirming that you are a real human, it gives up attacking you. Huh?"

"If you really don't want to be invaded, it can be converted into another set of too illusory realms to detect whether you are the original crew member, as long as you are not, it is indiscriminate, and you can kill it instantly!"

Li Yao's heart shuddered.

The Scarlet Demon made sense.

It seems that the Phoenix Emperor is not the only object he needs to be vigilant about. The Nuwa battleship itself may have a great hidden strangeness. What happened a hundred years ago is more than just being invaded by two transformation bosses!

Next, what should I do?

The mystery of Long Yangjun's life experience and the original intention of why she planned all this are roughly understood. Although she definitely has some reservations, the credibility of her confession is still very high.

Can you cooperate with Long Yangjun?

"I still think she is weird."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said anxiously, "Strange, intuition tells me that what she just said should be true, and there is not much distortion; but intuition also tells me that she is very dangerous, extremely dangerous!"


Li Yao thoughtfully said, "If Long Yangjun is really an inverted growth body or a replica of a core crew member on the Nuwa battleship hundreds of thousands of years ago, then it should be on our side. The Nuwa clan is not helping us. Human race, is it against the tyranny of the Pangu tribe?"

"Furthermore, I think Long Yangjun’s body is quite different from the Nuwa tribe, who is tall and has a human head and snake body found in the Kunlun ruins. It should be considered a human category, although it can secrete strange crystal wars from his body. A, it can freely change between male and female forms, but it is very likely that, like the Lei Zhenzi Troop, it is a special unit that has been genetically modulated by the Nuwa tribe. In the final analysis, it is still a human, and it is even more of its own!"

"We came out this time, originally to find allies and fight against the real human empire together. If Long Yangjun was really reborn as a human warrior who had been transformed and taught by the Nuwa tribe hundreds of thousands of years ago, she would be invaluable to the Federation! "

"Also, this Nuwa battleship, the bridge is so weird, we can't activate and control it alone, she is the key, and how can we get the battleship if we don't cooperate with her?"

"At last--"

Li Yao smiled bitterly, "Even if I don't want to cooperate with her, what can I do, I can't kill her at all, is it possible that the two of us have to stay in a stalemate and live here and die?"

Li Yao’s remarks were not unreasonable, but the Scarlet Heart Demon ignored them, suddenly widened his eyes and said: "I know where my anxiety comes from! Even if your speculation is correct, Long Yang Jun is really right. The elite fighters cultivated by the Nuwa tribe, and the Nuwa tribe is indeed on the side of the human beings and sincerely help us to overthrow the Pangu tyranny. That does not mean that Lord Long Yang must cooperate with the Federation."

"The point is, who are'we'?"

Li Yao was stunned: "Who are we?"


The Scarlet Heart Demon said earnestly, "If it is simple and rude, the positions of Pangu and Nuwa are divided into whether they support human beings with seven emotions and six desires and self-awareness. If the former uses humans as puppets and tools, use the'Three Principles of Origin'. To restrain humanity, then all human beings with emotions and ego are all allies of the Nuwa tribe, and they are all'us', right?"

Li Yao thought for a while: "...probably right, so what?"

"So what? You still don't understand!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon raised his voice and said, "If this is the case, Long Yangjun, an elite warrior cultivated by the Nuwa clan, must be extremely averse to the Covenant Alliance, and will be willing to work with us to fight against the Holy League and the Pangu clan, but Why must she choose the Federation? The cultivators of the true human empire also have self-awareness and have seven passions! Even the most humble slaves under the empire’s rule, the empire most tortured their bodies and harvested their lives. Will not deprive them of their emotions and self-awareness!"

Li Yao was completely stunned.

"Therefore, the Xingyao Federation and the True Human Empire are actually'us', and both can be regarded as the orthodox inheritors of the Nuwa Clan's spirit."

The Scarlet Heart Demon shook his head and said, "Why do you think that in Long Yangjun's eyes, only the Federation is worthy of cooperation? Maybe she will appreciate the imperial system more!"

"No way?"

Li Yao thought for a while, still unbelievable, "Will the elite fighters of the Nuwa tribe agree with the tyranny of the empire's approach to slavery?"

"How do you know you won't?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon sneered, "We have very few relics of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes that we have unearthed now. A small Kunlun alone is not enough to describe the civilization system and social structure of the primitive era hundreds of thousands of years ago. I don't even know what kind of political system they adopt. Wouldn't you think that the Nuwa people must be harmonious, equal, democratic and free, right?"


Li Yao was speechless again.

Scarlet Inner Demon's concerns are very reasonable.

From the perspective of modern humans, the Pangu tribe is indeed "bad", but this does not mean that the Nuwa tribe is necessarily "good".

In the collision and competition of different civilizations, "good or bad" is a naive concept.

Perhaps everyone’s moral judgment system is completely different. Many principles that are "correct" in the eyes of the Nuwa and Long Yangjun have become rebellious in the eyes of Li Yao and the Federation!

However, after thinking twice, Li Yao still believes that if we can reach a cooperation with Long Yangjun, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

There is no risk-free transaction in the world. If you have to make sure that every ally has no problems and then talk about cooperation, it is impossible to find half an ally, let alone a powerful ally like Long Yangjun!

The most important point is that under normal circumstances, the Federation’s winning rate against the Empire is extremely low, as low as 10%.

In a game where the outcome can be predicted with a high probability, the potential winner will always try to eliminate all interference, even interference that may increase his winning rate.

Because there is no need for any variables, he always wins!

As a potential loser, if you want to make a comeback, you must strive to introduce as many variables as possible, even if it is extremely dangerous!

Because even if no variables are introduced, his failure and demise are high-probability events!

Therefore, even if Long Yangjun is likely to sway between the Federation and the Empire, introducing this "uncertainty factor" is all beneficial to the Federation!

"I am not opposed to working with Long Yangjun."

The Scarlet Heart Demon instantly understood Li Yao's thoughts and said quietly, "In addition to Long Yangjun, there are also the Phoenix Emperor and the deeper mysterious forces. It is indeed difficult to solve this dilemma without cooperating with her."

"I just said that even if you want to work with a ladyboy who doesn’t know what’s hidden in the crotch, you must be vigilant, don’t believe everything she says, and don’t rush to expose all of us. The trump card!"


Li Yao snorted, "I want to be so stupid, I have been swallowed up by your belt bones a long time ago, and it is my turn to get her?"

Settling his mind, Li Yao once again cast his gaze on Long Yangjun, which happened to hit Long Yangjun's thoughtful gaze.

The eyes of the two were intertwined, entangled, and tentative in mid-air, but there was no spark of hostility erupted.

"Dragon Daoist."

Li Yao coughed a few times, and changed his name, "Now you and I have exchanged a lot of information and have mastered a lot of secrets of the other party. It seems that it is difficult to maintain the state of'the road up to the sky, each side'. Now we There are only two options. Either release all the means and fight to death, or die together, or there is only one who can leave here in a severely injured and extremely weak state!"

"Either, we can only upgrade our cooperation, entangle each other more closely, bind each other's interests and plans tightly, and gradually merge into one, so as to truly achieve'life and death together, mutual benefit and misfortune'!"

"You see, we only exchanged some information just now, and almost unearthed the mystery of your life experience, showing that cooperation between each other is definitely beneficial!"

Long Yangjun listened quietly, and suddenly said: "Have you never seen someone like me in your world before?"

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