40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1492: Conditions of cooperation

Li Yao shook his head, this is absolutely impossible to deceive: "No."

"As you said, I was really the reincarnation of someone hundreds of thousands of years ago. There must be a great secret in me, it seems to be invaluable!"

Long Yangjun said coldly, "How do I know that after cooperating with you, I will not be caught by your forces and shed a lot of ground for research? After all, I am a single-handed man, and you have an unfathomable huge behind you. The power is enough to chew my bones so that there is no scum left!"

"Then how do I know that everything you say is true, you are really single-handedly, ignorant and ignorant, instead of deliberately ignoring my power and dug a terrifying trap?"

Li Yao said incomparably sincerely, "Of course the two of us can suspicion each other and close each other, but this is useless! To be honest, with the mysterious signal sent out a hundred years ago, the coordinates of the ancient sacred world are most likely already Once exposed, no matter how thick and hidden the dark nebula is, it will not be able to protect you and restrain you forever!"

"Even if you don't believe me and don't cooperate with me, the Ancient Sage Realm will be discovered by others sooner or later!"

"Pretending to be an ostrich and burying your head in the sand is the most useless behavior. Whether you like it or not, going out of this closed world and embracing the vast sea of ​​stars is your only choice!"

"If you don't embrace this sea of ​​stars, this sea of ​​stars will sooner or later crush you and your world!"

Li Yao’s words were like a scream, which once again caused Long Yangjun to fall into a long silence. She lowered her head and thought for a long time. She seemed to be weighing the pros and cons of cooperating with Li Yao, and she seemed to be searching for loopholes in Li Yao’s words, and suddenly looked up. A sly light was emitted from the depths of the eyes, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of the mouth: "I found that when you mentioned'Phoenix Emperor Zhu Zongyou' just now, your expression looked a little weird, as if you had a slight hostility towards him. And extremely vigilant."

"I hate Zhu Zongyou for granted. After all, he almost ruined my plan of working hard for decades, but you should have no grudges with him in the past and recent days. Where do your hostility and guard come from?"


Li Yao was stunned. He didn't expect Long Yangjun's eyes to be so venomous that he had been secretly observing his micro expressions.

And he was immersed in the mystery of Long Yangjun's weird life experience, and he didn't even make 100% defense!


Long Yangjun said unhurriedly, "One thing, I am very surprised. If you really did not accidentally drift here, but came here prepared, then you must have a certain secret method that can communicate with your hometown. You can easily return to your hometown, and even summon a large number of reinforcements from your hometown, but you didn't do this. Why?"

The cold sweat on the back of Li Yao's neck was gone.

"I thought of a possibility."

Long Yangjun stared at Li Yaodao, "The power you belong to is not the only power that discovered the ancient sacred world. There are other forces that are hostile to you. They may also have discovered the ancient sacred world and send someone like you, say spies. Whether it’s scouts or envoys, come to the ancient sacred world!"

"You are afraid of being discovered by these people, so your behavior is so secretive, and you can't wait to hope to cooperate with me and draw me to your camp!"

"And that kid Zhu Zongyou is your most suspicious character. Behind him, it is very possible that your hostile forces are hidden, right?"

Li Yao was speechless, and slapped himself severely in his heart. Long Yang Jun truly deserves to be an outstanding figure who once played with the entire court and the realm of comprehension in applause. Only by relying on the clues he revealed, he can slap him The truth is piecing together so much!

You can't be too careful when dealing with such characters!

"If you don't answer, I will take it as your default."

Long Yangjun smiled slightly, and gradually recovered from the chaos revealed by the mystery of his life experience, and slowly recovered his former computing power and control, and muttered, "Your suspicion is indeed reasonable, if there is no help from outsiders. How could a guy like Zhu Zongyou, who was not favored by everyone and without any strength, was thrown into the ruined temple to wait for his death, could rise up miraculously in just a few years, and control a mysterious and unpredictable And an extremely powerful force?"

"On the other hand, if I am an Outland monk who has a misconception about the ancient sacred world and wants to support a puppet, Zhu Zongyou is so simple-minded, inexperienced, ambitious, talented, and has no influence on the royal family, of course it is the best. Object!"

"It seems that Zhu Zongyou is our common enemy?"


Li Yao took the opportunity to say, "Regardless of whether we will cooperate in the next step, at least for now, everyone should join hands to dig out the forces behind the Phoenix Emperor! You have said that the Phoenix Emperor vaguely knows something about the'Xiangong'. He started planning this trip to the Immortal Palace a long time ago, so his purpose is definitely not just to unearth a few Yunqinjinren. Maybe he already knows something about your identity. It’s specifically for you. of!"


Long Yangjun snorted coldly and glanced at Li Yao with a smile, "Don't use alarmism to mislead my thinking, I naturally have my own judgment!"

"It is impossible for Zhu Zongyou to know my life experience, but what you said also makes sense. It is not good for everyone to let him and the forces behind him continue to operate."

"If you want to cooperate, you must promise me a few things!"

Li Yao's heart jumped: "Say!"

"First, regarding my identity, I hope to be in this secret room. So far, unless I allow it, I don't want this matter to be known to anyone, including the forces behind you!"

Long Yangjun said coldly, "If we were to change places, I'm afraid you will also offer the same conditions, right?"

This is, this matter is Long Yangjun’s greatest secret. If it is made known to everyone, it will cause endless trouble to her. Li Yao thought for a while and nodded: "Okay, I promise you, but if If someone else finds it out, then I can't help it."

"Everyone is smart, I don't bother to break the details with you."

Long Yangjun continued, "Of course you can try to deceive me, then you'd better nail me to death at once, otherwise you will endure my endless anger!"

"Since you have been sent to perform such a dangerous and critical task, you want to be an outstanding elite fighter in your world. In other words, the strongest fighter in your world will not exceed the Nascent Soul Realm too much, then The overall combat power of this world is limited no matter how strong it is!"

"If I thoroughly irritate me, I will definitely find a way to die with such a world!"

Li Yao secretly cursed again in his heart, Long Yang Jun is too abnormal, just based on his cultivation level, can he infer the overall strength of the Star Federation?

However, she still guessed a little wrong.

One hundred years ago, Li Yao could indeed represent the top combat power of the Star Federation, but one hundred years later, it may not be the same today.

What's more, under the large industrial system of modern comprehension civilization, the Star Federation, which has entered a cross-stellar information society, is actually declining the importance of individual combat power.

A Nascent Soul boss can call the wind and rain in the ancient sacred world, but in the Federation, even if his cultivation level remains the same or even doubles, the influence on the entire society is greatly reduced.

As the saying goes, "No matter how high martial arts is, one is afraid of kitchen knives. No matter how old Yuan Ying is, he will fall down in one shot." This is the truth.

No matter how talented and resourceful Long Yangjun is, he is ultimately born and raised in the ancient sacred world. With her limited thinking, it is impossible to correctly estimate the full potential of a modern cultivation civilization!

However, Li Yao did not intend to deceive her.

The threats facing the Federation are too much and too strong. The True Human Empire and the Covenant Alliance are more brutal than the other. In this aspect, there is no need to provoke Long Yangjun, a mysterious figure who is suspected of being a descendant of Nuwa.

In-depth cooperation with her is the most rational choice.

"The second point, I know that you are very interested in this Nuwa battleship. I am afraid that you have some thoughts to activate it to help your forces and fight with the hostile forces, right?"

Long Yangjun said indifferently, "It's not that you can't negotiate with the forces that help you fight. After all, it is impossible to completely control the Nuwa battleship by myself. It must be supported by a lot of manpower and resources."

"However, if I really helped you, when I recall my mission, can you also help me?"

Li Yao pondered for a moment and said: "As long as this mission does not harm my national interests, then I will try my best to persuade our leaders to help you with all my strength, even if it cannot be passed by the supreme leader-this possibility should be unlikely. —I will do everything to help you!"

"it is good!"

Long Yangjun stared at Li Yao deeply, "I just believe your answer at this moment on these two conditions. Let's work together to solve the problem of'Phoenix Emperor Zhu Zongyou' first!"

Li Yao lifted his spirits: "How to solve it?"

"I'll try to see if it can activate some of the magical powers of the Nuwa battleship."

Long Yangjun smiled bitterly, "That was originally the first thing I did after entering...the bridge, but you delayed it for so long!"

She paced slowly among hundreds of Optimus pillars nearly a hundred meters high. While pacing, she rubbed the spirit patterns on each of the array crystal pillars, but she completely lifted her back. Exposed to Li Yao's eyes.

Li Yao pondered for a moment, but did not launch a surprise attack.

Long Yangjun carefully studied and fumbled on each Optimus pillar for a long time, and his face showed some trance expressions from time to time, which seemed to be winding grooves of spiritual lines, touched and hidden all the time. The memory of previous lives in the deepest part of her soul.

Finally, in front of the bridge, she stopped in front of a particularly large, three-to-five-meter-diameter array crystal column.

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