40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1495: Giant God Soldier Warehouse! (Third more!)

Bai Xinghe once systematically introduced to Li Yao the dark forest theory of the cosmologist "Liu Thorn Star" of the Xinghai Empire era.

According to this theory, if the total resources in the universe are limited, or even if they can be regenerated, the regeneration speed is extremely slow. During the rise and fall of a civilization, it will appear as a finite form, while multiple civilizations lack sufficient resources at the beginning. If you can’t completely figure out whether the other party is hostile and fall into a "chain of suspicion" state——

Then, to conceal oneself as much as possible and spare no effort to combat all targets that dare to expose is the most rational, optimal, and most helpless choice.

The relationship between the vast sea of ​​stars and infinite civilizations will be like the Nuwa battleship in front of you. Everyone is cautious. Others go to kill each other, and after the snipe and clam fight, they will reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Those who are bold, reckless, courageous, self-reliant and powerful, and actively expose themselves to summon their companions, often become the target of the dark hunters, and they are wiped out in the first round of blows.

It seems to be a very reasonable theory.

Li Yao didn't like the dark forest theory, not at all.

He once established the "Skyfire Organization", hoping to turn himself into a spark, ignite the weeds, bushes, and trees in the dark forest, and eventually burn the entire dark forest!

However, slogans belong to slogans, and reality belongs to reality. No matter how he thinks, he feels that the dark forest theory can at least justify itself even if it is not perfect.

Is this theory unbreakable, and how can it be cracked?

Until this moment, when seeing this small dark forest with his own eyes as an "observer", Li Yao suddenly thought of two very interesting questions.

First, since in this small dark forest, there are two "observers" with higher authority, including himself and Long Yangjun, then in the real universe, in the vast sea of ​​stars, will there be Are there some higher levels of "observer civilization"?

If so, every dangerous hunter in the dark forest is actually a clown performing pantomimes under the invisible spotlight.

They took pains, racked their brains, tried their best to hide, set ambush, deceive, induce, attack... Seemingly unpredictable, unknowingly action, it may have been in the "monitoring eye of a certain observer's civilization". "The slightest traces below will only cause a faint laughter at a certain point in the depths of the star sea?"

Then, under the guidance of the dark forest theory, being complacent and killing each other has become meaningless behavior.

It is the right way to unite everyone and find out the "observer civilization"!

Because the level of the observer civilization is not necessarily stronger than the "observed civilization", and it is very likely that the observer civilization has mastered a certain "observation authority" by chance.

Just like now, the combined combat power of Li Yao and Long Yangjun cannot be stronger than the combined combat power of the thousands of cultivators outside.

They are not stronger, smarter, or more agile than the outsiders, but they have more vital "information."

If the thousands of cultivators outside can unite, even if Li Yao and Long Yangjun can see their every move, they will inevitably have to break through the gate of the bridge and be completely wiped out!

Unfortunately, the existence of the dark forest theory makes it impossible for these thousands of cultivators to join forces.

At least until they are unaware of the existence of the "observer", it is absolutely impossible to join forces.

Then, "observers" can take advantage of their own information asymmetry, take care of layout, secretly induce, and defeat each one!

Is this happening in the real universe?

Is the Dark Forest Theory the truth? Or is it a "thought virus" deliberately distributed by a certain "observer civilization" in order to make countless civilizations in the sea of ​​stars fall into the entanglement of self-enclosure and cannibalism in order to benefit from it. ?

Is this universe really a dark forest, or a normal forest shrouded only by dark clouds and mists that could have been full of vigor and variety?

Second, even if the "dark forest theory" can be established in certain local areas, such as the narrow corridors and dark cabins of the Nuwa battleship, can the Nuwa battleship represent the entire world?

No, in addition to the Nuwa battleship, there is a world that is thousands of times wider, the ocean is wide by fish, and the sky is high for birds to fly!

Is the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds known to mankind just a "Nuwa battleship"? No, it should be said that it is just a small cabin in the Nuwa battleship!

Humans, civilizations, the universe, this is really--


Long Yangjun stared at Li Yao, his voice full of dissatisfaction and suspiciousness, "You are not—are you in a daze?"


Li Yao took a sip, and hurriedly shook his head like a rattle, "No, no, I'm thinking about a very important strategic issue that concerns our future!"

"Then don't think about it, we have no future!"

Long Yangjun pulled dozens of light threads with both hands, slowly stimulating a group of light curtains to the limit, presenting a clear scene of half a step too illusory, "Look at this, Yunqin Jinren Warehouse!"

"There are giant soldiers!"

All the emotions in Li Yao's mind about the dark forest theory vanished in an instant, and his eyes shone, as if he had seen a weasel with a stewed old hen.

He found that the cabin displayed by the light curtain was located in the middle of the Nuwa battleship. It was almost the largest and most spacious cabin. It was really as magnificent as a giant's arena!

The entire space is shrouded in a blue mist similar to the inside of the bridge. It is vaguely visible that there are huge human-shaped pits recessed inward on the surrounding walls. The smaller pits are more than ten meters high, and the largest are several. Ten meters, it should be a hangar for storing giant soldiers.

In the middle of the warehouse, there are platforms that look like huge altars. On each platform, there are hundreds of tracks nested in loops. The tracks are either covered with intricate runes, or they can follow them. A dazzling array of tools for orbital sliding.

On some of these platforms, there lay riddled and tattered giant soldiers. The outer shells were almost fragmented, revealing extremely precise internal components, which should be under maintenance.

Some platforms were raised high and were 90 degrees perpendicular to the ground, and some giant soldiers who were about to be repaired stood there quietly.

Even after hundreds of thousands of years of vicissitudes, the metal shells of these giant soldiers looked extremely bleak, and even had rusty stains.

But the momentum of the wind and clouds, roaring stars, still seeps out from each of their silent gaps.

Even through the light curtain, Li Yao could feel the urge to make the heart beat wildly, the blood boiled, and the internal organs squirmed together, becoming hungry!


His eyes fell to the end of the warehouse.

There, on an overhaul platform like a black iron throne, occupies a giant soldier that should be repaired.

This giant soldier...

At a height of about 30 meters, the torso and limbs are extremely thin, like a giant skeleton cast from black black iron. The slender skeleton is covered with a layer of black feather-like scales, just like Wearing a large feather coat or cloak.

There is nothing else on the skinny skull-like face. There is only a deep cross-shaped groove that divides the visor into four parts. The groove is inlaid with a red crystal eye. It is not as bright red as a fire, but it looks like magma solidified. , The crimson of dry blood!

Even in the dormant state, this crimson crystal eye still resembles the powerful heart of a wild beast, giving Li Yao a beating feeling of "don't fare"!

In addition, on the limbs and torso of this black skeleton giant soldier, there are still several bunches of red crystals condensed with long whips.

It looks like vines and snake bones, but also like the exposed blood vessels and meridians of the Black Skeleton Giant Warrior!

The texture and condensing method of the red crystal are very similar to Long Yangjun's crystal battle armor, and it should be a commonly used weapon material for the Nuwa clan.

However, in terms of the degree of transparency, the fineness of the section, and many other aspects, it is better than Long Yangjun's Crystal Battle Armor.

Elegance, mystery, coldness, tyranny... This black skeleton giant soldier entwined by the crimson viper is like the king of the sea of ​​kings, standing high above the throne, staring at the rest with a dismissive attitude. Giant magic!

Li Yao's gaze seemed to be smeared with paste, firmly stuck to this giant soldier, no matter what, he couldn't get rid of it.

Seeing this giant soldier, he suddenly felt that the giant soldiers he had personally controlled in the past, including the "Great Flame Dragon Sparrow", lacked such a taste that could manipulate the heartstrings.

He even couldn't help but want to reach out and walk through the light curtain to gently rub the carapace of the black skull, as well as the "blood vessels" and "meridians" composed of bunches of crimson crystals!

"It's mine, I must get it!"

There was a thunderstorm in Li Yao's mind!

It wasn't until the sneer and curse came from the giant soldiers warehouse that Li Yao broke free from the momentary trance, gradually enlarged the slightly vague details, and enlarged them to hide one by one in the remains of the giant soldiers, the Pangu tribe, and the Nuwa tribe. People who repair the corners of the platform.

The natives of the Ancient Sacred Realm found the Giant God Soldier Warehouse one step earlier than them!

Li Yao was slightly startled, and immediately understood that this has nothing to do with luck. The main reason is that the space occupied by the maintenance warehouse of the giant soldiers is too large. In order to facilitate the access of the giant soldiers inside and outside the battleship, he built huge corridors that lead directly to the battleship. It's hard to turn a blind eye!

"Qi Zhongdao, Yan Liren, Ba Xiaoyu, and Master Kuchan, the four masters are here!"

Long Yangjun concentrated on adjusting the angle and clarity of the monitoring screen, locking the super masters one by one, "Also Han Baling, Qi Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu are here too. The swords are raging, they are about to happen!"

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