40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1496: Lips, tongues and swords! (Fourth!)

Long Yangjun made a mistake.

It's not about being triggered, but it's already a big fight, and it's out of control.

Just when Li Yao and Long Yangjun infiltrated the bridge, Qi Zhongdao and other "three saints" plus Master Kuchan, the heads and elders of the six schools, and the "three murderers" such as Han Baling "The commander-in-chief Youyun Ghost Qin, Huntian Army, and White Lotus Sect masters, nearly a hundred top masters, got rid of the entanglement of the "dark forest" first, and entered the giant gods warehouse through two different tunnels!

Before they awoke from the shock of dozens of Yunqinjinmen, they discovered the existence of each other.

The tragic fight broke out instantly!

The stumps and broken arms on the floor, the wreckage and fragments of magic weapons, and the mottled traces left after the explosion can all prove the thrilling situation of the battle!

Even Qi Zhongdao, Han Baling and other super-class masters of both good and evil have not been spared.

Qi Zhongdao’s left shoulder was deeply sunken, and a strange black air slowly escaped among the **** broken bones, condensed into the hideous image of snakes, insects, rats, and ants in mid-air. It was obviously an extremely strange evil. Fire invaded his body, eroding his flesh and blood crazily.

Of the eighteen fist-sized rosary beads of Master Kuchan, only thirteen remained, and the other five turned into gray-white existence like honeycomb rocks, with no signs of psychic energy fluctuations.

The whole face of Ba Xiaoyu, the beggar child, turned green, green as if dripping juice, and nervously twitching from time to time, the green light continued to invade the depths of his eyes, it should be a weird poison in his body!

The other six schools of Yuan Ying are also festooned, or the body is colorful and poisonous, or is burned and corroded by the mist of the demon fire, or the whole body is riddled with holes, revealing the holes in which the bones are deep, and they are extremely embarrassed. appearance.

On the side of the "three wicked men", it was not much better.

Ghost Qin Han Baling's chest sank deeply, as if he was hit hard by a howling meteorite, and the entire breastbone burst.

There was also a long and narrow sword wound on his waist. Although the blood had stopped, half of the bearskin shirt was covered with blood, which shows the severity of the injuries at that time.

Wan Mingzhu was injured more severely, and it is not enough to describe it as "fragmented". His head was completely sunken, his skull was broken into dregs, a right arm was missing, and there was a transparent hole the size of a rice bowl between his chest and abdomen. The chest can see the back all the way.

She is a ghost, this body is just a puppet, but it doesn't hurt the root.

But the ghostly light burst out from the shriveled eyes, which was also dimmed a lot, teetering like a candle in the wind, as if it could not support this broken body at any time.

Qi Changsheng possesses the "Drought Mandrill Immortal Body", and logically speaking, he is not afraid of any attacks on flesh and blood.

However, he kept coughing. Every time he coughed it was like turning his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys into pus and coughing it up. Every pore kept emitting white mist, and the whole person seemed to want ...Melts!

The three murderers are all in such a tragic situation, and their close physical and mental abdomen is naturally even more terrible.

Many people have broken muscles and broken bones, and their blood is almost drained. They are struggling to sustain themselves only by worshiping the leader and greed for the Yunqinjin people.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other, and instantly understood the meaning of each other's eyes.

If the two of them had a disagreement just now, the fate of these people in the light curtain would most likely be their end!

Qi Zhongdao and Han Baling and other camps had just experienced a deadly fight, and at this moment they were hiding behind the maintenance platform and Yunqin Jinren for a while.

The two sides didn't know how much it had to pay to get out of the war. Seeing the miserable conditions of themselves and their men were silent, no one wanted to take the initiative to start the war.

"Zhengyi real person!"

Han Baling squatted behind a buckler on the arm of a Yunqin Jinren, showing only half of the blood-stained bear head, and shouted loudly, "Do you really want to go your own way, and my Yunqin is an enemy, and we are ruined? What good is it for you if you lose both sides? Be careful, or be taken advantage of by the people behind you, the six major factions! Hey, I just discovered that Taixuan Dao, Purple Pole Sword Sect, Fengleigu... those Nascent Souls There is still room for them. Their injuries are by no means as serious as they appear to be, but they are just skin wounds. Don’t look at them now swaying and looking wilted. When you die, make sure that they’ll be alive and kicking right away. La!"

Qi Zhongdao's face was pale, he didn't say a word, and he didn't even glance at the panic-stricken Yuan Ying of the major factions behind him.

"Zhengyi, fellow Daoist Qi!"

Han Baling brandished his weapon and continued to shout, "Cultivating sects are the malignant tumors in this world. It is not good for anyone to let these sects continue to exist. As the head of the great monks, you should have a deep understanding of this. Feel it? Don’t you have enough of these ungrateful, ingrained, awkward things? Why do you still stand on their side and be my enemy?"

"You treat them with all your kindness and righteousness, but how can they treat you as the head of the real Dagan monks? I have heard of everything that happened in Tiger Howl City. You, the ‘leader of the cultivation world’, should be extremely awkward!"

"Like you, I want to re-establish a set of rules for this world, a set of fair, honest, and effective rules! This big job, from the court to the realm of cultivation, has been rotten, and it is not destined that you can turn the tide alone. ! Only Yun Qin can help you raise your eyebrows and help you realize your'rules'!"

Han Baling's magic weapon looks very strange, it is a huge long-handled meteor hammer, but the hammer head has been forged into a fat bear's paw, which is waved in mid-air, really roaring like a fierce beast. sound.

"Hehehehe, Han Baling, you **** speak better than urine!"

Qi Zhongdao hasn't answered yet, but Ba Xiaoyu, who sneaks up on the heels of a Yunqin Jinren, yells in a weird tone, "Don't provoke discord here, oh, we are not in harmony here, can it be with you? Intimacy is perfect? ​​Qi Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu, including you Han Baling, which one is not pretending to be weak or pitiful, which one is not trying to exaggerate his injury, and wants to preserve his strength as much as possible so that the fisherman can benefit later ?"

"Biaohuazi advises you to pay more attention to the two behind you. You break the Liuhan Baling Mausoleum. You are more or less a man on the Youyun Prairie, but Qi Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu are purely two crazy dogs. Be careful of them. I'll give you a big bite on your **** later!"

"Ba Xiaoyu!"

Qi Changsheng gritted his teeth and said, "We Huntian Army and you have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges recently. We are refugees. You are beggars. Everyone is bitter. Haha. We should have the same enemy. Why did you and Master Kuchan come here? This muddy water? What benefits did the Phoenix Emperor and the six major factions promise you? If it's for the Yunqin Jinren, it's a big deal when we seize the Immortal Palace, you will be divided into one person!"

"Haha, hahahaha!"

Ba Xiaoyu hugged his belly and laughed, his legs kicked, tears streaming out, "Qi Changsheng, you have surrendered to the court and major sects seven times, and you have raised the flag of rebellion seven times. It's nothing short of capricious. Lutheran mad dog, if you can believe your words, the sow can walk with the sword!"


Master Kuchan was holding a small half of the rosary that had been turned into a stone. Even though he was seriously injured, he still said, "Donor Han, Donor Qi, Donor Wan, Poor Monk and Friends of Ba Daoist are indeed here for the Yunqin Jinren. , But it’s definitely not for us to get Yunqin Jinren, but we don’t want such a domineering magic weapon that can destroy the world to reappear in the world. If it falls into the hands of ambitious and reckless people, it will inevitably be set off. The reign of blood and turmoil has utterly burned the souls!"

"Stopping all creatures?"

Inside Wan Mingzhu's fragmented head, a sharp and sharp laughter sounded, "You monk, either stupid or bad! The Yunqin golden people fall into the hands of those of us who are ambitious and reckless. Could it be that before the Yunqin Jinren was born, this world was not bloody, and the creatures were utterly disgraced?"

"Thousands of us civilians in the southeast have watched countless fertile fertile fields being used to grow Yujingzi. As a result, we have to smell the fragrance of Yujingzi and starve to death. Isn't this life-saving?"

"Fengfeng struck, and floods raged. Those cultivators all hid in their Shanmenwubu, defending the door tightly with a large defensive formation, but sitting and watching us burn, drown, starve, and die in the heat of water. Die to death, die to death! Isn't this a waste of life?"

"The Northwest has been experiencing severe droughts for years, and countless fields have been harvested, but none of the cultivators is willing to open a warehouse to release grain. They would rather use a large amount of grain to feed some spirit beast mounts, but are unwilling to devote a little bit to help the victims until they are forced to come. A dead end, turned into an army of refugees, in turn, slander the refugees as inhumane reincarnations, and even engage in ugly deeds of cannibalism. Isn’t this a mess? Huh, even if someone really eats people, it’s also being cultivated. Forced by you, forced by you!"

"You stupid and bad monk, so many things that have been corrupted by human beings have happened before your eyes. I don't believe you can't hear or see them, but what else have you done besides pretending to recite sutras and worship Buddha to save the dead? ? Even if you save over a hundred undead a day, a full 10,000 undead were born elsewhere! And those high-level cultivators are still entrenched in their own mountain gates as majestic blessings and majesty! What can you do, but you are deceiving yourself. That's it!"

"Now, those of us who have nothing, want to use the Yunqinjin people to resist, to completely smash this injustice, smash all the false gods and Buddhas, but you jumped out, afraid of what'suffering life'? Haha, hahahaha, good monk, really a good monk!"

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