40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1497: Where is the cardinal? (Fifth more!)

Wan Mingzhu’s acrimonious laughter reverberated over the Great Hall of the Gods Army for a long time without hesitation, making Master Kuchan linger in the faintly melancholic handsome face, with a green and red color, and with a "click", one turned into a honeycomb. The rosary beads on the pebble were crushed by him abruptly.

"Friends of Qi, Daoists of Ba, Master Kuchan!"

Han Baling continued to yell with his throat, his rough and bold voice sounded a bit of heart-warming sincerity, "Han and fellow Qi Daoist and Friends of Wan Dao are definitely not for the immediate benefit of fornication, but really want to change the world with his own hands. , Do a big business to save the ancient sage world from the vortex that has been entangled for a hundred thousand years!"

"Didn't you find out that for 100,000 years, the Ancient Sage Realm has established countless glorious dynasties, and there have also been countless extraordinary masters in the cultivation world!"

"However, after a full 100,000 years, all glorious dynasties have been destroyed, and even the ruins and broken walls have been turned into dust and disappeared. The number of masters in the realm of cultivation is decreasing, the cultivation base is decreasing, and the magic weapons and techniques have also changed. It has to be more and more rudimentary, more and more backward!"

"Once upon a time, there used to be hundreds of transcendent monks between the heavens and the earth of the ancient sacred world, and they drove the Yunqin Jinren who destroyed the heavens and the earth, and they could even build mountain gates on the dark planet beyond our heaven and earth. But today , Us Nascent Souls are enough to dominate the ancient sacred world, and those dark planets without air and water, don't even think about it!"

"Once upon a time, a glorious dynasty could last for five thousand years or even ten thousand years. Thousands of five-tooth ships hovered in the sky, and huge beasts of hundreds of feet tall were galloping on the ground to act as cavalry! But today, it's hard work! The dynasty lasted only a short thousand years, but it had a mere hundred five-toothed ships, even if it was the supreme state of the celestial dynasty in the last ten thousand years!"

"What does this mean?"

"Our world is slowly declining, getting closer to extinction every day!"

"If the monks of my generation ignore it, one day, we will not even be able to find an undamaged prehistoric treasure, not even a Nascent Soul monk can emerge, and even a dynasty that can last for three to five hundred years It's useless!"

"At that time, the ancient sacred world is over, completely over!"

"Han knows that many of you fellow Daoists hold contempt and hostility towards me, the'lord of the barbarians,' thinking that I just want to smash the Central Plains and make the great rivers and mountains of the Central Plains fishy!"

"Hmph, if that's the case, you would think of Han simply!"

"Looking back on the past 100,000 years of history, there have been barbarians who entered the Central Plains. What about it? Didn't it fall apart and ruined in just a few thousand years?"

"Han must either not do it, or do it, he will do the great thing that will last forever and shine forever. Han hopes to build an eternal and immortal dynasty with fellow Taoists, and these Yunqinjin people can become us. Starting point!"

"Friends of Qi Daoist, Daoist Ba, Master Kuchan, Mr. Han knows that you are different from the mediocre, selfish guys of the six major factions. You are true heroes with lofty aspirations, and you have a lot of dissatisfaction with the status quo of the great leaders. , But today, the wolves are in power and the rotten woods are vertical and horizontal. This completely decayed status quo cannot be changed by one or two of you. It is better to stand on one side of Han and we can calculate together what kind of future will affect the entire ancient sacred world. It is more advantageous to be able to get rid of the toxins hidden in the depths of the ancient sacred world and bring the whole world back to life!"

Han Baling spoke very emotionally. It seemed that he was deeply moved, and he couldn't help but poke out half of his head from behind the giant soldier's buckler.


At the moment he just probed, an arc light that was a hundred times stronger than lightning came from the opposite side, without any fancy or magical powers, just like this, it slashed at Han Baling's head without any smoke!

Han Baling's eyes were wide open, and the corners of his eyes were completely torn. The eyeballs almost came out of his orbits. Even the strange screams were too late to come out. He couldn't even shrink his neck up and down, but he kicked his feet fiercely behind the buckler. , The whole person is folded backward!

The arc of light glided dangerously and dangerously from the tip of his nose, cutting off the huge bear-head top hat he was holding on to his head in half!


The arc light chopped off the bear head on his head, unabated, cutting off dozens of air tracks for the maintenance of the giant soldiers, and finally deeply embedded in the bulkhead made of superalloy material, leaving one behind. The deep sword marks on the fingers, in the sword marks, green smoke curls, and the inside is also faintly orange with extremely high temperature, showing the strength of the psionic energy contained in this sword!

Han Baling's bear head hat was cut off in half and turned into a bear leather sleeve. A green scalp can be seen faintly, and a few strands of hair floating in the air.

This sword cut off his hair a lot, and even thinly shaved off the oily skin on the top of his head.

If he reacts a little bit slower, this ambitious prairie hero will go to Jiuyou Huangquan to change the day!

Yan Liren slowly retracted the sword not far from the person, and muttered with some dissatisfaction: "I don't know what you are doing so much. Why don't you just draw the sword and it will be over!"

"The King!"

"Great handsome!"

"Our Lady!"

Yan Liren’s horrifying sword made the three murderers' subordinates pale in shock. With a burst of spiritual flames frantically erupting, "Swish Swish", hundreds of gleaming flying swords floated in the corner of the Great God's Armory Hall. Each flying sword is surrounded by more and more turbulent colorful flames, ready to go, and can shoot a thunderous blow at any time!

When Qi Zhongdao and other Super Nascent Souls and the six masters saw this, they all gritted their teeth and sacrificed their magic weapons at the bottom of the box. Under the suppression of Qi Zhongdao’s "Fan Tian Yin", the entire hall was "squeaking". "There was a sound, as if being suppressed by an invisible mountain, the air was so thick that it could drip blood.

"Yan, fellow Taoist Yan!"

Qi Zhongdao's face turned dark, and he screamed dryly.

"has a problem?"

Yan Liren looked at Qi Zhongdao innocently, "He took the initiative to stretch out his head and cut it for me. With such a big shiny bear head, I can't help him if he doesn't cut it."

"Etc., etc!"

Han Baling tortoise shrank behind the giant soldier’s buckler, never daring to show his head anymore, but shouted hoarsely, "Qi Zhongdao, Yan Liren, don’t think that Han is afraid of your Fantian Seal and Jianmang, if you have to find your own way, Han and Qi and Wan will naturally let you get what you want!"

"However, don’t you think it’s weird. The three key characters who have the ability to balance left and right, Wang Xi, Zhu Zongyou and Master Lingjiu, have never appeared. Only the seven of us and the six major factions are stupid here. Fight!"

"The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, do you guys understand? The more Han thinks about it, the more it feels that the whole thing is very weird. If Wang Xi and the Phoenix Emperor join forces, it is to force us to kill each other. , You are so impulsive, don't you just hit them?"

This sentence of humiliation made Qi Zhongdao slightly startled, and fell into deep thought.

Behind him, the many high-ranking monks of the six major factions who had originally held the preservation strength and watched the changes, showed an expression of "sudden realization" after turning their eyes!

Even Li Yao and Long Yangjun are a little dumbfounded. Yes, the "Ping Pong Pong" in the Great God Warrior Hall is so lively. Where did the most doubtful fellow Phoenix Emperor Zhu Zongyou go?

In the surveillance picture that was scanned all the way just now, no figure of the Phoenix Emperor was found!

"Friend Daoist Han makes sense!"

Qi Zhongdao deserves to be a "leader of the cultivation world" for many years. No matter how chaotic the situation, his nerves remain calm enough, and his thoughts turn, he changes his attitude in an instant, "I have not found Wang Xi, Master Lingjiu and Before your Majesty, everyone shouldn't act rashly to avoid abnormal changes!"

"Then take care of the crazy Yan on your side, and next time, we may all fall into the trap of Wang Xi and Zhu Zongyou!"

Han Baling cried out rather helplessly.

Qi Zhongdao first glanced at Ba Xiaoyu and Master Kuchan, and together with the two, stared at Yan Liren with deep eyes.

"Amitabha, Yan donor."

Master Kuchan whispered a Buddha's horn, and said with earnest heart, "Just what it means--"

"Stop! Master won't make noise, I won't be too late to kill him later!"

Yan Liren rubbed his nose, embraced the dagger, and retreated to the back row with some dissatisfaction.

"Friend Han!"

Qi Zhongdao breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to raise his voice, "At the moment everyone is trapped in the'Xiangong'. The corridors and palaces inside the Xiangong are bizarre and unpredictable. They seem to be the same as we imagined. Lou Yuyu, the mysterious world is very different, and Qi faintly feels that this is by no means easy!"

"Now the situation outside is a bit out of control. If we really fight to the death, I am afraid that only one or two people will be able to go out alive, and the entire cultivation world, whether it is Dagan or Youyun Second State, will suffer an extinction! "

"If we say that we are fighting for the Yunqin Jinren, but we don't even know how to control the Yunqin Jinren, so the blood sprinkled under the Yunqin Jinren inexplicably like this, wouldn't it be ridiculous?"

"What Qi Daoyou said is very reasonable. Before we find Wang Xi, Zhu Zongyou, Lingjiu Master, and unlock the secret of Yunqin Jinren's control, we really have no reason to die together!"

Han Baling glanced at the flying swords in the opposite mid-air that were ready to go, their spirit flames surging and buzzing, and squinted, "In case of accidents, I suggest that everyone collect the flying swords and magic weapons first. Get up, then step back ten meters away from all the Yunqin Jinren, find a way to control the situation outside, and after gathering the respective trilogy, look for Wang Xi, Zhu Zongyou, and Master Lingjiu, and thoroughly clarify the whole matter. Make more plans, what do Fellow Daoist Qi think?"

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