40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1511: The last variable is here!

The number of quasi-cultivators was originally small, but in the fierce battle just now, in order to invite credit to the new master, and spare no effort to attack his former comrades, his losses were quite large, and he almost fell into a situation where the oil well was lightened.

When the mysterious female voice manipulated the black skull giant soldiers to slaughter them, they could hardly resist!

Seven or eight quasi-immortal cultivators died tragically under the scarlet glow of the giant soldiers, and the other quasi-immortal cultivators finally reacted, shouting one after another, and fled in all directions.

"Where to escape!"

Qi Zhongdao and other "righteous monks" were still pondering, and lawless evil men such as Han Baling, Wan Mingzhu, and Qi Changsheng, but without so much scruples, they knelt down to their subordinates and knelt allegiance to Immortal Leiyun and attacked. The fellow leaped forward and cleared the door amidst bursts of sneer!

A cold light flashed in Li Yao's eyes and turned into a stream of light, instantly appearing in front of the elder Fengleigu who had reported his existence to Xianjun Leiyun.

The elder Fengleigu had already shrunk into a ball with fright. He looked at Li Yao with a look like a monster, and begged with a trembling voice: "Master Lingjiu——"

Just now Li Yao's name was called, and before he uttered the words of pleading, Li Yao's right hand had shaken out a cloud of green spirit fire, which enveloped him in an airtight manner!

Hundreds of ox hair needles are implicated in the single crystal mica filaments, but under the cover and interference of the spiritual fire, they "chichichichichi" and pierce the vitals of the elder's whole body, including the internal organs!

Li Yao's five fingers trembled, and the elder Fengleigu convulsed like a marionette, his face twisted to the point of his jaws shattering, and the seven orifices spewed thick plasma and screamed in pain.


As soon as Li Yao collected his five fingers, the ox hair fine needles and monocrystalline mica filaments were desperately stirred in Elder Fengleigu, cutting off his internal organs, meridians, blood vessels, bones, and nervous system!

Elder Fengleigu collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud, killing him on the spot!

Strands of lavender translucent tobacco flees slowly from his seven orifices spraying blood plasma, entwined in a spiral shape in mid-air, condensed into a crystal clear little person, it is this Feng Lei The ghost of Elder Gu.

"Master Lingjiu, spare your life, spare your life, I know it's wrong, the junior knows it's wrong!"

The ghost of the elder Fengleigu, not much bigger than a finger, floats up and down in the void, like a candle in the wind that can be extinguished at any time.

He assumed a posture of kneeling and kowtow, tears gathered, and begging for mercy.

Li Yao frowned, looked at the ghost for a long time, and finally sighed: "Elder Ouyang, do you really know something wrong?"

"Know your mistakes, know your mistakes, know your mistakes!"

The ghost heard the looseness in Li Yao's words, overjoyed, nodded, and wailed in a soft, baby-like voice, "The younger ghost is obsessed with his heart, and he is confused for a while, and he regrets it later, but he can't reverse the time! The fate of falling into the body and the Daoxiao is all blamed. Now the younger generation only has a fragmented remnant soul. It is really wrong. I, I am so wrong!"

"Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good things is great."

Li Yao sighed and said earnestly, "The Master is not a cruel and murderous person. Since you have admitted your mistakes sincerely, the Master will no longer care about the behavior you just told the secret, and forgive you! If you have another life, it hurts. Change the past, and be a good man!"

The ghost of "Elder Ouyang" was very happy to hear the first half of Li Yao's words, especially when Li Yao said "forgive you".

Unexpectedly, as soon as Li Yao spoke, he immediately said something about "next life", but the ghost of Elder Ouyang was completely dumbfounded!

Before he could react, Li Yao's ghost claws entwined with thousands of wisps of spiritual flames had already grabbed him, grabbed his ghost in the palm of his hand, and squeezed it fiercely. All burst, turned into mottled fragments and shot in all directions. Li Yao split up hundreds of spiritual flames to catch up, all of them burned completely, and even half of the remnant soul was not let go!

In the blink of an eye, the elders of Fengleigu were all gone, and there was no place to be buried!

Li Yao snorted coldly, and it didn't matter that the natives of the ancient sacred world looked at him with a panic expression, and looked at the black skull giant soldier from the corner of his eye.

After everyone started to do it, the Black Skeleton Giant Soldier stayed motionless and stopped attacking, as if silently observing how everyone cleaned the door.

In a short while, dozens of quasi-cultivators were all killed by the natives of the ancient sacred world headed by Super Yuanying, such as Han Baling, without leaving any trouble.

Qi Zhongdao, Ba Xiaoyu, and even Master Kuchan did not stop them, they just watched coldly beside them, and even when some quasi-cultivators flee towards them, they would take the initiative to intercept these people and force them back into rage. Among the crowd!


Han Baling killed three quasi-cultivators in one breath, with blood dripping on his face and bearskin shirt, and his appearance became more and more shocking. He scanned the audience and found that there was no more alive quasi. The immortal cultivator laughed, and turned his sharp gaze back to the black skull giant soldier, bowed to the big tribe with the courtesy of the small tribe on the grassland, and said loudly, "Thank you, senior, for taking the initiative and turning the tide. Saved my life, and gave me the opportunity to clear the door and avenge my grievances!"

"Since Senior and I are on the same road, and the words'Ancient Sacred Realm is approaching, I must work together' during the conversation, I think there is a place where I can wait, so why not ask Senior to show up and accept What about the gratitude of the younger generation and others, and discussing the big plan?"

A series of faint laughter came from the black skull giant soldier again.

But this time it was not a female voice, but a rugged male voice: "Big Bear, I haven't seen you in a hundred years, you are still so aggressive, don't miss any chance of temptation and attack!"

Han Baling, who had never changed his color before the landslide, finally changed his face, as if he was dumbfounded when he heard the strangest words in the world!

His expression instantly became very dazed.

Especially the word "Big Bear", like two sledgehammers hitting his two temples respectively, smashing him into an idiot!

Brother Ghost Qin, who was a little older, also fell into a long-lasting memory under the influence of this voice, looking at each other, all felt that this rough voice was a bit familiar.

The Giant God Soldier Hall fell into a weird silence again, and everyone, including Li Yao, stared at the Black Skeleton Giant God Soldier.

A big hole was pierced in the breastplate of the black skull giant soldier, and up to this moment, there was still smoke. Although the black is not very clear inside, it does not look like a person is hidden!

Xianjun Leiyun is not an idiot, if there is a big living person hidden in it, it is impossible to find it!

However, from the vital joints of the black skull giant soldier's head and body joints, strands of "vital" smoke escaped, split into hundreds of strands, and slowly drifted down toward the ground.

The smoke is all crystal clear, shining, as beautiful as the aurora on the Evernight Icefield, full of mysterious beauty!

Hundreds of plumes of smoke split into two strands, one on the left and the right mingled together in a spiral shape, gradually forming two human figures, one man and one woman.

They are like statues polished with aurora and crystals, ethereal, transparent, and mysterious, yet they release an unparalleled aura!

The woman on the left is wearing a moon-white robe, with a large group of exquisite flowing clouds embroidered on the robe, and this "flowing cloud" actually flows slowly, as if she was wearing a large group of clouds all over her body. same.

She is like the goddess of the moon, breathtakingly beautiful, without the slightest flaw, except for a faint estrangement between her eyebrows, a kind of indifference that refuses to be thousands of miles away!

The man on the right has extremely wide shoulders, huge hands, and a waterfall-like black hair shawl. His brows are white, and he slanted into his black hair, as black and white as his shining eyes!

His appearance can't say how handsome, but it can definitely leave a deep impression on people. He has an all-in-one, all-in-the-world charming charm!

The two mysterious figures are like carrying a circle of strong magnetic fields, enveloping all the high-ranking monks present, making everyone feel boundless pressure, even Li Yao, in a trance, recalled himself. When I was a teenager, when I first saw Demon Sword Peng Hai in Chixiao No. 2 Middle School, he was in a state of deep shock that could not be added!

It's been a long time since he had this kind of "mountain standing up" feeling.

Now generally speaking, it is mostly when others are looking at him with their necks up and drooling!

Li Yao's heart moved, almost groaning, the identities of these two mysterious figures were clearly revealed!

Sure enough, after being deeply shocked, Han Baling took two steps back, clutching his chest, and yelled in disbelief: "Master, Master?"

On the other side, Qi Zhongdao's expression also became very strange.

In other words, Li Yao has never seen such a lifelike life on this rigid, black, black and selfless face, with a trace of doubt in excitement, and a bit of...shy expression in doubt!

"Wu, Sister Wu, is it you?"

Qi Zhongdao unexpectedly used a very "weird" name, rushing to the woman's way that seemed to have walked out of the silver moon and used Liuyun as her neon clothes.

The two mysterious figures who have been dormant in the depths of the Black Skeleton Giant Soldiers, disrupting the Soul of Leiyun Xianjun at a critical moment, creating opportunities for Li Yao and everyone, turned out to be a peak duel in the depths of the Evernight Icefield a hundred years ago, and then mysteriously The two missing gods, Wu Suiyun and Meng Chixin!

At this point, the three major variables that Li Yao paid most attention to during the trip to the fairy palace, Long Yangjun, Imperial Special Forces, and the two great gods, finally all appeared!

However, it is not accurate to say that they are "two people".

They obviously have no entity, and are condensed with spirit and psychic energy.

It's just that the psychic energy that can be mobilized and accurately controlled by the **** of transformation realm is too strong, as if it shows a lifelike flesh and blood body.

In essence, it's still a ghost repair!

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