40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1512: Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun

The appearance of the two great transformation gods Wu Suiyun and Meng Chixin just like a stone ignited a thousand waves, causing many high-ranking monks to breathe in air-conditioning, surprised and inexplicable.

Let alone why the two great gods appeared in the mysterious "fairy palace", nor why they transformed into ghosts, and also hide in the Yunqin Jinren, as if from the very beginning. Dug a trap for "Leiyun Xianjun".

Just talk about the identity and past of the two of them. They are obviously enemies that don't share the same sky. How can they stand side by side?

What has happened in the past hundred years? Are these two mysterious ghost cultivators really Wu Suiyun and Meng Chixin?

In the bottom of everyone's heart, the same questions could not help.

Meng Chixin is the best genius monk in the Youyun Prairie for thousands of years.

Hundreds of years ago, the "Youyun Ghost Qin" force had not yet appeared. The Youyun prairie was dominated by a mixture of many tribes and several sects, and there was no unified army and political structure, just like the Wunan Five Road. They are all vassals of the Dagan Dynasty.

Although the unruly prairie monks are far more difficult to deal with than the witchman monks, in their hearts, the Dagan cultivation world is still in the sky, an irresistible existence, even if it is looted on a small scale, secretly attacking the Dagan caravan. Many things happen, after all, I dare not openly raise the flag of rebellion.

Meng Chixin was born and changed everything!

It is said that he had excavated in the depths of the grassland many secret treasures left over from the Frontier Dynasty that entered the Central Plains tens of thousands of years ago.

He also came into being, a cultivation genius with amazing qualifications.

In just 50 years, the grassland has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and all the various exercises and magical powers have been integrated, and the waste has been removed and the green has been improved. It is known as a collection of "eight hundred magical powers" in one!

At that time, the Youyun Prairie and the Dagan Dynasty had not completely smashed their skins. There were still frequent exchanges with each other in the cultivation world, and it was commonplace to fight each other and discuss the truth.

In the past, the Daoist cultivators often won easily and the barbarian cultivators failed miserably.

Da Qian is relying on the invincible force of the cultivation world to deter the Quartet with only a small number of frontier troops and at a very low cost.

Meng Chixin went south to the Central Plains after hitting the invincible hand in the grassland, and challenged the six masters with integrity.

In the arena, he defeated the prestige of 18 super masters from the six major factions one after another, and shook the world for a while, and made the four wild monks doubt the strength of the Central Plains cultivation world. Seeds of chaos!

If you just win a big victory in the ring, it does not count as Meng Chixin's invincible prestige.

Just when he defeated the eighteen masters of the six major factions one after another, and then went to the south, hoping to meet more masters, he was besieged by hundreds of mysterious monks halfway through.

As a result, hundreds of cultivators failed to leave Meng Chixin, and he smashed a **** path into the hundred thousand mountains south of Dagan.

Hundreds of monks chased into the dense forest, but suffered the most terrifying massacre in their lives.

Meng Chixin took advantage of the high mountains, dense forests, and connected underground holes to deal with hundreds of monks for several months, but he killed nearly a hundred of them. He left for a long time, passed the battle, and returned to the Youyun Prairie smoothly!

The news broke, and everyone was in an uproar.

Although no sect is willing to admit it, everyone knows that this must be the eccentricity of the Central Plains cultivation world headed by the six major sects!

It's just that the cultivation base is inferior to the human being, and he even did such a shameless deed!

It's nothing more than doing such a despicable and shameless deed, and it was a complete failure!

Hundreds of cultivators besieged one person, but he could kill nearly a hundred people in turn, and then left!

The face of the Central Plains Comprehension Realm was really lost!

This campaign was a turning point in the prosperity and decline of the Dagan cultivation world.

Before this battle, the Sifang barbarian monks and the practitioners of the small and medium sects within Dagan had more or less awe of the six major factions, the court, and the entire cultivation world. They always acted with some scruples and did not dare to be frantic and arbitrary. Recklessly.

After this battle, the true face of Dagan who is strong and strong from outside the realm of comprehension is clearly seen by others. From then on, the world is turbulent, and ambitious people have surfaced, making waves and pushing the entire Dagan into the abyss!

This battle also triggered two unexpected but far-reaching things that changed the pattern of the world in the future.

First, Meng Chixin became famous in the Battle of the Shiwan Mountain, known as the "Wolf God". For a time, countless heroes and heroes on the grassland came to vote. One of them was born in a small tribe at that time, and had a higher status than a slave. Not much, the boy who was also called "Bao Liuhan Baling".

At that time, no one could have imagined that this scrawny, taciturn boy who was only good at feeding horses would become Meng Chixin’s only true disciple after decades of training. After Meng Chixin disappeared for a hundred years, he would unify the entire grassland and change his name. "Han Baling" established the "Eight Ministry System" to challenge the precarious Dagan in a more powerful way!

Second, in the Central Plains cultivation world at that time, there was also a role similar to the "leader of the cultivation world" like Qi Zhongdao.

At that time, the "leader of the realm of cultivation" was also from Taixuan Dao, "the number one sect in the world", and his name was "Shi Zongyue".

It is said that Shi Zongyue planned and implemented Shi Zongyue's battle to encircle and suppress Meng Chixin.

What is the truth of this matter, a hundred years later, it has long been impossible to verify.

However, someone must be responsible for the tragic death of nearly a hundred high-ranking monks.

Since Shi Zongyue is the "Leader of the Cultivation Realm", he is the one who is not allowed to carry the scapegoat.

In short, shortly after the end of the Battle of One Hundred Thousand Mountains, the leader of the cultivation world, "Shi Zongyue", went crazy and died in a retreat practice.

People died and debts disappeared, and the truth of the battle of the 100,000 mountains disappeared completely with the wind, and all the insiders were silent, as if such a fight had never happened.

Since then, the Central Plains cultivation world has been calm and peaceful, or that thousands of horses have been together for decades.

And Meng Chixin was also busy integrating the forces of the entire grassland, and continued to refine and improve the eight hundred magical powers, and did not rashly launch a new challenge to the Central Plains.

Decades later, the truth of the Battle of One Hundred Thousand Mountains was completely buried in the gravel of time, and the Central Plains cultivation world was also immersed in this self-deception atmosphere. When it was incapable of extricating itself, from the former "comprehensive world leader" Shi Zongyue's already deserted graveyard. In, walk out alone.

A woman carrying Shi Zongyue's "Mirror Flower and Water Moon Sword".

Shi Zongyue's widow, Wu Suiyun!

It was not until Wu Suiyun, like Meng Chixin in the past, used the mirror flower water moon sword to overturn more than 20 masters of the six schools, and the entire cultivation world discovered that she turned out to be an unfathomable and terrifying master of transformation. !

No one knows why Wu Suiyun would hostilely challenge the six masters, even his own "Tai Xuan Dao" is no exception.

Her actions have long been beyond the scope of general fighting methods. On the arena, even in the face of her fellow Taixuan Taoist monks, her shots were fierce and fierce, leaving no room for a lot of masters!

It's just that these masters who were hit hard by her didn't have any doubts or complaints, as if they knew why she came to the door.

There were many people at that time, reminiscing the battle of the 100,000 Great Mountains of the past.

Rumors gradually spread that the battles of the past had nothing to do with Shi Zongyue. It was purely the following people who wanted to seize Meng Chi's heart and torture the secret magical powers that have been passed down on the grassland for thousands of years. The result was self-defeating, resulting in an unmanageable tragedy. , Shi Zongyue is also responsible.

Shi Zongyue was so insecure because of these popularity, that he would become confused in his cultivation and died suddenly.

Therefore, Wu Suiyun came to the door in a murderous manner. Even if the seniors of the six major factions who were ashamed by her, even if they were beaten and fractured by her, their repairing base fell sharply, they did not dare to complain.

But this matter has never been confirmed by Wu Suiyun.

Because after sweeping the six major factions, this strong **** of transformation went directly north to the Youyun Prairie to find Meng Chixin.

Perhaps she wanted to further question the truth about the battle of the 100,000 Great Mountains decades ago.

Or maybe she thinks Meng Chixin is also responsible for the death of her husband Shi Zongyue.

Or maybe even though she hates a small group of misbehaving generations among the six major factions, she has inherited her husband's will and has the duty to carry the banner of the Central Plains cultivation world!

In those decades, under the call of the invincible prestige of Meng Chixin, the strength of the entire Youyun Prairie has rapidly expanded, with a faint rising trend.

If this arrogance cannot be completely suppressed, perhaps today's Han Baling will not be needed, but Meng Chixin's destiny will be accomplished in the hands of Meng Chixin!

In the entire ancient sacred world, only two gods, Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun, were left, and the two gods were in different camps.

Their collision is inevitable!

That battle happened in the depths of Yongye Icefield.

No one knows the result of that battle, only knows that Wu Suiyun and Meng Chixin both disappeared in the depths of the ice field after ten days and nights of wind and snowstorms, and there was no news of them again for a hundred years.

To this day, as the mysterious ghost repair identity, appeared side by side in front of everyone!

"Master, what is going on with all this? Since your old man has not fallen, why has it been silent for a hundred years?"

Han Baling asked respectfully. Although his attitude was respectful, his speech was still sharp. Obviously, he didn't lose his vigilance because of his identity.

Even if it is a master and apprentice... so what!

A whole hundred years have passed, and anything can happen!

"Big Sister Wu, Meng Chi is a serious concern for me. Why do you fight with this person? And you dormant among the Yunqinjin people early in the morning. Did you know that we would appear long ago?"

Qi Zhongdao also took a deep breath, settled, frowning and staring at Wu Suiyundao.

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