40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1513: The real fairyland!

Wu Suiyun and Meng Chi looked at each other and said lightly: "Since the two of us choose to appear in front of you in our true colors, we will naturally understand everything we have experienced in the past hundred years, as well as the'crisis of extinction' that the ancient sacred world is most likely to face. , Make it clear to you all, and then everyone will work together to tide over the difficulties together!"

"I believe that after you listen to us and explain everything, you will know that it is normal for us to put aside our grudges and contradictions and fight side by side."

She pointed to the "Leiyun Xianjun" who was tightly controlled by Qi Zhongdao and other super souls with more than a dozen different restrictions on the five flowers, said: "No matter whether this person is really a'fairy person', at least there is one sentence she didn't have. I’m wrong—when you really understand the existence of the fairy world and how vast the world is, you will find that all love, hatred, and hatred in the secular world are basically meaningless things, and they are really not worth worrying about."

"Not only Meng Chixin and I, but even between you, there is no need to hold back the grudges and contradictions of the past. Let go of all grievances!"

When this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.


Qi Zhongdao hung his eyebrows and his expressions were fierce, "Sister Wu, what do you mean? The century-old grievances between our Dagan and Youyun Ghost Qin, and the contradiction between changing heaven and earth, can it only be regarded as "pretty care"?"

Han Baling also widened his bull's eyes, staring straight at Meng Chixin, and said every word: "Master, what has happened in the past 100 years? You, the prairie wolf god, always overthrew the great god. , It is our responsibility to make the grassland rise!"

Qi Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu cried out in unison, "Let go of hatred and contradictions with these polite, male thieves and female prostitutes? How could it be possible!"

"Stop being passionate!"

Called Huazi Ba Xiaoyu grinned, spit out at Qi Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu, "No one said to let go of the grudges with you, come, come, draw a line, and beg Huazi to accompany you at any time!"


The Phoenix Emperor gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, staring fiercely at Han Baling, Qi Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu, Wang Xi, and even Meng Chi, slamming into his fist and said, "I will never forgive each of you. Who wants to get involved in the great power? I will surely punish him by five thunders and crush him into powder, so that he will never be born again!"

"Your Majesty, you should say a few words less."

Long Yangjun embraced his arms, leaned against the big feet of a giant soldier, and said in a chilly voice, "This is a place for adults to discuss the general trend of the world. Your majesty's childlike innocence is not deep, and the old slave thinks that your majesty is still by the side It’s better to stay humbly and ask for advice."


The Phoenix Emperor hated that he had to add oil and salt and swallowed Long Yangjun in one bite.

The two supernatural souls of the two Dao of Good and Evil suddenly drew their swords and their spiritual flames soared, making "crackling" collisions and cracking sounds.

The temporary united front formed just because of the appearance of Leiyun Xianjun, instantly fell apart, and the scene was a chaos!

Li Yao cried secretly in his heart--what the **** is this?

With a glance, he found that Yan Liren was still indifferent and indifferent.

Can not help but breathe a sigh of relief, there is finally one who is sensible and calm enough.

Suddenly, Yan Liren’s voice and secret transmission came from my ears: "Friends of Lingjiu Daoist, these two old monsters seem to have lost their bodies and become ghosts. Their cultivation level must have fallen sharply, and they will definitely not be able to maintain their transformation. The peak state of the **** realm!"

"You said, if you are responsible for attracting their attention, and if I make a sudden move, is it possible to cut both of them?"

Li Yao: "..."


In addition to Li Yao and Yan Liren, Master Kuchan finally maintained a calm and calm heart, sang a Buddha's name, and greeted Chi Xin and Wu Suiyun, "Two donors, poor monks are The six pure and outsiders can't talk about any grudges, hatreds, and contradictions with the donors around him, but just listened to what the witch donor said, does the'immortal realm' actually exist?"

This question, when asked on the point, suddenly calmed the boiling scene.

Yes, the contradictions and hatreds between each other cannot be resolved within a moment and a half, but the existence of "Xianjie" and "Xianren" is related to the future of everyone.

Especially Wu Suiyun and Meng Chi said that the ancient sacred world is about to face a "crisis of extinction"-what is going on?

"Of course the immortal world exists, and this mysterious'Leiyun Immortal' can also be regarded as an immortal."

Meng Chi's heart and tiger's eyes slowly circulated among the crowd, and instantly suppressed the situation with a stormy aura, making all the golden cores and the soul infants seem to be immersed in the flooding flood, giving birth to an irresistible feeling, forgetting The hostility between each other.

Meng Chi said unhurriedly, "However, the so-called'Xianjie' and'Xianren', perhaps not like we used to think, are a piece of heaven and earth'higher' than the ancient sage realm, but more like a piece wrapped in the ancient sage. Beyond the bounds, a vast new world!"

"Outside the ancient sacred world, a broader world?"

All the natives of the Ancient Sacred World were taken aback and looked at each other. This statement is new.

Only Li Yao exchanged a meaningful look with Long Yangjun while everyone was not paying attention.

He secretly rejoiced that he was calm enough when discussing the plan with Long Yangjun just now, until the last moment, he did not reveal his hole cards.

The two great gods had guessed the existence of the outside world!

And watching them deal with the many natives "disloyal to the ancient sacred world", and the female agent of the true human empire, "Leiyun Xianjun", those ruthless, decisive methods of killing and decisive, obviously have an attitude towards "aliens". Deep hostility.

If Li Yao had just revealed his secrets from the outside world, I am afraid that he would be **** by the five flowers, like Leiyun Xianjun, and become a prisoner who can be slaughtered by others!

"Wu Suiyun and I roughly estimated that the scale of the'Xianjie' is at least tens of thousands of times the size of the entire ancient sacred world. They are emerging in endlessly, far above our imagination!"

Meng Chixin smiled bitterly, "Just look at this'Leiyun Immortal Monarch'. She alone can control a prince as a puppet, and even support this prince to the throne of the Ninth Five-Year Lord. Come on, almost overturning the entire ancient sacred world!"

"A single'immortal' can cause such serious consequences. If ten, one hundred, or a thousand immortals come together and say'crisis of extinction', is there any exaggeration?"

Everyone was shocked, like ice water, the excitement of just grabbing "Leiyun Xianjun" was wiped out.

That's right, even though Xianjun Leiyun is alone, she always has a teacher and a background, how big is the power hidden behind her, can the entire ancient sacred world resist it?

"If the Ancient Sacred Realm is a small island, then the'Fairy Realm' enveloping us is a vast ocean!"

Wu Suiyun sighed softly, "If the Ancient Sage Realm is a mouse, then the'Fairy Realm' is a wild beast hundreds of meters long! And we are just little fleas on the mouse!"

"In the past, you all thought that the Ancient Sage Realm was a unique existence in the sea of ​​stars, the supreme'world'. In order to compete for the world, thousands of grievances, hatreds, and infinite contradictions would be rolled up!"

"However, if I tell you, the so-called Ancient Sage Realm is just an insignificant corner in the entire sea of ​​stars. A world like the Ancient Sage Realm has tens of thousands outside, even a hundred times larger than the Ancient Sage Realm. , A hundred times more aura, and a hundred times more mysterious and mysterious world exists. The'fairies' in these worlds can crush us to death with no effort!"

"Just ask, what is the significance of our struggle?"

"We are like crickets kept in a jar, fighting each other for some insignificant rice grains and water droplets. You die, and maybe the unimaginable fairies and gods outside the jar are watching our'performance' with boredom— —This is the meaningless hatred between us!"

"Meng Chixin and I have spent decades understanding this, and then put aside all hatreds and contradictions. When the true picture of the stars and the sea is presented before us, the ridiculous hatreds and contradictions of the past are not worth mentioning. , Only one thing is worthy of us, and worthy of you, to be crushed, to devote everything to pursue, to struggle, and to achieve!"

These words made everyone completely silly to listen.

Li Yao took a deep breath, took a step forward, staring at the two great gods with piercing eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"


Meng Chi said deeply, "How can we, let our ancient sacred realm continue to survive in the perilous and mysterious immortal realm!"

"Qi Zhongdao, Han Baling, Ba Xiaoyu, Qi Changsheng, Master Lingjiu..."

Wu Suiyun read the names of the Three Sages and Four Fouls, Li Yao, and Master Kuchan, pondered for a moment, and turned his gaze to the Phoenix Emperor, "Are you the emperor of today, although your cultivation base and character are slightly inferior," But you are very involved with the immortal, so let's even count you!"

"The ten of you should be the'ten masters' with the highest level of cultivation in the ancient sacred world and the most powerful ones. Under the silent observation of Meng Chixin and I just now, your Dao heart is firm enough and you have not been'immortal'. If I am confused, I know how to immediately let go of the enmity in the face of a crisis, unanimously, and fight the enemy together!"

"Your ten cultivation bases, xinxing, strategy, and adaptability are barely enough to discuss with the two of us and explore how to save the ancient sacred world!"

"Now, first clean up the tense situation outside, let everyone stop the confrontation, and set up a camp inside this warship to stabilize it."

"Later, we will take you to see a place to explain what has happened to us in the past 100 years, and to tell you how dark and terrifying the real world is!"

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