40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1516: Battle of Sealing Demons!

Wu Suiyun's voice trembled a little, and he couldn't help but stretch out his purely psychic hands and touched his crystal clear forehead, as if he could not forget the heartbreaking past after he had turned into a ghost for a hundred years. And the weird pain!

Ripples appeared on Meng Chixin’s ghost, swaying like thick smoke blown by the wind, and coldly said: "I and Wu Suiyun have discovered each other's abnormalities, and they are even more swayed by magma in the body. The feeling of torture makes life worse than death! From a mere seven or eight feet, it swells to ten feet, and becomes extremely huge. This unspeakable process has exhausted all the power in our flesh and blood, meridians, and souls. We are dry, depleted, and hungry to the extreme!"

"However, the physical change is not the most terrifying!"

"The weirdest change happened in our spirits and emotions!"

"It's like a poisonous fire running wildly among our three souls and seven souls, burning wildly, burning our seven emotions and desires to ashes bit by bit, and completely eroding away!"

"Those of you who have not experienced it personally, you will not understand it anyway. In short, we gradually lose all emotions such as joy, hatred, panic, fear, anger..., etc., instead of calm, extreme calmness. !"

"It stands to reason that if we find ourselves inexplicably transformed into a terrifying giant, we should panic, or stand up against it, or be deeply desperate and painful!"

"However, in addition to the initial struggle, the two of us slowly accepted all of this later. Suddenly we didn’t know what'panic, fear, and despair' meant. It was like sinking into a deep blue seabed very peacefully, covered by seagrass and The jellyfish wraps it into a huge cocoon, and after the cocoon breaks, it is reborn and transformed into a new person!"

"The memories and will of the past are slowly annihilated. A new ‘will’ and a new ‘mission’ are gradually blooming in the depths of our souls!"

"We are about to be changed by that'venom' and completely transformed into a brand new life form!"

The crowd was horrified.

This kind of "dove occupying the magpie's nest", turned into a strange liquid for a new life, is indeed 10,000 times more terrifying than the deadliest venom!

"Listening to the words of the two donors, the effect of this mysterious venom is a bit like a wicked person's ‘robbing the house’!"

Master Kuchan thoughtfully said, "It's just that, in the case of'Du She', there should be two powerful ghosts, so it seems that it is a little paradoxical!"

"It's not ‘robbing the house’!"

Meng Chixin said with certainty, "Wu Suiyun and I are both transfiguration cultivators. We naturally understand the secret method of seizing homes. The so-called'seizing homes' only occupy the victim's body, and the victim's soul will often Completely wiped out!"

"However, the abnormal changes that happened to us did not destroy our spirits, but caused our spirits to undergo weird changes, becoming... not only possessing our will, but not very much like ourselves. It's another life, another race!"

"The experience of the two seniors is really incredible!"

The beggar Ba Xiaoyu widened his eyes and said, "Later, have you been successfully transformed?"

This is a nonsense, but everyone does not care about probing and waits for the answers from the two gods with bated breath.

Meng Chi's face was ashamed and said: "At that time, we were all in an extremely dangerous and desperate situation. My heart was clear and I knew that it should be some kind of fierce ancient monster who invaded our body in a weird and incomparable way!"

"They have been sealed under the ice field for hundreds of thousands of years, and maybe they are waiting for the moment of resurrection! If they can't be stopped, they will definitely escape and wreak havoc on the world!"

"With the cultivation bases of our two great transformation gods, coupled with the terrifying blessings of the ancient monsters, it is difficult for anyone to stop these two terrifying monsters!"

"And in the'cemetery' at the bottom of the'Magic Palace', there are countless monsters containing'venom', and thousands of'wine jars'. I don't know how many people can be turned into ancient monsters. Up!"

"In this way, maybe the entire Ancient Sage Realm, regardless of whether it is the dry land or the grassland, will be ruined by Wu Suiyun and I's reckless behavior!"

"Nine Nether Huangquan and Shura Hell will all come to the world. All living creatures will either turn into demons or become food and slaves for demons!"

"I know I made a big mistake and regret it, but I can't do anything. I can't stop the abnormal changes in my body."

"At this moment, Wu Suiyun suddenly roared wildly and slammed into me fiercely, putting on a posture that he wanted to die with me!"

"I was slammed into the corner of the wall by her, and her sharp claws made a big **** hole between my chest and abdomen. My internal organs were all scratched, but the heart-piercing pain was what caused me. The mind is a little more awake, and the agitation of the abnormal changes in the body also fades a little!"

"Looking at Wu Suiyun's burning eyes, I instantly understood her thoughts."

"The two of us have been possessed by demons. We can't get rid of them by our own strength."

"Once we lose control completely, the monster will definitely control our body, break the seal, and release the remaining monsters."

"Even, these monsters will go directly to the grasslands or the Central Plains, catch some powerful cultivators, and send them to the lowest level of the magic palace for modulation, transforming into a new army of monsters!"

"Now, there is only one way to stop them!"

"The two of us, we shall die together, and seal the only two monsters that have escaped from the magic palace in our corpses!"

"Although Wu Suiyun and I have different camps, we fought for the benefit of Dagan and Youyun prairie. However, the ancient sacred world is our common home. No matter the prairie or the Central Plains, we have our families and inheritors. We I never want to see this world and become a paradise for demons!"

"Since this is a mistake we made, let's end it with our own hands!"

"So, with the last ray of sober mind, we barely controlled our swelling and changing bodies, attacked each other, and both died!"

Regarding the death of the two, Meng Chixin said very briefly.

But the ten Nascent Souls, including Li Yao, can be imagined a hundred years ago, under the ice, this battle that no one knows, but is extremely thrilling!

On the surface, it looks like a fight between the two great gods, but in fact they use their pride and dignity as human monks, and use their lives as a weapon to save the entire world and attack the mysterious monster!

Especially knowing part of the facts, knowing that the demon is Li Yao of the "Pangu tribe", and even more excited and excited!

The pride of the human race is invincible!

Even in places like the Ancient Sacred World, a hundred years ago, there were some human monks who were fighting the Pangu tribe in their own way!


Wu Suiyun said quietly, "The front is the burial place of Meng Chixin and I, and the seal of the Underground Demon Palace. For the convenience of research, we haven't moved here for a hundred years!"

Li Yao lifted his spirits and looked around.

This is a huge conical chamber, like the interior of a hollow collision angle.

On the Kunlun ruins, Li Yao once saw similar structures on the front ends of some Nuwa battleships.

This is a movable cabin specially used for boarding and penetration operations. It is like a stretchable "fang". The interior is hollow and can carry a large number of crystal armors, giant soldiers and various close-ups. The magic weapon of hand-to-hand combat.

When the enemy and us meet and our melee forces dominate, and we hope to penetrate into the enemy’s interior for hand-to-hand combat, we can use the super magnetic units distributed around the warship to stimulate strong magnetic force to attract the opponent’s warship and fortress. Or **** our warship over!

When the two parties are attracted to a very close range, these "assault teeth" will be pierced fiercely, relying on the super alloy structure and the offensive rune array engraved on the exterior, tearing all the opponent's psychic shields and armor defenses , Penetrate deeply into enemy battleships or fortresses, and even reach the most vulnerable core!

Afterwards, the front end of the assault tooth blooms like a crab claw, and the fighters inside can naturally drive straight in, directly attacking the enemy's heart area!

That's obvious.

This Nuwa battleship knew that there was a secret laboratory of the Pangu tribe in the depths of the ice sheet, conducting some terrible experiments.

However, it lacks sufficient orbital attack methods. It can only use the simplest and rude methods to smash itself into the ground, drill through the ground, directly hit the shell of the Pangu clan’s secret laboratory, and then pierce it with “assault teeth”. The many defenses of the Pangu Lab directly penetrated into its core!

Therefore, the Nuwa tribe and the Pangu tribe will fight fiercely in the Nuwa battleship and the Pangu tribe at the same time!

Now, ten Yuan Ying and two Huashens are like being in a cone-shaped cave, which narrows as they move forward. At the foremost end of the cone, there stands a round bronze gate with dense burlap. The runes full of spiral shapes continue to pour out the brilliance like a tide.

The bronze gate is thirty to forty meters high, and it is as magnificent as a gate leading directly to the fairy world, and it is large enough to accommodate the strongest Nuwa warriors and super-large giant soldiers to pass quickly.

After hundreds of thousands of years of erosion, the runes on the gate were a bit obscure, and the tidal brilliance seemed weak.

Li Yao suddenly felt a strange feeling.

This "door" is slowly dying, and the restraining effect attached to the door is getting weaker and weaker.

I don't know if it is simply because of the passage of time, or because of the constant impact and corrosion of something behind the "gate".

On the right side of the bronze gate, leaning against two tall corpses, all of them are strangely shaped, **** and completely unrecognizable.

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