40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1517: Mutations in junk genes!

The two corpses were as described by Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun.

One of them is twelve or three tall, short and plump, with a third shriveled eye protruding from his forehead, and his arms are extremely long, with long bone spurs growing on both sides of his arm bones, as if it is tall and upright His blade, even the joints of his legs have been changed into a forward-curved anti-joint shape.

The corpse of another male with a height of fifteen to six meters and a sturdy body had a large horn protruding like a tumor. On both sides of the temple, there were two scimitar-like horns. The shoulder blades, elbows, and hips have grown out of a lot of strange-shaped protrusions, especially the protrusions behind the shoulder blades, which are very finely connected bones, just like the second pair of arms that have grown hard.

The two huge corpses are very similar to the Pangu corpses that can be seen everywhere in the Nuwa battleship, but the flesh and blood are quite "fresh", and they are not annihilated by the sudden influx of fresh air.

Although their faces are distorted to the extreme, but the parts between their eyebrows and eyebrows that are not covered by scales and bone spurs can vaguely recognize the characteristics of Wu Suiyun and Meng Chixin.

Moreover, their hands, feet, and some parts of their bodies have not yet revealed the traces of the Pangu tribe except for the expansion several times. It is like connecting the huge human body and the Pangu tribe's body forcibly, or it's a place. On the verge of change.

The huge corpses of the two men were all ripped apart, their internal organs were torn out, and they were burned to ashes by the spiritual flames.

The shattered corpse silently told of the tragic battle of the battle a hundred years ago!

After listening to the two great transformation gods introducing the shocking changes they had made when they came here, and seeing their huge corpses with their own eyes, all the Nascent Souls fell into a huge silence, shocked by the shocking facts to the point of no more!

In the bottom of Li Yao's heart, there was even more turmoil!


Wu Suiyun and Meng Chixin, two celebrity monks, were attacked by some crab-shaped monsters and injected some kind of "venom" into their bodies, and they became Pangu tribes!

At first glance, it seems incredible.

But thinking about it carefully, it is not impossible in theory!

The relationship between human civilization and Pangu civilization is "father-son civilization", and this theory has been confirmed.

According to the history, archaeology and biologists of the Xingyao Federation, it is very likely that the original human beings were selected by the Pangu civilization as a "substance", and then implanted them including Pangu, Nuwa, Kuafu, Zhu Rong, Gonggong... …And so on, a brand-new race created by the genes of many ancient races.

Even though the original intention of the Pangu people was to create a cheap and easy-to-use tool, they did give these "tools" their own genes.

Therefore, in the human gene chain, it is very likely that Pangu, Nuwa, Zhu Rong, Gonggong, Kuafu... countless gene fragments of ancient races!

Newborns of human beings have a very small probability of triggering some kind of "return to ancestry", and they will grow a long hair or tail that resembles an ape.

So, if this kind of "return to ancestors" can be precisely controlled, can it be possible to "activate" the Pangu gene fragments hidden deep in the human gene chain and turn them into "dominant genes", which makes people burst out of "return to ancestors" in an instant. "The power of the ancestor", what about the sudden change into the Pangu tribe?

There is also a possibility that the human beings who were initially used as "tools" have very weak genetic links with the Pangu tribe and cannot be transformed into the Pangu tribe.

But before the death of the Pangu civilization, it is entirely possible to cultivate a group of special "human carriers", deep in the human gene chain, implant all the Pangu tribe's highly compressed genes!

These human beings will naturally pass on the highly compressed genes of the Pangu tribe from generation to generation in the process of reproducing and reproducing, and the descendants of each generation will become the "carriers" of all the genes of the Pangu tribe!

Hundreds of thousands of years later, these "carriers" have been scattered throughout the sea of ​​stars along with the expansion of human civilization, and when the "carriers" are injected with special "activating potions", they are hidden deep in the gene chain. , The seemingly meaningless "junk gene" will suddenly explode, agitating all the powers of the Pangu tribe, and transforming humans into the Pangu tribe!

Does this possibility exist?


At least, Li Yao knows very well that even if the blood demon world's biochemical technology is used to study the genes of the human race and the monster race, more than 95% of the genes are still considered useless and do not understand their functions and instructions. Genes, blank genes"!

In other words, to inherit the normal body functions of an ordinary person, only the remaining 5% of genes is enough!

So, why do these 95% genes appear in the depths of human cells? Are they really "junk" and "blank"?

Or do they hide extremely dangerous uses that humans cannot recognize?

In the bottom of Li Yao's heart, he shuddered coldly, and the more he pondered, the more he felt that he was approaching the truth.

That's right, he knew what the Pangu people were doing in the depths of the Arctic Circle in the ancient sacred world to build a weird laboratory!

It's inheritance!

Just like the "Civilized Seizing House" of the Bloodmark tribe and the "Tombstone Project" thrown by Guishoushou, the Pangu tribe is also looking for ways to continue their civilization!

According to the true human empire and the current status quo of the absolute dominance of the human race in the sea of ​​stars, the "war of the gods" hundreds of thousands of years ago should have been won by the Nuwa civilization including the human race, and Pangu Civilization was completely suppressed and wiped out!

Since the "wise men" in the Pangu civilization know that they will leave the eight-volume "Book of the Gods" as the inheritance of civilization, will they have any other plans to pass on the fire of civilization?

This is very likely.

Even if the Star Federation a hundred years ago, such a small force with only three major worlds, when faced with the disaster of extinction, they would all come up with their own ingenuity and brainstorm, come up with more than a dozen plans for salvation, and proceed simultaneously.

The Pangu civilization hundreds of thousands of years ago was the absolute king in the sea of ​​stars. When faced with destruction, there must be more than one inheritance plan!

"Since the current situation is unfavorable to the Pangu civilization, it is like a seed transformed into a spore form and a hibernating bug, hiding in the depths of the universe for more than 100,000 or 200,000 years. When the stars are calm and the time is right, once again Revive and rebuild civilization!"

This is quite reasonable and very possible idea!

The eight-volume "Feng Shen Bang" is the first plan to realize this idea.

Sealing the Pangu tribe's body in the hibernation cabin, trying to rely on the psychic energy supply of powerful stars such as pulsars, to spend hundreds of thousands of years, this may be another plan.

The shortcomings of these two plans are very obvious.

The Conferred God Book may not fall into the right players. Even if a new race learns the contents of the Conferred God Book, it may not be considered a rebirth of the Pangu civilization, but just a kind of psychological comfort.

The size of the hibernation chamber is too large, and it needs a steady supply of psionic energy, which is too conspicuous.

Hundreds of thousands of years are too long, who knows what will happen in the middle?

Perhaps the Pangu tribe, who was in hibernation, woke up and found that they had already had their hands, feet and torso cut off, leaving only one head falling into a glass cylinder, being studied by another super civilization?

Then it's **** embarrassing!

These two plans are not very safe, and Pangu civilization must have more inheritance plans!

For example, the key gene fragments of the Pangu tribe are encrypted and packaged through mysterious and mysterious means, and transplanted onto the human gene chain as a dormant carrier!

In addition, cultivate a spider and crab mixture that can automatically secrete "activating potions" and have strong survival and dormancy capabilities!

Once the time is right, release monsters to attack humans.

As long as the "activating potion" is injected into the human body by the monster, the mysterious genes that appear to be "junk" and "blank" hidden at the end of the human gene chain will reveal the characteristics of cruelty and brutality, swallowing all the characteristics of the original human!

Humans have become the Pangu tribe!

Human civilization was once again replaced by Pangu civilization!

In other words, the so-called human civilization was originally the "servants" and "slaves" that helped Pangu civilization temporarily take care of this universe during the hundreds of thousands of years when Pangu civilization was sleeping!

Li Yao gave a spit in his heart.

If his guess is correct, it is really a terrifying plan!

However, it seems that this plan has just been launched and is still in the initial experimental stage.

Yes, the ancient sacred world is shrouded by a dark nebula, which is a natural "universal secret room". It is more appropriate to choose the most secret and critical experiment in this world!

However, no matter how secret the ancient sacred world was, it was finally found by Nuwa civilization.

Li Yao guessed that the Nuwa fleet belonging to "Long Yangjun's previous life" learned that the Pangu tribe had carried out such a mysterious and terrifying experiment in the ancient sacred world, and was determined to destroy this laboratory and kill this terrorist plan in the infants. Among.

Thus, there is the scene they are seeing now.

The Nuwa battleship plunged deep into the ground and penetrated the outer shell of the Pangu tribe’s laboratory. The elite fighters from both sides fought fiercely, and eventually died together.

Judging from the remaining traces on the scene and the descriptions of the two great gods, the Nuwa fighters should have completed most of their missions. They destroyed most of the laboratories, undermined the plan, and completely sealed the Pangu tribe laboratories.

However, they failed to destroy the most critical "activation beast" training room, and there are still countless "activation beasts" sleeping deep underground, which may transform some humans into the Pangu tribe!

Li Yao didn’t know how the war ended. Perhaps at that time, the Pangu civilization had long since disappeared, and there was no time to take care of this laboratory, and the dark nebula outside the ancient sacred world was disturbed and blocked by strange interference and shielding. The Nuwa battleship transmits the information.

In short, as the Pangu civilization and Nüwa civilization suffered both defeats, the independent infant period of human civilization gradually unfolded, and the ancient sacred world was gradually forgotten by the outside world.

Until hundreds of thousands of years later, Wu Suiyun and Meng Chixin battled to the death in the Yongye Icefield, and the battlefield was set just above the Nuwa battleship...

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