40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1525: Heiyelan (fourth more!)

Under the joint suppression of the two great transformation gods, the "Leiyun Immortal Monarch" from the true human empire trembled more and more violently, almost like a fish that was about to dry up and die.

Every pore in her body was filled with fishy blood beads, and the two white eyes were even more protruding, almost hanging out of the eye sockets, filled with colorful liquid, like rotten grapes. About to burst!

Wriggling, the blue veins covering the entire face like a cobweb, wriggling crazily!

Even the cruel and evil people such as Qi Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu are shocking to see, with scalp hair!

They could even faintly hear the squeezed and distorted sound of every bone on Xianjun Leiyun's head!

Xianjun Leiyun finally revealed a few ray of pain in his dead fish eyes.

She awoke from the nightmare.

But looking at her expression, it seemed better not to wake up forever.

Wu Suiyun manipulated the colorful synapses extending from his arms, as if he was pulling the puppet with a thread, lifted up Leiyun Xianjun easily, slowly dragged him to the front, and said indifferently: "I understand my situation. Well, if you understand, just blink."

Xianjun Leiyun exhausted all his strength, barely blinked, and tears mixed with blood and perhaps brains were sparked from the corners of his eyes.

This has nothing to do with her determination, it is purely an instinctive reaction as a creature!

"Well, since you know that you have fallen into our hands, it's useless to conceal and struggle anymore. Say everything happily, who are you, where are you from in the sea of ​​stars, and sneak into the ancient sacred world. What is the purpose?"

Wu Suiyun casually adjusted the psychic synapses that pierced into the depths of Leiyun Xianjun's brain, not knowing what area was touched, Leiyun Xianjun curled up like a prawn in a pan.

From the depths of her chest, there was a scream that could burst rocks, and her expression was extremely distorted. Even the evil spirit in the deepest part of Jiuyou Huangquan would be scared to death!

"Someone on our side does not agree to torture you."

Wu Suiyun made a stab at Meng Chi, then continued, "He thinks you will lie and tell the truth. It is better to kill you directly, cut your mind, and use the secret method of soul search to kill everything. It's better to **** it all out."

Meng Chixin grinned at Leiyun Xianjun.

Xianjun Leiyun's big eyes trembled violently.

"But I think we should give you a chance to explain it honestly. If you are really willing to say everything, maybe we will consider letting you go, or even cooperating with you is unknown."

Wu Suiyun said, "Anyway, you should perceive that your mind is full of restrictions and our thoughts? If you have a lie, we will definitely be aware of it, and then use the cruelest The secret method of searching for souls, squeezing your brain and three souls and seven souls, bit by bit, is still too late."

Xianjun Leiyun's eyes turned quickly, seeming to emit a begging light, and he seemed to be vowing, he would never lie.

"Well, you can start to confess your identity, origin and purpose, or try to lie!"

Wu Suiyun and Meng Chi looked at each other, and each pulled out a piece of spiritual silk that had pierced Xianjun Leiyun's throat.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough!"

Xianjun Leiyun coughed loudly, almost coughing out his internal organs, but he didn't care about wiping, and even screamed like a gun, "My name is Heiyelan, from the real human empire. I have no malice, really. With the slightest bit of malice, I am here to help you on behalf of the Empire!"

As she uttered every word, Wu Suiyun and Meng Chixin respectively inserted them into the spiritual silk deep in her brain, shining with colorful and mysterious rays of light, trembling slightly like a piano string.

The two great transformation gods squinted their eyes and carefully observed the trembling of Lingsi. After a while, they nodded in satisfaction and gestured to the other ten Yuan Ying, indicating that the "immortal" was not lying.

Li Yao's heart beats wildly. "Leiyun Fairy Monarch" Heiyelan is indeed a special force of the real human empire. In all likelihood, he is here to conquer the ancient sacred world!

Damn, two "buyers" hit together!

"The so-called immortal world is the vast sea of ​​stars outside the ancient sacred world? What is the real human empire, a force in the immortal world? How does your strength compare to other forces?"

Wu Suiyun asked calmly, his slender ten fingers were like stroking the strings of a piano, constantly adjusting the silk, stimulating certain areas in the depths of Heiyelan's brain, forcing her to tell the truth involuntarily.

"Yes! The so-called fairy world is the entire Xinghai! Our true human empire is the most powerful human kingdom in the Xinghai——"

Hei Yelan trembled violently, shouting hoarse, "One! Except for the Covenant Alliance, there is no power in the sea of ​​stars, it is the empire's opponent!"

"True human empire, covenant alliance? So, there are two great powers in the fairy world?"

Wu Suiyun thoughtfully, "Tell us carefully about the general pattern in the sea of ​​stars, including the brief history of the true human empire and the Covenant Alliance, as well as the relationship between you."

The two great gods joined forces to suppress, Hei Yelan, the seriously injured middle and low-level Nascent Soul, had no resistance at all, and confessed everything like a bamboo tube poured into beans.

This confession was a long talk, for two hours.

The two great gods, the nine Nascent Souls except Li Yao, all heard mesmerized, as if opening a brand new door to the universe in their minds!

Li Yao also took the opportunity to compare Hei Yelan's account with the description of the former imperial colonization expert Su Changfa.

Fortunately, Su Changfa really didn't lie. The history and current situation of the Empire and the Holy League are roughly the same.

"Understood, if the sea of ​​stars is compared to the world of our ancient sacred world, the center of the star sea is like the fertile ‘Central Plain’. The area where our ancient sacred realm is located can only be regarded as the frontier and wild in the sea of ​​stars?"

After listening to the two-hour long talk, Wu Suiyun let out a sigh of relief and muttered, "Now, this Xinghai's Central Plains is firmly occupied by the two great powers of the'Empire' and the'Holy League'. You fight for power, and there is a stalemate. It is like the period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties in the history of the ancient sacred world.

Hei Yelan nodded desperately.

"The true human empire worships Nüwa, but the Covenant Alliance worships Pangu. Nüwa and Pangu are the huge corpses scattered throughout this'celestial battleship'. They are ancient races hundreds of thousands of years ago."

Wu Suiyun frowned slightly, "However, what is the difference between Pangu and Nuwa?"

"Pangu civilization advocates absolute order and laws. In their world, seven emotions, six desires and free will are absolutely forbidden, and they are considered to be the root of the destruction of the entire universe!"

Hei Yelan gasped and said, "Nuwa civilization was born out of Pan ancient civilization, but it is the opposite. It pays attention to releasing all the emotions and desires and free will to the extreme, doing whatever you want, and there are no taboos!"

"This is the biggest difference between our imperial people and those of the Saint League! We are the last hope of human civilization!"

Wu Suiyun was noncommittal and continued to ask: "Since the empire is at war with the Holy League, and you ran to the edge of the star sea, what are we doing in this wild land? Are you a deserter?"

Hei Yelan showed an expression of incomparable pain and shame, but under the persecution of the two gods, she had to tell the truth: "We...our entire Black Wind Fleet are punished to carry out colonization and raids. Mission!"

"Our Black Wind Realm was originally one of the worlds with the strongest strength in the real human empire. The Black Wind Warriors are even the best among the three armies, overwhelming the group, and the empire is a famous tiger and wolf warrior!"

"Most of the empire’s army is divided into three levels: Class A, Class B, and C, among which Class A is the absolute main force, mainly responsible for fighting against the Holy League; Class B is used to maintain security and order within the empire, and is mainly used to fight against the invasion of external demons. Rebelled against mobs everywhere; Class C was the weakest and the worst equipped. It was constantly wandering beyond the border of the empire to explore new worlds and expand the territory of the empire!"

Wu Suiyun said, "It's like the frontier army, forbidden army, and militia of the Dagan Dynasty?"

"Yes it is!"

Hei Yelan gritted his teeth, "Our Black Wind Fleet has been the first-class in the first-class for thousands of years. No matter the combat power, battleships, giant soldiers and many other magic weapons, they are all super first-class. They are the elite of the empire and the trump card. trump card!"


"A hundred years ago, the Empire and the Holy League fought a strategic decisive battle on the Sirius Arm. Both sides invested the entire military power of a dozen or so great worlds, reaching the critical moment of white-hot, but because of, but because, because of our Black Wind Fleet. An error ruined the entire battle, causing the five great worlds on Sirius's spiral arms to be captured by the Holy League, including our home in the Black Wind Realm!"

"The empire lost its troops, and the entire Sirius spiral arm defense line completely collapsed. It was the biggest fiasco in the last five hundred years!"

"The news of the defeat came out, and the entire Extreme Heaven Realm was thunderous and furious!"

"We were not able to fight well and lost the defeated generals in our mother world. They should have been split up on the spot. After all the survivors were dispersed, they were merged into other worlds and battle groups. From then on, the Black Wind Realm and the Black Wind Realm Fleet will become a historical term and disappear in the dust of the stars!"

"However, although we suffered a disastrous defeat, under the command of my father, Hei Yeming, the commander of the Black Wind Fleet, it did not hurt the roots, and still maintained a complete organizational system and two-thirds of the combat effectiveness."

"The Black Wind Fleet is a veteran elite of the empire, with great military exploits and countless honors. There are also many powerful people in the polar world to help with activities. The final punishment for us is that we will not be split for the time being, but the rest of the remaining soldiers who have fallen into the world will be defeated. They were all assigned to us for reorganization and reorganized into a brand-new Black Wind Fleet, but it was transformed from the first-class battle group to the third-class battle group, and the combat mission has also changed from resisting the Holy League to becoming in the empire. In the rear, the vast and wild star field is colonizing!"


Although the double monthly pass is over, but the brothers and sisters are so supportive, Lao Niu should work hard.

The fourth one is sent!

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