40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1526: Remnants of the previous dynasty

"and many more!"

Meng Chixin interrupted her and said, "Expanding the territory and expedition to the outer realm is a matter of supreme glory. Why does it seem to be ignored in your empire and regarded as a very low task?"

"Everyone, you don't know something."

Hei Yelan gave a sorrowful laugh and explained the reason.

When the true human empire was established, when it just occupied the core of the star seas such as the extreme heavens, it was of course the most important thing to expand the territory and control more worlds and star regions. At that time, even fighting against the holy alliance was not as good as opening up the territory. Important, the most elite battle groups and fleets are all sent out to conquer more worlds.

However, in the development of the past millennium, the true human empire has included all the essence of the former Star Sea Empire.

The rest of the essence area is under the control of the Holy League, which is not so easy to plunder.

The two are equal to carve up the entire "Central Plains", and what is left is a wild world with long distances, lack of resources, and "poor mountains and rivers out of the people".

The sea of ​​stars is vast, and it is not easy to find a world that has development and utilization value and can live in people. These wild worlds are scattered on the edge of the vast star sea, separated from each other by hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of light years!

An imperial fleet set out to explore the outer realm in mighty, it is very likely to waste hundreds of years, and it will not find a target that can be conquered. There should even be a place where a rich world and a prosperous civilization should exist on the ancient star map. It may turn into a completely barren wasteland after the tribulations occur frequently in the years!

In other words, at this time, opening up the outer domain has become an out-and-out dirty, tiring, and hard work. It is an embarrassing task that takes a long time, is thankless, and is very likely to get nothing!

The Black Wind Fleet was originally a high-ranking elite ace. It should have made a lot of achievements and harvested a lot of resources in the war against the Holy League. Now, like those three-legged cat troops, they have been sent to carry out exploration and exploration that may last for hundreds of years. The mission, maybe even the slightest benefit will not be reaped, of course these tiger and wolf men will feel helpless and ashamed!

"We are unwilling to carry out colonization tasks, and we want to counterattack the mother world."

Hei Yelan's cheeks trembled, gritted their teeth and said, "But, who told us to lose in the war? There are so many elite battle groups in the empire staring at our end. If we resist our orders, we will really be completely demolished. The end of points!"

"At exactly this time, the empire received a star child who was released hundreds of years ago, uh, an existence like a scout, a vague signal sent back from a world on the edge of the star sea, as if there was something there."

"So we accepted the colonization mission, and while sweeping and exploring, we flew towards the approximate coordinates of this fuzzy signal."

Li Yao's heart moved, knowing that what Hei Yelan said was the signal sent by the star child who directed the "Cultivator's Rebellion" in the Flying Star Realm more than a hundred years ago, and finally passed through the starry sky gate near the spider's nest star!

Everything corresponds closely!

Meng Chixin asked with interest: "For more than 100 years, have you spent more than 100 years flying here?"

"Yes it is."

Hei Yelan said honestly, "In the vast sea of ​​stars, it is normal for a colonization mission and a war to take three to five hundred years. The war between us and the Saint League has lasted for a thousand years. A thousand-year war without a deduction! What counts as a mere hundred years?"

"you guys--"

Meng Chi thought for a while, and then asked, "Can't I think of a way and send it directly?"


Hei Yelan shook her head and said, "The coordinates sent back by the star child are too vague. They jumped rashly. It is very easy to lose their direction and coordinates. They jump into the storm of four-dimensional space and were torn to pieces by the super wind!"

The concept of "Super Gangfeng" was understood by many natives of the Ancient Sacred World, and they nodded one after another.

"Furthermore, we don't need to fly over in such a rush. Anyway, we are sweeping and exploring all the way, hoping to clear a stable base behind the empire."

Heiyelan said, "If you intend to plant flowers without blooming, and unintentionally plant willows and willows, you may find some unknown worlds or resource planets along the way, which are more valuable than the originally set goals-this is what happens frequently during colonization missions. thing."

"For a whole hundred years, you have lived on the big ship."

Wu Suiyun asked, "Aren't you bored?"

"got used to."

Heiyelan said, "The empire has very developed hibernation technology. Most of the crew can spend a long journey in hibernation. Only some of them take turns to stay awake, practice and explore the surrounding stars. It looks like a hundred years. In fact, the time to be sober is only seven or eight years, at most ten or twenty years."

"Moreover, our battleship is huge enough, like a super large-scale town, all living facilities are readily available, even if you live in it for the rest of your life, you can get married and have children!"

Many Yuan Ying and Hua Shen, even if they are in the Nuwa battleship, it is difficult to imagine what it is like to live a lifetime in such a huge battleship, and they can't help but be surprised.

Wu Suiyun continued to ask: "So, a hundred years later, the Black Wind Fleet found our Ancient Sacred Realm, so how come you are the only one?"


Hei Yelan tangled up.


Wu Suiyun frowned, Meng Chi sneered, and the rest of Yuan Ying stared at Hei Yelan with shining eyes.

Heiyelan senses that every cluster of her nerves is tightly entangled by the minds of the two great transformation gods. It is difficult to deceive them by lying. On the contrary, they will become deeply hostile and vigilant towards the empire, which is not good for the follow-up plan. He gritted his teeth and told the truth: "The Black Wind Fleet did not discover the Ancient Sacred Realm. You are not our original target at all. I was chased by the enemy and escaped here by accident! "


Everyone, including Li Yao, was slightly startled.

Meng Chixin raised his eyebrows: "Is it your arch enemy "Holy League"?"


Hei Yelan showed a weird look on her face, and said, "It's a...a frontier force called the ‘Xingyao Federation’."

Li Yao's heart instantly chilled.

The strange name in my mind called Lianlian: "What is the situation, what is the situation!"

"Why did Heiyelan, the Imperial Special Forces know the existence of the Federation?"

"Damn, damn, damn! Could it be that the Black Wind Fleet arrived in the territory of the Federation ahead of time, and the ‘Federal Defense War’ has already begun?”

"No reason, look at Hei Yelan's appearance, it doesn't look like it!"

Numerous Nascent Souls and Huashen looked at each other, Wu Suiyun frowned and said: "First, the Empire, then the Holy League, and now there is a Federation? This...what is the Federation?"

"Actually, I don't know too much."

Hei Yelan said with difficulty, "I only know that they should be local forces not far from this area, but the overall strength will not be too strong, and it cannot be compared with the empire and the Holy League. It is a small and insignificant wild country."

Han Baling snorted coldly and interjected: "Wild Wild, must it be a small country?"

Hei Yelan licked her chapped lips, did not respond to Han Baling's question, and continued: "That was...about ten years ago, when my hibernation period ended, and it was my turn to perform reconnaissance missions and my squadron. Together, leave the range of the mother fleet."

"Because we are performing reconnaissance and exploration missions, dozens of squadrons have been separated from the mother fleet, also known as the'claw fleet'. They are like tentacles and minions protruding from the mother's body. Search for places far away from the mother fleet."

"The distance between the Claw Fleet and the Mother Fleet may even reach hundreds of light years. It has an independent command and combat system and can independently explore for several years!"

"Uh, maybe you can't understand the meaning of ‘light years’ for a while. Anyway, it’s our ‘scout squad’, far away from the army!"

"As a result, our claw fleet had great luck. Although we did not find a new resource planet or habitable world, we found the Firefly!"

Hei Yelan's voice trembled with excitement, her eyes bursting with fire.

Wu Suiyun asked, "What is Firefly?"

"The Firefly is a hostile starship that has fleeed and exiled thousands of years ago. For thousands of years, it has been hiding in the depths of the sea of ​​stars, sneaking and panting, and has escaped countless times from the siege of the imperial army. It has been missing for a hundred years. Many people thought it was buried in the Star Sea Storm, but unexpectedly escaped beyond the empire's sphere of influence. We finally caught it in such a remote place!"

Hei Yelan grinned and said, although she was imprisoned and impersonal, there was still a trace of ferociousness and Wu Yong in her smile.

Meng Chi said in deep thought, "The Firefly is very important to the empire?"

"This one--"

Hei Yelan's eyes rolled randomly.

"Let's talk about it, if you don't say everything frankly, how can we cooperate?"

Meng Chi smiled, and his deep eyes glowed with magnificent light like aurora. This light was like small colorful snakes, condensed into bunches in the air, and got into Heiyelan's eyes.

At the same time, Wu Suiyun frantically fiddled with the spiritual silk "strings" that pierced the depths of Hei Yelan's brain!

Hei Yelan's head trembled unconsciously, her eyes gradually solidified, her voice became a little hollow, and she muttered, "Very important."

"Because the original Firefly carried high-level members of the Xinghai Republic Parliament. They were the last resistance force of the Xinghai Republic. They also claimed to be the ‘Xinghai Republic’s Orthodox Government.’ Firefly is the last land of the Xinghai Republic!"

"Xinghai Republic, that is what you just mentioned, the front of the real human empire?"

Meng Chi smiled slightly, "I see, there is the old emperor on the boat, which symbolizes a ray of orthodox kingliness that has not been cut off. No wonder it makes you so nervous!"

"The Xinghai Republic is a parliamentary republic, and there is no'Old Emperor'."

Hei Yelan continued to say in a ethereal and hollow voice, "However, many people said in private that some high-level members of the Xinghai Republic Council had taken away the most important'Xinghai Great Seal' in the parliament when they sneaked out of the extreme heavens. This seal was refined from the jade seal fragments of the Xinghai Empire 10,000 years ago, symbolizing the supreme authority in the sea of ​​stars! In the legend, it is also related to a great secret related to the'Emperor'!"

Meng Chixin's eyes lit up: "Pass the country's jade seal?"

Hei Yelan's eyes froze for a moment: "Passing the country--not to mention it, the empire has been set for a long time, and the rule has long been entrenched. It can be shaken without a parliamentary seal."

"However, letting the remnants of the previous dynasty like the Firefly float around the outside world with the jade seal fragments of the former Xinghai Empire, after all, it is a big trouble."

"In the past millennia, the empire has organized hundreds of ultra-large-scale encirclements and suppressions, but the Firefly is like a slippery loach, and it has been able to slip away."

"It happened to be hit by us this time, how can it be allowed to run away again?"

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