40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1534: Is it worth the bet?

The excited and determined low roar of the imperial female warrior echoed in the depths of the empty Nuwa battleship for a long time.

The sound wave was like a wave, causing layers of ripples on the faces of many Yuan Ying and Huashen.

Li Yao sneered: "You still said that you are not an expert in negotiation? The master sees that your speech is very clear, and the level is quite clear, very tempting, it is not like an ordinary soldier can say it!"

"This is a special magical power that the Empire will implant in the brain for every frontline soldier who performs exploration and colonization missions."

Hei Yelan’s eyes trembling rapidly, explained, “I have received professional semi-hypnosis and subconscious stimulation training, and I have entered a lot of simulated situational dialogues deep in my brain to guide me how to deal with this situation. , So the remarks just now are not my own words, but can to a large extent represent the official attitude of the Black Wind Fleet and the true human empire!"

Li Yao was stunned for a long time before saying: "This happened, you guys, how could you respond like this?"

Hei Yelan smiled.

Despite being imprisoned and tortured into an inhuman form, the imperial female warrior still smiled as if she had a chance to win.

"in case--"

Hei Yelan said unhurriedly, "Your country is like our real human empire. It has conquered countless worlds, destroyed countless worlds, swallowed countless worlds, then you will also accumulate rich experience and know how to do it. Responding to all emergencies!"

Li Yao was thinking about it, and for a while, he couldn't think of a good rebuttal.

Meng Chi stared deeply at Heiyelan Road: "If what you just said is true, it is indeed a little heart-stirring, but the matter is big, it is related to the future of our entire world, we can't make a rash decision!"

"We need to know more information about the real human empire and the depths of the universe in order to make correct judgments."

"I give you two choices."

"First, here are ten jade slips. I will give you three days. You can classify the information you know about the real human empire, the covenant alliance, and the rest of the universe. According to history, national system, economics, Cultural context and other different aspects, as well as the Xinghai Republic, Xinghai Empire, and the 30,000-year Monster Beast Dynasty era, the ancient repair era, and the ancient prehistoric era before the real human empire. All of them are accounted for!"

"After we carefully studied the information you provided, we will naturally decide whether to submit to the real human empire and cooperate with your Black Wind Fleet!"

"Secondly, if you are unwilling to tell the truth, or if you are concealed and discovered by us, we have no choice but to kill you, and use domineering and supernatural powers such as soul-searching to capture every point in your mind. Squeeze all the drops out!"

"Naturally, in this way, we can no longer trust the Black Wind Fleet, and it is impossible for the Black Wind Fleet to let us go. The cooperation between us is very difficult-who knows that our ancient sacred world is desperate and will do it. What a crazy thing!"

Hei Yelan hesitated and nodded: "I, I can tell you everything, but I don't know much of the key and details. Those things were sealed before departure, including the specific configuration of our fleet. It's impossible to tell the parameters of the force of the starship, the coordinates of the inland world of the true human empire, and so on."

"I can only tell you some conceptual things. If you just want to understand the general situation of the current universe, then these things should be enough!"


Meng Chixin said, "We don't need to know the...coordinates of your capital now. We just want to understand the universe as soon as possible before we can make the final decision!"

"Then I hope you can do it as soon as possible."

Hei Yelan said calmly, "I don't know the current situation of the Black Wind Fleet. Only before the Black Wind Fleet has conquered the Starlight Federation and captured the Firefly, your surrender is valuable. If the overall situation of the edge of the star sea is determined, If the Xingyao Federation and the Xinghai Republic’s government in exile were all suppressed and crushed by us, if the Ancient Sacred World chose to surrender at that time, I can’t guarantee that the Black Wind Fleet would accept it!”

Meng Chi was silent for a moment, and said lightly: "I know that your spirit is over-consumed. Let's rest for a while, and then enter information about the universe into the jade slip!"

His hands trembled gently, and strands of profound light poured into Heiyelan's temples along the soul silk. The eyes of the imperial female warrior trembled for a moment, and the eyelids slowly wrapped up, giving out a deep and even gasp.

She fell asleep.

But the two gods and ten super naive infants seemed to fall into an incredible nightmare, unable to wake up for a long time.

For hundreds of thousands of years, all the ancient sage monks have longed for "Ascension in the Day" and embarked on the "Road to Immortality" to appreciate the vastness and excitement of the immortal world.

However, when the real "fairy world", that is, the entire universe, slowly opened its veil in front of them, revealing its vastness and cruel real face, the shock and oppression that can hardly be described with pen and ink still make them feel for a long time. I can't speak, it seems that after the frogs at the bottom of the well jumped out of the dry well, it was the first time to see the endless sea and see the sharks, whales and octopus monsters swimming and leaping in the sea!

After a long silence, the beggar Ba Xiaoyu exhaled a long breath, chewed **** the broken pipe, and smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that this trip to the fairy palace would turn out to be like this, the truth of the fairy world, the fairy world, the truth of the fairy world. His mother is too terrible, too exciting!"

"If this Shu's words are true, then the two giants, the True Human Empire and the Covenant Alliance, are definitely not something we can resist."

Qi Zhongdao has a dull face and anxiously said, "We only have one big world, and there is still a lot of people inside. It is a pile of scattered sand, and they have at least two or three hundred big worlds with good soldiers and food, and their strength is hundreds of ours. More than twice! Even if it is not the difference in supernatural powers, relying solely on the number of people and magic weapons, drowning will drown us!"

"A huge starship travels in the universe, and warriors wearing crystal armor and giant soldiers can smash the stars!"

Hun Tian Wang Qi Changsheng licked his lips and grinned, "Think about it, it's really interesting!"

"I don't like their attitude towards ordinary people."

The Mother of White Lotus Wan Mingzhu said coldly, "What's the difference from the things that are inferior to those pigs and dogs of the Six Schools?"


Meng Chi waved his hand and interrupted everyone's clueless discussion. "You fellow Taoists must be just like me at this moment. They must be shocked by the news from the'Fairy Realm'. Everything this'Fairyman' said is really too complicated. Mysterious, it's incredible!"

"I think we all need time. Calm down and think about the whole thing. I suggest that everyone seriously think about it for three days. By the way, take advantage of these three days to get a complete understanding of the fairy world, that is, the situation of the entire universe. After three days, we will gather again. Together, discuss the way out of the ancient sacred world, what do you think?"

This is an old-timer's solemn statement, and many Yuan Ying naturally have no objection.

Li Yao's heart moved. Perhaps these three days were an opportunity, an opportunity for him to activate the Star Torch and send the coordinates here to the Star Federation?


Meng Chi's heart turned around and said, "This matter must be kept secret and must not be known to the people of the six major factions outside. Otherwise, with the attractive conditions that Heiyelan throws out, the six major factions are very likely to get rid of us. He even betrayed us, betrayed the interests of the entire ancient sacred world, and directly cooperated with the Black Wind Fleet!"

"Hmph, with the methods and brains of those clowns from the Six Major Schools, you will definitely be chewed by the Black Wind Fleet so that there will be no bones left!"

"The future of the ancient sacred world can only be determined by the twelve of us. Even if we really surrender, it should be implemented under the approval and supervision of the twelve of us, in order to win the greatest benefit and the safest for the ancient sacred world. Do you all agree to the guarantee of the security?"

Under Meng Chi's eyes, all the Nascent Souls nodded, including Li Yao.

"and so--"

Meng Chi smiled slightly and said, "For the sake of keeping the whole thing secret, and for some of you, so as not to sneak into doing things that hurt the overall interests of the ancient sacred world when others can’t see it, for example, for the sake of Becoming the'master' of the ancient sacred world, he ran alone to contact Heiyelan, surrendered to the Black Wind Fleet alone, and betrayed all the others. I suggest that we divide the twelve into four groups, each of which is a group of three. , Is composed of Dagan monks and anti-Dagan monks interspersed with each other, what do you think?"

"Speaking of'supervision' may be too serious. This is actually to make subsequent discussions and decision-making smoother. After all, many of you Taoists had some conflicts and entanglements before, and they all had deep prejudices. Just take this opportunity to get close to you!"

The four words "close and close" are definitely not a good word in the realm of cultivation.

However, this rule proposed by Meng Chixin is indeed very important.

People’s hearts are separated from each other. They really can’t guarantee that there will be traitors to each other. In order to become the unique "landlord" of the ancient sacred world, they secretly let go of Heiyelan, or find a way to contact the Black Wind Fleet. , Lead the wolf into the room!

It is necessary to supervise each other.

Li Yao secretly complained.

If it is really a group of three, if he and Han Baling and Qi Changsheng are improvised together, it will be difficult for him to find the opportunity to activate the star torch and send the coordinates here to the Federation!

What's more, after careful deduction, what if he can send a signal to the Federation?

Because of technical limitations, he now only has the smallest star torch, and it is impossible to directly guide the super-large fleet to jump over.

The original plan was that he sent coordinates through the star torch, and then the Federation sent a batch of new star torch materials, and he assembled them into a new star torch. In this way, after assembling hundreds of star torches, they were connected to each other in series. Barge, become a large-scale "Starry Sky Gate", the Federal Fleet can be stably and accurately transmitted.

Even if everything goes well, the whole process will take several months.

Under the current situation, it is impossible for him to get a few months of uninterrupted time!

What's more, as long as he sends a signal to the Federation for the first time, he is very likely to be discovered by imperial special forces such as the two gods and Heyelan!

He is not like Heiyelan, who has sealed all the key information in his brain. The Federation does not have the technology of the Empire. In his mind, he records a large number of Federation's coordinates, cutting-edge magic weapon research and development, military scale and powerful information, all of which are Star Sea Wars. Top-secret information in!

Once he was hypnotized and tortured by the two great transformation gods like Hei Yelan, and even squeezed out his brain with the soul-searching method, these materials would be invisible!

Can he gamble with such serious consequences? Should I bet? Is it worth the bet?

"Friend Lingjiu? Daoist Lingjiu!"

Li Yao's brain was turning fast, he heard Meng Chixin's voice suddenly, and when he looked up, he found that all the other Yuan Ying had been allocated, but there was no place for him.

People are in groups of three to three, only he is a lonely person-and two great gods.

"Friend Lingjiu, please come with us."

The two great transformation gods, Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun, looked at Li Yao with a smile, "We still have very important things to say to you."


One hundred and thirty thousand words have been updated this month, which is really too much to bear, both in the body and in the brain.

The past two days has been a little slow, Rong Lao Niu sorted out his thoughts, everyone can understand, right?

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