40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1535: What are the intentions of the two gods?

Li Yao followed the two gods Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun, and once again returned to the Great Hall of the Gods.

At this moment, the Great God Army Hall was jointly restricted by the two Great Transformation Gods, and other cultivators below the Nascent Soul were not allowed to enter, and they could not even watch nearby, becoming a complete "no man's land."

The two great transformation gods are both ghost repairs, like light smoke and mist, floating silently behind Li Yao, staring straight at the back of his head.

Inside the huge warehouse, only Li Yao’s footsteps echoed hollowly, plus the silent giant soldiers lying or sitting on the huge maintenance platform around them, just like those of a prehistoric giant. The tomb-it is also very likely that it will become the tomb of Li Yao himself and the Star Federation!

"Did they see through my identity?"

On the surface, Li Yao was very calm, showing only a ray of excitement and small doubts of being "selected" by the two gods. Breathing, heartbeat, pulse, and secretion of various glands in the body were all normal to no more normal.

In the depths of the brain, there was a shocking turmoil, making the Scarlet Heart Demon struggling like a drowning man in a flood.

Li Yao carefully recalled his own performance after the appearance of the two great transformation gods, except for occasionally being slightly stiff when "surprised", there was not much flaw.

And "surprise" this kind of thing is inaccurate, as a Nascent Soul Boss, he is very likely to be a very deep person in the city, even if he is faced with the news of the "Xianjie", there is no need to be surprised. !

These clues alone should not be seen through by the two gods.

However, the "Master Lingjiu" has disappeared for nearly a hundred years, and has only reappeared in the world in the past six months. The reputation of the reputation itself is quite doubtful.

Judging from the interrogation of Hei Yelan by the two great gods, the two of them, especially the "Wolf God", are extremely agile and scheming.

They may have obtained detailed information about the top ten masters in the world of cultivation from the depths of Hei Yelan’s brain, and thus have doubts about the relatively abrupt new master of "Lingjiu Master"-this is a great possibility .

"How to do?"

"Have they already determined my ‘alien’ identity and are ready to trick me into attacking here?"

"Or is it still not sure, so I want to find a quiet and no one to start interrogation?"

"Or am I too suspicious. They didn't doubt my identity, but they really wanted to discuss something important with me?"

Three different situations require different responses.

Li Yao walked slowly in front of the two great transformation gods, but his brain made a silent roar like a power unit far beyond the limit.

Should he take the initiative to recognize his identity, and then offer more favorable terms to win over the two great transformation gods, the nine great soul infants, and the entire ancient sage cultivation world to join the federation?

Li Yao turned his mind and instantly denied this stupid idea.

The reason is stupid, because such a choice is equivalent to throwing out all the cards, losing all initiative, and leaving the destiny of oneself and the entire Starlight Federation to the other party to decide!

In that way, he can do nothing but look at each other eagerly and begging for each other!

People are the swordsmen, and I am the fish, which means this situation!

The most important thing is that the "hole card" in Li Yao's hand is really not big enough.

Compared with the conditions set by the real human empire, the Xingyao Federation can give the ancient sacred world not much, and they can't even promise that it will guarantee the safety of the ancient sacred world.

This has nothing to do with good and evil, good and evil. Comparing the heart to the heart. If Li Yao is a member of the ancient sacred world, it seems impossible to face the threat of the behemoth of the real human empire. Funeral of the Federation of Yao.

Even if it is a kind monk like Master Kuchan who is compassionate and compassionate, I am afraid it is impossible to make this choice.

Therefore, no matter how much Li Yao said, he couldn't escape such a fatal question-Is the Star Federation capable of fulfilling its promise to the Ancient Sacred Realm?

Li Yao didn't know.

His hesitation is likely to be regarded as a negation by the natives of the ancient sacred world.

Then all the secrets in his mind will be dug out by the two great transforming gods, just like they dug out everything in Hei Yelan's mind.

As a "super federation hero", he has far more things in his mind than a pure imperial warrior like Heiyelan, much more important, much more critical!

He knows the coordinates of the three realms of Tianyuan, Feixing, and Blood Demon, and also knows the faintly existing contradictions between the three realms, knows almost all the weaknesses of the three realms, knows the military configuration of the Federation and the situation of almost all masters.

Once this information has been mastered by the two gods and transferred to the Black Wind Fleet to exchange some benefits, the Black Wind Fleet can draw up the most appropriate strike plan based on the Federation’s situation, and instantly appear in the heart of the Federation, Tian Yuan Above the star's low earth orbit!

Li Yao cannot take this risk, at least not now.

Now, the situation has not completely deteriorated. The two great gods and the nine souls have yet to make a final decision. They still have room for influence. Even the two great gods may not really see through his identity!

If the two Gods of Transformation had really asked him to discuss important matters, but he couldn't help himself at first, sweating profusely and confessed and leniently: "I'm sorry, I'm actually an alien."

Isn't this just a confession? That's stupid!

Li Yao estimated that they were a little suspicious at most.

And they can never use too rough methods, such as directly attacking Li Yao's brain to extract information, to determine their doubts.

Because the two great gods have left the world for more than a hundred years, their influence and control in the world are extremely weak, and they are in the form of ghost repair themselves, and their combat power may not be much higher than the "primal infant stage peak realm".

So they really need to cooperate with ten Super Nascent Souls to control the entire Ancient Sage Realm.

Since we want to cooperate, both parties need to be sincere, especially in the current situation where mutual doubts cannot be completely resolved.

If they really use brutal methods such as soul search Dafa on Li Yao, and finally find that the identity of the "Master Lingjiu" is completely okay, then the cooperation between "Hua Shen" and "Yuan Ying" will be completely broken. Up.

With such a serious consequence, the two gods would not dare to bet!

not to mention……

"Hmph, the master's brain is not so easy to invade. If you think that my brain will be as vulnerable as Heiyelan, you would be wrong!"

Li Yao regained a bit of confidence in his heart.

His fighting power may not be as good as the two gods joining forces, but if their ghosts really dared to penetrate into the depths of his brain, who sucked who, who controlled who, who swallowed who, maybe!

"Daoist Lingjiu was restless along the way, thoughtful, seems to have something on his mind?"

Meng Chi's gloomy voice rang above the back of Li Yao's head.

Li Yao paused for a moment, then continued to walk forward steadily, smiling bitterly: "Yes, in half a day, after hearing so much earth-shattering news, who can be completely calm? I really didn't expect to be in the world we live in. In addition, there is such a vast world, and so many unfathomable races and forces! How can I say, my current state of mind, not only a little uneasy, but also a little bit ready to move, as if I have returned to the old days. , The impetuous teenager years!"

"Senior Meng, Senior Wu, I've been thinking about it just now. You said, whether this Heiyelan's words are true or not, and the Black Wind Fleet and the real human empire, will it truly absorb us, or is it a conspiracy trap?"

Li Yao kicked the ball back with offense instead of defense.

Meng Chixin smiled slightly and said, "True and false, false and true, Lingjiu Taoist friends don't need to be too persistent, there is no fixed number at all."

"Take Wu Nan, a fellow Lingjiu Daoist. You think that the Dagan Dynasty canonized you Wunan Barbarian King as a chieftain and gave you great autonomy. In addition to the appearance of vassal and tribute, it seems to be an independent kingdom. Is the court true or false? Is it a long-term national policy or a temporary conspiracy?"

Li Yao was startled slightly: "This—"

"The reason is very simple. The reason why Wu Nan is able to maintain such a semi-independent position today is that Dagan and Youyun Guiqin are both right and left. The Wunan Mountains are high and far away, full of smoke and poisonous fog, and the Wuman monks have another hand. The magical power of snakes and ghosts, no matter which force wants to make a long-distance expedition, it will be extremely difficult to go deep into Wunan.

Meng Chi said leisurely, "On the other hand, there are many wild tribes elsewhere, but they do not enjoy the benefits of Wunan. Instead, they were mercilessly slaughtered by the army of the Dagan Dynasty. All the men above the wheel. They were all killed, and government offices were established on their old soil. In less than a hundred years, this tribe will be completely annihilated in the smoke and will never be found again!"

"It is also a wild tribe, but it has two different destinies. It is the court that when dealing with Wunan, it emphasizes benevolence, justice and morality, and it says'convince people with morality'? Naturally not!"

"In the final analysis, it doesn't matter whether the other party's position is true or not, what matters is our own!"

"We still need to be **** ourselves. If our strength is strong enough, even if we are not a lion and tiger, at least we are an iron hedgehog that makes people unable to spit, then the other party’s promise is true, even if it is an expedient measure at the beginning. But we will also have a way to deal with it in the future. Soldiers will come to cover, and water will come to cover. What can we worry about?"

"If we are internally torn apart, and we are weak and weak, then why should the other party keep their promises?"

"The weak and the strong eat the natural selection. This is not only the iron law on the prairie, but also the truth in the stars and the sea. Therefore,'true and false' is not important, and'strong and weak' are important. At least at this point, the night Lan, the daughter of the commander in chief of the Black Wind Fleet, is straight enough and candid enough to make it possible to interrogate her. I really admire this woman!"

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