Li Yao's words about being slandered by the Scarlet Heart Demon made his blood horrified again.

But then I think about it, so hesitating, fearful of the head and tail, it doesn't make sense at all!

Whether the two great gods have seen through their true identities or not, these are things beyond their control.

Since you can't control it, you don't have to worry about it, just do what you can do carefully and carefully!

Meng Chixin is right in saying that he needs to harden himself when he strikes iron, find a way to hold all the keys that he can control in his palm, and take care of everything else!

"The luck of the Star Federation is not so easy to cut off. I believe that the future of human civilization will eventually be on our side!"

Li Yao took a deep breath, stared directly at the two great transformation gods, and said: "Okay, the three tasks of the two seniors, the juniors must be exhausted, spare no effort to complete, and strive to spell out for the ancient sacred world... A best future!"

"it is good!"

Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun were moved, "Next—"

Li Yao sternly said: "What else do the two seniors have to say, but it's okay!"

Meng Chixin shook his head and said, "No, even if you can complete these three tasks, even if you are successful, and we are not people who blindly demand and don't know how to reward! Come, now that the Lingjiu Taoist has taken the most difficult, The three most critical tasks are naturally eligible to receive the largest rewards. Anyway, for the twelve of us, each of us has to choose a giant soldier, so let's choose it first!"

Wu Suiyun also smiled next to him: "All the giant soldiers here, friends of the Lingjiu daoists, may as well try to figure it out, trust your intuition, and see which giant soldier you are more predestined with?"

"Let me choose a giant soldier?"

Li Yao was heartbroken. Without hesitating his eyes, he headed towards the deepest part of the Giant God Soldier Hall. The platform was half hidden in the dark. There was a red cross groove on the visor, as if there was only a black skeleton Giant God soldier with scarlet giant eyes. Shoot away!

Hungry eyes, there is no way to conceal the meaning of my heart!

Fate should be discussed between the practitioner and the magic weapon. The so-called "fate" is not a vain thing, but a master who has cultivated to a certain level. After having an incomparably deep understanding of his body and various indexes of his soul, he can Judging in an instant, what kind of magic weapon and weapon are the most suitable for exerting their ultimate combat power!

This black skull giant soldier is Li Yao’s dream model. It is as dazzling as a flame in the night. With it here, the other giant soldiers are all overshadowed and dull. Li Yao can’t even watch it. Too lazy to take a look!

Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun looked at each other, and smiled: "Why, is Fellow Daoist Lingjiu a fan of'General Jiuyou'?"

It turns out that this black skull giant soldier is called "General Jiuyou", Li Yao is not polite, nodded and said: "It is indeed a very exciting giant soldier, the earlier Heiyelan can not be seen at a glance. Did you hit it?"

However, Li Yao knew that now "General Jiuyou" is a dedicated giant soldier of Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun, and the two great transformation gods will probably not easily cut their love, and they have to find a way to get them from them!

"General Jiuyou is indeed a mighty giant soldier."

Meng Chixin said, "But it is also very difficult to control. It has extremely high requirements on the strength of the spirit, and if you are not careful, it will defeat its master. Are you sure you want to control General Jiuyou?"

Li Yao was stunned, listening to Meng Chixin's tone, why, is it really possible to let "General Jiuyou" be controlled by him?

Seeing his unbelievable expression on his face, Meng Chixin laughed and said, "Why, is it very strange that Fellow Daoist Lingjiu, such a powerful giant soldier, why don't Wu Suiyun and I control it personally?"

"You are a refiner. The magic weapon is not that the stronger the better, but to adapt to the realm and style of the driver. You don't understand such a simple truth, do you?"

"General Jiuyou is indeed extremely powerful, but as we have said just now, it is too strong for spiritual load and psychic energy consumption, it is like a bottomless pit that will never be full, and a little carelessness will **** the driver. Do it!"

"Therefore, the two of us deliberately chose General Jiuyou to act as the "eye" of this trap, to lure Hei Yelan to control General Jiuyou, taking advantage of her spirit and spirit to be firmly sucked by General Jiuyou, swallowing it with a big mouth. When we can't extricate ourselves, we can take advantage of the emptiness and invade her brain in one fell swoop!"

"Hei Yelan is still a living person anyway, with a flesh and blood body to carry spirits and psychic energy, and the foundation is relatively solid!"

"The two of us are illusory ghost bodies, and the ability to control spirits and psychic abilities is far less than that of living people. Therefore, the two of us must work together to drive General Jiuyou, but we can only make some simple attacks. And action."

"Even so, the control of just three sticks of incense still consumes a lot of our ghosts and almost breaks us apart!"

"If we continue to stay in General Jiuyou, the only outcome is that we will be completely sucked up by it, and the smoke will disappear!"

"It's like a three-year-old child dancing a hundred catty profound iron sword, before hurting the enemy, he was crushed out of internal injuries, and even directly crushed to death by the sword!"

"You said, no matter how powerful this big knife is, and how sharp the blade is, what use is it for a three-year-old child? Why not choose a thin, short poisonous blade, which is more concealed and deadly, right?"

Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun pointed to the two giant soldiers on the maintenance platform next to them, which are about ten meters high, relatively slender and short, and said: "The two platforms do not require high spiritual strength and consume less energy. They are probably from the Nuwa clan. The scout giant soldiers used for reconnaissance and harassment are the two of us usually used. If it weren’t for this time to learn how to control the giant soldiers of the real human empire, the two of us would never launch the'Nine Nether Generals'. of!"

Li Yao's heart beat wildly, and he trembled: "Then, can I control General Jiuyou?"

Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun looked at each other and nodded: "If you have to choose a Daoist to control General Jiuyou, Daoist Lingjiu seems to be the best choice!"

Li Yao was startled slightly: "Why is this again?"

"It's very simple."

Meng Chi said openly and openly, "Even if we keep saying that we want to unite, who can pat our chests to guarantee that these monks from all sides who had deep hatred and many conflicts yesterday can really unite without gaps. together?"

"Even Wu Suiyun and I have their own unshakable positions!"

"I come from the Youyun prairie, and I naturally belong to the'anti-Dagan' camp. Wu Suiyun is a Dagan monk. Even though he doesn't like the court, he can't stand on my side. Instead, he will always stand on the side of me. Do it over there!"

"Look at the other Yuan Ying."

"Han Baling, Qi Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu, and Wang Xi, all of them are in the hard-core'anti-Da Gan' camp, and Qi Zhongdao, Ba Xiaoyu, Phoenix Emperor, Kuchan Master, and Yan Liren are five of them. I tend to maintain the Dagan dynasty."

"You said, we should give the'Jiuyou General' this extremely powerful giant soldier to whom to control? If it is handed over to the'four fiends', Wu Suiyun will not agree to it, and give it to Qi Zhongdao and the others. If you are a member of the "faction", I will be more or less worried!"

"You are different from Lingjiu Daoist friend. You were born in Wunan. Although you are temporarily in the Central Plains, you have not shown too much hostility towards the'four evil'. Everyone is a barbarian in the eyes of the Central Plains. If you want to come, your stand will be even more Neutral, right?"

"So, if you want to control General Jiuyou, Wu Suiyun and I can accept it so-so."

"Of course, the premise is that you have to be able to control it. This is a fierce horse, but it's not easy to deal with!"

Li Yao was upset.

The Scarlet Heart Demon kept roaring deep in the brain. This may still be the trap of the two great transformation gods. On the surface, it is a generous hand over the powerful Jiuyou General to Li Yaolai to control it. In fact, it is still a routine for dealing with Heiyelan. In the same way, when this giant soldier madly devours Li Yao's psychic energy and consumes his soul, he can enter the void and invade his brain!

At least, this is a kind of temptation to test whether Li Yao, like the "Master of the Spirit Eagle", really knows nothing about the control of the giant soldiers!

However, at this point, Li Yao has no retreat. If he retreats at this time, it will arouse people's suspicion.

What's more, Li Yao also has his own hole cards, he is absolutely different from Hei Yelan!

His brain has withstood the impact of Ou Yezi's dream, and his soul has long been tempered to be as steel as iron, extremely powerful, and has differentiated into a freak born out of the blood-stripe clan like the "Blood Heart Demon"!

More importantly, Li Yao has another trump card-Black Wing!

Even if Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun really guessed everything, it is impossible to guess that Li Yao can control the giant soldier through Black Wing, the "little fat ball" from the Xinghai Empire era!

Black Wing, as a liquid auxiliary crystal brain specially used to manipulate giant soldiers during the Star Sea Empire era, can definitely remove all impurities in the giant soldiers' cockpit, including two ghosts that shouldn't exist there!

Therefore, if the two great gods are playing the "just the way" idea, then they are definitely making the wrong calculation!

This is the end of the matter, let's give it a go!

Li Yao held up his head, strode towards "General Jiuyou", his eyes lighted up, and couldn't wait to say: "How do you control General Jiuyou...?"

Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun flew towards both sides of the maintenance platform, and for a while, using the means of separating objects from the air, they lifted the two metal hoses scattered on the ground, thick and thin of the python, and inserted them into the spine of General Jiuyou. In the hole above, there was a sound of "chuckle, chirp, chick", and some kind of liquid was being injected into the spiritual mansion of General Jiuyou.

Li Yao knew that it was an oily spirit transmission buffer, which could not only connect the driver’s brain with the giant soldier’s crystal brain and neural network, but also serve as a buffer and shock absorber to prevent psychic energy and radiation damage. The role of.

In the absence of a more advanced auxiliary control magic weapon such as "Black Wing", this "spiritual fluid" is used as the "medium" between the cultivator and the giant soldier.

"Get in directly from the entrance of the spiritual palace above."

Meng Chi said in his heart, "We have inspired all the magic circles of General Jiuyou, the giant soldier is like a larger armor. After you get in, you naturally know how to control it."

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