40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1539: The battle cry from the depths of Jiuyou!

Under the constant gaze of the two great transformation gods, Li Yao half bit his head, half full of expectation, floated up, got into the cockpit of General Jiuyou, which is the "Ling Mansion", and sank inch by inch to the depths of black ink. , And thick as a cream in the oil.

The oil is not as cold as the faint luster on the surface, but with a mild warmth, just like the amniotic fluid that carries the fetus.

Yuan Ying Yuan Ying, isn't it just a "baby" bred in the giant soldier?

When the nerve buffer slowly passed through the Tianling Gai, followed his nostrils and throat into his lungs and internal organs, participating in the exchange of body fluids, hormones, nerve currents and psychic energy throughout his body, Li Yao was fully prepared. .

He kept the Scarlet Heart Demon on the highest alert, set dozens of interlocking traps deep in his brain, and even built a "memory maze" with a part of Ou Yezi's memory fragments.

If the two great transformation gods dared to invade, they would surely let them get lost in them.

On the other hand, Li Yao secretly called Xiao Hei who was hiding in the ring of the universe, and if there is a slight change, this little fat guy will jump out and take over the operation of the entire giant soldier!

Black Wing is a special liquid auxiliary crystal brain for giant soldiers, and even has the powerful ability to resist the crystal brain virus. If the two gods dare to change, they may be regarded as "crystal brain virus" by Xiao Hei, and he is merciless. To kill!

"Daoist Lingjiu, are you ready?"

Meng Chixin asked lightly outside.

"Ready, come on!"

Li Yao responded in a deep voice!

"Okay, it depends on your qualifications to become the master of General Jiuyou!"

While Meng Chixin roared, Li Yao only felt that General Jiuyou jumped, and the stormy waves of psychic energy fluctuations and the transmission of spiritual thoughts all poured into his brain, causing his brain and body to explode, and he was in a trance. After that, merge with the giant soldiers!

He became a steel giant with a height of thirty meters and a faint black mist surrounding him!

Giant soldiers are not a magic weapon that can be mass-produced.

Each giant soldier is made of extremely rare heavenly materials, earth treasures and starry sky alien materials, with unique characteristics and even...character, which can be said to be a "living" super magic weapon!

The giant soldier is really like what Meng Chixin said to the cultivator. It is the relationship between the fierce horse and the ancient warrior. You must first release every means to tame it!

For a moment, Li Yao's brain was full of yin winds, phantoms blooming, and underworld fires raging, endless divine thoughts, wills, and information crazily impacted, roared, and struggled!

That is the memory of hundreds of thousands of years hidden in every piece of black metal skeleton and every piece of carapace of General Jiuyou, and the fireworks exploded violently!

Li Yao can fully appreciate the fact that in the prehistoric times hundreds of thousands of years ago, those small, fragile, and insignificant humans in the depths of the Star Sea were arbitrarily manipulated by the "gods and demons", squeezing out all their values, and throwing them into Nine Nether Yellow Springs Crushed into dust, turned into smoke, but was unwilling to dissipate in smoke. The last bit of will, a bit of memory, a bit of happiness, anger, sorrow, and seven emotions were all gathered together and turned into a raging fire of nine netherworlds, from the deepest of the earth. The place rushed out violently, hurried all the way to the clouds of Nine Heavens, and burned the magnificent Qionglou Yuyu and Lingxiao Palace all through!

This is the true meaning of the "Nine Nether Generals"-humans, small humans, and fragile humans, even if they fall into the deepest part of the Nine Nethers, even if they turn into dust and ants, they must fight their own battles against the gods and demons above the heavens. Roar!

"This is my giant soldier!"

In the depths of Li Yao's brain, the wind and thunder were surging, and he confirmed again, "The spirit of this giant soldier is completely consistent with my Dao Heart. It belongs to me, and it is definitely mine!"

"General Jiuyou, General Jiuyou, this name is not good, even if it is not a general, even if it is only a small soldier in the deepest part of Jiuyou Huangquan, he is qualified to represent human beings and attack the most powerful gods and demons!"

"Since you have long hands and long feet, skinny bones, and a cross-skeleton face, from now on, I will call you-Jiuyou Xuangu!"

Li Yao's spiritual thoughts surged toward the limbs and corpses of the Jiuyou Profound Bone and every nerve sensor chip in the form of spiritual silk.

As Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun said, Jiuyou Xuangu consumes a lot of spirit and psychic energy. Even with his freak whose spirit strength is far beyond the ordinary Nascent Infant, it is a bit difficult to resist.

However, it was this slightly heavy feeling that made Li Yao even more aware of his existence and that he had completely integrated into the Nine Nether Profound Bone!

He is the "Nine Nether Profound Bone"!

Li Yao really wanted to immediately manipulate the Jiuyou Profound Bone to make a series of difficult movements, but...

The two great transformation gods floated in the air, staring coldly at the Jiuyou Profound Bones, their deep eyes resembling four black holes, and they couldn't clearly see their true emotions and thoughts.

When they saw that Li Yao succeeded once and successfully manipulated Jiuyou Xuangu to stand up and take a step, the two of them showed a few crack-like ripples in the depths of their eyes, like black ice, and exchanged a meaningful one again. Look.

However, just when they almost confirmed certain "discoveries" in their hearts, the next second, Jiuyou Xuangu suddenly staggered like drunk, dancing, staggering, and chaos in the Great Hall of the Gods. Hit it!

"Kang Dang!"

Jiuyou Xuangu hit another giant soldier entrenched on the maintenance platform, and the collision of the two metal monsters made a deafening noise.


Jiuyou Xuangu's thin and long arms swung wildly like a whip, trying to maintain balance, but barely tore Meng Chixin's ghost in half!

"Senior! Two seniors!"

Li Yao's slightly hurried voice came from the Nine Nether Profound Bones, "Here, how exactly should this giant soldier keep his footsteps, why the younger generation can't control it at all, as if an inexplicable force penetrates into the younger generation's body and manipulates the younger generation's body. !"

"This is completely different from what the Swordsman of Da Zhou said in the notes of Yan Zhu!"

"No, my soul, my soul was completely absorbed by this weird giant soldier!"


The Nine Nether Profound Bone seemed to cramp, suddenly jumped up and down, suddenly rotated in place, and suddenly spread the blood-colored thorns all over the body like blooming minions, and then ran wildly, and dozens of deep purple flames spewed out from behind, pushing it into a stream of light. , Slammed into the warehouse wall engraved with the defensive amulet.

Hearing the loud sound of the "boom" of the mountain shaking and the ground, the Nine Nether Profound Bones lay on their backs and twitched uncontrollably. The fragmented defensive armor outside the Ling Palace completely shattered, and the nerve buffer was sprayed to the ground.

Li Yao seemed to escape from the mouth of a giant beast, crawling out wet, and a squirrel fell to the ground, embarrassed to the extreme.


Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun were stunned. They were ghost bodies, almost sweating, and hurriedly floated over to check.

Li Yao's face was pale, and all the blood vessels all over his body surfaced on the pale blue skin. His hollow eyes were not showing the slightest expression, and he was nervously twitching for a long time. He suddenly uttered a big mouthful of black mucus, trembling more and more. It's amazing, I can't tell whether it is the nerve buffer or the dripping sweat!

"This, this giant soldier... really dangerous!"

Li Yao looked like a fish jumping on the shore. After struggling for a long time, he said weakly, "I almost swallowed my psychic energy and spirit!"

He tremblingly took out a gourd from his waist, poured out a few peculiarly fragrant pills into his mouth, chewed hard, swallowed his stomach with a "grunt", and only then did he restore a trace of blood on his face, quite a bit. Embarrassed: "The junior seems to have acted too hastily, but it made the two seniors laugh!"

Meng Chixin stared at Li Yao's face for a long time, and could only say: "General Jiuyou is such an overbearing giant soldier. It is true that not everyone can control it. If the daoist Lingjiu thinks it is too reluctant, it is better to change it. !"

"No, don't force it!"

There was a smile on Li Yao's half-red and white face, "Wait for the younger generation to take a rest, then try again... vomit!"

He sprayed a big mouth of black water again, almost spraying the faces of the two gods.

Li Yao's current physical condition, naturally, can't recover from a "rest".

Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun prepared independent cabins for the twelve masters as temporary residences. They were transformed from the rest area on the Nuwa battleship. They did not disturb each other and were quite quiet, but there was only one passage. Who would leave? You can see everything clearly.

Only here can they think and practice alone. Once they leave the rest area, if they want to get in touch with others, they must work in groups of three.

On the icy metal bed, Li Yao sat cross-legged, surrounded by a faint green glow, pretending to "heal", but his mind turned around, thinking about the next plan.

Initially, the first level was passed by myself.

The two great gods did not see through their identities, even if they had doubts at first, their suspicions must be hit to the lowest point now.

And he has also become the "technical director" of the twelve strong men, responsible for maintaining their giant soldiers, and also responsible for monitoring the imperial female warrior Heiyelan.

In this way, it seems that it is better to stay on hold for a while and watch the changes, rather than eagerly revealing your identity?

However, on the other hand, can he directly activate the "Star Torch" set on the satellite here to send a signal to his hometown?

As a last resort, Li Yao didn't plan to do this, because it was a desperate act with completely unpredictable consequences.

But he at least needs to ensure that he has such capabilities.

He is now inside the Virgo battleship, with the howling wind and frenzied blizzard above it, which is extremely disturbing to the divine mind. The control chip used to activate the star torch lies on his fingertips like a dead fish. Inside, nothing moved, no reaction at all.

Li Yao pondered for a moment, got up and opened the door, wanting to try, whether he can find some cabins with amplifying spirituality in the battleship, and he can directly activate the star torch.

Next to the hallway outside the door, there was a person leaning on him, looking at him with a smile.

His "old acquaintance" can also be regarded as a "comrade-in-arms" to some extent-Long Yangjun!

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