40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1540: Dangerous own person (fourth!)

Long Yangjun, like a ghost, entered Li Yao's cabin silently and closed the door with his heels.

Every goose bump in Li Yao's body bulged out, and every nerve and muscle was ready to fight.

"Why, you seem to be very wary of me, even more cautious than when you saw the two old monsters. Is this necessary?"

Long Yangjun squinted at him and said with a light smile, "I thought we were on one side anyway."

"Because we are on one side, we have to be more careful, at least I don't have to worry that the two old monsters will stab me from behind!"

Li Yao insisted, "What are you doing here, aren't you afraid of others' suspicion?"

"Suddenly knowing the vastness of the'immortal world' and the boundlessness of the universe, under the agitation of the mind, I would like to find a fellow Daoist to discuss one or two, what can be doubted?"

Long Yangjun smiled and said, "What's more, before I came to you, I went to find Han Baling, Qi Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu and others. We are the "four evils". Naturally, there are a lot of things to talk about. They have said that your position is a bit vague, and you are not necessarily on the side of the big gun. If you are a little overwhelmed, you will most likely swing to the side of the'four evil', so I came to lobby you. It is very reasonable! "

Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief, still wringing his brows, lowered his voice and said, "What on earth are you here for? Are you asking the two gods about the past?"

"Those things have already been made public, and the two great gods are willing to announce all the giant soldiers and the laws of control. They are really bold! Just this set of mind and courage is not something that ordinary Nascent Soul can have. No wonder, in the cultivation world a hundred years ago, there were so many heroes, heroes and temporary figures, but only two of them could transform their gods!"

Long Yangjun paused, looking like a brush dipped in seasoning, brushing Li Yao up and down, and finally said, "I'm here, but suddenly I thought of something, I want to remind you."

Li Yao increased his vigilance by three points again: "What do you think of?"

"It suddenly occurred to me that Heiyelan is a female spy of the true human empire. She tried her best to gather a lot of resources and build an'Altar of Sacrifice to Heaven' to communicate with the old lair, the Black Wind Fleet, but it was a pity that she was caught by us. Up!"

"So, if there are other spies from the Star Sea forces lurking in the ancient sacred world at this moment, will they also have a large magic weapon like the'sacred altar of heaven' that can contact their hometown and summon their hometown's reinforcements to this world? "

"If we are here to talk to Heiyelan very much, everyone will have all the conditions properly negotiated, and when we are about to cooperate with the real human empire, suddenly a large fleet of the second star sea power emerges above our heads. , Aren’t we all reduced to a joke?"

"Master Lingjiu, you say, don't you?"

Long Yangjun smiled very brightly.

She is now dressed in men's clothing, just like a very handsome middle-aged scholar.

However, compared with real Confucian scholars, they are less heroic and a little more charming.

Perhaps the **** who really served the emperor in the palace should look like this.

Every hair on the back of Li Yao's head turned up, his eyes turned into two scimitars, his voice became sharp and dangerous, and he said every word: "What on earth are you trying to say, ‘Maharaja’?"

Everyone had a handle on each other's hands, and Li Yaocai didn't believe Long Yangjun really dared to reveal his big secret.

Even if it is really one shot and two pieces, Li Yao still has the opportunity to make a bid on behalf of the Federation, Long Yangjun, a dead monster from prehistoric, will definitely not end well!

"It's nothing, I've said it all, just to remind Master Lingjiu, don't do stupid things, even if you really have a magic weapon like'sacrifice to heaven', it's best not to act rashly, don't go to your hometown. Uh, in all likelihood, it's not the Covenant Alliance, but the Star Federation, right? I don't think you are like that kind of ruthless, selfless "humanoid"!"

Long Yangjun glanced at Li Yao again and continued to smile, "Don’t send a message to your hometown, because first, I will stare at you, and I will never let you do this; second, do it to you. As far as the forces behind you are concerned, there is no benefit!"

Li Yao's eyes condensed and shone like a sword: "Are you going to surrender the empire?"

"I haven't figured it out yet, but why not?"

Long Yangjun said indifferently, "Worshiping the Pangu tribe’s covenant alliance is naturally my archenemy. Both the empire and the federation seem to worship the Nüwa tribe. Even if I am really a descendant of the Nüwa, I choose the federation or the empire. So-called?"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, and then asked, "Why is it not good for me to send a message to my hometown?"

"It's very simple."

Long Yangjun looked at his slender fingers and said without hesitation, "What can you do when you send a message to your hometown? At best, it is like Heiyelan, summoning powerful forces from your hometown, relying on the tyrannical. Force, make us natives of the ancient sacred world bow our heads, right?"

"However, after seeing Meng Chixin, Han Baling, Qi Zhongdao and other outstanding characters, have you ever thought about a question-even if you can really summon a powerful fleet, and after reviewing the situation, we did have It is very possible to choose to surrender, but will this surrender be sincere? Do you really dare to accept our surrender?"

Li Yao was stunned, and fell into deep thought.

Long Yangjun chuckled: "When I just walked in, didn't you say everything? Compared to an upright enemy, it is even more terrifying that the'owner' who might stab you in the back at any time! Have all of us natives of the ancient sacred world become such a dangerous'owner'?"

"I will not say that such super-class figures as Meng Chixin, Han Baling, and Qi Zhongdao, even the most young'Phoenix Emperor', do you really think that this little baby will succumb to your force and give up. Is the glory of the Five Sovereigns serving you wholeheartedly?"

"What's more, your military power is not estimated to be too strong, at least not stronger than the empire. Since today we can surrender once because of your strong military power, we can't be stronger because of them when the Black Wind Fleet appears tomorrow. Force, and surrender for the second time?"

"So, even if you can summon your home fleet, what's the use? It's just pushing us to the side of the empire for nothing!"

The corners of Li Yao's eyes kept twitching: "You don't need to confuse me, it doesn't make sense, we are now grasshoppers on a rope!"

"Yes, that's why I came to remind you kindly."

Long Yangjun said, "Unless the ten super masters besides us can stand on the side of the Star Federation ‘sincerely’, our surrender will be meaningless!"

Li Yao coldly snorted, "Sincerely? What are you talking about sincerely with a group of Yuan Ying and Huashen? What can I do in a rush?"

"I can think of a way, I will help you."

Long Yangjun said with a deep gaze, "As long as you haven't forgotten your promise, remember that this Nuwa battleship is mine. After it's done, you will do your best to help me repair and operate this battleship!"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, then focused his head: "Okay, I can still do this. This warship is indeed yours. As long as you and I can cooperate, we will repair it for you and send someone to enrich it. Let you You can sail to the end of the star sea! But what do you want to do after repairing this warship?"

"I haven't thought of it yet."

Long Yangjun sighed softly, "However, one day I will remember my true mission."

"Remember your promise. To be honest, if it weren't for fear that the real human empire was too strong, it is very likely that it would use any means to **** my warship. I would never choose your seemingly lackluster frontier country to cooperate."

"If you think I am alone and weak to be deceived, hehe, just try."

Long Yangjun’s smile made Li Yao shudder. He shook his head hurriedly and said: "We will naturally keep our promises, but what exactly are you going to do to make the other ten super masters ‘sincerely’?"

"Three days later, at everyone's reunion, you will naturally know."

Long Yangjun’s smile became more mysterious and unpredictable, and he whispered, “However, it also depends on the situation of your Star Federation. If the Star Federation is really a mud that can’t support the wall, then even if I have the world, It can't turn things around!"

"and many more!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and said: "Until now, I still haven't admitted that I am from the Star Federation!"

"Ha, that would be better!"

Long Yangjun showed a sarcasm in his eyes and smiled, "If you have nothing to do with the Xingyao Federation, three days later, at the meeting to determine the fate of the Ancient Sage Realm, you will definitely not object to my proposal!"

Long Yangjun left, just as caught off guard as she was when she rushed in.

Li Yao was stunned in the air for a while, exhaling a long suffocating breath, and rubbed his stiff face vigorously.

The top ten Nascent Souls, the two Great Transformation Gods, really none of them are the same generations!

three days left.

In these three days, everyone will carefully study everything that Heiyelan confessed, and have a general understanding of the major forces in the sea of ​​stars and the history of human civilization.

Next, they will make a ruling on the future of the ancient sacred world, and even the future of the Xingyao Federation and the true human empire and the entire Xinghai!

What conclusion will they come to?

Will you choose to surrender the real human empire immediately? Will it attack the Star Federation with the Black Wind Fleet?

What is it like to sell in Long Yangjun's gourd? This elite fighter of the Nuwa clan who has been reborn after hundreds of thousands of years is true... Don't you remember all your mission?

Or, she has recalled part of her mission, but there are some ulterior motives in this "mission"?

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